WORKSHEET 3 TENSES: Past Simple – Past Continuous – Past


WORKSHEET 3 TENSES: Past Simple – Past Continuous – Past
TENSES: Past Simple – Past Continuous – Past Perfect
A. Use the verbs in the right tense. Remember about the correct word order if there are more words given.
1. When I (get) ____________ home, I realised that I (lose) ____________ my keys.
2. It (be) ____________ the first time our team (score) ____________ five goals in one match.
3. We (not/recognise) ____________ each other because we (not/meet) ____________ since our school days.
4. I (be) ____________ surprised because I (never/see) ____________ anything like it before.
5. (he/pay) ____________ you back when I last (see) ____________ him?
6. Why (she/wear) ____________ gloves when you (see) ____________ her?
7. Mr Jones (retire) ____________ at the age of 72 after he (work) ____________ for us for over 30 years.
8. After I (do) ____________ the washing-up, I (take) ____________ a short walk in the garden.
9. The show already (start) ____________ when we (arrive) ____________.
10. I (never/eat) ____________ sushi before I (go) ____________ to Japan.
11. Mike (go) ____________ to Spain without Jill because she (be) ____________ there.
12. By 2003 she (win) ____________ over 20 competitions.
13. After he (hear) ____________ a strange noise, he (go) ____________ downstairs.
14. I (not/can) ____________ find him in the lab because he (go) ____________ home.
15. Martin (drive) ____________ this car for ten years before he finally (sell) ____________ it to his best friend.
16. By the time Sarah (graduate) ____________ she (take) ____________ more than 20 exams.
17. He (know) ____________ her for 20 years before they (get) ____________ married.
18. Why (he/not/accept) ____________ our proposal?
19. Who (your brother/talk) ____________ to when you (come) ____________ in?
20. How much fuel (they/use) ____________ up when they (get) ____________ to Las Vegas?
(adapted from Anna Treger Repetytorium. Angielski. Czasy)
B. Translate the sentences below.
1. Jego dziadek wyemigrował przed wybuchem wojny. _______________________________________________
2. Gdy go zobaczyłem, wiedziałem, że przeczytał mój list. _____________________________________________
3. Gdy wrócilem do pokoju, nasi stracili trzy gole. ___________________________________________________
4. Zanim wprowadzili reformę, przepracowałem 9 lat. _______________________________________________
5. Gdy wprowadzali reformę, postanowiłem wyjechad. _______________________________________________
6. Zanim zatrzymała go policja, wydał wszystkie pieniądze. ____________________________________________
7. Czy on skooczył projekt, gdy do niego zadzwoniłaś? ________________________________________________
8. Czy on kooczył projekt, gdy do niego zadzwoniłaś? _________________________________________________
9. Ktoś zabrał te dokumenty, zanim wróciłem od szefa. ________________________________________________
10. Skąd wiedziałeś, że ona była już w Chinach? _______________________________________________________