

Introduction...................................................................................................... 9
Part 1. International trade as a factor of innovation in Asian economies
Jerzy Dudziński, Jarosław Narękiewicz, Iwona Wasiak: Price movements
in the international trade and Asian developing countries’ exports............ Guenter Heiduk: Is innovation-based competitiveness in trade crisisresistant? The case of China........................................................................ Bartosz Michalski: Technological intensity of the international trade.
The case of the second-tier Asian Tigers..................................................... Paweł Pasierbiak: Technological intensity of Japanese merchandise trade..... Ewa Mińska-Struzik: Learning by exporting as a source of innovation in
Asian companies.......................................................................................... 13
Part 2. Foreign direct investment as a source of innovation in Asian economies
Magdalena Kinga Stawicka: Economic and Technological Development
Zones (ETDZ) as a place of FDI location in China..................................... 75
Maciej Żmuda: The determinants of Chinese outward foreign direct
investment to developing countries............................................................. 86
Tadeusz Sporek: Foreign direct investment in Nepal. Strategy and
promotion..................................................................................................... 98
Aleksandra Kuźmińska-Haberla: Promotion of foreign direct investment.
Examples from the Asia-Pacific region....................................................... 109
Part 3. Innovativeness of network in Eastern Asia
Sebastian Bobowski, Marcin Haberla: Networked clusters in the context
of knowledge-seeking strategy of international business............................ Jerzy Grabowiecki: Zaibatsu conglomerates as organisational innovations
at the time of the modernisation of Japan’s economy.................................. Małgorzata Wachowska: The importance of the Japanese keiretsu groups
for knowledge spillover............................................................................... Małgorzata Dolińska: Network-centric innovations. The case of China........ Anna H. Jankowiak: Chinese industrial clusters............................................ 121
Karolina Łopacińska: Cultural differences in the context of managing
an international corporation with a Swedish and Chinese capital.............. 174
Part 4. Innovativeness of Asian financial markets
Magdalena Broszkiewicz: Innovations in corporate governance system as
a necessary improvements of capital market in Japan................................. Jacek Pera: Modern trends in financial innovations on the Asian market.
An attempt of assessment............................................................................ Artur Klimek: Sovereign wealth funds in the global economy...................... Paweł Folfas: Dubai – an emerging and innovative offshore financial centre.
Jerzy Dudziński, Jarosław Narękiewicz, Iwona Wasiak: Ruch cen w handlu międzynarodowym a eksport azjatyckich krajów rozwijających się...... Guenter Heiduk: Czy konkurencyjność w handlu oparta na innowacjach jest
odporna na kryzys? Przykład Chin............................................................. Bartosz Michalski: Technologiczna intensywność handlu międzynarodowego. Przypadek tygrysów azjatyckich drugiej generacji............................... Paweł Pasierbiak: Intensywność technologiczna japońskiego handlu towarowego.......................................................................................................... Ewa Mińska-Struzik: Uczenie się przez eksport jako źródło innowacji
w przedsiębiorstwach azjatyckich............................................................... Magdalena Kinga Stawicka: Ekonomiczne i technologiczne strefy rozwoju
jako miejsce lokowania bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w
Chinach........................................................................................................ Maciej Żmuda: Motywy bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych Chin
w krajach rozwijających się......................................................................... Tadeusz Sporek: Zagraniczne inwestycje bezpośrednie w Nepalu. Strategia i
promocja...................................................................................................... Aleksandra Kuźmińska-Haberla: Promocja bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych. Rozwiązania z krajów regionu Azji i Pacyfiku..................... Sebastian Bobowski, Marcin Haberla: Usieciowione klastry w kontekście
strategii knowledge-seeking biznesu międzynarodowego.......................... Jerzy Grabowiecki: Konglomeraty zaibatsu jako innowacje organizacyjne
okresu modernizacji gospodarki Japonii..................................................... Małgorzata Wachowska: Znaczenie japońskich grup keiretsu dla rozprzestrzeniania się wiedzy................................................................................. Małgorzata Dolińska: Innowacje powstające w sieci na przykładzie Chin.... 22
Anna H. Jankowiak: Chińskie klastry przemysłowe...................................... Karolina Łopacińska: Różnice kulturowe w kontekście zarządzania firmą
wielonarodową z kapitałem szwedzkim i chińskim.................................... Magdalena Broszkiewicz: Innowacje w systemie ładu korporacyjnego jako
konieczne udoskonalenie funkcjonowania rynku kapitałowego w Japonii.
Jacek Pera: Współczesne tendencje w zakresie innowacji finansowych na
rynku azjatyckim. Próba oceny................................................................... Artur Klimek: Rola państwowych funduszy majątkowych w gospodarce
światowej..................................................................................................... Paweł Folfas: Dubaj – wschodzące i innowacyjne centrum finansowe........... 7
Innovations are one of the most important factors affecting the competitiveness of
countries in global economy. Foreign relations stimulated by the growing trade and
liberalisation of foreign direct investment between countries of a contrasting level of
economic development emphasise the impact of innovation and propagate the
innovative approach to economy. Innovation in modern economy is also, without
doubt, related to the processes observed on international financial markets, where
innovative instruments and solutions are introduced and tested on a wider scale.
The awareness of the dynamic development of innovation processes in the Asia-Pacific region is the main incentive for this publication. The authors of the research
papers submitted to the fifth international scientific conference Innovation as a
factor in the development of the Asia Pacific region. Economy – industry – company,
organised by the Asia Pacific Research Centre of Wrocław University of Economics
and held under the patronage of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish
Ministry of Science and Higher Education pose a number of questions addressing
and analysing the sources of innovation in Asian economies and companies operation
in the Asia-Pacific region.
This monograph is an attempt at analysing the sources of innovative approach
in various sectors of Asia-Pacific economies. The first part of this monograph,
“International trade as a factor of innovation in Asian economies”, analyses the
sources of innovation in assorted segments of the region’s international trade. Part two,
“Foreign direct investment as a source of innovation in Asian economies”, examines
the relations between various FDI solutions and directions of capital flow and the
innovative character of the economy sectors in the region under study. The third part,
“Innovativeness of networks in Eastern Asia”, presents networking structures of the
companies operating in the Asia-Pacific region, as factors determining innovation
and development both on the level of individual companies and whole countries. The
last part of the monograph, “Innovativeness of Asian financial markets”, presents a
wide selection of studies on pro-innovative institutions of Asian financial markets.
As editors of this latest installment of our ongoing series of monographs devoted
to studies on the economic processes observed in the Asia-Pacific region, we sincerely
hope that this publication will be of great value to those who want to explore and
analyse the sources of the innovation of Asia-Pacific economies. We also believe
that this monograph will further the understanding of this fascinating and contrasting
region of the globe.
November 2012
Bogusława Skulska, Anna H. Jankowiak

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