Skills Test 1


Skills Test 1
A Tests
Skills Test 1
Name: _________________________________________________
Score:____________________ /100 points
Reading 1
Welcome to the Euro School Exchange Programme.
Please read your travel information carefully.
Travel by train from London to Lille: Saturday, April 8th,
6.45 a.m.
Meet your exchange family: Lille railway station,
8.45 a.m.
Start at French school: Monday, April 10th (no uniform)
Leave Lille by train: Saturday, April 22nd, 8.20 a.m.
1 Przeczytaj powyższe informacje i zakreśl
właściwe odpowiedzi.
1 The exchange visit is for
a French person to go to England /
a British person to go to France.
2 The student is going to travel by plane /train.
3 The student will study in English / French.
4 The exchange visit is for one week / two weeks.
2 Przeczytaj informacje ponownie i uzupełnij
tekst, wpisując w każdą lukę jeden wyraz.
I’m going to 1 Lille by 2_________. I’m leaving
England on 3_________ the eighth of April at a
quarter to 4_________ in the morning!
My exchange family are going to meet me at Lille
railway 5_________ at a quarter to nine. I’m starting
at French school on 6_________ the tenth of April.
They don’t have a 7_________, so I’m going to
wear my jeans. I’m coming home on Saturday the
_________-second of April at twenty past eight.
Reading 2
Dear Mum and Dad,
I’m with my exchange family. They were waiting for me
at the station when I arrived. They’re really nice. Emile’s
mum is an English teacher and his dad’s a ranger in the
Mormal forest in the Avesnois National Park. Emile’s house
is about ten kilometres from Lille. When we arrived, his
grandparents were cooking. The food here is wonderful!
I started school today. I like not wearing a uniform. When
the lessons started, everyone was looking at me.
They were waiting for me to speak French. I answered
the first question about French history, and then people
stopped looking and I relaxed.
After school, we played football with some of Emile’s
friends. Now I’m in Emile’s bedroom and I’m using his
computer. We didn’t have any homework today but Emile
says they always get lots on Tuesdays. Bye for now.
3 Przeczytaj e-mail Nicka i dopasuj opisy do osób.
1 Nick
2 Emile
3 Emile’s mum
4 Emile’s dad
5 Emile’s grandparents
6 Emile’s friends
a an English teacher
ban English student
c cooked for Nick
d a French boy
eplayed football with
f a ranger
4 Przeczytaj e-mail ponownie i zaznacz, czy
zdania są prawdziwe (✓), czy fałszywe (✗).
1 Nick met Emile’s family at their house.
2 Emile lives in the centre of Lille.
3 Students don’t wear a uniform at Emile’s
4 Nick doesn’t speak French.
5 Emile’s got a computer. 6 There is no homework at Emile’s school.
1 Napisz opowiadanie na podstawie podanych
wskazówek oraz własnych pomysłów. Pamiętaj
o użyciu czasów Past simple i Past continuous.
1 Where it happened: London.
2 Time of day: early morning.
3 Time of year: autumn.
4 Weather: cold and foggy.
5 The event: there was a bright light in the sky.
6 The people there: ten students.
7 How they felt: frightened.
8 What they did: looked up.
Look! 3
Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010
Akapit 1: Opisz okoliczności wydarzeń.
This is a story about a strange event. It happened in
London. …
Akapit 2: Opowiedz historię.
Suddenly, …
Posłuchaj nagrania ponownie
i uzupełnij zdania.
Police are looking for 1 three robbers who
escaped with one 2____________ pounds from a
bank in Leeds. The robbers entered the bank at
____________ this morning. The bank was closed
but there were 4____________ bank workers there.
The police arrived 5____________ minutes after
the manager phoned them. When they arrived, the
____________ were lying on the floor. The robbers
escaped in a 7____________ Ford car. Police are now
looking for them in North Leeds.
1 Pracujcie w parach. Odpowiedz pełnymi
zdaniami na pytania kolegi/koleżanki
dotyczące Elli.
Listening 1
Posłuchaj nagrania i ponumeruj we
właściwej kolejności tematy, o których mowa.
A football
B robbers
1 C travel problems
D an animal
Posłuchaj nagrania ponownie
i odpowiedz na pytania.
How many robbers were there?Three.
Why is the airport closed? Where are people staying?
What animal escaped? How long was the animal free?
When was the football match?
2 Zadaj koledze/koleżance pytania
dotyczące Daniela.
1 What’s his name?
Listening 2
Posłuchaj nagrania i zaznacz, czy zdania są
prawdziwe (✓), czy fałszywe (✗).
The robbery started at nine o’clock. The bank wasn’t open.
A customer phoned the police.
The robbers took the money from the
workers. 5 The police found the money.
6 The police think the robbers are still
in Leeds. /5
Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010
1 Her name’s Ella Martinez.
Name: 1 Ella Martinez
Age: 2 fourteen
From: 3 Madrid
Mum (name/job): 4 Ana / doctor
Dad (name/job): 5 Ben / gardener
Travel plans (where/when/how):
Paris / in July / by plane.
What she wants to buy/eat on holiday:
buy shoes / eat ice cream
Name: 1
Age: 2
From: 3
Mum (name/job): 4
Dad (name/job): 5
Travel plans (where/when/how):
What he wants to eat/wear on holiday:
Look! 3

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