1. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Izabela Kowalczuk, Tomasz Ryc


1. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Izabela Kowalczuk, Tomasz Ryc
A. List of our own published articles in the mainstream media:
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Izabela Kowalczuk, Tomasz Rychlicki, The protection of privacy in Poland in the digital environment, Oxford Journals,
International Data Privacy Law, 2011-05-04 [http://idpl.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/04/05/idpl.ipr007.abstract]
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Czesi wygrali prywatnośd, Polaków to nie obchodzi? (Czechs won privacy, Poles don’t care?), Dziennik Internautów, 2011-04-05
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Dlaczego rząd chce kontrolowad media internetowe? (Why the government wants to control internet media?), Liberté!, March
2011 [http://www.liberte.pl/nowy-numer/aktualne-komentarze/1674-dlaczego-rzd-chce-kontrolowa-media-internetowe.html]
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Społeczeostwo w sieci. Między cyber-wolnościa a cyber-niewolą (Society in the net. Between cyber-freedom and cyber-slavery),
Rita Baum, no 18, Winter 2011
Grzegorz Pacek, Nowe paragrafy dla Internetu (New paragraphs for the Internet), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-02-17
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Blokowanie stron WWW – początek prawdziwej rozmowy (Blocking of the websites: the beginning of the real dialogue),
Dziennik Internautów, 2011-02-15 [http://di.com.pl/news/36015,0,Opinie_Blokowanie_stron_WWW_-_poczatek_prawdziwej_rozmowy.html]
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Youtube pod kontrolą KRRiT? (Youtube under KRRiT [National Board for Radio and Broadcasting] control), Rzeczpospolita,
2011-01-27 [http://www.rp.pl/artykul/600415_YouTube-pod-kontrola-KRRiT-.html]
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Początek kooca neutralności sieci? (Net neutrality – the beginning of the end?), Computerworld, 2010-12-07
Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Koniec z „kulturowymi murami berlioskimi” - Neelie Kroes zapowiada zmiany w prawie autorskim (The end of the „cultural
Berlin Walls” - Neelie Kroes announces changes in the intellectual property rights), Liberté!, November 2010 *http://www.liberte.pl/nowynumer/aktualne-komentarze/1512-koniec-z-kulturowymi-murami-berliskimi-neelie-kroes-zapowiada-zmiany-w-prawie-autorskim.html]
10. Anna Mazgal, Rozmowy ciągle kontrolowane. Kilka słów o retencji danych telekomunikacyjnych (Conversations still under control. A short note on
telecommunication data retention), Wiadomości24.pl, 2011-04-18 [http://www.wiadomosci24.pl/artykul/rozmowy_ciagle_kontrolowane_kilka_slo...]
11. Opinia dla PAP, Szymielewicz: Z retencji danych należy w ogóle zrezygnowad (Opinion for the Polish Press Agency, Szymielewicz: Data retention should
be left aside completely), Salon24, 2011-04-18 [http://www.salon24.pl/news/124321,szymielewicz-z-retencji-danych-w-ogole-nalezy-zrezygnowacopinia]
12. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Gorący spór o prywatnośd danych (Hot discussion on data privacy), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-04-22
13. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Józef Halbersztadt, Jakub Śpiewak, Cenzura a sprawa polska (Censorship and the Polish context), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-06-06
14. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Co mają wspólnego „prawa podstawowe” i internet? (What is common between basic rights and Internet), Dziennik
Internautów, 2011-07-17 [http://di.com.pl/news/39175,8,Co_maja_wspolnego_prawa_podstawowe_i_inter...]
15. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Józef Halbersztadt, Jakub Śpiewak, Blokowanie w internecie? To nie działa! (Blocking in the internet? It does not work!), Gazeta
Wyborcza, 2011-07-25 [http://wyborcza.pl/1,75515,9999871,Blokowanie_w_internecie__To_nie_dziala_.html]
16. Józef Halbersztadt, Jarosław Lipszyc, Żeby publiczne było publiczne (Let the public be public), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-08-19
17. Fundacja Panoptykon, Informacja publiczna w e-gospodarce - coś się zmieni, ale... (Public information in e-economy - something will change but...),
Dziennik Internautów, 2011-09-05 [http://di.com.pl/news/40126,0,Informacja_publiczna_w_e-gospodarce_-_cos_...]
18. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Do trzech razy sztuka (Third time lucky), Krytyka Polityczna, 2011-09-20
19. Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Józef Halbersztadt, Jarosław Lipszyc, Kto psuje prawo (Who mars the law), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-09-27 [
B. Important quotations in the media and selected interviews:
Ewa Siedlecka, Całe nasze życie na podglądzie (All our life spied), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2010-10-07
Ewa Siedlecka, Nasze bilingi i internet pod lupą służb (Our billings and internet under the secret services' surveillance), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2010-11-09
Anna Słojewska, Cenzura przeciw pornografii (Censorship against pornography), Rzeczpospolita, 2010-12-04,
UE będzie blokowad strony internetowe? (EU will be blocking websites?), Polskie Radio, 2011-12-04
Marcin Maj, Rząd zmienia zdanie – popiera blokowanie stron WWW (The government comes around and supports blocking of the websites), Dziennik
Internautów, 2010-12-04 [http://di.com.pl/news/34827,0,Rzad_zmienia_zdanie_-__popiera_blokowanie_stron_WWW.html]
Jakub Janiszewski, Rozmowa z Katarzyną Szymielewicz na temat polityki UE i retencji danych telekomunikacyjnych (Interview with Katarzyna
Szymielewicz about the EU Policy and telecommunication data retention), Radio TOK FM, 2011-12-04
Debata Gazety Prawnej nt. retencji (Debate regarding data retention), Gazeta Prawna, 2011-01-31
Rozmowy Rzeczpospolitej, Rydel – Szymielewicz: multimedia do kontroli? (Rydel-Szymielewicz: multimedia under control?), tv.rp.pl
[http://tv.rp.pl/video/Prawo,Rozmowy/Rydel-Szymielewicz-Multimedia-do-kontroli- ]
Jakub Janiszewski, Rozmowa z Katarzyną Szymielewicz na temat blokowania stron internetowych (Interview with Katarzyna Szymielewicz about Internet
bloking), Radio TOK FM, 2011-02-10 [http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/5/9082/m9082845.mp3]
10. Marcin Maj, Debata była o cenzurze internetu czy nie o cenzurze? (Did the debate concern the censorship or not?) Dziennik Internautów, 2011-02-11
11. Ewa Siedlecka, Blokowad czy usuwad z sieci? (To block or to delete from the Net?), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-02-12
12. wik, Walka z pedofilią (Combating paedophilia), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-02-11 [http://www.rp.pl/artykul/15,610622_Walka-z-pedofilia-.html]
13. Jacek Gądek, Częśd stron w internecie zostanie zablokowana? (Will some webpages be blocked?), Onet.pl, 2011-02-10 [http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylkow-onecie/czesc-stron-w-internecie-zostanie-zablokowana,1,4170858,wiadomosc.html]
14. Piotr Szulczewski, Serwisy pedofilskie – blokowad czy usuwad? Debata pod egidą RPO (Paedophile web-pages - to block or to remove? Debate under the
auspices of the Ombudsman), Wiadomości24.pl, 2011-02-11
15. Sławomir Wikariak, Zanim przedsiębiorca wrzuci film do sieci, zgłosi go do wykazu (Before the film is published on-line, the entrepreneur shall register it),
Rzeczpospolita, 2011-03-05 [http://www.rp.pl/artykul/621871.html]
16. Kim Bredesen, Grovt misbruk av datalagringsdirektivet, Le Monde Diplomatique Norway, March 2011 [http://www.lmd.no/pdf/1103/25.pdf
17. Osman Kibar, Hacktivistene, Dagens Næringsliv, 2011-02-06 [http://panoptykon.org/sites/default/files/Dagens%20N%C3%A6ringsliv.pdf]
18. Dziennik.pl, Apel do premiera: To bubel prawny! (Appeal to Prime Minister: It is a legal dud!), Dziennik, 2011-03-16
19. Interview with Katarzyna Szymielewicz about the novelisation of the media law, Radio TOK FM [http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/1/9277/m9277351.mp3]
20. wg, Organizacje pozarządowe: Premierze, trzymamy za słowo (NGOs: Prime minister! We keep You to your word!), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-03-17
21. Katarzyna Wężyk, Rząd nie daje za wygraną: znów chce ograniczad internet (The Government does not concede: it wants to restrict the Internet again),
TVN24.pl, 2011-03-14 [http://www.tvn24.pl/12690,1695808,0,1,rzad-nie-daje-za-wygrana-znow-chce-ograniczac-internet,wiadomosc.html]
22. Marcin Maj, Premierze: zróbmy prawdziwe konsultacje, o mediach i nie tylko (We call the Prime Minister for real consultation on the media and more),
Dziennik internautów, 2011-03-17 [http://di.com.pl/news/36663,0,Premierze_Zrobmy_prawdziwe_konsultacje_o_mediach_i_nie_tylko.html]
23. Jarosław Stróżyk, Wojciech Wybranowski, Ustawą w wolnośd sieci (Attacking Internet freedom with a bill), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-03-16
24. Marek Gajda, Blokowanie to cenzura? (Does websites blocking means censorship?), Blog Orange-TP, 2011-03-15
25. Interview with Katarzyna Szymielewicz on ISP liability, Radio TOK FM [http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/1/9277/m9277351.mp3]
26. Ewa Siedlecka, KE: za dużo podglądacie (European Commission: You spy to much), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-04-18
27. Marcin Maj, Retencja danych jest użyteczna, ale czy jest potrzebna (Data retention is useful but is it necessary?), Dziennik Internautów, 2011-04-18
28. Ewa Siedlecka, wywiad z Katarzyną Szymielewicz: Kto ograniczy zaglądanie w bilingi, ,Interview with Katarzyna Szymielewicz: Who will stop checking the
?), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-04-19 [http://wyborcza.pl/1,76842,9461380,Kto_ograniczy_zagladanie_w_billingi.html]
29. Wywiad z Katarzyną Szymielewicz, Służby mają nieograniczony dostęp do danych telekomunikacyjnych (Interview with Katarzyna Szymielewicz: Secret
services have unlimited access to our telecommunication data), Krytyka Polityczna, 2011-05-04
30. Marcin Maj, ACTA i retencja danych to „ostre" problemy dla rządu (Polish government sees ACTA and data retention as "serious” problems), Dziennik
Internautów, 2011-06-21 [http://di.com.pl/news/38692,0,ACTA_i_retencja_danych_to_ostre_problemy_d...]
31. Marcin Maj, Jutro kolejne spotkanie z Premierem dotyczące internetu (Another meeting with PM about internet holds tomorrow), Dziennik Internautów,
2011-05-17 [http://di.com.pl/news/37960,1,0,Jutro_kolejne_spotkanie_Premiera_dotycza...]
32. Będzie blokada internetu? Premier prosi o pomoc (Will the internet be blocked? Prime Minister asks for help), Money.pl, 2011-05-18
33. Tusk do internautów: pomóżcie blokowad szkodliwe treści w sieci (*Prime Minister+ Tusk to Internet users: help block harmful content on the Internet],
Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-05-18 [http://wyborcza.pl/1,75478,9623925,Tusk_do_internautow__pomozcie_blokowa...]
34. Tusk: „Coś, co powstaje za publiczne pieniądze, jest własnością publiczną” (*Prime Minister+ Tusk: “What is made for public money, belongs to the
public”+, Dziennik Internautów, 2011-05-20 [http://di.com.pl/news/38013,1,0,Tusk_Cos_co_powstaje_za_publiczne_pienia...]
35. Premier: nie jesteśmy jełopami ws. internetu (Prime Minister: We ain't Internet fools), TVN24.pl, 2011-04-07
36. Marcin Maj, Premier podejmie rozmowę o społeczeostwie informacyjnym? (Prime Minister will take on debate about the information society?), Dziennik
Internautów, 2011-04-07 [http://di.com.pl/news/37140,1,0,Premier_podejmie_rozmowe_o_spoleczenstwi...]
37. Ewa Siedlecka, KE: Za dużo podglądacie (European Commission: You watch us too much), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-04-18
38. Marcin Maj, UE: Retencja danych jest „użyteczna", ale czy jest potrzebna? (Data retention is “useful” but is it a must?), Dziennik Internautów, 2011-0418 [http://di.com.pl/news/37378,0,UE_Retencja_danych_jest_uzyteczna_ale_czy_...]
39. Sławomir Wikariak, Zgoda na cookies (Cookies accepted), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-05-04 [http://www.rp.pl/artykul/4,652505_Zgoda_na_cookies.html]
40. Sławomir Wikariak, Anonimowośd w sieci kontra dobra osobiste (Anonimity on the web versus personal rights), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-05-13
41. Premier prosi internautów o pomoc (Prime Minister seeks internet users help), PolskieRadio.pl, 2011-05-18 [
42. Sławomir Wikariak, Ukrywasz tożsamośd w sieci – licz się z blokadą (Hiding your identity online? Expect you will be blocked), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-05-25
43. Polskie Radio, Wolnośd słowa w Internecie (Freedom of speech in the Internet), 2011-05-30
44. Interview with Katarzyna Szymielewicz about the threats for Polish Internet, 2011-06-04 [http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/8/9745/m9745318.mp3]
45. Nowa aplikacja Facebooka narusza prawo? "To przymuszanie użytkownika" (New Facebook application violates law? “It is forcing the user”), TOK FM,
2011-06-09 [http://www.tokfm.pl/Tokfm/1,103454,9753823,Nowa_aplikacja_Facebooka_naru...]
46. Marcin Maj, ACTA i retencja danych to „ostre" problemy dla rządu (Polish government sees ACTA and data retention as "serious” problems), Dziennik
Internautów, 2011-06-21 [http://di.com.pl/news/38692,0,ACTA_i_retencja_danych_to_ostre_problemy_d...]
47. Marcin Maj, Blokowanie stron WWW: dyskusja trwa i jest „dobry kompromis" (Blocking websites: debate is on and there is a “good compromise”),
Dziennik Internautów, 2011-06-30 [http://di.com.pl/news/38843,0.html]
48. Polskie Radio: Internet to nie jest technologia, to sfera życia (Internet this is not just technology, it is a sphere of life), 2011-07-14
49. Marcin Maj, Retencja danych w UE - polski rząd nie chce większych zmian (Data retention in EU - Polish government doesn't want broader chan ges),
Dziennik Internautów, 2011-08-01 [http://di.com.pl/news/39450,0,Retencja_danych_w_UE_-_polski_rzad_nie_chc...]
50. Marcin Maj, Regulacja internetu - zobacz ekspresowy przegląd (Regulating internet - express review), Dziennik Internautów, 2011-09-14
51. Sławomir Wikariak, Czy będzie ograniczenie w dostępie do informacji (Will access to public information be limited?), Rzeczpospolita, 2011-09-16 [
52. Marcin Maj, Dostęp do informacji publicznej - a miało byd pięknie... (Access to public information - the beautiful story ends differently...), Dziennik
Internautów, 2011-08-17 [http://di.com.pl/news/39772,0,Dostep_do_informacji_publicznej_-_a_mialo_...]
53. Ewa Siedlecka, Platforma i PSL ograniczają dostęp do informacji (*Ruling parties+ PO and PSL limit access to information), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-09-19
54. Mateusz Brzezioski, Prezydent zawetuje senacką blokadę informacji publicznej? (President will oppose the public information block accepted by Senate),
Wiadomości24.pl, 2011-09-19 [http://www.wiadomosci24.pl/artykul/prezydent_zawetuje_poprawke_do_ustawy...]
55. Marek Jaślan, Służby nadużywają prawa do danych od operatorów (Agencies abuse the right to data from telecom operators), rpkom.pl
[Rzeczpospolita], 2011-09-20 [http://www.rp.pl/artykul/720026.html]
56. Monika Tomkiewicz, Zakooczyła się konferencja „Internet na rozdrożu" (The conference "Internet on crossroads" closed), ComputerWorld, 2011-09-20
57. Edwin Bendyk, Internet na rozdrożu (Internet at the crossroads), Antymatrix - blog Edwina Bendyka, 2011-09-20
58. Agata Łukaszewicz, Przepisy niewystarczająco chronią użytkowników sieci (Regulations don't provide enough protection to internet users),
Rzeczpospolita, 2011=09-01 [http://www.rp.pl/artykul/4,720226-Przepisy-niewystarczajaco-chronia-uzyt...]
59. Marcin Maj, Boni chce „kontynuacji dialogu" o dostępie do informacji publicznej (Boni asks to “continue dialogue” about access to public information),
Dziennik Internautów, 2011-09-21 [http://di.com.pl/news/40470,0.html]
60. Adam Karpioski, Michał Boni: "Ograniczenia swobody w sieci są konieczne" (Michał Boni: Limiting freedom on the Internet is necessary),
Wiadomości24.pl, 2011-09-22 [http://www.wiadomosci24.pl/artykul/michal_boni_ograniczenia_swobody_w_si...]
61. Ewa Siedlecka, Płyną apele o niepodpisywanie kontrowersyjnej ustawy o dostępie do informacji publicznej (Increasing appeals not to sign the
controversial bill on access to public information), Gazeta Wyborcza, 2011-09-23
62. Cezary Gmyz, Co o tobie wiedzą (What do they know about you?), Uważam Rze, 2011-09-26
63. Marcin Maj, Dostęp do informacji publicznej: Prezydent musiał podpisad ustawę? [Access to public information: President had to sign the bill?], Dziennik
Internautów, 2011-09-26 [http://di.com.pl/news/40542,0,Dostep_do_informacji_publicznej_Prezydent_..]
C. Policy papers and “ad hoc” analyses (attached):
Andrzej Adamski, Retention of telecommunication data in Poland: does the legal regulation pass the proportionality test?
Dariusz Adamski, The use of telecommunication data by the secret services in the context of existing legal regulations
Urszula Darkowska, Intellectual property protection under Polish law
Michał Małyszko, How Internet functions and what it means for its regulation?
Tomasz Rychlicki, The impact of intellectual property rights enforcement on fundamental freedoms in digital environment
Krzysztof Siewicz, Reinventing the principles of the re-use of state-generated information
Grzegorz Pacek, The challenge of shaping content liability in the Internet
Wojciech Czarnecki, How to delete child pornography from the Internet
D. Official statements and opinions:
Statement on the European Commission’s consultation of E-commerce Directive (2010-11-05) [http://panoptykon.org/content/fundacja-panoptykonprzedstawi-uwagi-w-procesie-konsultacji-dyrektywy-o-e-commerce-nie-chcem]
Statement on the Data Retention Directive provided to the Members of European Parliament (2010-11-09)
Appeal to the Polish Prime Minister on blocking websites (2011-11-30) [http://panoptykon.org/content/piszemy-do-premiera-nie-dla-blokowaniainternetu]
Appeal to the Members of European Parliament on ACTA (2010-11-23) [http://panoptykon.org/content/apelujemy-do-eurodeputowanych-o-poparciewa-nej-rezolucji-w-sprawie-acta]
Joint statement on net-neutrality provided to the European Commission (together with: La Quadrature du Net, European Digital Rights, Bits of Freedom
and New America Foundation's Open Technology Initiative, 2010-12-08) [http://panoptykon.org/content/pot-piamy-komisj-europejsk-za-krtkowzroczn-polityk-w-zakresie-neutralno-ci-sieci]
Statement on the ISP responsibility provided to the Polish government (2010-12-08) [http://panoptykon.org/content/nie-chcemy-dostawc-w-us-uginternetowych-w-roli-cenzor-w-fundacja-panoptykon-pisze-do-minist]
Joint statement on general data protection rules in EU provided to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (together with Helsinki Human Rights Foundation)
(2010-12-08) [http://panoptykon.org/content/panoptykon-i-fundacja-helsi-ska-wyst-puj-w-sprawie-reformy-zasad-ochrony-prywatno-ci-w-ue]
Statement on general approach towards data protection in EU provided to the European Commission (2011-01-15)
Statement on the approach of the Polish government regarding use of websites blocking in the fight against pedophilia provided to the Ministry of
Justice (2011-03-02) [http://panoptykon.org/content/panoptykon-i-kidprotectpl-dyskutuj-o-blokowaniu-sieci-z-ministerstwem-sprawiedliwo-ci]
10. Briefing on the Internet blocking prepared for Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) (2011-03-18)
11. Reply for the Ombudsman on blocking the websites (2011-03-21) [http://panoptykon.org/wiadomosc/odpowiadamy-rpo-w-sprawie-blokowania-stronwww]
12. Statement on revision of IPRED Directive provided to the European Commission (2011-04-02) [http://panoptykon.org/wiadomosc/krytyczny-glospanoptykonu-i-innych-organizacji-w-sprawie-przyszlosci-prawa-autorskiego-w-]
13. Open Letter to the Prime Minister regarding key challenges in the area of Internet regulation and fundamental rights (2011-04-07)
14. Comments to the draft ITRE opinion on a comprehensive approach on personal data protection (2011-04-29) [attached]
15. Comments to the draft legal framework concerning the re use of public information (2011-05-02)
16. Comments to the draft legal framework concerning the principles of content liability and the role of Internet intermediaries (2011-05-02)
17. Open Letter to MEPs concerning ACTA agreement and the need to request a legal opinion from the European Court of Justice (2011-05-06)
18. Joint opinion on the implementation of the Audiovisual Directive prepared by the Panoptykon Foundation, Internet Society and Modern Poland
Foundation (2011-06-20) [attached]
19. Joint comments to the draft law on the re use of public information prepared by the Panoptykon Foundation, Internet Society, Open and Free Source
Foundation and Modern Poland Foundation (2011-06-22) [http://www.panoptykon.org/wiadomosc/zglaszamy-uwagi-do-ustawy-o-dostepie-doinformacji-publicznej]
20. Joint comments to the proposed strategy on the enforcement of intellectual property in the digital environment, issued by the European Commission
and endorsed by the Ministry of Culture, prepared by the Panoptykon Foundation and Internet Society (2011-07-01)
21. Comments to the draft novelisation of the Telecommunication Law concerning the implementation of the „Cookie” Directive and changes in the data
retention regime (2011-08-02) [http://www.panoptykon.org/sites/razem.obin.org/files/panoptykon_mi_konsu...]
22. Open Letter to the Members of the Parliamentary Commission working on the draft law on the re use of public information (2011-08-16)
23. Open Letter to the Members of Parliament demanding the rejection of an harmful amendment to the draft law on the re use of public information
introduced in the Senate (Higher Chamber of the Parliament) (2011-09-15) [http://www.panoptykon.org/sites/default/files/apel_uidp.pdf]
24. Open Letter to the President of Poland concerning the law on the re use of public information (2011-09-21)
25. Open Letter to the European Commission concerning the impact assessment of the Data Retention Directive (its expected revision proposal) –
collective work (2011-09-26) [http://www.panoptykon.org/sites/default/files/dr_final.pdf]
E. Meetings with decision makers:
Person / Institution
Topic / highlights / key implications
Prof. Irena Lipowicz, the
(private meeting)
Polish data retention law and expected revision of the Directive.
Official report or opinions issued for the
purpose of the meeting
This meeting triggered out the Ombudsman’s interest in blanket data
retention. There is a chance it contributed to further steps taken by
the Ombudsman, such as: organising a public debate on data
retention, involving the Minister responsible for supervising secret
services and us; calling on the government to change the data
retention law.
Revision of Data Retention Directive.
Jan Ostoja Ostaszewski,
Commissioner Redding’s
(private meeting)
European Commission
representatives (DG
(private meeting)
Experts from the
Ministry of Internal
We managed to establish a good relationship with a key person in
the Commissioner Redding’s Cabinet. This meeting facilitated our
further communication.
Revision of Data Retention Directive.
This meeting gave us the opportunity to both meet key experts
working on the revision process and present them with our research
results and legal opinions (see policy papers). It made our further
distant communication much easier.
The shape of the new law on the provision of electronic services (in
particular: ISP liability, notice and take down).
(private meeting)
This meeting was important for building our relationship and gaining
mutual trust. We were consulted on the shape of this law many
times during the upcoming months.
Minister Piotr
Kołodziejczyk, Secretary
of the State, the
The principles of ISP liability and the notice and take down
procedure in the context of drafting new law on electronic services;
other pending topics related to Internet regulation.
Ministry of Internal
(private meeting)
Pedro Velasco Martins,
DG Trade, European
(consultative meeting)
Minister Jacek Cichocki,
the Minister responsible
for supervising secret
(private meeting)
Tomasz Darkowski, Vice
director, the Ministry of
(private meeting)
Public meeting with the
Prime Minister Donald
Tusk, followed by the
private meeting with
relevant Ministers and
responsible for relevant
This meeting made us acquainted with a key person in the
government responsible for new Internet-related regulatory
initiatives, facilitating our further communication.
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
The meeting was an official opportunity for civil society to voice our
concerns about ACTA and its consistency with acquis communitaire.
Polish data retention law and the key problems and challenges
related to the operations of secret services and the use of
telecommunication data.
This meeting was essential for getting to know the approach and
opinions of the key person responsible for the shape of Polish data
retention law. We will have many encounters in the upcoming
Draft Child Exploitation Directive and the position of the Polish
government on mandatory blocking of the websites.
This meeting was essential for us to get acquainted with insider’s
perspective regarding the inter-institutional negotiations on the draft
Child Exploitation Directive in the EU.
Identification of key challenges in the realm of Internet regulation
and key dossiers that require close cooperation between social and
governmental experts (Data retention, Internet blocking, re-use of
public information, ISP liability, Internet media regulation and
This meeting was a real breakthrough in our relationship with the
government. We were involved in planning, drafting the agenda and
choosing government officials, who should attend. It was the time
(consultative meeting)
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors
(consultative meeting)
MEP Lena KolarskaBobioska
(private meeting )
when the Prime Minister committed himself to set up a permanent
working group, involving representatives of different sectors, in
order to face challenges related to Internet regulation on a regular
Setting priorities for our consultation process and discussing its
We agreed on the following priorities: new law on on-line
audiovisual services, new law on content liability and the role of
Internet intermediaries, data retention and Internet blocking. We
also agreed that it is essential to create a permanent forum for
further consultation process regarding Internet regulation.
Net neutrality and other topics related to Internet regulation dealt
with by the ITRE Commission in the European Parliament.
This meeting made us acquainted with a key Polish MEP from the
EPP party, facilitating our further, distant communication.
Minister Magdalena Gaj, Implementation of the „Cookie” Directive.
Secretary in the Ministry
of Infrastructure
The meeting gave us the opportunity to debate this topic with
(consultative meeting)
industry experts, present a civil society perspective and prepare for
further confrontations with OBA industry.
The National Board for
Implementation of the Audiovisual Directive and drafting new media
Radio and Broadcasting law, regulating Internet-based audiovisual services.
(consultative meeting )
This meeting resulted from a dynamic campaign against a new media
law, which we fuelled together with Internet industry and other
NGOs. It was the beginning of the negotiation process between
progressive, pro-Internet experts and old, established media
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors
(consultative meeting)
Implementation of the Re use Directive and drafting new law on the
re-use of public information.
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors,
followed by the meeting
with experts from the
Ministry of Internal
Polish government’s position on Internet blocking.
Drafting new law on content liability and the role of Internet
The meeting was significant breakthrough in our consultation
process: the majority of our amendments to the draft law on content
liability were accepted (incl. the shape of notice and take down
Further discussion on re-use of public information and content
This chain of working meetings over one day contributed to mutual
trust between governmental and non-governmental experts. We
moved much forward in detailed discussion on the draft laws.
(consultative meeting)
Public meeting with the
Prime Minister Donald
Summary of the consultation process so far and setting further
The meeting was a significant breakthrough regarding the re-use of
public information: Prime Minister announced that everything,
which has been created for public money should be “owned by the
He also confirmed that there is no official position regarding Internet
blocking in the context of the Child Exploitation Directive and will
not be until we agree on something within the country.
Finally, a permanent forum for further discussions on Internet
regulation was created (a subgroup in the interdepartmental working
Our opinions on draft laws:
group “Digital Poland”).
Magdalena Gaj,
Secretary of State, the
Ministry of
Infrastructure (meeting
of the
working group „Digital
The shape of our further consultation process regarding Internet
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors, and
Jacek Cichocki, Minister
responsible for
supervising secret
Blanket data retention.
(consultative meeting)
Minister Igor Dzialuk,
Deputy Minister of
Justice and Police
Cecilia Verkleij and
Christian d’Cunha from
the European
Minister responsible for supervising secret services presented us
with his evaluation of the situation in Poland and his vision of
necessary reform, stressing the need to control secret services more
He also promised to prove necessity of data retention in his report to
be published shortly.
The position of Polish government on mandatory Internet blocking
and draft Child Exploitation Directive.
We had an open debate with the Police regarding lack of evidence
supporting the need to introduce Internet blocking. The Police
admitted there is no data available on
how many notice and take down requests directed abroad are(not)
effective. As a result, Deputy Minister of Justice made the Police
commit to gathering data requested by us.
Revision of the Data Retention Directive.
This meeting offered us an opportunity to confront experts working
Commission (DG Home)
( a workshop for NGOs
on the revision of Data
Retention Directive)
on the revision of the Directive and present them with strong
arguments undermining the whole revision process so far. We
received a promise that DG Home will take these arguments into
account while working on the impact assessments for the new
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors
(consultative meeting)
Summary of the consultation process and setting further priorities.
Minister Magdalena Gaj,
Secretary in the Ministry
of Infrastructure
(meeting of the
working group „Digital
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors, and
Jakub Boratyoski from
the Eureopan
Blanket data retention and net neutrality.
At this meeting we reached the agreement reached on re-use of
public information and content liability. We also agreed that our
priorities and “hot issues” to be debated in the upcoming weeks
should be: data retention, Internet blocking and ACTA.
At that meeting we confronted Internet industry representatives on
net neutrality, which gave us deeper understanding of the crux of the
debate and pushed to do more research. On the other hand, we
received significant support from the industry in the fight with
blanket data retention.
The position of Polish government on mandatory Internet blocking
and draft Child Exploitation Directive.
c/europejska-debata-o-blokowaniuwchodzi-w-decydujaca-faze-w-polsceJakub Boratyoski gave detailed presentation on “why we need
mandatory blocking” , which gave us the opportunity to debate
many points and statements promoted by DG Home in front of
influential Minister Michał Boni.
(consultative meeting)
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors, and
Jacek Cichocki, Minister
Blanket data retention.
Minister responsible presented his us with his official report
evaluating the situation in Poland and containing his vision of the
responsible for
supervising secret
(consultative meeting)
Public meeting with the
Prime Minister
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors, and
the experts from the
Ministry of Culture and
the National Board for
Radio and Broadcasting
(consultative meeting)
necessary reform, stressing the need to control secret services more
We had the opportunity to criticise the shortcomings of this paper, in
particular the lack of sufficient data to prove the necessity of blanket
data retention.
Summary of the consultation process; key “hot” dossiers (Internet
blocking, blanket data retention and ACTA) and the way forward.
At that meeting the Prime Minister made a few important political
declarations, which we communicated to the media in order to
create a benchmark for our advocacy in the future:
- explicitly announced that “we have made him change the
initial point of view and adopt our perspective in looking at
the challenge of Internet regulation”. He made a promise
that from now onwards human rights perspective will be
applied to Internet regulation;
- promised that every potential limitation of fundamental
freedoms will have to undergo a proper proportionality and
necessity test before it is accepted by the government;
- promised that the government will present clear and
verifiable arguments to support its policies, in particular
whenever fundamental rights are to be limited.
Implementation of the Audiovisual Directive.
At this meeting we discussed the working draft of the new legal
regulation implementing the Audiovisual Directive. Civil society
experts confronted the experts from the Ministry of Culture and the
National Board for Radio and Broadcasting
Showing the dangers of too broad and repressive regulation.
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors, and
the experts from the
Ministry of Culture
(consultative meeting)
Implementation of the Audiovisual Directive.
Public meeting with the
Minister Michał Boni,
Chief of Prime
Minister’s Advisors,
Data Protection
Commissioner, the Head
of the Office for
Communication and
other experts from the
government at the
conference hosted by
the Panoptykon
Foundation and Internet
Summary of the series of working meetings involving with the
government, industry and civil society representatives; presentation
of our recommendations and the final report; discussion about the
“way forward”.
We continued the debate. The experts from the Ministry of Culture
gave a detailed presentation explaining the assumptions behind the
proposed legal regulations, in many aspects responding to our
At this meeting Minister Michał Boni officially confirmed that the
government would like to continue our dialogue and asked us to
respond to this invitation.
Detailed description of this event can be found in the report, Section
2.5 D)
Videos, including the summarising
speech given by the Minister Michał
F. Public events in Poland:
1. “Secure 2010” Conference – a panel about security in Web 2.0 (Warsaw, 2010-10-24 - 2010-1025) [http://blog.e-prawnik.pl/788.html]
2. Transparency Camp Warsaw – a presentation about the control of information flow on-line
(Warsaw, 2010-11-18) [http://www.panoptykon.org/content/panoptykon-na-transparency-campchcemy-otwartego-internetu]
3. Debate about data retention hosted by the Ombudsman (Warsaw, 2010-1202)[http://www.panoptykon.org/content/retencja-danych-bilingi-i-panoptykon-u-rzecznika-prawobywatelskich-relacja-z-debaty-i-zapis]
4. Expert debate held by “Gazeta Prawna” on data retention (Warsaw, 2010-01-25)
5. Data Protection Day – Polish Edition: a debate on data retention (Warsaw, 2011-01-31)
6. „Websites blocking, a year after: the begging of censorship or a response to the real threats?” – a
debate organised by Panoptykon Foundation under the auspices of the Ombudsman (Warsaw,
2011-02-10) [http://www.panoptykon.org/content/debata-blokowanie-stron-internetowych-rokpo-pocz-tek-cenzury-czy-odpowied-na-realne-zagro-e]
7. Public debate with the Prime Minister about Internet regulation in Poland (Warsaw, 2011-04-07)
8. Debate about Internet regulation organised by Polish Information Society, hosted by the
President of Poland (2011-05-18) [http://www.pti.org.pl/index.php/corporate/Aktualnosci/SDSI2011-Debata-u..., http://www.panoptykon.org/wiadomosc/debata-u-prezydenta-spoleczenstwoin...]
9. Conference about blanket data retention organised by the Supreme Solicitors’ Council – a
presentation on international activism (2011-05-21)
10.Conference on NGOs and technology “Sector 3.0” – a session “What do Internet users argue
about with the Prime Minister?” [http://www.sektor3-0.pl/web/opis_sesji?page=2]
11.Conference „Do not let them catch you in the Net” – a panel of the liability of Internet
intermediaries (2011-05-16 – 2011-05-18) [http://panoptykon.org/wiadomosc/konferencja-niedaj-sie-zlapac-w-siec-lu...]
G. Public events abroad:
1. Free Culture Forum (Barcelona, 2010-10-28 – 2010-10-31) [http://2010.fcforum.net/]
2. Chaos Communication Congress – a panel on data retention (Berlin, 27-12-2010 – 2010-12-30)
3. Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (Brussels, 2011-01-25 - 2011-01-27)
4. Data Protection Day (Brussels, 2011-01-28) [http://europa.eu/eucalendar/event/id/173064data-protection-day/mode/standalone]
5. INET Conference: Securing the Future Growth of the Internet: Stability, Openness and Trust –
organised by Internet Society (Frankfurt, 2011-02-25)
6. Re:publica Conference – a workshop on data retention (Berlin, 2011-04-13 – 2011-04-15)
7. EuroDIG Conference – a panel on recommended privacy standards (Belgrade, 2011-05-30 –
2011-05-31) [http://www.eurodig.org/eurodig-2011/programme/workshops/ws1-dataprotection; http://www.panoptykon.org/wiadomosc/dwa-dni-debat-o-regulacji-internetueurodig-2011]
8. Computers, Freedom and Privacy – a panel on international aspects of data retention
(Washington D.C., 2011-06-14 – 2011-06-16)
9. Chaos Communication Camp – a workshop “What is brewing in Brussels” (Berlin, 2011-08-10 –
2011-08-14) [http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/Fahrplan/events/4588.en.html]
10. Green Summer University – a workshop about electronic surveillance and Internet freedom
(Frankfurt/Oder, 2011-09-08 – 2011-09-10) [http://www.green-summeruniversity.eu/index.php?id=37]
11. Internet Governance Forum – 3 workshops and the Main Session on Privacy, Security and
Openness (Nairobi, 2011-09-27 – 2011-09-30)

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