Strona Bierna


Strona Bierna
Zdania w STRONIE CZYNNEJ zmień na STRONĘ BIERNĄ (dopełnienie w stronie czynnej
(tłusty druk) zmień na podmiot w stronie biernej):
1. Someone sends her roses every Saturday.
2. A girl has given him chocolates.
3. She bought her a gold watch.
4. She bought her a gold watch.
5. My brother has written this new song.
6. They are painting the interior walls.
7. He didn't pay the bill yesterday.
8. She will ask Mary to do it.
9. They bring up the children well.
10. The firm has already employed 50 labourers.
11. No one can repair it.
12. Mr Jenkins is mending the broken window.
13. Somebody should read you the instructions.
14.Herman Melville wrote 'Moby Dick'.
15. People were carrying in the wounded.
16. The inspector is interrogating one of the suspects.
17. They had finished the office building by March 1999.
18. A truck damaged my van badly.
19. All workers must read the regulations.
20. They were making bread.
21. Brenda's sister is looking after my daughter.
22. Somebody asked them to keep quiet.
23.They mustn't touch the exhibits.
24. They never laugh at our jokes.
25. What should I write in this report?
26. Mark said that somebody had stolen his bicycle.
27. Benjamin Britten composed this symphony.
28. His uncle gives him pocked money.
29. His uncle gives him pocked money.
30. A falling icicle has injured her seriously.
31. Nobody has brought any newspapers.
32. Somebody should speak with you as soon as possible.
33. Lewis knocked Smith down.
34. They haven't talked to them.
35. No one has ever talked to this child.
Adapted from Janusz Siuda: Gramatyka angielska w teorii I ćwiczeniach , Angloman