
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 6 2009: Biblioteki i ich klienci: między płatnym a bezpłatnym komunikowaniem się...
Ivanka V. Yankova*
Library Studies and Information Technologies
State University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract: The article presents new Department “Library Management”, founded in December 2008 in the structure
of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria. The goal of the department
is through meeting the challenges of digital era to train bachelors and masters in the area of library and information
management. The students gain wide ranged theoretical and practical training: in principles, theory and scientific
approaches in organization and management, in administration and evaluation of quality of the activity in libraries,
information centers, cultural institutions and different community organizations; in the matter and wide diversity of
library institution; in basic library-bibliographic activities and processes and in making oneself masters of contemporary library-information technologies.
Abstrakt: Przedstawiono działalność Instytutu Zarządzania Biblioteką, utworzonego w grudniu 2008 r. w strukturze bułgarskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu, Bibliotekoznawstwo i Technologie Informacyjne w Sofii. Nowo powołana jednostka prowadzi studia licencjackie i magisterskie, mające przygotowywać absolwentów do stawiania
czoła wyzwaniom świata cyfrowego. Kształcenie obejmuje szeroki zakres zagadnień teoretycznych i praktycznych, a w szczególności wykład koncepcji nauki o organizacji i zarządzaniu, a także problematykę administrowania i oceny jakości funkcjonowania bibliotek, ośrodków informacji, instytucji kultury oraz organizacji działających
na rzecz różnych społeczności. W programach kształcenia uwzględniono również treści związane ze specyfiką
poszczególnych typów bibliotek, podstawy bibliografii oraz kursy biegłego posługiwania się nowymi technologiami
w bibliotekarstwie i działalności informacyjnej.
Assoc. Prof. IVANKA VASSILEVA YANKOVA, Dr. of Science. Head of Department “Library Management”, State
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria. Doctor of Philosophy Science; Associate
Professor, specialty “Book Science, Librarianship and Bibliography”; PhD (2004) (New and the Newest History); MA in
Bulgarian Philology (1981); BA in Librarianship and Bibliography (1971). Two the most important publications: (2008)
Association the University Libraries in Bulgaria: New Approaches for Professional Dialogue. [In:] Information
/ Documentation Management and Cooperation among the Libraries in the Balkan Countries: Symposium Papers. 5–7 June
2008. Edirne: Trakya University, p. 339–342; (2004). The Modern Library: The University Library in contemporary
education. Sofia: University Press, 126 p. E-mail: [email protected]
Prof. IVANKA VASSILEVA YANKOVA, dr hab. Dyrektor Instytutu Zarządzania Biblioteką, State University of
Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bułgaria. Habilitacja w zakresie nauk filozoficznych; Associate
Professor, specjalność bibliologia, bibliotekoznawstwo i bibliografia; doktorat z dyscypliny historia nowożytna i najnowsza
(2004); magister filologii bułgarskiej (1981); licencjat na kierunku bibliotekoznawstwo i bibliografia (1971). Dwie
najważniejsze publikacje: (2008) Association the University Libraries in Bulgaria: New Approaches for Professional
Dialogue. [In:] Information / Documentation Management and Cooperation among the Libraries in the Balkan Countries:
Symposium Papers. 5–7 June 2008. Edirne: Trakya University, p. 339–342; (2004). The Modern Library: The University
Library in contemporary education. Sofia: University Press, 126 p. Adres elektr.: [email protected].
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 6 2009: Biblioteki i ich klienci: między płatnym a bezpłatnym komunikowaniem się...
The report presents new Department “Library Management”, founded in December 2008 in the structure of
the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria [State 2009, p. 15]. We
welcome the challenges of digital era and the goal of the department is to train bachelors and masters in the area
of library and information management. The students acquire wide-range theoretical and practical training: in
administration and in the evaluation of quality of activity in libraries, information centers, cultural institutions
and different non-governmental organizations; in essence and diversity of library institution; in basic library and
bibliographical activities and processes and in master of contemporary library-information technologies.
The educational program ensures receiving of: specialized knowledge in library management, marketing and
public communications; deep knowledge about the specific and functions of the library institution; about the
organization, management and using of information resources; in information systems, systematical analysis,
information broker, standardization and management of quality, intellectual property, management of projects
etc. There is foreseen the possibility for the students to choose disciplines accordingly their interests – European
integration and communication practices, innovation in library, information competence, web design, management of cultural and historical heritage etc. The professional knowledge are added with general disciplines in the
area of social and humanity sciences: politic sciences, language culture, foreign languages, organizational psychology, law informatics, etc.
International parallel and educational mobility
The educational plan of this subject is in conformity with the programs of foreign high schools which teach
in related subjects and this ensures conditions for international comparison and educational mobility.
We have investigate and use the experience of Bulgarian and foreign universities in the development of the
educational programs for bachelor and master degree: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”; University of
Rhode Island (School of Library and Information Studies), UK; Hochschule fuer Medien, Stuttgart, Germany;
The University of Tennessee (College of Information and Communication, School of Information Science),
USA; The University of British Columbia (School of Library, Archival and Information Studies); Royal School
of Library and Information Science in Denmark; Library and Information Science Program at the College of
Education, University of Denver, USA; School Library Program Manager, Department of Information and
Learning Technologies, University of Colorado at Denver, USA; Library and Information Studies at the State
University of New Jersey, USA; Master of Information and Communication Studies at the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers University, USA, etc.
The students who acquired educational degree “bachelor” and “master” in “Library Management” have
wide-range qualification frame of knowledge and skills and they are competent to do manager and organizational
work: in all kind of libraries and in its different sections; in information centers; in information centers by Ministry, committees and foundations; in chitalista, museums, archives and other cultural institutions and organizations; in editor and other sections of print and electronic medias; in publishing sector and book trading.
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 6 2009: Biblioteki i ich klienci: między płatnym a bezpłatnym komunikowaniem się...
Purpose of subject “Library Management”
The students who acquired educational degree “bachelor” in “Library Management” have wide-range qualification frame of knowledge and skills and they are competent to do the following work:
To be able to analyze external and internal environment and to plan, on the basis of this analysis, the
activities of public, school, university and other scientific libraries, information centers, chitalista and
other cultural and public institutions as well as of the basic sections and structures in them;
To organize, manage and control activities which are connected with the presentation of institution in
front of different government and non-governmental organizations; in front of local authority and citizens;
To gain command of oral, written, illustrative and electronic methods for communication with local
authorities, with different age groups, with business area for winning new users as well as for better disclosure of richness of the library collections;
To investigate and to leave for free use quality and relevant information from print or electronic resources;
To do professional investigation of information needs of library and information users through contemporary sociological and psychology methods; work with focus-groups for optimizing users servicing;
To organize and manage user`s education;
The students who gain educational degree “master” in “Library Management” have wide-range qualification
and knowledge and skills for the following activities:
To manage activities in public, school, university and other scientific libraries, information centers,
chitalista and other cultural and public institutions as well as of the basic sections and structures in
To elaborate business plan and to take decisions which are connected with strategy and tactics of information servicing;
Ground, settle and manage the tasks which arise in connection with organization and ensure of optimal
using of information resources in libraries and in other organizations, which have information massifs;
Development and realization of programs for digitalization and creation of own electronic resources;
To be able to lead sociological, psychological, statistical and other scientific investigations which are
necessary for analyzing quality of work in library and cultural institutions;
To be able to develop and realize programs for improvement of parameters of whole library work including information and communication forms, implementation of new services and technologies etc.
To do successful public communication and PR strategy and programs;
To organize and manage trainings in information competence;
To do researches and to realize projects and applied tasks.
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 6 2009: Biblioteki i ich klienci: między płatnym a bezpłatnym komunikowaniem się...
Requirements to specialist training
Librarians or information specialists with degree “bachelor” in “Library Management” have to be well
grounded in this subject and to have profound scientific specific knowledge which includes:
Specific training in library, information and project management which aims to gain skills and knowledge in planning, organizing and control of whole work of the library, information centers, chitalista
and other cultural and public institutions;
Fundamental preparation about essence and big diversity of library institution; knowledge in basic library-bibliographic activities and processes and in making oneself masters of contemporary libraryinformation technologies.
Theoretic and practical preparation in methodic for discover and organizing of quality information
which is in traditional or electronic resources and in placing this information at users disposal by electronic way;
Basic knowledge in marketing and public communication for optimal organization of the information as
well as for using of methods for interaction with different publics and to have skills for presentation of
library collection, services and events.
Librarians or information specialists with degree “master” in “Library Management” have to be well
grounded in this subject and to have profound scientific specific knowledge which includes:
Specific training in library management, marketing and PR technologies; law organization of libraries;
innovation in library work; organizational and management models of contemporary library; contemporary foreign libraries; management and development of specific funds, valued library collections; modern approaches for organization of bibliographical work and library services; library and public access
to information;
Fundamental preparation about essence and wide variety of library institution; knowledge for management of library-bibliographic activities and processes and in making oneself masters of contemporary
library-information technologies;
Basic knowledge for realization of educational strategy in libraries; information insurance of science
and education; management of information resources in a digital library; digital conversion; management of quality and certifying in library-information activities; library architecture; management models
in small libraries etc.
Areas of realization
The students who graduated with degree bachelor or master in “Library Management” are able to realize
their self as:
Manager of all kind of libraries, information centers, chitalista and other cultural and public institutions
as well as of basic sections in this institutions;
People who are responsible for library relations with the public;
Manager or organizer of departments for information services including services for people with specific needs;
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 6 2009: Biblioteki i ich klienci: między płatnym a bezpłatnym komunikowaniem się...
Organizer of different library activities which is necessary to be prepared original programs for;
Organizer and executor of programs for information competence of library users;
Organizers of educational programs in museums and archives as part of their relations with the libraries;
Manager and organizer of documentation as newspapers, magazines and electronic medias and leaders
in searching of new and qualitative information, classifying of this information and giving it to users;
Organizer of documentation in government or private companies and leaders in searching of new and
qualitative information, classifying of this information and giving it to users;
Manager and organizer of documental departments in publishing and book trading.
Project activities and partnership
Important tendency in the work of department “Library management” is its active participation in projects
and in various partnerships on national and international level. The projects which it works now are:
2007–2011 – Ministry of Education and Science. “Scientometrics Analyses for the Development of the
Bulgarian Science in the Period 2000–2008 in the way to the European Integration in the science and
2008–2009 – PHARE 2005/HRDPE/Grants. “Developing a network of continuing education centres for
librarian organizers, serving the small local communities”.
2009–2012 – Ministry of Education and Science. DATA BAZE “BULGARIAN REVIVAL TOWNS”
2009–2011 – EU-ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) 2009. IPBib: Das Grimm-Zentrum – (k)ein
Bibliotheksmärchen. (Project Coordinator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Partner institutions:
Universität Wien; State University for Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia; Masaryk
University Brno; University Vilnius).
On “Library Management” department initiative there was build the beginning of new partnership between
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia and Jagiellonian University, Institute of Librarianship and Information Science. On 4th March 2009 for the academic year 2009/2010 were signed the following agreements: LLP – Erasmus Bilateral Agreement – SM: student mobility (2 students per 6 months) and
LLP – Erasmus Bilateral Agreement – TM: teaching staff mobility (1 lecturer per 1 week).
We are convinced that students engaging in subject “Library Management” in different scientific-research
and applied tasks as well as in projects for mobility – build and enrich the theoretical and practical knowledge
and skills and create specialists which are ready for the challenges of digital era.
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. Student Guide for 2009/2010 Academic Year (2009).
Sofia: За буквите. О писменехъ, 69 pp.