9 - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line


9 - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line
Sławomir Kamosiński
Rewitalizacja przestrzeni niematerialnej i materialnej wsi. Kształtowanie wizerunku
obszarów wiejskich ................................................................................................................ 5
Grażyna Kozuń-Cieślak
Teoretyczne koncepcje decentralizacji i delegowania kompetencji we współczesnych
nurtach ekonomii ................................................................................................................. 17
Agnieszka Jachowicz
Zarządzanie systemem pomocy społecznej ........................................................................... 33
Katarzyna Wlaźlak
Programy jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w zakresie przeciwdziałania przemocy
w rodzinie ............................................................................................................................ 40
Damian Wąsik
Właściwość rzeczowa starosty powiatu i marszałka województwa w systemie
koordynacji świadczeń z tytułu bezrobocia .......................................................................... 53
Mateusz Pietraszewski
Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza gminy za niedostarczenie lokalu socjalnego
(art. 18 ustawy o ochronie praw lokatorów) w świetle orzecznictwa ................................... 63
Przemysław Buczek
Budowa urządzeń i obiektów elektrowni biogazowej służącej odzyskiwaniu
i unieszkodliwianiu odpadów jako cel publiczny .................................................................. 76
Dawid Sześciło
Wyrok Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka z 29 marca 2011 r. w sprawie
Potomska i Potomski v. Polska (skarga nr 33949/05)............................................................ 81
Aleksandra Wilczyńska
Wyrok Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 25 stycznia 2010 r. (II OSK 1865/09)
– glosa krytyczna .................................................................................................................. 84
Samorząd Terytorialny 9/2011
Opracowała Justyna Przedańska .......................................................................................... 90
Table of Contents & Abstracts ............................................................................................ 93
Redakcja przyjmuje teksty oryginalne o objętości 30–50 tys. znaków, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym tytułem, podziałem na podrozdziały, podsumowaniem, przypisami, krótką notką o autorze oraz adresem e-mailowym. Materiały większe lub mniejsze albo już publikowane wymagają osobnej zgody Redaktora Naczelnego. Wymagania co do wielkości tekstu nie dotyczą polemik, glos, sprawozdań,
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niż 500 znaków. Autor może zaproponować tłumaczenie na język angielski tytułu tekstu oraz abstraktu, a także podać adres e-mailowy w celu publikacji. Przypisy powinny być opracowane w tradycyjny sposób – na dole strony. Dopuszczalny jest również wykaz wykorzystanej w tekście literatury.
Materiały wraz z danymi autora (stanowisko, adres, numer telefonu) i ewentualnym listem polecającym prosimy przysyłać pocztą elektroniczną lub zwykłą, z załączoną płytą CD. Przekazując tekst do
redakcji, autor przenosi na Wydawcę wyłączne prawo do jego publikacji. Nie drukujemy artykułów o charakterze opisowym, pozbawionych aspektu badawczego lub nowych treści interesujących
poznawczo. Autor ponosi odpowiedzialność za aktualny stan prawny, orzecznictwa i doktryny.
Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo skracania tekstów, zmiany tytułów, śródtytułów oraz poprawek merytorycznych i stylistycznych, również w wersji angielskiej. Materiałów niezamówionych nie zwracamy. Warunkiem publikacji tekstu jest odesłanie uprzednio podpisanej umowy z Wydawnictwem.
Samorząd Terytorialny 9/2011
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S & A B S T R A C T S
Territorial Self-Government
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Sławomir Kamosiński
Revitalization of intangible and tangible rural space. Shaping the image of rural areas ....................... 5
The article raises the issue of rural area revitalization which is of importance from the point of view of territorial marketing of rural areas. The concept
of revitalization of intangible rural space is linked back to individual cultural features of the village, its customs and local history. In addition to rural
renewal programmes, revitalization of tangible rural space is related to the restoration and presentation of traditional rural buildings. The author
also refers the term to the implementation of the fashion for organic farms, which discount the benefits of rural backwardness, and to presenting
rural areas to potential customers through websites and coats of arms embedded in their traditions.
Grażyna Kozuń-Cieślak
Theoretical concepts of decentralization and delegation of competencies in modern trends
in economics ........................................................................................................................................................17
The article describes the concepts related to the role and competencies of the state and territorial self-government, which - for reasons of efficiency,
responsibility, management capacity and autonomy of decision making – provide arguments in support of the decentralization of public tasks.
The authoress suggests two approaches: new institutional economics, referring to the inefficiency of the state and concentration on institutional
solutions, as well as fiscal federalism and new public management, which are centred around the issue of the fallibility of markets, as well as the
efficient and equitable supply of public goods.
Agnieszka Jachowicz
Modernisation of social welfare systems ............................................................................................................................ 33
Social welfare in a modern, developed and welfare state with a market economy is one of the major institutions of social policy. However, its
position and role in social policy are significantly differentiated, while its fundamental source is the historically formed model of social security.
The objective of the article is to present - from an organizational point of view – the changes in the management of the social welfare system
initiated in 1989.
Katarzyna Wlaźlak
Territorial self-government programmes for dealing with domestic violence .................................................40
The issue of combating domestic violence has already been reviewed in many studies in the doctrine of criminal law. However, the criminal law
method is not the method used by the legislature to reduce and combat the phenomenon of domestic violence. The administrative law method is
currently being increasingly used. This is reflected, among others, in the award of competencies to territorial self-government units for developing
programmes for preventing domestic violence. The authoress examines the ability to both create and implement these programmes under the
current legal regulations.
Samorząd Terytorialny 9/2011
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S & A B S T R A C T S
Damian Wąsik
Factual competence of the head of the county and marshal of the voivodship in the system
for coordinating unemployment benefits .....................................................................................................53
The coordination of social security systems is of particular importance to bodies of public administration because of the steadily increasing mobility
of workers in EU Member States. The article clarifies the doubts arising from the application of the regulations on coordination and specifies
the statutory limits of competence of the county and voivodship territorial self-government bodies in this matter, depending on the stage of
the proceedings. The article encompasses both general administrative proceedings and extraordinary procedures for changing final decisions.
The author presents proposals of solutions to the most frequent problems arising in establishing the competencies of the employment authorities,
which enable the avoidance of errors resulting in the invalidity of decisions which are issued.
Mateusz Pietraszewski
A municipality’s liability for damages for the failure to provide social housing
(Article 18 of the Act on the protection of tenant rights) in the light of jurisprudence ......................63
The article analyses the institution of a municipality’s liability for damages for the failure to provide social housing, under Article 18(5) of the Act
on the protection of tenant rights, the municipal housing stock and the amendment of the Civil Code of 21 June 2001, especially in the light of
the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Tribunal. The author analyses the legal standards, both currently in force in this area,
as well as those from a previous legal status, in order to present the evolution of the said regulations. The actual considerations are preceded by
a presentation of the regulations governing the award of rights to social housing which affect the existence of municipality liability.
Przemysław Buczek
Construction of biogas power plant equipment and facilities used for waste recovery
and disposal as a public service investment ................................................................................................. 76
The list of public service investments contained in Article 6 of the Act on real estate management of 21 August 1997 is exhaustive and is not subject
to a more expansive interpretation. In the case of the construction of buildings and equipment for generating electricity from waste, the primary
objective of the implementation of such an investment will be the generation of energy and not the recovery and disposal of waste. The author points
out that the appropriate identification and proof that the main objective of the planned investment will be the recovery and disposal of waste can
lead to it being considered a public service investment.
Dawid Sześciło
Ruling of the European Court of Human Rights of 29 March 2011 in the case of Potomska
and Potomski v. Poland (complaint no. 33949/05) .................................................................................... 81
An entry into the register of historic properties is a form of interference with the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions guaranteed by
Article 1 of Protocol no. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights.
Aleksandra Wilczyńska
Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 January 2010 (II OSK 1865/09);
critical commentary ..........................................................................................................................................84
1. The provision of Article 19(1) of the Act on municipal self-government of 8 March 1990 constitutes the grounds for acknowledging a councillor’s interest
in becoming elected the chairperson of the council as a legal interest because it determines the right to be elected councillor of a given municipality.
2. Such an interpretation of Article 25a of the Act on municipal self-government, which gives this provision the same meaning as Article 24(2) of
the Act of 5 June 1998 on the voivodship self-government is inadmissible, although the latter provision expressly limits the right of a councillor to
participate in voting only to a specific category of property issues because of his legal interest.
3. Voting on the election of the chairperson of the municipal council also applies to the legal interest of a candidate to a position of a financial nature.
Prepared by Justyna Przedańska ......................................................................................................................90
Samorząd Terytorialny 9/2011

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