egzamin maturalny z jêzyka angielskiego


egzamin maturalny z jêzyka angielskiego
materia³ pobrano ze strony:
multimedialna platforma edukacyjna
Miejsce na
z kodem
(Wpisuje zdaj¹cy przed
rozpoczêciem pracy)
Instrukcja dla zdaj¹cego:
1. Proszê sprawdziæ, czy arkusz egzaminacyjny zawiera wszystkie strony
Ewentualny brak nale¿y zg³osiæ przewodnicz¹cemu zespo³u
nadzoruj¹cego egzamin.
2. Obok ka¿dego zadania podana jest maksymalna liczba
punktów, któr¹ mo¿na uzyskaæ za jego poprawne rozwi¹zanie.
3. Nale¿y pisaæ czytelnie, tylko w kolorze niebieskim lub czarnym.
4. B³êdne zapisy nale¿y wyraŸnie przekreœliæ. Nie wolno u¿ywaæ
5. W karcie odpowiedzi zamaluj ca³kowicie kratkê z liter¹
oznaczaj¹c¹ odpowiedz, np. . Jeœli siê pomylisz b³êdne
zaznaczenie obwiedŸ kó³kiem
i zamaluj
inn¹ odpowiedŸ.
¯yczymy powodzenia!
(Wpisuje zdaj¹cy przed rozpoczêciem pracy)
materia³ pobrano ze strony:
multimedialna platforma edukacyjna
Zadanie 1.
JesteĞ na wymianie jĊzykowej w Wielkiej Brytanii. W rozmowie z koleĪanką z Wielkiej Brytanii zapytaj:
- w jakim wieku dzieci rozpoczynają naukĊ w Anglii
- co robią po ukoĔczeniu szkoły Ğredniej
- ile godzin lekcyjnych ma w tygodniu
A: I`d like to know what English schools are like. In Poland we start school at the age of six and when do
children start school here in England?
B: When they’re five years old, they start primary school. They stay there until they’re eleven.
A: And then they go to the secondary school, don’t they?
B: Yes, they do.
A: And when can English students leave secondary school?
B: At the age of sixteen they can either go to a special college to do job training, or they stop studying and find o
job. We can also stay at school for another to years and later get a degree at university. That’s what I’m going to
do. And what about you?
A: I’m going to go to university, too. You’re in secondary school now, aren’t you?
B: Yes, I am.
A: How many hours do you spend at school weekly?
B About 40 hours a week.
B Relacjonowanie
Rozmawiasz z koleĪanką z Wielkiej Brytanii o swojej wakacyjnej pracy. Opowiedz:
-jak zdobyłaĞ pracĊ
-jak wyglądał twój dzieĔ pracy
-z kim pracowałeĞ
E: Hello Ania! I know you worked last summer. What kind of job did you do?
A: Well, it was a summer job. I worked as a soft fruit picker in Bristol last August .
E: How did find this job?
A: I found it in an official job advice leaflet.
E: Ania, what were your duties?
A: Working hours were between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. with a short break. I was to work 7 days a week but when it
was rainy I had a day off.
E: Did your employer supply you with accommodation?
A: He didn’t offer accommodation but there were sites for our own tent and equipment.
E: How much did you earn?
A: I earned about 5 pounds per hour.
E: What about your colleagues?
A: They were all very helpful. We soon became close friends. We spent together all spare time. It was great fun!
Pracujesz w wakacje na farmie w Anglii. Rozmawiasz z pracodawcą.
-poproĞ o wolne niedziele i podaj uzasadnienie
-nie zgódĨ siĊ z argumentami pracodawcy
-zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie
A: Hello Mr Smith. I was wondering if I could talk to you about my working conditions?
E: Of course. Is anything wrong?
A: I’m satisfied with my earnings. But I work from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 days a week and I don’t have time to visit
my uncle who lives near Bristol. Could you give me Sundays off to visit my family?
E: I’m afraid I can’t. There are still many things to do on a farm.
A: You are absolutely right. But would you agree to give me free Sundays if I worked until 7 p.m. 7 days a
E: It’s fine by me.
A: Thank you very much.
Zadanie 2.
In the picture I can see some people and the view of the mountains in winter because everything is covered with
snow. In the foreground there is a man holding skis. People in the background are also holding their skiing
equipment. They are all skiers and they have just started skiing. They are wearing winter clothes and are carrying
necessary skiing equipment. I think they look excited about their day.
Pytanie 1. I think they are going to ski down the slope because they are holding their skis.
Pytanie 2. I really enjoy playing basketball as I find it exciting. I also like playing volleyball because it is a great
fun. I think I enjoy team sports more than individual because it is great to feel a member of a team and you can
make friends easily.

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