St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
PHONE: 773/622-5900
Photo by Romuald Gluch
October 5, 2003
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Page Two
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
MONDAY, Weekday/Bruno, priest
Bl. Marie-Rose Durocher, virgin
7:00 AM—Mary Gruber rq. Joe & Virginia Ligas
8:00 AM—Joseph Pacyna rq. Mary Pacyna & Family
TUESDAY, Our Lady of the Rosary
7:00 AM—Norbert Szerszen rq. Wife, Jeannie
8:00 AM—Rose E. Coco rq. Children
7:00 PM—Marian Mass and Rosary in Polish
7:00 AM—Angelo Caravette rq. Family
7:00 AM—(Chapel)Mass in Polish
8:00 AM—Alex Ladisa rq. Wife, Dolores
THURSDAY, Weekday/Denis, bp., companions, martyrs/
John Leonardi, priest
7:00 AM—Sarah, Patrick & Martin Corcoran
rq. Rita Corcoran
8:00 AM—Living & Deceased Members of
Al Fitzgibbons Family rq. Family
7:00 PM—^Józef Wolszczak w 5 rocz.œm- od ¿ony i
FRIDAY, Weekday
7:00 AM—Charles J. Simonek, Sr. (3rd Anniv.) rq. Family
8:00 AM—People of St. Ferdinand
7:00 AM—Mass in Polish
8:00 AM—Michael Mele rq. Wife
1:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy
Bogus³aw Gozdowski and Ewa Boczon
3:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy
Leon Szparkowski and Jadwiga Bednarz
Sunday Anticipated Mass
5:00 PM—William & HelenGolon
rq. Edward & Lillian Demski
SUNDAY, Twenty-eighth Sunday in OrdinaryTime
7:30 AM—Estelle Jamrozik
7:30 AM—(Chapel) Mass in Polish
9:00 AM—Walter Anderson rq. Family
10:30 AM—(Chapel)James O’Shea
rq. Carole & Louis Rostan
10:45 AM—^Kazimirz Szef i Anna G³¹biñska;
^Zygmunt Gajewski w 1 rocz. œm.;
^Franciszek, Józefa Sowa;
-dziêkczynna z ok. 18 rocz. urodzin Sylwii
Maniak z proœb¹ o potrzebne ³aski i b³og.
^Zdzis³aw Mondel;
^Dusze w czyœæcu cierpi¹ce, nie majace z
nik¹d pomocy
12:15 PM—(Chapel) Mass in Italian
12:30 PM—Eva Wade rq. Bill Wade
3:00 PM—dziêkczynna za zdrowie i otrzymane ³aski z
proœb¹ o dalsze b³og. Bo¿e dla Katrysi z ok.
7 rocz. urodzin
5:00 PM—Deceased Members of the Piotrowski &
Pultorak Families rq. Family
6:30 PM—w pewnej intencji
October 5, 2003
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
^Peter Aloisio
^Anton Guziel Family
Our Blessed Lord has called home our
parishioner Ann O’Malley for whom we
promise our prayers.
May she and all our other deceased
parishioners enjoy peace and happiness in
God’s Sacred Presence.
E. Konopka, M. Netzel
3rd publication Bogus³aw Gozdowski and Ewa Boczon
Leon Szparkowski and Jadwiga Bednarz
2nd publication Arkadiusz Lech and Anna Magryta
Marek Kolenda and Sylwia Kowalska
Miros³aw Golonka and Laura M. Berkey
Joseph L. Samansky and Julie Mazurowski
1st publication Miros³aw Krupa and Agnieszka Dobosz
Dariusz Cichoñ and Alicja Kopala
Congratulations and best wishes to the couples
who were married here last week:
Katarzyna Skiba and Ryszard Rocha
Marzena Tkaczyk and Tomasz Drazek
Agnieszka Kamysz and Marek Mróz
Jolanta Sawicka and Eric I. Dziekoñski
Lorelei N. Austria and Peter I. Ramos
We pray for God’s blessings on them as they
begin their new life together.
Thomas Levi, son of Thomas Gerard
and Laura Ann (Sloan) Caravette;
Eryk Janusz, son of Janusz and Edyta
(Nedza) Duda;
Julia, daughter of Mariusz and Alicja
(Storc) Szterlus;
Matthew, son of Mariusz and Alicja (Szorc) Szterlus
Mass in Honor of
the 25th Anniversary of
Pope John Paul II’s Pontificate
Thursday, October 16, 2003
7:00 PM in Church
Mass will be celebrated
in three languages.
Everyone is encouraged to participate
in celebrating this great day.
October 5, 2003
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Page Three
Many of you may have noticed in the daily newspapers and our own Catholic New World that some
changes had been announced in the revision of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. As I
look at the instruction, the changes are few in practice but are more concerned with our understanding
and appreciation of the Eucharist.
As a priest, I distribute communion on a regular basis and I am always surprised at just how
many ways people have invented to receive communion. As far as I can remember, there were only
two ways — on the tongue or in the hand, with the left hand placed over the right hand. The variations consist of these for the most part: “Both tongue and hand extended” resulting in a here or there
exchange several times before making contact. Then there is the “one hand out” style, either left or
right resulting in a switch to the other hand because of some primordial recollection that it went into the left hand originally and was taken by the right hand to deposit in the mouth. Then we have the frequent “Host Grabbers.” They
come with a menacing claw-like hand which rapaciously snatches the host from the priest. Most of these would also
forget about the practice of taking one step to the side, consuming the host, making the sign of the cross and then
returning to their seats.
From these observations alone, it is fortunate that we will have the opportunity to take a new look at the
Sacrament of the Eucharist so that we might deepen our appreciation of the sacrament which is at the center of our life
in Christ.
Beginning today and continuing in the coming weeks we will print several articles in the bulletin on this subject. I hope they will be helpful to all of us as we foster a deeper appreciation and practice in our celebration of the
Father Cortesi
Our Fall Blood Drive will be on
Sunday, November 9th. Please
mark your calendars and plan to be
with us! More information to follow.
As members of the parish faith
community, it is our responsibility to
remember both in concrete and spiritual
ways those who cannot celebrate with us
each week because they are ill. Those
who are sick in turn, remember all of us
daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us.
And so ... please remember in your prayers:
Joseph Balicki
Timothy Benson
Albin Bilinski
Stephanie Bosco
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Mary Butler
Benito Cabanin
Bishop Edwin Conway
Anna Diks
Honor Draftz
Lillian Dziedzic
Fred Forte
Joseph Gagliano
Fatima Gomez
Rocco Greco
Ben Guttiula
Mary Hain
Mary Ann Johansen
Catherine Keeler
Stanley Kochniarczyk
Helen Kosirog
Tad Koziol
June Landers
James Lamberti
Sam LoDolce
Netta Lohrmann
Eleanor Loscuito
Genevieve Lukes
Elizabeth Ann Maher
Susan Maher
Francesco Mangialardo
Gianni Marconi
Mary Martin
Estelle “Toots” McGuigan
Emilia Moreno
Eleanor O’Donovan
Isagani Odulio
Dan Oliver, Jr.
Deborah L. Pawlak
Timothy Rajski
Sophie Regner
James Rowe, Sr.
Alicia Schippits
Jack Schneider
Sr. Roberta Sweitzer, BVM
Infant Cameron Scott
Robert Sierminski
Lenore Simzyk
Raymundo Soriano, Sr.
Tony Spano
Estelle Stybur
Ann Sullivan
Minerva Watson
Alex Wegrzyn
School Dates for October
10/01 Early Dismissal — Faculty Meeting
10/01 Family & School Ass’n. Meeting — 7:158:15 PM
Market Day
Progress Reports Home
Columbus Day — No School
25th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II
Halloween Party — 6:30-8:30 PM
Ushers Pancake Breakfast, All are Welcome
School Board Meeting — 7:30-9:30 PM
Halloween Dance for 6th-8th Grade —7-9:30 PM
Festival of Faith — No School
Our Financial Support of St. Ferdinand Parish
For the weekend of September 27/28, 2003:
$ 8,067.85
Loose Cash:
$ 3,597.27
Amount over / (under) weekly budget: ($3,334.88)
Thank you for your stewardship in support of Christ’s
mission and ministry here at St. Ferdinand Church.
Page Four
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
October 5, 2003
Sunday Eucharist
The day-to-day life of a parish varies greatly from one community to another, but the one thing that all Catholic parishes hold
in common is the celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday, the
Lord’s Day. This is the gathering point for all parishioners, the
time when everyone comes together. The table of God’s Word
and the table of the Eucharist feed and nourish the community,
refreshing the people and sending them on into yet another week
of work and struggles, joys and successes, and many opportunities to spread the Kingdom of God. In speech and song, symbol
and gesture, we unite our praise and thanksgiving to Christ’s
perfect self-offering on the cross.
Sunday: The Day of the Lord
From earliest times, Christians have kept Sunday, the Lord’s
Day, by celebrating the Eucharist, which the Lord gave us as an
everlasting memorial of his saving death and resurrection. The
Eucharist makes present sacramentally the living mystery of the
Lord’s Passover from death to life, and our participation in the
Mass gives us a unique share in the Passover of Christ. It is no
wonder that the Church teaches us that the Eucharist is the
source and summit of the Church’s life, and that the Holy Father
invites us to renew our amazement in the face of this great gift.
So important is the liturgy for our lives as Christians that the
Church has always taken great care with how the liturgy is celebrated. The essential parts of the liturgy have remained
unchanged over the centuries, although the ritual words and
form of the liturgy have varied from time to time. The Second
Vatican Council (1962–1965) instituted a number of revisions
to the Roman Missal, calling for changes to help Catholics celebrate the liturgy more deeply. After the Council, there was a
major effort to catechize the faithful on the meaning of the liturgy and these revisions. Since then, a whole new generation of
Catholics has grown up with the liturgy that we celebrate
Sunday after Sunday, week after week, season after season.
If we were to stop and reflect on what has happened in the years
since the Council, we might have to admit that some well-intentioned people may have overlooked some parts of the deep
meaning and order of the liturgy. We might become aware that
in some places, certain idiosyncrasies might have crept into a particular parish’s celebration of the Eucharist. And we might realize that now is a good time for the Church to reflect on and
review how we celebrate the liturgy, the most important element of Catholic life.
The Revised General Instruction
its introduction, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
This revision has grown out of the years of pastoral experience
with the Roman Missal that was published immediately after
the Second Vatican Council. Respecting the diversity of cultures
in the universal Church, the Holy See invited the national conferences of bishops to propose revisions appropriate to their own
particular regions.
The changes called for in this revision, relatively minor though
they are, give witness to the fact that the liturgy is the prayer of
the living Church and so understandably must undergo some
changes from time to time. The publication of this revision provides the occasion for renewed catechesis on the understanding
and practice of the liturgy, especially the Mass. The hope is that,
with this catechesis and reflection, Catholics everywhere can
more deeply pray the liturgy with all their hearts and can find in
the liturgy the wellspring of their spirituality.
In the weeks to come, we will have the opportunity to reflect
again upon the meaning and the value of the liturgy in our
Catholic Tradition. We will be introduced to the changes in the
liturgy called for in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
As we revisit our celebration of the Mass, all of us may also
rediscover some things that perhaps we’ve taken for granted or
haven’t paid too much attention to in the past. This catechesis is
not based in a concern about law or rubrics, but about the quality and integrity of our prayer together, which must truly be the
primary and indispensable source from which we draw the true
Christian spirit.
In some parishes, the implementation of this revision will mark
a change in various aspects of the parish’s weekly celebration of
the Eucharist. In other parishes there may be very little that is
noticeably different. One of the most notable changes, for all,
concerns the way we receive Holy Communion in this country.
The General Instruction calls for communicants to make a gesture of reverence before receiving the Eucharist, and the bishops
of the United States have determined that for Catholics in this
country, that gesture shall be a bow of the head to the Body and
Blood of Christ in the minister’s hands.
As we reflect on these changes in the celebration of Mass, it is
important to appreciate the opportunity they offer for all the
Church. This is a chance for each parish to consider a most important question: “Is it clear, in the celebration of the Eucharist in
our parish, that this is the most important thing we do all
Recently, the Holy See issued a revision of the Roman Missal and
This insert has been created in preparation for the implementation of the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which will take
place in the Archdiocese of Chicago on the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2003. It is based on material provided by the Secretariat for
the Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Inc., Washington D.C. Copyright © 2002. Copyright © 2003 Archdiocese
of Chicago.
October 5, 2003
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
October — The Month of Mary & the Rosary
Inserted in today’s bulletin is a colorful flyer
explaining how to pray the Rosary.
Our Holy Father dedicated his 25th Anniversary
of his Pontificate under the sign of this prayer.
We are distributing this guide to our parish children in
each of our educational programs and to our parish families through the bulletin today as a handy reference for
your household.
Attention All Women
All the ladies of the Parish are
invited to our Day of Reflection on
Thursday, October 23. Father Cyscon,
presently residing at Our Lady of
Victory Parish, will be our moderator.
The day will begin with 9:00 AM
Mass in the Chapel followed by free
coffee, tea and rolls in Canning Hall.
Please bring your own lunch. Coffee
and tea will be provided. The day will
conclude about 2:00 PM. Please mark this day in your
calendar and plan to join us for an interesting and inspirational day of reflection.
The time we have been all waiting
for has arrived. PIES ARE HERE! Stock up for the holidays
with our delicious selection of pies, each one piled high atop a
flaky crust. The more you buy, the more St. Ferdinand School
will earn, this month only! They are delivered frozen and will
be safe and fresh for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Last year we just sold just OVER 1000 PIES! St. Ferdinand
School sold the most pies in the Chicago area and was 5th in
the entire state of Illinois. That speaks for itself how wonderfully, delicious these pies are. They should be great, they are produced by the same distributor as Baker's Square. Every family
will need at least two pies for the upcoming holidays. Try a
defrost and eat pie or warm up your family with a baked fruit
pie. This year’s pies to be baked: APPLE, CHERRY, TRIPLE
Defrost and serve pies: PECAN, CHOCOLATE MINT SILK,
As you can see there is a pie for your family, probably more
than one! Tell your friends about this fantastic offer. You
receive a quality product at a reasonable price, great service
and the profit benefits Catholic education!
******SWEET DEAL******
For every 5 pies you order, your name will be entered into a
drawing for:
Please help us reach our goal of 1500 pies. That could mean
over $5,000.00 profit on pies alone! Order forms are available
in the Church. Completed forms are due in Church by Sunday,
November 2. Any questions call Tammy Sammarco (773) 2865235.
Page Five
Ladies of Saint Anne
Wednesday, October 15
11:30 AM
Reservation deadline is October 12, 2003.
Tickets are $8.00 and may be purchased by
calling Lorraine Scire at 773/283-6480.
There will be a delicious luncheon and wonderful raffle prizes. Come bring your friends for a very
relaxing afternoon. The meeting will take place in
Canning Hall.
St. Ferdinand Boy Scout Troop 51
will be holding their annual
"Holiday Wreath Sale" Oct 11 thru Oct 26
for more info or to place an order call
Cheryl Clark 773-467-9467 after 6p.m.
Attention: Ushers / Men of St. Ferdinand
Our next Ushers / Men’s Club meeting
will be held on Friday, October 10th,
2003 at 8:00 PM in Heeney Hall.
Hosts for this evening are Steve Kanonik,
Jeff Aloisio and the rest of the Sunday,
7:30 AM Church Mass crew.
Please come and join us for an informative and enjoyable
evening. All the men of the parish are welcome.
Any Usher who is interested in purchasing a jacket
should be in attendance.
St. Ferdinand's Ushers / Men's Club
are serving up the best
Sunday, October 26, 2003
from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 Noon.
3131 North Mason Avenue
A complete menu:
Pancakes, Orange Juice, Fruit
Topping, Sausages, Butter,
Syrup, Coffee, Tea or Milk.
Door Prizes for Adults and Children.
Donation at the door: $5.00/Adults, $3.00/Children.
For tickets at a discount
($4.00/Adults; $2.00/Children)
see the Ushers
For information call Mike Bisceglie at
Page Six
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
October 5, 2003
Wielu z was zwróci³o uwag , ¿e w codziennych gazetach lub w czasopiœmie "Nowy Œwiat"
og³oszono zmianê Ogólnej Instrukcji w Mszale Rzymskim. Kiedy przygl¹dam siê instrukcji, widzê
¿e zmian naszej pozycji cia³a podczas Mszy œw. jest niewiele, ale zwrócona jest wiêksza uwaga na
zrozumienie i docenienie daru Eucharystii.
Jako ksi¹dz udzielaj¹cy komunii œwiêtej zawsze jestem zaskoczony iloœci¹ wymyœlonych
sposobów przyjmowania Najœwiêtszego Sakramentu. Najdalej jak tylko potrafiê siêgn¹æ pamiêci¹
by³y tylko dwa sposoby - na jêzyk lub na rêkê z lew¹ d³oni¹ po³o¿on¹ na prawej.
Zmiany jakie dzisiaj zauwa¿am sk³adaj¹ siê w przewa¿ajacej czêœci: "Jêzyk i rêka jednoczeœnie
wyciagniête" zmieniaj¹ce pozycjê a¿ do momentu przyjêcia komunii œwiêtej. Nastêpnie, ludzie
"wyci¹gaj¹ jedn¹ rêkê" aby przyj¹æ hostiê, w chwilê póŸniej przek³adaj¹ j¹ do drugiej. Dzieje siê tak
prawdopodobnie dlatego, ¿e pierwotnie komunia œw. by³a przyjmowana na lew¹ d³oñ a praw¹ by³a wk³adana do ust.
Jeszcze jeden sposób, który czêsto widzê - " Porywacze Hostii". Niektórzy przychodz¹ z wyci¹gniêt¹ rêk¹, która
"uzbrojona" jest w groŸne szpony i nagle porywaj¹ hostiê od kap³ana po czym poœpiesznie odchodz¹. Wiêkszoœæ
z nich niestety zapomnia³a o praktyce przyjêcia z godnoœci¹ Najœwiêtszego Sakramentu, odejœcia jeden krok w bok,
spo¿ycia komunii œw., zrobieniu znaku krzy¿a i powrotu do ³awki.
Na szczêœcie ju¿ nied³ugo bêdziemy mieli mo¿liwoœæ nowego spojrzenia na Sakrament Eucharystii, tak
abyœmy mogli pog³êbiæ nasz¹ wdziêcznoœæ za ten sakrament, który jest centrum naszego ¿ycia w Chrystusie.
W nadchodz¹cych tygodniach bêdzimy umieszczaæ arytku³y na ten temat w biuletynie parafialnym. Mam
nadziejê, ¿e pomog¹ nam one zg³êbiæ nasz szacunek i doceniæ wielk¹ wartoœæ Mszy œw. oraz stan¹ siê pomocne we
wprowadzeniu tych pobo¿nych praktyk w ¿ycie.
ks. Cortesi
Henryk Sienkiewicz pisa³, ¿e “Dobroæ serca jest tym, czym ciep³o s³oñca: ona daje ¿ycie”.
Takiej dobroci doœwiadczy³am bardzo wiele podczas tych piêciu lat pobytu w Parafii œw.
Ferdynanda. I za t¹ dobroæ pragnê Wam wszystkim serdecznie podziêkowaæ.
Gor¹ce podziêkowania sk³adam ks. Proboszczowi David Cortesi, Ksiê¿om, moim
wspó³siostrom i Wam drodzy parafianie.
Mój pobyt tutaj by³ szczególnie zwi¹zany z Polsk¹ Katolick¹ Szko³¹ i zespo³em
“Kropeczki”. Wspomnienie o Was bêdzie nieustannie mi towarzyszy³o. Z wami wszystkimi spêdzi³am wiele radosnych chwil. Niech Pan Bóg wam za nie wynagrodzi udzielaj¹c
wszelkich potrzebnych ³ask.
Z modlitw¹ sr. Katarzyna Zaremba, Misjonarka Chrystusa Króla.
12 paŸdziernika 2003 Kó³ka Ró¿añcowe przy parafii
œw. Ferdynanda na zakoñczenie Roku Ró¿añcowego organizuj¹
pielgrzymkê pod przewodnictwem ks. S³awomira Koz³owskiego
do Merryville - Indiana. Koszt przejazdu autobusem oraz
œniadanie $15.00 od osoby. Zg³oszenia przyjmuj¹ i informacji
Melania Nowak
W³adys³awa Kochel
Wojtek Nowacki
Helena Lesak
PaŸdziernik miesi¹cem Ró¿añca œwiêtego.
Panie Bo¿e, chcemy wraz z ca³ym Koœcio³em
prosiæ Ciê o sprawy œwiata, Polski i nasze,
modlitw¹ ró¿añcow¹. Twoja Matka wiele razy
zachêca³a do tej modlitwy, wskazuj¹c j¹ jako
drogê ratunku dla œwiata.
„Niezrównane s¹ zas³ugi b³ogos³awionej
Dziewicy, a Jej nieustanne orêdownictwo za
nami ma wielk¹ moc w obliczu Pana. Wszystko
jest wiadome i ods³oniête przed oczami Stwórcy, a w tym
Boskim œwietle widzi Ona wszystkie gro¿¹ce nam niebezpieczeñstwa i lituje siê nad nami serce macierzyñskie tej
s³odkiej i ³askawej Pani...”
(Kazanie VIII b³. Amadeusza, biskupa Lozanny)
10.07- wtorek- Siostry
10.09- czwartek- Kó³ka Ró¿añcowe
PaŸdziernik- Miesi¹c poœwiêcony
Matce Bo¿ej Ró¿añcowej
Nasz Ojciec Œwiêty swoj¹ 25 rocznicê
Pontyfikatu poœwiêci³ modlitwie ró¿añcowej.
Do dzisiejszego biuletynu zosta³y do³¹czone
kolorowe broszury zawieraj¹ce instrukcjê
modlitwy ró¿añcowej w jêzyku angielskim.
W tym tygodniu tak¿e bêdziemy rozprowadzaæ poœród dzieci w szkole te ma³e przewodniki modlitwy ró¿añcowej. Mamy nadziejê, ¿e te krótkie instruktarze w jêzyku angielskim stan¹ siê dla was pomoc¹
w nauce jêzyka jak równie¿ w tej piêknej modlitwie.
27/28 Wrzeœnia, 2003:
W Kopertkach
W Gotówce
$ 8,067.85
$ 3,597.27
Dziêkujemy wam za wsparcie i za wszystko co robicie na
rzecz parafii i misji Chrystysa w koœciele œw. Ferdynanda
Powy¿ej/(Poni¿ej) bud¿etu:
October 5, 2003
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Page Seven
Niedzielna Eucharystia
¯ycie codzienne parafii jest inne w ka¿dej parafii zale¿nie od
lokalnych potrzeb i czynników kulturowych. Jednak jedn¹ rzecz¹
wspóln¹ dla wszystkich parafii Katolickich jest celebracja
Eucharystii w niedzielê, tj, w Dzieñ Pañski. Jest to miejsce i czas
spotkania wszystkich parafian. Stó³ S³owa Bo¿ego oraz Stó³
Eucharystii karmi¹ i po¿ywiaj¹ spo³ecznoœæ parafialn¹, odnawiaj¹c sposobnoœci aby rozszerzaæ Królestwo Bo¿e. W s³owie
i pieœni, symbolu i geœcie ³¹czymy nasze uwielbienie
i dziêkczynienie z doskona³¹ ofiar¹ Chrystusa na krzy¿u.
Gromadzimy siê w niedzielê poniewa¿ ten dzieñ upamiêtnia
zmartwychwstanie Pana. Od najwczeœniejszych czasów
Chrzeœcijanie czcili Dzieñ Pañski przez sprawowanie Eucharystii
danej nam przez Pana jako wieczysta pami¹tka Jego zbawczej
œmierci i zmartwychwstania. Eucharystia uobecnia sakramentalnie tajemnicê Paschy Pana ze œmierci do ¿ycia, a nasze uczestnictwo we Mszy œw. daje nam unikalny udzia³ w Misterium
Paschalnym. Nic dziwnego, ¿e Koœció³ uczy nas, ¿e Eucharystia
jest Ÿród³em i szczytem ¿ycia Koœcio³a, a Ojciec Œwiêty zaprasza
nas abyœmy siê na nowo zachwycili staj¹c w obliczu tak wielkiego
Liturgia jest tak wa¿na dla ¿ycia chrzeœcijañskiego, ¿e Koœció³
zawsze uwa¿a³ na to jak j¹ sprawowaæ. Teksty rytualne oraz
forma liturgii zmienia³y siê na przestrzeni wieków, chocia¿ podstawowe elementy liturgii pozostawa³y niezmienne. Sobór
Watykañski II (1962-1965) wprowadzi³ wiele zmian aby
pomóc Katolikom w celebrowaniu liturgii pe³niej i bardziej
œwiadomie. Lata posoborowe to czas wielkiej katechizacji
wiernych na temat znaczenia liturgii oraz zmian jakie nast¹pi³y.
Od tego czasu wyros³a nowa generacja Katolików nie znaj¹ca
¿adnej innej liturgii za wyj¹tkiem tej, któr¹ sprawujemy
niedziela po niedzieli, tydzieñ po tygodniu, sezon po sezonie.
Gdybyœmy mieli zatrzymaæ siê i zastanowiæ siê nad latami po
zmianach soborowych, musielibyœmy przyznaæ, ¿e znaczenie
i porz¹dek liturgii móg³by byæ niezauwa¿ony przez niektóre
osoby. W innych przypadkach, moglibyœmy zauwa¿yæ pewne
indywidualne cechy, które wkrad³y siê w sprawowanie
Eucharystii w danej parafii. W innych przypadkach, mo¿emy
uœwiadomiæ sobie, ¿e ju¿ czas przeanalizowaæ ten najwa¿niejszy
element ¿ycia katolickiego.
Odnowiona Instrukcja Ogólna
Niedawno Stolica Apostolska wyda³a zmiany w celebracji Mszy.
Zmiany te mo¿na znaleŸæ w odnowionym Mszale Rzymskim,
oraz w jego instrukcji pt. Ogólna Instrukcja do Msza³u
Rzymskiego (z ang. GIRM). Owe zmiany pojawi³y siê po wieloletnim doœwiadczeniu duszpasterskim u¿ywaj¹c Msza³u
Rzymskiego opublikowanego wkrótce po Soborze
Watykañskim II. Szanuj¹c ró¿norodnoœæ kultur w Koœciele
powszechnym, Stolica Apostolska zezwoli³a Krajowym
Konferencjom Biskupim na zaproponowanie pewnych zmian,
które uzna³y za stosowne dla danego regionu. Podczas gdy
zmiany s¹ stosunkowo ma³e œwiadcz¹ one o tym, ¿e liturgia jest
modlitw¹ ¿ywego Koœcio³a, a wiêc naturalnie bêdzie przechodziæ
przez pewne zmiany od czasu do czasu. Wydanie tych zmian
stwarza okazjê do odnowionej, rozszerzonej katechezy na temat
zrozumienia i praktyki liturgii, szczególnie Mszy œw. Nadzieja
jest w tym, ¿e Katolicy na ca³ym œwiecie bêd¹ mogli nauczyæ siê
modliæ liturgi¹ ca³ym sercem i bêd¹ mogli odnaleŸæ w liturgii
Ÿród³o swojej duchowoœci.
W nastêpnych tygodniach bêdziecie mieli mo¿liwoœæ ponownego
zastanowienia siê nad znaczeniem i wartoœci¹ liturgii w naszej
Tradycji Katolickiej. Zostaniecie zaznajomieni ze zmianami,
które znajduj¹ sie w Ogólnej Instrukcji do Msza³u Rzymskiego
(GIRM). Podczas gdy bêdziemy odœwie¿aæ wiadomoœci na temat
celebracji Mszy œw. sami bêdziecie mogli dowiedzieæ siê
o rzeczach, które braliœcie za oczywiste lub do których nigdy nie
przyk³adaliœcie uwagi. Celem owej katechizacji nie jest tylko
znajomœæ rubryk lub prawa liturgicznego, lecz spraw jakoœci
i integralnoœci naszej modlitwy, która musi na prawdê staæ siê
pierwszorzêdnym i niezast¹pionym Ÿród³em z którego czerpiemy prawdziwego ducha Chrzeœcijañstwa. W niektórych
parafiach wprowadzenie tych zmian bêdzie równie¿ zmian¹
ró¿nych aspektów zwi¹zanych z cotygodniow¹ celebracj¹
W innych parafiach zmiany mog¹ byæ prawie niezauwa¿alne.
Jedna z najbardziej znacz¹cych zmian dotyczy sposobu przyjmowania Komunii w naszym kraju. Biskupi Stanów
Zjednoczonych wyznaczyli akt czci wyznaczony w Normach,
którymi bêdzie sk³on g³owy przed przyjêciam Cia³a i Krwi
Chrystusa. Przez tê katechizacjê, gdy zastanowimy siê nad
zmianami w celebracji Mszy, nale¿y doceniæ mo¿liwoœæ, któr¹
przedstawia nam Koœció³. Jest to szansa dla ka¿dej parafii aby
zadaæ pytanie; “Czy jest to rzecz¹ oczywist¹, ¿e celebruj¹c
Eucharystiê w naszej parafii sprawujemy najwa¿niejsz¹ rzecz
w ca³ym tygodniu?”.
Niniejsza wk³adka zosta³a przygotowana w celu wprowadzenia odnowionej Instrukcji Ogólnej do Msza³u Rzymskiego, które bêdzie mia³o
miejsce w Archidiecezji Chicago od pierwszej niedzieli Adwentu, 30 listopada 2003. Jest ona napisana na podstawie materia³u udostêpnionego przez Sekretariat d/s Liturgii Amerykñskiej Konferencji Biskupów Katolickich, Inc. Washington, D.C. Prawa Autorskie © 2002.
Prawa Autorskie © 2003 Archidiecezja Chicago.
Page Eight
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
October 5, 2003
the week at st. ferdinand parish
October 6-12, 2003
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Troop # 51 — 7-9:30 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Polish School Theater Group — 6-9 PM, McManus Hall
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Serduszka (Little Hearts Polish Children’s Choir) — 6:30-8:30
PM, Convent #s 2 & 3
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Craft Ladies — 9 AM-Noon, Rectory
•Ladies of St. Anne Board Meeting — 12-2 PM, Rectory
•Jr. Legion of Mary — 2:30-4 PM, Convent # 2
•Kropeczki (Little Dots Polish Children’s Choir) —6-8 PM,
Music Room
•Webelos 3051— 6-9 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Polish Adult Choir — 7:15 PM, Chapel
•Fijat — 7:30-9:30 PM, Church
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Jr. Legion of Mary - Rosary — 2:30 p.m., Church
•Girl Scout Troops 188, 1883 & 1733 — 5:30-9 PM, Convent #s
1, 2 & 3
•Polish School Theater Group — 6-9 PM, Chapel
•Pack 3051 — 6-9 PM, McManus Hall
•Legion of Mary — 6:30-8:30 PM, convent
•Laudamus Music Group — 8 PM, Heeney Hall
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Pilgrim Virgin — 7-9 PM, Convent # 2
•Ushers Club Meeting — 8-Midnight, Heeney Hall & Parish
•Confession — 8:45-9:30 AM, Church
•Legion of Mary — 9-11 AM., Convent # 2
•Polish Catholic Saturday School — 9 AM-4 PM, School
•Adult Polish/English Classes — 9 AM - 4 PM, Music Room
•Polish School 1st Graders Initiation — 11AM-4PM, Chapel
•Highlanders Fall Dance — 7 PM-12 AM, McManus Hall
•Polish Highlanders — 8:30-9:30 AM, Convent # 3
•Polish Rosary Group — 8:30-10 AM, McManus Hall
•Serduszka (Little Hearts) —9-10:30 AM, Convent #s 1 & 2
•Kropeczki (Little Dots) —9-10:30 AM, Music Room
•Chapel Choir Practice — 9:15 AM, Chapel
•Baptism in English — 1:45PM, Church
•Christ Renews His Parish- Men —6-10 PM, Convent # 4
•Laudamus — 7:30 PM, Church
our neighbors want you to know . . .
•Open House. Notre Dame High School for Girls, 3000 North
Mango, Chicago, will host an Open House on Tuesday, October
7, 2003 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. For more information please
contact Ms. Karen Booth or Mr. Jorge Mora at 773/622-9494.
•Mental Illness Ministries - Two Events. On Thursday October
9, Faith and Fellowship will hold an Information Meeting at
1:00 PM and repeated at 7:30 PM. This will feature an “Open
House” and a demonstration of this program of small faithbased communities for people with mental illness. There will
also be an opportunity to interact with group members.
Location: 25 West Washington Boulevard, Oak Park (the former
convent of St. Catherine-St. Lucy Parish).
On Sunday, October 12, 2:00 PM, the 11th annual Mass for
Mental Illness Awareness will be celebrated at St. Josaphat
Church, 2311 North Southport, Chicago. Father Bill Burke will
be the presider. Refreshments and conversation will follow
For information about either of these events, call 708/383-9276.
•Free Organ Concert. St. Francis Borgia Church, 8033 West
Addison, will celebrate the installation of the new Johannus
Rembrandt church organ with a blessing and inaugural concert
on Thursday, October 9 at 7 PM.
The guest musician will be Merrill Davis III, recipient of the
National Guild of Musical Artists Award Certificate for out-
standing artistic musical performance. Join St. Francis Borgia
Parish in hearing the divine sounds of this grand instrument
played by a master organist. For more information, please call
the rectory at 773/625-1118.
•Resurrection High School Drama Department proudly presents “Little Women”. Performances are at Resurrection High
School, 7500 West Talcott, on Friday, October 10 at 7 PM,
Saturday, October 11 at 2 & 7 PM, and Sunday, October 12 at 2
PM. Tickets are $7 pre-sale and $8 at the door. Doors open 15
minutes before the show. Call (773) 775-6616 for more information. Congratulations to Maria Stadnicka of St. Ferdinand
Parish, and a Senior at Resurrection High School, who is cast
as Aunt March in this production.
•Polish Philharmonic Resovia. One night only! Saturday,
October 10 at 8 PM. Don’t miss the Polish Philharmonic
Resovia’s acclaimed 48-piece orchestra and chorus in their firstever American tour! Performing pieces by Kilar, Chopin,
Kurpinski and Mendelssohn. Special guest pianist Leopold
Godowsky, III, nephew of George Gershwin, joins renowned
conductor Tadeusz Wojciechowski for this spectacular evening
of classical music at its finest! Call 847/673-6300 and reserve
your tickets today. Centre East at the North Shore Center for the
Performing Arts in Skokie, 9501 Skokie Boulevard. Across
from Old Orchard. Free Parking.
October 5, 2003
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Page Nine
News from the Women’s Center for October, 2003
October has been designated “Respect Life”
month. Since abortion was decriminalized, it
seems like all human life has been devalued.
Partial birth abortion is allowed and euthanasia is promoted in some circles. The selling
of aborted baby parts is a business. As a
nation, we really need to get back to the
moral principle that all life is sacred from
conception to natural death. The Women’s
Center is a pregnancy resource center which
helps women in difficult pregnancies. Each year
we enable about 2,000 women who feel abortion is
their only choice to choose to give birth to their babies. We
provide practical help including counseling, friendship,
food, clothing, baby furniture, referral services, etc. as
Volunteer Opportunities - Work at our Cicero Avenue
Family Room helping our clients pick up necessities for
their families free of charge. Sort clothes in the Family
Room. Help at our North Riverside counseling office. We
will have training sessions at our North Riverside office
for volunteers in our counseling offices on 11/8, 15 and
22. Call Kathy at 773-794-8807 concerning any of these
volunteer opportunities.
For people who wish to help us on a weekend, we will
have our Christmas wreath sale on November 29 and 30
and December 6 and 7. Our client Christmas parties are
December 20 and 22. We need your help with these
events. This would also be a good opportunity for
students who need service hours. Call Kathy at
773-794-8807 for details.
At the present time we are seeking donations of gently used sleepers, onesies, infant
undershirts, receiving and larger crib blankets,
girls and boys clothing (sizes 5 and up), maternity clothing and younger women’s large and
extra large clothing. Also needed are new baby
bottles, diapers, and toiletries-shampoo, soap, dish
soap and laundry detergent. Please call for our address
where these can be dropped off. We cannot accept used
toys at this time. The following are needed for our babies:
portacribs, infant car seats (for babies under 20 lbs.), baby
swings, double strollers, recent baby cribs, bumper pads,
crib sheets and crib mattresses. If you have or attend a
garage sale and buy any of these to donate, it would be
most appreciated. To help us by delivering any of these
items or to have them picked up call 773-794-1313.
We are having a half point sale in our Family
Resource Center from October 4th to October 10th. We
have a variety of items including gift wrap, greeting cards,
paper goods, party items, tools, toys, cosmetics, seasonal
items, and many items of interest to men for their projects.
Call 773-794-1313 for the sale hours.
St. Ferdinand Parish
Support Staff
Mrs. Aneta Koæma, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Wendy L. Braunsdorf, Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Receptionist/Secretary
Daniel Lopez, Kevin Cawley, Evening Receptionists
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of
Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care
to the Homebound
Parish Council
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai,
Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Andrew Warzocha.
Rev. David J. Cortesi and Daniel P. Costigan, ex officio.
Parish Organizations
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Vince Clemente
Christ Renews His Parish: Lay Director: Mr. Ronald Pasko
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council:
Tony Mangiaracina, past Grand Knight
Kropeczki - Sr. Catherine
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jaros³aw Buranicz
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista
Mrs. Fely Mesina
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Tammy Sammarco
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - Acting President: Henryk Mroczkowski
Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Lucyna Olszewska
Polish School Board - Chairman: Mr. Stanis³aw Urban
Rosary Group - Mr. Wac³aw Wileczek
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
St. Ferdinand Athletic Board - Director: Mr. Len Bertolini
St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President:
Mrs. Maureen Sobie
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President:
Mr. Stan Kowalkowski
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Mike Bisceglie
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 West Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-5128
St. Ferdinand Parish
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Marek Jurzyk, Associate Pastor
Rev. S³awomir Koz³owski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Roman Rataj, Associate Pastor
Rev. Joseph Kromenaker, Resident
Rev. Joseph Varkey, Resident
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m
10:45 a.m. (Polish),
12:30 p.m.,
3:00 p.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. (Polish)
7:30 a.m. (Polish), 10:30 a.m., and 12:15 p.m. (Italian).
Saturday: 8:45-9:30 a.m. or by appointment in the
rectory. Sobota: 6:30 wieczorem.
St. Ferdinand School - 773/622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773/622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Religious Education Office - 773/622-3022 ext. 366
Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E.
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773/889-7979
Sr. Katarzyna Zaremba, Superior
Business Manager - 773/622-5900 ext. 3
Mr. Daniel P. Costigan
To register please come to the rectory during
business hours:
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Baptism of children is celebrated at 1:45 p.m. in English
on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and in
Polish on the first and third Sundays of the month.
To register, please call the rectory.
Pre-Baptism class is required for baptism of the first child.
The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, and in Polish on the
Tuesday before the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in
Church. Please call the rectory to reserve a place in the
Marriages must be arranged at least four months prior to
the ceremony. Please call the rectory.

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