pang nagły, ostry ból a sudden or severe spasm of short duration


pang nagły, ostry ból a sudden or severe spasm of short duration
pang nagły, ostry ból a sudden
or severe spasm of short duration
which evokes physical or emotional
panic panika sudden and severe
emotional disturbance which results in physical symptoms.
panic attack atak paniki episode
of acute anxiety, apprehension or
terror which can cause immobility
or strange behaviour.
panting zadyszka/dyszenie, szyb­
ki i płytki oddech fast, shallow
breathing. It may be encouraged by
some midwives in the second stage
of labour during contractions to
slow down emergence of the fetal
head through the vulva with the
goal of preventing damage to the
PaO2 prężność tlenu the part of the
total blood gas pressure exerted by
oxygen. In arterial blood it should
be 95–100 mmHg.
Papanicolaou test test Papanico­
laou (synonyms smear, Pap smear)
a screening test in which mucus and
cells are scraped off the cervix and
examined microscopically to detect
cells which may be abnormal or
papaveretum dotyczy leku będące­
go pochodną opium (Omnopon®)
a drug used in the control of very
acute pain. It is a dangerous drug
derived from opium, and its use is
controlled by legislation.
papilla brodawka a small nippleshaped projection found in different parts of the body.
papilloma brodawczak a small
swelling, non-cancerous, formed of
epithelial cells and white in appearance.
PAPP białko ciążowe surowicy (pregnancy associated plasma proteins) a test which is in development
to detect Down’s syndrome.
papule grudka small raised area
on the skin.
papyraceous pergaminowy like
paper. A fetus papyraceous płód
pergaminowy is one of twin babies
who has died early in pregnancy
and has been flattened by the surviving baby to resemble a paper
para rodząca po raz kolejny, wie­
loródka a woman who has borne
one or more infants which were
more than 24 weeks’ gestation. The
number of infants is indicated by
adding a prefix, e.g. primipara.
parabiotic syndrome dotyczy
przetoczenia krwi od jednego
z bliźniąt do drugiego w wyniku
anastomoz w łożysku transfusion
of blood from one twin to another
because of vascular anastomoses in
the placenta. One twin will be anaemic and one plethoric.
paracentesis przekłucie, nakłu­
cie, paracenteza a sterile process
during which fluid is drawn out
of a body cavity. A small incision
is made in the skin and a trocar is
inserted to allow drainage.
paracervical zwój okołoszyjkowy around the cervix or neck of the
paracervical block znieczulenie
okołoszyjkowe (macicy) anaesthesia caused by the injection of
anaesthetic into the area which
contains the nerves. May be used
during an instrumental delivery.
paracervix dotyczy tkanki roz­
ciągającej się od szyjki macicy
do bocznych ścian miednicy the
connective tissue of the pelvic floor
extending from the uterine cervix
to the side walls of the pelvic cavity.
paracetamol paracetamol zob.
parachute reflex odruch spado­
chronowy similar to Moro reflex
and startle reflex.
paradigm paradygmat a particular world view; a pattern used as a
model to represent another set of
connections, usually of concepts.
paraesthesia parestezja, samoist­
nie występujące wrażenie czucio­
we a strange sensation described