Przykładowe wypracowanie na poziomie rozszerzonym ("Rozprawka")


Przykładowe wypracowanie na poziomie rozszerzonym ("Rozprawka")
Władze wielu miast sponsorują koncerty gwiazd na świeżym powietrzu w noc sylwestrową. Napisz
rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony organizacji takich imprez na powitanie Nowego
Although New Year's Eve open-air concerts usually attract crowds, some people actively
oppose their organization.
These open-air concerts are usually held in centres of big cities, which disrupts their normal
functioning: streets are closed off and heavily overcrowded. It may be especially annoying for
people who live in the city centre. Another reason why such events may be disturbing for city centre
dwellers is the pandemonium of music and fireworks. What is more, their pets may suffer from
stress caused by heavy noise. Furthermore, public concerts can never cater for all tastes. Commonly,
pop and rock are preferred. It can be argued that an event financed with public funds should not
neglect other genres, especially that such events are very costly enterprises.
On the other hand, New Year's Eve open-air concerts have the advantage of being free and
easily accessible. Everyone can enjoy the music, the atmosphere, and sample the city nightlife.
Moreover, they are always broadcast by major TV stations. Many people find watching the concerts
on TV to be an entertaining way of spending that special night.
To sum up, even though open-air concerts on New Year's Eve may have some benefits, I
consider them to be a disturbing waste of public funds.

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