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edited by
Zofia Ki elan-Jaworowska and Halszka Osm61ska
The p u rp ose of th e sy mpos ia on Mesozoic T errestrial Ecosy s t em s is t o prom ot e th e exc ha nge of id ea s a b ou t the evolu ti on of lif e in te rrestrial enviro n men ts
du ri ng th e 150 milli on years of t he Mes ozoic. The t h eme set f or t h e sy mposia, is
a b road one , of interest t o v e r t eb r at e a nd in v e r teb r a t e pal eon t ologists, ana tom ists,
paleo bo ta nis ts , paleoecologis ts and geolo gis ts.
The Firs t S ym p osium on Me sozoic T erre st ri al Eco syste ms (E cosy st ern es Contin en ta ux du Mesozoi q u e, Premiere table ronde in te rn ati on a le ) was h eld in Pa r is,
in S eptember 1978. The p apers p r esented at the Symp os iu m w ere published in Me moires d e la S oci ete Geolog iq ue d e F r an ce, N.S. LIX, 1980.
The S e con d S ymp osium of th is se r ies , organized by th e In s ti t ute of Paleob iolo gy
a n d Mu seu m of Ear t h of the Poli sh Aca d em y of S cien ces was h eld f r om 14-19
S e ptembe r 1981 a t J adwisin n ea r W a rs a w . It was att ende d b y 47 scien ti s ts f rom the
f ollowing co u n t rie s : Austr al ia , Ca nada, C zec ho slovakia, D enm a r k , F ed eral R epu blic
of G ermany, F rance, G e r m an De m ocra ti c Rep ub lic , G r ea t Britain, P e ople's R ep ublic of China , P ol and, Ro ma n ia an d Un ited S tat es of A merica. Out of thirty
seven com m u n ica ti ons p r ese n ted at the S ym p os ium, twenty se ven . a re publish ed in
th e present v olume.
It h a s been f ores een th at th e T h ird Symposiu m w ill be orga n ize d in 'I'iibingen
in 1984.
W e w ould like to th an k D r . P . D od son (Univers ity of Pe nnsy lvania , Philad elphia) , P r of. W . A. Cl emens (Un iv ers ity of C a lif orn ia, Ber kel e y) and Dr. Jad wiga
Karcz ewska (Institu t e of P a le obi ol ogy , W a rs a w) for h elpi n g us in th e ed it orial
w o rk.
Archi ba ld David J. , Ne w H aven
Battail Bernard, Paris
Bensko Julie, Flushing
Borsu k- Bialyn icka Magdalena, Wa rsza w a
Buffeteau t Eric, Paris
Clemens William A., Berkeley
Cu rrie Philip J. , Edmonton
Dodson Peter, Philadelphia
El zanowsk i And r zej, Wa rsza wa
Evans Susa n E., Lond on
Fe is t Mo n ique, Montpellier
G riffiths Mervyn, Deakin, Canber r a
Grigoresc u Dan, Bucharest
Hartenberger J ean-Louis, Montpellier
Haubold Hartm u t, Halle
Hoch Ella, Kebenhavn
H owgate Michael E., L ondon
Karczewska J a dwi ga, Warszawa
Ke r ma ck Doris M., L ond on
Ke r ma ck Kenneth A., L on d on
Kie la n- J aw or ow ska Zofia, Wa rsza wa
Kre bs Bernard, West Berlin
Krebs E li sabeth, West Berlin
Kva cek Zlatko, Praha
Lees P a t ri ci a M., Lond on
McIn nes Dal e, Edmonton
Maryansk a T eresa, War szawa
Me llet James S., New York
Mierzejewska G r a zyna, Warszawa
Musset t Fra nces, London
Os m6 lska Halszka, Warsza wa
Pa ul Gregory S., Baltimore
Pond Ca roline M., Milton Keynes
Rey man6wna Ma ri a, K rak6w
Russell Don ald E., Paris
Ryszkiew icz Marcin, Wa rszawa
Sigogneau -R ussell Deni s, Paris
Sulimski Andrze], Wa rsza w a
Su T etsao, Be ijing
Taquet Phil ip pe, P a ri s
Tarsitano Sa muel, Flushing
Watson J oan, Manc hester
Westphal Frank, T iibin gen
Wibl e Joh n R, Du r ha m
Wild Rupert, Ludwigsburg
Zhao Xijin (Chao Shichin), Bei jin g
Ziernbin sk a - Tworzydlo Maria, Warszawa
ORGANIZING COMMI TTEE : Zofia Ki elan-Jaworow sk a (chairman), Teresa Ma ryans ka , Halszka Os m olska, Maria Reyman6 wna, Maria Ziembtnska-Tworzydlo.
ALVIN, K. L.: The importance of Cheirolepiaceae in Mesozoic environments. ARCH IBALD, J . D.: The structure of the Cretac eou s-Tertiary mammal radation in
North America . BATTAIL, B.: The go m ph odo n t cynod onts, BORSUK-BIALYNICKA, M.: The Late Cr eta ce ou s stage of evolu tio n of t he platynotan li zards. BUFFE TAUT , E.: Me sozoic verteb rate lo ca lities in Thail a nd. CL EMENS, W. A.: Mammalia n ev olu ti on du ring the C reta ce ous-Tertia ry transition ; ev id en ce f or gradual, nonca ta st r op h ic pa t t erns of biot ic change. CURRIE, P . J. : Dinosaur f ootprints of the
P ea ce Riv er Canyon. DODSON, P .: P a le oec ol ogy of the Oldman Formation (Upper
Cret ace ous) Dinosaur P rovin cial Park, Al berta - in terpreted b y m icrofaunal an a -
ly sis. ELZANOWSKI , A. : Ecolog ica l r ev ie w of th e Cret a ceou s birds. F EIST, M.:
Bi ostratigra phical signi ficance of the ch a rop hytes in th e Garumnian (Ma astri ch ti a n P al e ocen e) of th e T r emp a rea (Province of Le r ida , Spain). GRIFFITHS, M.: La ct ati on in Monot remata and spec ula tions co nce rn in g th e na tu r e of la ctation in Cret a ceo us Multitubercula ta. GRIGORESCU, D.: S tra ti graph y an d pa leoecology of the
d inosaurian beds from Hateg basin (Transylvania ). HAUBOLD, H.: Archosaur evi d en ce in the Buntsandstein. H ECHT, M. K. a n d TARSITANO, S .: The pa le obiological
sign ificance of Archaeopt er yx. HILL, C. R. : Meg afossil plants a n d initiation of
flu vi o-deltai c se d imenta t ion in th e Middle Ju ra ssic (Aa lenian) of Yorkshire , England .
K AR CZEWSK A, J. and ZIEMBINSKA-TWORZYDLO, M.: Upper Cretaceous Charophy t a as semblages from the Nemegt Ba sin, Gobi Desert, Mongolia. KERMACK, K. A.
and MUSSETT, F.: The ear in mammal-like r ep tiles an d early mammals. KIELANJAWOROWSKA, Z.: E ndocr anial casts of Cr etaceous multituberculates - prelimin a r y
note. KVACEK, Z.: Cuticular studies in a n gios pe r m s of Bohemian Cenomanian. LESS ,
P . M. a n d MILLS, R: A q ua s i- m a mmal fro m Lesotho. LIU HSIENT'I NG and
SU TETSAO : F ossil amiids of China and th eir biostratig r aphical sign ifi ca nc e.
LUC AS , S. G. and MATEER, N. J .: Ver teb ra te pa leoecology of the la te Cam pania n
F r u itlan d F orma ti on , San Juan Ba sin, New Mexico . MARYANSKA, T. and OSMOLSKA, H .: Some a spects of hadrosaurian p ost cr an ial anatomy. MELLET, J . S.:
Dinosaurs, mammals a nd Mesozoi c taphonomy. MIERZEJEWSKA, G .: Fossil eggs
from th e Mon gol ian Upper Cr etaceous. P AUL, G. S.: The evolution of the avian
braincase, middle ea r , skull kinesis and lung in the sickle cl awed dinosaurs.
POND, C. M.: The significance of lactation for the evolution of early mammals.
RE YM AN OWNA , M.: Ginkgoalean plants from the Krak6w Jurassic and t he ir habit ats. RICQLES de, A.: Sauropod bone histology r evisited . SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL, D.:
Ne w elemen t s of t h e Rhaetic fauna of Sain t -Nicolas -d e-Port (France). T AQUET, P h .:
Discoveries of Lower and Middle Jura ssic dinosaurs fr om Morocco. TA R SI TANO, S .:
Stance and gait in th eropod dinosaurs . WATSON, J . and BATTEN, D. J.: Two Wealden
sp ecies of Equ isetum found in sit u. WEISHAMPEL, D. B.: The evol ution of orn it ho po d jaw m echanics. WIBLE, J. R : The inter nal carot id a r ter y a n d m a mmalian
phy logeny. WI LD , R : Ea rly lac ertilians fro m th e Triassic of Ital y. ZHAO XIJI N
(CH AO SHICHIN): Phyl ogeny and ev olutionary sta ges of dinosa urs.

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