The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2008


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2008
Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor
Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Associate Pastor
Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor
Mrs. Linda Noonan, School Principal
Paul (Pawel) Tawech, Music Director
Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary
(Confession) 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, Saturday or by appointment.
Weekday Confession held at 7:00 to 7:15 AM.
At the rectory during office hours.
Regular Office hours 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM daily.
Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 - 9:00 - 12:15 PM
Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM
7:00 PM Vigil Mass, 6:30—8:00—11:00 AM (English)
9:00 AM—7:00 PM (Polish)
Arrangement must be made with one of the priests at least six months before the date of the wedding. Confirm desired date at the church
before making other arrangements. At least one of the engaged persons (or their parents) must be a registered and active parishioner of St.
Priscilla. Weddings are not scheduled on Sunday.
English Baptisms will be held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Polish Baptisms will be held on the first and third
Sundays. Attendance at Baptismal Preparation class is mandatory. Register by calling Rectory.
Rectory 6949 W. Addison, Chicago, IL 60634 773-545-8840
Fax: 773-545-8919
Religious Education Office 773-685-3785
School 7001 W. Addison, Chicago, IL 60634 773-685-3581
Web Site
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
December 28, 2008
My eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples.
— Luke 2:30-31
Page Two
December 28, 2008
Feast of the Holy Family
Family life is the central and most
important group in any society. Parents
everywhere dream of a better life for their
children, working hard to raise them well. All
parents remind their kids to do homework,
clean their rooms, and brush their teeth. Most
importantly, parents are the first teachers,
teaching children their own faith, values, morals
and ideals. No one plays a more significant role
in our lives—for good or for bad—than our
The Holy Family models the love and
commitment that is at the heart of family life.
The respect, unity, courage and concern that
Joseph, Mary and Jesus had with and for each
other helped them overcome difficulties to
fulfill God’s Plan for them. Those same qualities
in our own families will do the same for us.
Prayer to the Holy Family
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, like you we are
members of the Father’s family. We pray that
our family love may reflect His love in its
openness to all people. May we forgive even
when not forgiven, and be patient with others’
Jesus, give us peace, unity, and strength to meet
the difficulties of daily living. May we use our
family resources to improve the quality of life
for ourselves and all people. Let us show joy in
serving, for whatever we do for others, we do
for you.
Mary inspires us that our love may be strong
but not possessive. Let our willingness to give
depend on the needs of others rather than on
the cost of living.
Joseph, help us to be attentive to the Father’s
will. Let us be ready, as you were, to go
whenever he calls us.
New Year Blessing
Father of Light, may He grant you His
grace and every blessing, and keep you
safe throughout the coming year. May He
grant you unwavering faith, constant love,
and love that endures to the end. May He
order your days and work in His peace,
hear your every prayer, and lead you to
everlasting life and joy. May Almighty God
bless you, the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit.
Ka¿dy dobry dar pochodzi od Ojca
ĝwiat³oĞci. Niech On udziela Swojej ³aski i
wszelkiego b³ogos³awieñstwa, niech
zachowa Was a dobrym poprzez ca³y
nadchodz¹cy rok. Niech On Wam udziela
niezachwianej wiary, wytrwa³ej nadziei i
mi³oĞci, która trwa do koñca. Niech On
kieruje ka¿dym waszym dniem i prac¹ w
pokoju, wys³ucha ka¿dej waszej modlitwie i
prowadzi Was do wiekuistego ¿ycia i
radoĞci. Niech Was b³ogos³awi
Wszechmog¹cy Bóg Ojciec, Syn Bo¿y i
Duch ĝwiêty.
Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor
Rev. Joseph Vadakumcherry, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
7:30 — +Cyril Schaefer (Wife)
+In loving memory of Elenora Mroczek (Family)
For the Peszek Family (Dolores & Edwin Peszek)
For Raymond Miller (Dolores & Edwin Peszek)
9:00 — +Salvatore DeSimone (Family)
+George F. Kaplan (Janet Kaplan)
+For the soul of Helen Jean Labus and blessings for
her family for their generosity (Ela)
10:30— +Krystyna Marcinkiewicz
O szczĊĞliwe rozwiązanie i BoĪe bá. dla Magdaleny i
Pawáa Franczyk
+O radoĞü wieczną dla Victora BurzyĔskiego (Rodzice)
+O spokój duszy dla Daniela Narel i caáej rodz.
Narelów i Halickich
12:15— +Deceased Members of the Borkowski Family
+Joseph Nerone (Gloria Nerone)
6:00 — +Mieczysáaw Skutnik (Córka z rodziną)
MONDAY (29) Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas
6:30 — +Helena Olszewska
8:00 — +Pauline Gerber-Mother (Daughter)
TUESDAY (30) Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas
6:30 — +Helena Olszewska
8:00 — +Louis Costabile (Family)
WEDNESDAY (31) Seventh Day in the Octave of
Christmas / Vigil: BVM, the Mother of God
6:30 — +Krystine L. Cabalfin
8:00 — +Casimiro M. Lorenzana, Jr.
4:00 PM — Mass & Special Devotion
7:30 — St. Priscilla Parishioners
9:00 — +Salvatore J. Serio (Wife Connie & Family)
+Michael R. Viola (Knuerr Family)
10:30— +Krystyna Marcinkiewicz (Mama z rodziną)
+O szczĊĞcie wieczne dla Victora BurzyĔskiego
+O wieczną ĞwiatáoĞü dla Mieczysáawa i Danuty
O BoĪe bá. i wiele áask z racji urodzin dla Marii
Czochara (Polska Grupa)
O BoĪe bá. i potrzebne áaski dla Michasi, Marysi i
Magdusi Adamowski oraz Patrysi i Victorii
12:15— +Fe L. Molatalab
+Praxedes Rodriguez Death Anniversary
(Mr. & Mrs. Melecio Rodriguez)
+Wáadysáaw WitoĔski 2nd Death Anniv. (Fita Family)
6:00 — Za Parafian Ğw. Pryscylli
FIRST FRIDAY (2) Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen,
bishops, doctors
6:30 — Ackermann Family (Marge)
8:00 — For All Poor Souls in Purgatory (Barcebal Family)
Page Three
FIRST SATURDAY (3) Christmas Weekday /
The Most Holy Name of Jesus
8:00 — +Jan Karbarz; Kazimiera, Mieczysáaw Koziar
4:00 — +Josephine Niziolek 10th Death Anniversary
(Husband & Family)
7:30 — +Louis Drazin (Family)
+Antoinette Wojewoda (Family)
9:00 — +Edwin Gale (Evelyn & Family)
+Josephine Barbien (Friend)
10:30— O BoĪe bá. i wiele áask z racji urodzin dla Teresy
Jurkowskiej (Polska Grupa)
+Krystyna Marcinkiewicz (Mama z rodziną)
+O Ğwiatáo w wiecznoĞci dla Victora BurzyĔskiego
12:15— +Józef Górny 30-ta rocz. Ğmierci (Family)
+Rose O’Malley (H.P. Kaeptlinger)
6:00 — Msza Ğw. w jĊz. polskim—Mass in Polish
Julia Pachuta
Zofia Máynaska
Dan Bartolon
The following graduates from
St. Priscilla School have been
named 2009 Illinois State Scholars:
Christopher Mayor, Stephan
Mizera, Elizabeth Schorsch,
and Samantha Vanis.
Congratulations on the accomplishments
of these students!
December 14, 2008
$ 4,673.00
$ 5,747.33
Loose Coin
$ 15.05
Weekly Goal
$ 10,000.00
Budget Year to Date
Collections Year to Date
Under Budget
Thank you for your generosity and support of our Parish.
Page Four
December 28, 2008
May your Christmas sparkle with moments
of love, laughter and goodwill!
May the year ahead be full of contentment
and joy!
On behalf of the teachers and myself,
I would like to extend to each of our
Religious Education families the warmest
of Christmas greetings and wish each of you
the fullest of Christ’s grace and
love in the New Year!
Wednesday, December 31st - New Year’s Eve
4:00 PM Bilingual Mass and Special Devotion
Thursday, January 1st, 2009 - New Year’s Day
English Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:15 PM
Polish Mass: 10:30 AM, 6:00 PM
There will be no Religious Education classes
on December 27 and January 3. Classes will resume
on January 10 promptly at 9:00 AM.
Merry Christmas!
Judy Banasiak, CRE
January 3rd & January 4th
4:00 PM
As scheduled
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
As scheduled As scheduled
10:30 AM
12:15 PM
6:00 PM
As scheduled
As scheduled
As scheduled
Justyna Sadowski
Jim Miketta
Krystyna Cioch
Piotr Grocholski
Marcin Stepek
As scheduled
As scheduled As scheduled
Czesáaw Mazur
Stanisáaw Sáonina
Krystyna Cioch
Ryszard Janusiak
As scheduled
As scheduled
As scheduled
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
31-go grudnia 2008 r.
o godz. 8-mej wieczorem
Do tañca przygrywa³a bêdzie orkiestra
Indywidualny bilet: $70
Pe³ny obiad, szampan i butelka alkoholu na stole.
Dodatkowy p³atny bar. Po pó³nocy tak¿e ciep³y
barszcz i krokiety. Bilety do wykupienia na
plebanii. IloϾ miejsc ograniczonych!
December 31, 2008
8:00 PM
Music provided by WHITE-RED BAND.
Individual ticket price: $70
Dinner provided, with warm snack after
midnight. Champagne and alcohol on each
table. Open cash bar. Tickets available at
rectory. Limited quantity!
Page Five
Christine Achtel - George Adamick - John Alongi Joseph Bargi - Rita Bobowski - Mary Ann Bonk - Joseph Bottino - Vivian Bottino - Meg Butler - Robert
Calkins - Dorothy Castronovo - Maria Ceglarek - Maria
Clancy - Jane Conley - Nancy & Richard Crabtree - Albert Dale - Tarcisio DeBiase - Leo Divito - Edward
Drzymala - Gene Fuentes - Angiolina Gervasio - Mary
Gudel - Jennifer Hebda - Sean Henaghan - Mariana Hernandez - Mildred Ingallinera - Krzysztof Kadzielawa Janet Kaplan - Chester Kmiec - LaVerne Kmiec - Eleanor Kowalski - Allyson Krajewski - Walter Krawczyk Giuseppe Lamanna - Cecilia LaPorta - Angela Lazio Mary Lynch - Carlos Mariduena - Felicita Martinez Donald Mohr - Donna Mohr - Frances Montana Mikey Muka - Frank Nasca - Natividad Nicasio Dolores Nielsen - Stefan Nowik - Wilma Oaks - Catherine O’Brien - Colleen O’Donnell Craig - Leonard Olbrisch - Lorie Pacer - Phyllis & William Peterson Dolores & Richard Piela - Carmella Pizzo - Russ Plambeck - Bernice Plicner - Donna Pomierski - Debbie
Pope - Daniel Pope - Florence Pope - Shirley Potempa Antonio Puccio - Rachael Reece - Stanley Renda Stephanie Rhodes - Rosemary Rios - Angelo Rocco Augusto Sandoval - Gloria Scoville - Phyllis Scully Josephine & Antonio Sevenhouse - Amy Sherod Stephen Sierzega - Patricia Slowik - Mary Smolenski Louise Sowa - Mary Spiewak - Adeline Spitzzeri Frank Stelka - Odette Stinar - Victor Szatkowski Marilyn Tamburrino - Helen Tyc - Patricia Tytro - Edward Watrach - McKenna Weber - Robert Welch - Katie Young
If you know of any parish member, family
member or friends who are homebound and in
need of our prayer, we would like to add their
names to our Pray for… list.
If you would like to be taken off of our Pray
for… list because you are no longer sick, please
contact the rectory at 773 545-8840.
Page Six
December 28, 2008
I want to express my thanks to all who contribute to our Capital Improvements Collection for their generous and consistent
donations. We are asked to contribute to so many worthy projects, but these funds are earmarked solely for our own parish. We
budget for regular maintenance, but these funds are used for renovations and improvements. We have been given the gift of
beautiful parish property and buildings and it is our responsibility to restore and improve them for generations to come!
$200— Daniel G. Manczak & Family
$125— Casey Czochara
$100— Anonymous, Marion Ward
$75— R. Zyszczynski
$50— Wladyslaw Bielen, Adam A. & Jadwiga Kokot, Justyna Sadowska, Genevieve Szymczak
$42— Sophie & Anna Oracz
$40— Emily Sloan
$35— John Ferrier, Nick Grossmayer
$30— Carlito Avanzado, William Balog, Richard Hujar, Henry Majcher, Peter O’Grady, Margaret Zacharski
$25— Anonymous, Evelyn Cademartrie, Betty Cullen, Nadine Czekaj, Robert Drzewiecki, Casimir Gaik, Elsie Hum, Eleanor Krawczyk, Antoni Lipka-Churdzik, James Miketta, James Moncada, Sr., Mary O’Leary, Edwin Peszek, William Sawicki, Chester Schafer, Concetta
Serio, Melvin Spejcher, Gerald Sullivan, Chester Wijas, Virginia Zyburt
$20— Anonymous, Dorothy Castronovo, Rafal Christ, Zbigniew Cison, Edward Connolly, Frank Firlotte, Philomena Greco, LeRoy Grochocki, Patrick Haugh, Francis Kennedy, John Koczur, Danuta Kowal, Richard Koziar, A. Krauss, Jr., Joseph Kurzatkowski, Jozef
Lata, Lawrence Lynch, John Masters, Jan Miklas, Jozef & Elzbieta Mikos, Salvatore Morreale, George N. Mueller, Frances Muka,
Edmund Ofiara, Andrzej Ostojski, Olivia Pamatmat, Antoinette Pusateri, Michael Rife, Marian Rzeszutek, Tadeusz Samolyk, Donald Schultz, Marysia Sekeres, Donald Smith, Ryszard Snopko, Steve Sobieraj, Adam Sochacki, Soltyszewski Family, Antoni Swiderski, Zbigniew Sycz, Geraldine Timmreck, Gene Urban, Anton Voelker, Wachs Family, Elizabeth Wilczkiewicz, Edward Wojewoda,
E. Zdziebko
$15— Mario Dayag, William Duffy, Antoinette Kapusta, Frank Mizera, Mary Parent, Gary Pitts, V. Szatkowski, Kazimierz Tokarski, Antoinette Viola, James R. West
$11— Ruben Adaya
$10— Anonymous, Anonymous, Genevieve Adelt, H. Badzioch, Rosalie Battaglia, Joy Belluomini, Patrick White, Piero Bertacchi, Robert
Blicharz, Sr., Geraldine Bobula, Marian Burek, Michael Busse, Jr., Jerzy Ciepiela, Stanley Cmiel, Jerzy Czarnik, TJL Czarnik, Edward
Czerwinski, Marie Dalrymple, Carol Dombek, Carinne-William Donohue, Lorraine DuPlantis, Karen A. Engel, William Engel, Jozef
Gajda, Evelyn Gale, George & Madeline Garcia, Krzysztof Glowinski, Zofia Godlewska, John Griffin, Thomas J. Henaghan, Evelyn/Carol Hoffman, Maria & Waclaw Hryniewiccy, Henry Huberty, Artur Iwan, Marian Janowski, Mieczyslawa Kalisz, Janet Kaplan,
Zofia Kornacki, John Koziara, Stephanie Koziara, Zenobia Kruk, Warren Kunstler, Roy LaCour, Stanislaw Lasko, Stefan Lech,
Nancy Lee, Mitchell Luszczyk, Thomas & Janina Malinowski, Thomas A. Martin, Czeslaw Mazur, John P. Mescall, Raymond Miller,
Wieslaw Mroczkowski, G. Nabor, Elizabeth Nelson, Antoni Niemczyk, Adam Niewiadomski, Kazimiera Nowak, Stefan Nowik,
Piotr Odrzywolski, Wladyslaw Pater, Adam Pawlak, Salvatore Procaccio, Florence Pytka, Marian Razniak, Frank Reckmann, Stanley
Ryczek, Richard Sajnaj, Joseph Santelli, John Santoro, Gary Schultz, Gina Severino, John Sherrod, Patricia Sherry, Mieczyslawa Smagacz, Jozef Sopek, Jeffrey Stanek, Marilyn Suriano, Rogelio Tiongco, Richard Tomal, Helen Toporek, Ronald Tralka, Bernice
Tuszynski, Eugeniusz Wisniewski, Zbigniew Wojtkowski, Jan Zbroja, Mieczyslaw Ziobro
$8— Virginia Knight
$6— E.K. Kupinski
$5— Nicholas Alleva, Janice Arnet, Alfonso Avecilla, George Barkhou, Daniel Barsella, Javier Benitez, Margaret Bogdanowicz, Jan Boratyn,
Piotr Bradlinski, Mary Brown, Jozef Bunda, Leo Cascio, Mary Ellen Coleman, Joseph Day, Jr., Michael DeSimone, Eugenia Denisiuk, Corinne-William Donohue, Stefania Drzymala, Ewa Filar, Daniela Fita, Russell Ford, Thomas Gilleran, Marek & Anna
Godlewski, Gerardo Gutierrez, Arkadiusz Gwozdz, Jon Hernandez & Kristine Co, D. & R. Johnson, Hilary Jurkowski, Leroy
Knowles, Tadeusz & Jadwiga Kochanski, Michele Kolak, Marek & Ewa Kowalczyk, Nellie Kowalski, Grzegorz Kraus, Jozef Krycka,
Jesse Kulaga, Jos LoPiccolo, Joann Maass, Anna Makowski, Andrzej Maria Mandziuk-Galek, Angelo Martino, Rowen Masacupan,
Albert Mazur, Catherine McElvaney, Piotr & Zofia Modla, Jozef Moskala, Eugene J. Mroz, Helen Mueller, John Nardi,
Niewiarowski & Prokopiuk, Krystyna Niewinska, John Norman, Andrzej Oleksy, Melania Pawelko, Edgar Pelegrino, Kazimierz
Pikul, Stanley Pilch, Rosemarie Plaza, Z.T. & J. Priami, Wojciech Proszek, Vincent Ramaglia, Melecio Rodriguez, Zdzislaw
Siemionko, Edward & Maria Skrabacz, Stanislaw Slonina, Victoria Slowiak, Mary Smolenski, Stephen Sodergren, Marcin Stepek,
Krzysztof Strzalka, Theodore Sullivan, Andrzej Szewc, Stanislaw Tolwinski, Reynaldo Villaraza, Eugene Emil Warta, M. Wenc & A.
Maziarz, Mieczyslaw Wieczorek, Helena Wincenciuk, James Zachacki, Steven Zachar, Frank Zaglaniczny, Barbara Zeman
$4— Grzegorz & Anna Niemczewski, Witold Wasilewski
$3 — Lori Martinez, Marian Pajdzik, Robert Raczkowski
$2— Harriett Borkowski, Bernard Frackiel, Walter Kensek, Jaroslaw Lis, Frederick McKinstry, Hector Minini, Maryann O’Regan, Nick Ribaudo, Christine Zarek
$1— Anonymous, Donato Allegretti, Joseph Catanzaro, Jaclyn Fields, Mary Krol, B. Plucinski, Jose Viray
$?— Antoinette Sanders
The total was $5,128.00. I thank you all again!
-Fr. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor

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