spis treœci


spis treœci
OD AUTORA ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1. CZ£OWIEK ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Wyglπd zewnÍtrzny. Ubranie ................................................................................................................... 7
Cechy charakteru .................................................................................................................................. 12
Uczucia i emocje ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Problemy etyczne ................................................................................................................................... 19
2. DOM ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Opis domu, pomieszczeÒ domu i ich wyposaøenia ................................................................................. 21
Wynajmowanie, kupno i sprzedaø mieszkania ...................................................................................... 25
3. SZKO£A ..........................................................................................................................................................
Øycie szko≥y. System oúwiaty .................................................................................................................
Oceny i wymagania ................................................................................................................................
Kszta≥cenie pozaszkolne ........................................................................................................................
4. PRACA ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Zawody i zwiπzane z nimi czynnoúci ................................................................................................... 33
Warunki pracy, zatrudnienie, rynek pracy ......................................................................................... 36
5. ØYCIE RODZINNE I TOWARZYSKIE ........................................................................................................
Czynnoúci øycia codziennego. Formy spÍdzania wolnego czasu ...........................................................
Okresy øycia ...........................................................................................................................................
Øycie towarzyskie ..................................................................................................................................
Øycie rodzinne. Konflikty i problemy ....................................................................................................
åwiÍta i uroczystoúci ..............................................................................................................................
Styl øycia ................................................................................................................................................
6. ØYWIENIE ......................................................................................................................................................
Artyku≥y spoøywcze ...............................................................................................................................
Przygotowanie potraw ...........................................................................................................................
Lokale gastronomiczne ..........................................................................................................................
Diety ......................................................................................................................................................
7. ZAKUPY I US£UGI .......................................................................................................................................
Rodzaje sklepÛw. Towary, sprzedawanie i kupowanie ..........................................................................
Reklamacja i ubezpieczenia ..................................................................................................................
årodki p≥atnicze. Banki .........................................................................................................................
Korzystanie z us≥ug ...............................................................................................................................
Reklama .................................................................................................................................................
8. PODRӯOWANIE I TURYSTYKA ..............................................................................................................
årodki transportu ..................................................................................................................................
PodrÛøe samolotem .......................................................................................................................
PodrÛøe morskie ............................................................................................................................
PodrÛøowanie samochodem ..........................................................................................................
Wypadki .................................................................................................................................................
Wycieczki i zwiedzanie ..........................................................................................................................
Baza noclegowa i informacja turystyczna .............................................................................................
9. KULTURA ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
Dziedziny kultury. TwÛrcy i ich dzie≥a ................................................................................................... 73
Uczestnictwo w kulturze ....................................................................................................................... 77
10. SPORT ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dyscypliny sportowe. SprzÍt sportowy ..................................................................................................
Imprezy sportowe ..................................................................................................................................
Sport wyczynowy. Sporty ekstremalne ..................................................................................................
11. ZDROWIE .....................................................................................................................................................
Higieniczny tryb øycia ...........................................................................................................................
Schorzenia, ich przyczyny, objawy i leczenie. ........................................................................................
Uzaleønienia ..........................................................................................................................................
Ochrona zdrowia. Niepe≥nosprawni ......................................................................................................
12. NAUKA I TECHNIKA ....................................................................................................,.............................
Obs≥uga urzπdzeÒ technicznych i korzystanie z nich ............................................................................
Odkrycia naukowe i wynalazki .............................................................................................................
WspÛ≥czesne úrodki przekazu i przetwarzania informacji ....................................................................
13. åWIAT PRZYRODY ..................................................................................................................................... 96
åwiat roúlin i zwierzπt ........................................................................................................................... 96
Krajobraz ............................................................................................................................................... 99
Klimat .................................................................................................................................................. 100
Zagroøenie i ochrona úrodowiska naturalnego, klÍski øywio≥owe. ...................................................... 102
PrzestrzeÒ kosmiczna .......................................................................................................................... 104
14. PA—STWO I SPO£ECZE—STWO ...........................................................................................................
Prawo. PrzestÍpczoúÊ ...........................................................................................................................
Koúcio≥y i religie ...................................................................................................................................
Polityka spo≥eczna. Problemy i konflikty wewnÍtrzne i miÍdzynarodowe ..........................................
Partie i politycy. Organizacje miÍdzynarodowe ...................................................................................
Gospodarka ..........................................................................................................................................
15. ELEMENTY WIEDZY O KRAJACH OBSZARU J ZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO ................................... 115
KLUCZ DO ∆WICZE— .................................................................................................................................... 123
Get Your Message Across. ∆wiczenia do ustnego egzaminu maturalnego z jÍzyka angielskiego.
Poziom rozszerzony to ksiπøka adresowana do uczniÛw przygotowujπcych siÍ do egzaminu ustnego
z jÍzyka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym oraz wszystkich, ktÛrzy opanowali struktury
leksykalno-gramatyczne angielszczyzny na poziomie B2-C2 w skali poziomÛw bieg≥oúci jÍzyka
okreúlonej przez CEF. Celem tej publikacji jest prezentacja oraz utrwalenie s≥ownictwa
odnoszπcego siÍ do tematÛw uwzglÍdnionych w standardach wymagaÒ egzaminacyjnych nowej
Ksiπøka zawiera blisko 300 ÊwiczeÒ podzielonych na 15 grup tematycznych. W obrÍbie kaødej
grupy Êwiczenia wystÍpujπ w mniejszych sekcjach poúwiÍconych zagadnieniom szczegÛ≥owym,
gdzie uszeregowane sπ od naj≥atwiejszych do najtrudniejszych. DziÍki temu moøna
systematycznie pracowaÊ nad okreúlonym tematem oraz korzystaÊ z ksiπøki juø od pierwszej klasy
liceum, wybierajπc Êwiczenia o rÛønym poziomie trudnoúci.
Z uwagi na to, øe Get Your Message Across ma pomÛc uczniom nabywaÊ i rozwijaÊ umiejÍtnoúÊ
aktywnego i sprawnego pos≥ugiwania siÍ prezentowanym s≥ownictwem, Êwiczenia leksykalne
po≥πczone sπ úciúle z zadaniami komunikacyjnymi, ktÛre stanowiπ ich praktyczne dope≥nienie.
Uczπcy siÍ ma wiÍc okazjÍ zastosowaÊ testowanπ leksykÍ w kontekstach, ktÛre wymagajπ od niego
uøycia w≥aúciwego zestawu s≥Ûw, kolokacji oraz wyraøeÒ idiomatycznych.
Z ksiπøki moøna korzystaÊ, uczπc siÍ samodzielnie, poniewaø na koÒcu zamieszczono klucz do
wszystkich zadaÒ zamkniÍtych oraz propozycje odpowiedzi do niektÛrych zadaÒ otwartych.
Natomiast zawarte w niej zadania komunikacyjne najlepiej jest wykonywaÊ w grupie pracujπcej
pod kierunkiem nauczyciela.
Mam nadziejÍ, øe niniejsza publikacja pomoøe uczniom starannie przygotowaÊ siÍ do egzaminu
maturalnego z jÍzyka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym, a innym uczπcym siÍ tego jÍzyka
przyda siÍ w pog≥Íbianiu dobrej znajomoúci s≥ownictwa potrzebnego w wielu sytuacjach
Grzegorz Szpila
Wygl¹d zewnêtrzny. Ubranie
∆wiczenie 1.
a. Po≥πcz wyrazy z kolumn A i B, tworzπc poprawne zwroty.
1. tooth
2. a ring
3. a black
4. a beauty
5. a milk
6. designer
7. an aquiline
8. a tanned
9. an ear
10. a side
a. spot
b. stubble
c. ear
d. parting
e. complexion
f. finger
g. lobe
h. eye
i. tooth
j. nose
k. enamel
b. Wpisz w≥aúciwe zwroty z podpunktu a przy ich polskich odpowiednikach.
1. dwudniowy zarost ñ .........
2. p≥atek ma≥øowiny usznej ñ .........
3. palec serdeczny ñ .........
4. orli nos ñ .........
5. podbite oko ñ .........
6. zπb mleczny ñ .........
7. przedzia≥ek z boku ñ .........
8. pieprzyk ñ .........
9. opalenizna ñ .........
10. szkliwo zÍbÛw ñ .........
U≥Ûø zdania z wybranymi zwrotami z podpunktu a .
∆wiczenie 2.
Wykreúl czasownik niepasujπcy do podanego rzeczownika, a nastÍpnie u≥Ûø zdania
z kaødym z rzeczownikÛw, zawierajπce poprawnπ kolokacjÍ.
eyes ñ close
I closed my eyes just as the main character was pointing a gun at the villain.
1. eyes ñ blink, open, flatten, shut
2. feet ñ nod, stamp, raise, put
3. arms ñ shrug, cross, fold, open
4. fingers ñ click, snap, clench, drum
5. shoulders ñ point, shrug, drop, lift
6. tongue ñ hang out, fold, poke, bite
7. a head ñ stamp, turn, nod, shake
8. eyebrows ñ lift, raise, shake, pluck
9. ears ñ prick up, pick up, strain, flatten
10. lips ñ clench, purse, bite, pout
∆wiczenie 3.
Zaznacz przymiotniki pasujπce do podanych rzeczownikÛw. Istnieje kilka poprawnych
1. Forehead can be:
a. high
b. bald
c. wrinkled
d. narrow
2. Cheek can be:
a. pink
b. rosy
c. reddened
d. blushed
3. Chin can be:
a. pointed
b. pointing
c. double
d. dimpled
4. Eyelashes can be:
a. long
b. slim
c. artificial
d. false
5. Fingernails can be:
a. chapped
b. painted
c. dirty
d. long
6. Fingers can be:
a. delicate
b. curvy
c. slim
d. lean
7. Legs can be:
a. thin
b. hairy
c. artificial
d. vigorous
8. Chest can be:
a. muscular
b. hairy
c. flat
d. even
9. Shoulders can be:
a. broad
b. strong
c. manly
d. long
b. decayed
c. extensive
d. false
10. Teeth can be:
a. crooked
∆wiczenie 4.
Wykreúl czasownik niepasujπcy do podanego rzeczownika, a nastÍpnie u≥Ûø zdania
z kaødym z rzeczownikÛw, zawierajπce poprawnπ kolokacjÍ.
shoes ñ polish
When your shoes are dry, you should polish them to protect the leather.
1. shoes ñ lace up, slip off, run in, put on
2. trousers ñ drop, pull down, buckle, pull on
3. a belt ñ tighten, fasten, pull on, buckle
4. a bra ñ unzip, undo, unhook, take off
5. a hat ñ slip on, remove, place, put on
6. slippers ñ fasten, kick off, remove, slip on
7. a tie ñ knot, secure, adjust, straighten
8. glasses ñ wear, remove, throw on, take off
9. a ring ñ get into, wear, have on, take off
10. an earring ñ slip into, wear, put on, take off
∆wiczenie 5.
Zaznacz przymiotniki pasujπce do podanych rzeczownikÛw. Istnieje kilka poprawnych
1. Shirt can be:
a. unbuttoned
b. long-sleeved
c. short-sleeved
d. even
2. Socks can be:
a. smelly
b. knee-length
c. tied
d. woolly
3. Trousers can be:
a. short
b. circular
c. flared
d. baggy
4. Shoes can be:
a. heeled
b. platform
c. flat-heeled
d. light
5. Underwear can be:
a. clean
b. warm
c. lacy
d. narrow
6. Gloves can be:
a. fingerless
b. rubber
c. slack
d. woolen
7. Tights can be
a. thick
b. fishnet
c. seamful
d. laddered
8. Hat can be:
a. straw
b. buttoned
c. wide-brimmed
d. broad-brimmed
9. Glasses can be:
a. loosened
b. tinted
c. dark
d. rimless
b. army
c. rubber
d. climbing
10. Boots can be:
a. cotton
∆wiczenie 6.
Po≥πcz wyrazy (1-10) z ich definicjami (a-k).
1. anorak
2. apron
3. balaclava
4. crease
5. cuff
6. dungarees
7. seam
8. lapels
9. shawl
10. sole
a. a large piece of cloth worn over the head and shoulders
b. the end of a shirtís or blouseís sleeve
c. the line where two pieces of material are sewn together
d. the bottom surface of a shoe
e. parts of the front of a jacket folded back and joined with the collar
f. a line on a piece of clothing where it was crushed, folded or ironed
g. a manís straw hat seam
h. a pair of trousers joined with a vest and straps running over the
i. a tight-fitting covering for the head with an opening for the eyes
j. a piece of clothing worn over other clothes to protect them from
getting dirty or being damaged, usually in the kitchen
k. a warm, waterproof coat usually with a hood
∆wiczenie 7.
Po≥πcz wyrazy lub zwroty w jÍzyku polskim (1-10) z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami
1. mÍska apaszka
2. buty trekingowe
3. smoking
4. trencz
5. buty sportowe
6. halka
7. parasol przeciws≥oneczny
8. dres
9. chusta/szal
10. szalik
a. scarf
b. training shoes
c. shawl
d. dinner jacket
e. cravat
f. trench coat
g. walking boots
h. blazer
i. tracksuit
j. camisole
k. parasol
∆wiczenie 8.
Podkreúl w≥aúciwy wyraz spoúrÛd dwÛch podanych kursywπ.
1. Mother told him to wrap a warm shawl/scarf around his neck.
2. Our teacher always wears his waterproof trench/trench coat in all weathers.
3. I had to borrow a dinner jacket/smoking from my uncle when I was going to a New Year
concert in Vienna.
4. He came back home soaking wet as the rain caught him without a(n) parasol/umbrella.
5. He was wearing a silk camisole/waistcoat under his woollen jacket.
∆wiczenie 9.
Zaznacz w≥aúciwπ odpowiedü.
1. scruffy clothes
a. carelessly ironed
b. dirty and untidy
c. unfashionable
2. worn-out jeans
a. dirty
b. thin from use
c. worn all the time
3. grubby shoes
a. heavy
b. dirty
c. rubber
4. a garish shirt
a. unattractively bright
b. tight
c. loose
5. a crumpled blouse
a. colourful
b. ironed
c. unironed
6. faded jeans
a. intensively bright
b. lacking colour
c. denim
7. a tight-fitting dress
a. with dots on it
b. clinging
c. patched
8. clumpy shoes
a. light
b. comfortable
c. heavy
9. a baggy jacket
a. loose
b. light
c. heavy
10. an undone collar
a. buttoned
b. stiff
c. open
∆wiczenie 10.
Uzupe≥nij zdania w≥aúciwym wyrazem lub zwrotem w odpowiedniej formie.
designer clothes
fashion columnist
fashion designer
fashion house
fashion show
fashion victim
fashion world
modelling agency
top model
1. I would like to dress fashionably but I simply cannot afford ÖÖÖÖ. .
2. Her first ÖÖÖ.. took place in Milan, where her collection was much admired.
3. It is said that many young people become ÖÖÖ. these days and do not try to seek
individual styles in fashion.
4. Her real career as a ÖÖÖ. started in Paris, though she did some modelling in her native
5. The company is the world number one ÖÖÖ.. . Whatever they produce is bought by lots of
6. Is it easy to break a leg on the ÖÖÖ?
7. When she sewed simple clothes for her dolls she did not know she would become a famous
ÖÖÖ. one day.
8. All the Paris ÖÖÖÖ wanted this skilful tailor to work for them.
9. My sister is a ÖÖÖ. on a world famous magazine. She travels a lot to see all the
collections and writes about them.
10. The managing director of the ÖÖÖÖ said they were looking for short girls and boys that
Cechy charakteru
∆wiczenie 11.
UtwÛrz przymiotniki o przeciwnych znaczeniach, uøywajπc podanych prefiksÛw
i sufiksÛw.
dis-, im-, in-, -less, un1. patient ñ ÖÖÖ.
2. sociable ñ ÖÖÖ.
3. sensitive ñ ÖÖÖ.
4. polite ñ ÖÖÖ.
5. trustworthy ñ ÖÖÖ.
6. honest ñ ÖÖÖ.
7. intelligent ñ ÖÖÖ.
8. careful ñ ÖÖÖ.
9. reliable ñ ÖÖÖ.
10. loyal ñ ÖÖÖ.
11. efficient ñ ÖÖÖ.
12. fair ñ ÖÖÖ.
13. accurate ñ ÖÖÖ.
14. practical ñ ÖÖÖ.
15. tidy ñ ÖÖÖ.
∆wiczenie 12.
Uzupe≥nij zdania przymiotnikami utworzonymi od wyrazÛw podanych w nawiasie.
I was cheated by my unscrupulous insurance advisor. (scruple)
1. I really do not know why she is so ÖÖÖ. today. (cheer)
2. Some people believe that euthanasia is ÖÖÖ.. . (morality)
3. My sister has always been extremely ÖÖÖ. and never talked even to me. (withdraw)
4. You never think before you act. Stop being so ÖÖÖ . (impulse)
5. All his colleagues consider him ÖÖÖ as he always boasts about his achievements.
6. Mr Brown is a very strict and ÖÖÖ.. teacher. (demand)
7. I have never met a more ÖÖÖ. man and nobody who would so strongly defend their
rights. (assertion)
8. She is such a .......... person. She will never tell you a lie. (truth)
9. He is very ÖÖ. and socializes only with rich people of high social standing. (snob)
10. You should not be so ÖÖ. . Try to make up your mind about what you are going to do.
∆wiczenie 13.
Podkreúl w≥aúciwy wyraz spoúrÛd dwÛch podanych kursywπ.
1. I was offended by his ordinary/rude words.
2. Her husband is very possessive/envious and never lets her out of the house.
3. I can only say that she is a(n) nervous/irritable person, who shows her anger very easily.
4. I think you should stop being so careless/carefree with what you say to people.
5. He is a very sympathetic/friendly teacher, always ready to help students.
6. He has always been very ambitious/competitive and has never actually lost.
7. He is our most genial/brilliant student, always the best in the class.
8. We need a very imaginative/imaginable person for this job.
9. He has always been absolutely dedicated/devoted to his wife.
10. Everyone was irritated by her pathetic/pompous speech.
∆wiczenie 14.
Powiedz, czy definicje przymiotnikÛw zapisanych kursywπ sπ poprawne. Jeúli nie,
podaj przymiotnik odpowiadajπcy opisowi.
1. You are sociable when you like being with other people and spending time with them.
2. You are rude when you offend and embarrass other people.
3. You are cautious when you do not think about the possible results of your actions.
4. You are flexible when you are unable to change depending on a situation.
5. You are sensible when you behave according to reason not emotion.
6. You are practical when you deal with problems effectively.
7. You are pessimistic when you think of the good aspects of a situation.
8. You are honest when you never tell the truth and you cannot be trusted.
9. Your are adventurous when you like doing new, dangerous and exciting things.
10. You are imaginative when you are unable to think of new things or create something new.
∆wiczenie 15.
a. UtwÛrz przymiotniki od podanych rzeczownikÛw.
1. apprehension ñ ÖÖÖ
2. astonishment ñ ÖÖÖ
3. elation ñ ÖÖÖ
4. envy ñ ÖÖÖ
5. explosion ñ ÖÖÖ
6. fear ñ ÖÖÖ
7. regret ñ ÖÖÖ
8. thrill ñ ÖÖÖ
9. vanity ñ ÖÖÖ
10. timidity ñ ÖÖÖ
b. Zastπp podkreúlone wyrazy w≥aúciwymi przymiotnikami z podpunktu a .
1. I was pleased that everybody invited turned up at the party.
2. I do not like working with narcissistic people.
3. Be careful! She can be unpredictably aggressive.
4. He was always afraid of new situations as a child.
5. Many parents are worried about their childrenís future.
6. I have always been jealous of your beautiful jeans.
7. My brother was really happy to hear that he had been elected President.
8. After having offended him he said he was sorry.
9. She did not talk to anyone at the party because she is such a shy girl.
10. Everybody was surprised by how much money she had managed to steal from the office.
∆wiczenie 16.
Uzupe≥nij zdania podanymi poniøej przymiotnikami o znaczeniu przeciwnym
do wyrazÛw zapisanych kursywπ.
1. He can be characterized as a merciful figure in the play whereas she as ÖÖÖ .
2. My new boyfriend is completely tactless unlike my ex, who was ÖÖÖ. .
3. We are looking for very decisive staff. We reject all ÖÖÖ.. candidates.
4. Her actions are always sensible, unlike mine, which are often ÖÖÖ .
5. The siblings are totally different: the boy is ÖÖÖ.. while the girl is even-tempered.
6. I like my biology teacher for being fair-minded, while I detest my PE teacher, who is
generally ÖÖÖ .
7. I have never met such an uncommunicative person. I have known only ÖÖÖ. people.
8. Some parents seemed to be concerned, while others somewhat ÖÖÖ .
9. Which boy would you marry: the unemotional one or the ÖÖÖ. one?
10. My new boss is very timid whereas my former one was ÖÖÖ. .
∆wiczenie 17.
Wykreúl przymiotniki niepasujπce do podanych rzeczownikÛw.
1. a miser ñ tight-fisted, generous, hospitable, mean
2. a jack of all trades ñ creative, smart, clever, lazy
3. a smart alec ñ modest, imposing, withdrawn, boastful
4. a good mixer ñ boring, energetic, unfriendly, likeable
5. a bore ñ intriguing, tedious, amusing, dull
6. a big head ñ conceited, humble, overpowering, pretentious
7. a wet blanket ñ relaxed, entertaining, easy-going, unenthusiastic
8. a daredevil ñ sensible, adventurous, fearless, cautious
9. an opportunist ñ strong-minded, unscrupulous, righteous, unprincipled
10. a snob ñ tolerant, flexible, pretentious, conceited
∆wiczenie 18.
Opisz swojego idealnego partnera, uøywajπc przymiotnikÛw i rzeczownikÛw z ÊwiczeÒ
My ideal partner should be imaginative so that s/he could come up with exciting things
for us to do Ö
∆wiczenie 19.
Powiedz, co oznaczajπ podane poniøej przys≥owia i w jakiej sytuacji moøna ich uøyÊ.
Podaj ich polskie odpowiedniki.
ï Still waters run deep.
ï The leopard cannot change his spots.
ï Clothes donít make the man.

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