Humanistic basis of relaxation techniques


Humanistic basis of relaxation techniques
Department of Art
Module Code:
Module Type:
Introductory requirements:
Language of Delivery/Instruction:
Module supervisor:
Principal lecturer:
Mode of Delivery:
Number of Hours:
Number of Hours per week:
Assessment requirements:
Points ECTS:
Education of Art / Fine Art
Second Degree Course (Master of Art degree)
Relaxation Techniques
Core module
Maria Jałocha, PhD
Maria Jałocha, PhD
A pass grade
Module Aims:
Humanistic basis of relaxation techniques (support and stimulation of the development).
Stress-symptoms and techniques used to reduce it.
Autogenic training by Schultz.
Progressive training by Jacobson
Visualisation as a process of creativity and expression.
Relaxation massage (Alexander’s technique, reflexotherapy).
Conscious breathing.
Yoga and oriental relaxation techniques(tai-chi, zen-shiatzu).
Other relaxation techniques using work with the body and breath-meditation techniques (Benson’s
exercises), hypnotic trance, NLP, Denison’s exercises, the method of Developmental Movement by Veronica
Sherborne, relaxation by Wintrebert, relaxation fairy tales.
The use of colour therapy and aromatherapy in relaxation.
Music therapy.
Module outcomes:
The students should know relaxation methods and techniques and should be able to use them in practice.
They become able to calm down and relax, get rid of stress and thus reach a state of relaxation.
They also learn how to run classes with the use of relaxation techniques.
They should be able to use and create their own texts for visualisation and invent their own relaxation
fairy tales.
Assessments requirements:
Attendance, practical skills, and the knowledge of the issues are the conditions for a pass.
Basic literature:
ALBISETTI Valerio - Trening autogeniczny. – Kielce : Wydawnictwo „Jedność”, 2005
BAILEY Roy - Zarządzanie stresem : 50 ćwiczeń. - Warszawa : Wydaw. ARTE, cop. 2002
CRAZE R., tł. Ciepłowska A.: Relaksacja ciała i umysłu - Warszawa 2007
DIEKEMPER Elisa - Więcej niż wyciszenie : znaczenie i przebieg podróży w krainę fantazji oraz ich praktyczne wykorzystanie :
poradnik dla rodziców i wychowawców. - Kielce : Wydawnictwo "Jedność", 2005
KULMATYCKI Lesław - Lekcja relaksacji. - Wyd. 2. - Wrocław : Wydaw. Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego, 2002
SCHENK Christoph, tł. Hanna Borowiec.: Relaksacja: sposób na stres. Warszawa JBF,1996
Supplementary literature:
CHOROŚ Jadwiga - W pułapce stresu, w: Lider 2006, nr 1, s. 9-15
DUDA Dorota - Oddech - pigułka na stres. Cz.1, w: Ekoświat. - 2005, nr 9, s. 44-45 , Regeneracja organizm: oddech - pigułka na stres.
Cz. 2 w: Ekoświat. - 2005, nr 10, s. 46
GIMNASTYKA mózgu, w: Gazeta Szkolna 2003, nr 1, s. 11,15
MARCHWICKA M. - Bajki - jako elementy treningu autogennego dla dzieci, w: Szkoła Specjalna 1990, nr 5, s. 265-268

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