Zagadnienia i lektury


Zagadnienia i lektury
Test pisemny
Test pisemny jest zbliżony do poziomu advanced, na I etapie konkursu oraz poziomu proficiency na etapie II.
Typy zadań:
Rozumienie ze słuchu (listening comprehension)
Rozumienie tekstu czytanego (reading comprehension)
Słownictwo i gramatyka:
Słowotwórstwo, test wyboru, transformacje, test luk (word formation, multiple choice, transformations, gap fillingetc.)
Słownictwo techniczne (technical and scientific vocabulary)
Wiadomości o krajach angielskiego obszaru językowego (Culture)
Przykładowy test dla etapu II w dodatku do Głosu Politechniki maj 2011:
Oto propozycje lektur, z których można korzystać przygotowując się do testu z komponentu kulturowego
obecnego w części pisemnej 1 i 2 etapu Olimpiady:
Crowther, Jonathan (ed.) Oxford Guide to British and American Culture for Learners of English. Oxford University
Press, 2000.
Falk, Randee. Spotlight on the USA. Oxford University Press, 1993.
Live, Anna Harris. Yesterday and Today in the USA. Intermediate ESL Reader. Prentice Hall, 1998.
Dowall, David. An Illustrated History of Britain. Longman, 1989.
Sheerin, S. Seath, J. White, G. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford University Press, 1989.
Crowther Jonathan, Kavanagh Kathryn. Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford University Press 2001
Lavery Clare. Focus on Britain Today. MacMillan Publishers 1994
America A to Z People,Places, Customs and Culture Reader's Digest Association, INC. 1997
Zagadnienia do egzaminu ustnego drugiego etapu olimpiady:
Language learning (methods, problems, ideas).
Body language, nonverbal communication.
Jos (finding a new job, business letters, interviews, CVs, working in multinational companies).
Science, technology and communication (inventions, computers, influence on our lives, changes in the society
affected by technologies, space exploration, new ways of exchanging thoughts etc.)
Health (how to stay fit and healthy, miracle diets, etc.)
Sports, tourism and leisure activities.
Religion and superstitions (aliens, cults, Near Death Experiences etc.)
Cultures and cultural variety (e.g. differences in basic customs, meanings of colors, cuisine)
Values (the [relative] importance of, attitudes towards the world and other people, everyday psychology).
Cities and countryside.
Family matters, relationships.
Plagues of the modern world (hunger, AIDS, new illiteracy).
Politics and democracy (e.g. the very basics of the political systems of the world, political geography etc.).
Culture, geography, history and everyday life in English speaking countries.