Liga mistrzów – język angielski Zadania dla klasy


Liga mistrzów – język angielski Zadania dla klasy
Liga mistrzów – język angielski
Zadania dla klasy czwarte j
Ex.1 Złam szyfr, aby utworzyć słowa, a następnie ułóż z nich zdanie
13 + 5 =____a
2 x 7 =____r
4 + 4 =____u
11 + 6 =____c
9 – 2 =____m
19 – 9 =____d
2 + 4 =____n
10 – 8 =____s
3 x 3 =____i
18 _____
9 2 _____
7 8 2 9 17 9 18 6 __________________
2 18 6 10 14 18 __________________
Ans wer:
Ex.2 Ułóż zdania z rozsypanki wyrazowe j
1. for / they / pancakes / and / syrup / have / maple / breakfast / .
2. always / I / words / look / new / dictionary / in / up / a / .
3. you / English / do / listen / sometimes / to / in / songs / ?
Ex.3 Złośliwy chochlik poprzestawiał wyrazy w tekście. Pomóż poprawić tekst.
Mr Wrong wakes up at midnight _______________ and has dinner__________. He swims
_________to work. He reads _________ his computer at work and talks to his dog ___________
.He comes home for breakfast ____________ and after that uses ___________a book or plays with
people _________. On Fridays he walks ___________ in the swimming pool. Mr Wrong goes to
bed at half past six ______________ every day.
Zadania dla klasy piątej
Ex.1 Przeczytaj objaśnienia i wpisz słowa w kratki. Litery z ponumerowanych kratek utworzą
- a popular dish in Spain
- a drink of milk, fruit, and yoghurt
- another word for tasty
- the name for biscuits in the USA
- a type of pasta
- meal at noon
- sparkling
Ans wer:
2 3
4 5 6
Ex.2 Wpisz w luki właściwe czasowniki
1. _________a shower
2. _________breakfast
3. _________dressed
4. _________homework
5. _________married
6. _________for a chemistry test
7. _________friends
8. _________Grandma
9. _________a car
10. _________fishing
11. _________the net
12. _________online
13. _________nervous
14. _________confient
15. _________anxious
Ex.3 Uzupełnij luki właściwą formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach
Hanna (be)_________at school now. She (sit)____________at her desk and (look)
______________at her teacher. This (be) __________ a French lesson. Hanna (like)
________French. She (have) ____________French three times a week. They (read) _________ and
(write)_____________in French.
But yesterday Hanna (not be) _____________at school. Her class (go)______________to the zoo.
They (see)__________a lot of animals and (talk) _______________about them. She (wear)
_________jeans and a T-shirt. When Hanna (come) ________________back from the zoo, she
(write) ________________ a story in French about the visit.
Zadania dla klasy szóstej
Ex.1 Połącz wyrażenia z kolumny A z wyrażeniami z kolumny B w taki sposób, aby powstały
krótkie dialogi. Wpisz w wyznaczone miejsca litery
1. Hello, Mark! _____
a Great, thanks.
2. How are things? _____
b Thanks! Same to you.
3. Thank you very much. _____
c See you soon.
4. I'm sorry, I have to run. _____
d Hi, Kathy.
5. Good night! _____
e That's all right. It doesn't matter.
5. Excuse me. ______
f Yes, can I help you?
7. Goodbye. _____
g Don't mention it.
8. Have a good weekend. _____
h Sleep well.
9. I'm terribly sorry. ______
i No problem.
Ex.2 Przeczytaj tekst i wstaw w luki najlepiej pasujące słowo
In 1950, only 9% of U.S. households 1 ___________a television. Today 99% of households have at
least one TV and 56% of 13 to 17 years olds have a television in 2 _____________bedrooms. Most
people with cable or satellite TV have access to over 200 channels.
A recent survey 3 ___________that children aged from 2 to 17 watched television for an average of
25 hours per week. One in five watched more than 35 hours of TV each week. By the age of 18, the
average American teenager spends more time 4 ____________television than learning in the
Children who watch too much TV do not do other important activities such as read ing, talking with
other people and getting exercise. As a result, experts 5 ____________that children who watch a lot
of TV are fatter, less healthy and have a poorer diet.
American TV is full of adverts. Most channels have a commercial break 6 _____________five or
six minutes. By the time he or she is eighteen the average American child has sat through 350,000
adverts. Many of 7 ____________adverts are for junk food and fizzy drinks and these encourage a
poor diet.
There is also 8 ___________violence on American TV. One study estimated that children watched
8,000 murders before they left primary school. Some studies suggest that 9 ___________a link
between the violence children watch on TV and violence in later life. Is this why violence
10 __________a problem in many American schools? What do you think?
1 A own
B owned
C has owned
2 A his
B her
C their
3 A told
B showed
C say
4 A watching B watch
C watches
5 A believe
B believed
C were believing
6 A for
B every
7 A this
B that
C these
8 A many
B a lot of
C most
9 A there is
B there are
C their is
10 A be
B was
C is
Ex.3 Zakreśl prawidłowe formy
1. We were waiting/ waited for a bus when it was starting/ started to rain.
2. While Sandra was walking/ walked along the street, she was seeing/ saw Joanna Brodzik.
3. If we don't/ won't use recycled paper, a lot of tees are/ will be destroyed.