Tytuł szkolenia: Course 5049A: Managing Messaging


Tytuł szkolenia: Course 5049A: Managing Messaging
Tytuł szkolenia: Course 5049A: Managing Messaging Security Using
Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007
Kod szkolenia: MS-5049
Info r m acje o kur s ie
Elem ents o f this s y llab us ar e s ub ject to change.
T his o ne-day ins tr ucto r -led co ur s e pr o v ides m es s aging s pecialis ts with the kno wledge and s kills to m anage m es s aging s ecur ity
and po licies . Students will lear n ho w to m anage m es s aging and co nnectio n s ecur ity . T hey will als o lear n ho w to m anage s pam ,
anti-v ir us , and co ntent filter ing. And finally they will lear n ho w to ins tall and co nfigur e a gateway s er v er .
Micr o s o ft C er tified Pr o fes s io nal Ex am s
T his co ur s e will help the s tudent pr epar e fo r the fo llo wing Micr o s o ft C er tified Pr o fes s io nal ex am :
Ex am Ex am 70 -2 36 : Im plem enting: T r o ub les ho o ting
Ex am and Maintaining a MS Ex change Ser v er 2 0 0 7 Infr as tr uctur e.
C o ur s e Mater ials
T he s tudent kit includes a co m pr ehens iv e wo r kb o o k and a Student Mater ials co m pact dis k fo r this clas s .
Pr o fil o db io r có w
T his co ur s e is intended fo r enter pr is e-lev el m es s aging adm inis tr ato r s who hav e at leas t 3 y ear s ex per ience wo r king in the
Info r m atio n Techno lo gy field, including adm inis ter ing Ex change Ser v er s . O ther s who m ay take this co ur s e include IT
gener alis ts and help des k pr o fes s io nals who want to lear n ab o ut Micr o s o ftEx change Ser v er 2 0 0 7. Adm inis tr ato r s s ho uld hav e
s o m e ex per ience with Ex change Ser v er 2 0 0 7.
Po z ako ńcz eniu kur s u
After co m pleting this co ur s e, s tudents will b e ab le to :
Manage anti-spam and antivirus features.
Configure edge transport servers.
Implement messaging policies.
Adresaci szkolenia
Czas i forma szkolenia
7 godz in (1 dni x 7 godz in), w tym wykłady i warsz taty praktycz ne.
Vavatech Sp. z o.o., ul. Olesińska 21, 02-548 Warszawa, tel. (+48 22) 845 09 70, fax (+48 22) 213 81 27
e-mail: [email protected], www.vavatech.pl
Plan szkolenia
C o ur s e O utlineMo dule 1: Maintaining Antiv ir us and Anti-s pam Sy s tem s
After co m pleting this m o dule, s tudents will b e ab le to m aintain antiv ir us and anti-s pam s y s tem s .
Les s o ns
Introduction to Antivirus and Anti-Spam Management
Implementing Anti-spam F eatures
Implementing Antivirus F eatures
Lab : Maintaining Antiv ir us and Anti-Spam Sy s tem s
After co m pleting this m o dule, s tudents will b e ab le to :
Explain how to manage antivirus and anti-spam.
Implement anti-spam features
Implement antivirus features.
Mo dule 2 : C o nfigur ing Edge T r ans po r t Ser v er s
After co m pleting this m o dule, s tudents will b e ab le to co nfigur e edge tr ans po r t s er v er s .
Les s o ns
Deploying Edge Transport Servers
Configuring Internet Message Delivery
Configuring Security for Internet E-Mail
Lab : C o nfigur ing Edge T r ans po r t Ser v er s
After co m pleting this m o dule, s tudents will b e ab le to :
Deploy edge transport servers.
Configure Internet message delivery.
Configure security for Internet e-mail.
Mo dule 3: Im plem enting Mes s aging Po licies
After co m pleting this m o dule, s tudents will b e ab le to im plem ent tr ans po r t r ules .
Les s o ns
Introducing Messaging Policy and Compliance
Implementing Messaging Records Management
Implementing Transport Rules
Lab : Im plem enting Mes s aging Po licies
After co m pleting this m o dule, s tudents will b e ab le to :
Describe messaging policy and compliance.
Implement messaging records management.
Implement transport rules.
Vavatech Sp. z o.o., ul. Olesińska 21, 02-548 Warszawa, tel. (+48 22) 845 09 70, fax (+48 22) 213 81 27
e-mail: [email protected], www.vavatech.pl

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