Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th


Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th
Mass Intentions
for Monday, September 19 to Sunday, September 25
Mass in English
Mon, Sep. 19
8 AM
Tues, Sep. 20
Wed., Sep. 21
Thur. Sep. 22
7 PM
8 AM
8 AM
3 PM
7 PM
8 AM
5 PM
Mass in Polish
+ Stanislaw I Zofia Proszek - Janina Ptak
Mass in English
+ Meddie Alcantara - Carlos Ancantara
Mass in English
Blessings for Jeremy Rade
B. Rade
C ha p le t o f Di vi ne Me rc y a nd Ex p o s it io n
Mass in Polish
+ Tadeusz Chruscik
Mass in English
Special Intentions
Mass in English
Blessings for Magdalina Dinyer
Madeline Dinyer
Mass in English
+ John & Marie Taylor - Hedi Krasinkiewicz
11 AM
Mass in Polish
+Wladyslawa Lis - Rodzina Rozek
Fri, Sep. 23
Sat, Sep. 24
Sun, Sep 25
+ Bob Gleason - Margaret Sutherland
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
The Knights of Columbus will be organizing Holy Family Celebrations on October 1 and
2, 2016. Their desire is that at least one Holy Family Celebration will be organized in
each diocese in Ontario.
I am very pleased to invite you to the Diocese of London’s celebration which will take
place on Sunday, October 2, 2016 at Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine in Merlin.
The day will begin with the celebration of an outdoor Mass at 10 am, at which I am
pleased to be the main celebrant. Following Mass, we will recite the Rosary in different
languages as we walk along the beautiful Rosary trail. We will conclude the celebration
with prayer dedicated to consecrating our families to the Holy Family.
Our participation in these types of events is imperative; our prayers contribute to a
renewal of the Sacrament of Marriage and the continued support and nurturing of family
life. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available beginning at 9:30 am, and this
celebration will also offer us a wonderful opportunity to walk through the Holy Door.
At the beginning of October we will embark on the beautiful month of the Holy Rosary.
Today, more than ever before in history, we are in need of the Rosary as a prayer to help
strengthen our families. We all know the famous saying: “The family that prays together,
stays together.” It is my belief that many blessings flow through the family that prays the
Rosary together and creates a strong bond between each member. I would like to take
this opportunity to invite you to make an extra effort this month to pray the Rosary with
your family, whether at home, or in your parish.
Yours faithfully in the Lord Jesus,
Most Rev. Joseph Dabrowski, C.S.M.A.
Auxiliary Bishop of London
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church
Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
566 Rosedale Avenue (at Ellwood), Sarnia, ON N7V 1Z4
Fr. Zbigniew Rodzinka CSMA
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Bronisława De Araujo Viana
Tel: 519.337.7943; Fax: 519. 491.1831; E-mail: [email protected]
September 18, 2016 – 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 PM and 30
minutes before weekday Mass’.
The Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment
The Sacrament of Marriage: Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance.
The Second Vatican Council has called us to envision the Church as the people of God. As a
community of believers we are responsible for our brothers and sisters, their salvation, their
journey of faith, their physical well-being. Many of the documents of Vatican II and volumes
of work since the mid-1960s give us advice, guidelines, and encouragement to take care of one
another: the poor, the elderly, the unborn, the broken, the infirm. In Paul’s first letter to
Timothy, he encourages all prayers to be for all people; and finally, the Gospel urges the wise
use of money.
Sunday Collection: $ 1,686.00
Annoucements (English)
The Queen of Peace Barbeque will be on September 17 after the Saturday Vigil Mass (5pm) so please
reserve this date. Tickets will be sold after each Mass beginning on August 13. Tickets are $10 and
children under 12 are free. Please bring lawn chairs.
The Sunday 9:30 am Mass Choir is in need of more people. If you love to sing and want to do something
for our church please come up to the choir loft and sing to the Lord.
The Saturday 5pm Mass is also in need of Altar servers and Readers.
Save the date for the St. Benedict’s parish mission September 18-21. Fr. Eugene ‘Red’ O’Reilly CSsR
( will be preaching daily at 7:30 pm at St. Benedict’s. Themes:
Sunday, Intimacy with God and oneself; Monday, Living the Reign of God Today; Tuesday,
Reconciliation; Wednesday, Discipleship. Each evening will take a little bit more than an hour. A free
will offering will be taken. Invite someone to join you, especially those who have been away! Mission
preaching has been Fr. Red’s full time ministry since 1983 and he brings to it a ready smile, a wonderful
sense of humour and a compassionate understanding of people and the complex world in which we live.
This weekend we will ask the parishioners to nominate members for the Advisory Board. Nomination
slips will be handed out before Mass and will be collected immediately. Ballot slips will be prepared from
the nominations and will be handed out the next weekend which is September 24 and 25 before Mass and
collected. Election results will be announced in the bulletin the following week. We will elect 12 members.
Mothers Prayers Movement was formed in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout
the world with contacts in over 100 countries. Two grandmothers, Veronica and her sister-in-law Sandra,
felt led by the Lord to start Mothers Prayers and to pray in a special way for their children. They felt that
they should bring all the pain and the worries they had for their children to Him and to trust in His words
'Ask and you will receive'.; Through this promise, they understood that the Lord is just waiting to take
away pain and to bless and heal them and their children when they come to Him in Faith. During these
years there have been many wonderful answers to prayers. All women interested in learning more or
joining the Movement are invited to attend the meeting with the Coordinator of Mothers Prayers in Canada
Dawn Wylie and Sr. Anna Sierak (Windsor) on Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 7:45 p.m. in the Parish hall.
All are invited to attend our 8th annual outdoor memorial mass at our lady of mercy Roman Catholic
cemetery on Sunday, September 25th at 2 pm. Seating is available.
Life Chain - Sunday, October 2 from 2:30 to 3:30 on London Line; Join with thousands of pro-lifers across
North America in a continent wide, silent, prayerful, peaceful demonstration to remind the public that
abortion takes the lives of unborn children and harms women.
Come either to the Superstore parking lot or the Giant Tiger parking lot to receive a sign. Feel free to
bring a chair. For more information call Elizabeth at 519-466-0972.
The Rosary Apostolate is a ministry of evangelization through prayer. The Apostolate is seeking
volunteers to visit our schools to pray the rosary with the children once a month. Training and screening
will be provided. If interested please contact; Mary Mitro – 519-337-1970 or Joseph Serratore – 519-3362453.
"Pan pochwalił nieuczciwego rządcę, że roztropnie postąpił. Bo synowie tego świata roztropniejsi są w
stosunkach z ludźmi podobnymi sobie niż synowie światła" (Ew.).
W ewangelicznej przypowieści o nieuczciwym rządcy pochwalona zostaje roztropność, a nie
nieuczciwość. Rządca wiedział, że kończy się czas trwonienia majątku jego pana. Sprawa wyszła na jaw.
Zostaje wezwany, by zdać sprawę ze swego zarządu. Boi się i utraty pracy, i przyszłości. Jednak to, co
czyni wobec dłużników pana, jest dalej nieuczciwe, ale w oczach ludzi jemu podobnych roztropne.
Czym jest roztropność? Pismo Święte nazywa ją dość często mądrością. Jest jednak roztropność "synów
tego świata" i roztropność "synów światłości". Jezus modli się słowami: "Wysławiam Cię, Ojcze, Panie
nieba i ziemi, że zakryłeś te rzeczy przed mądrymi i roztropnymi, a objawiłeś je prostaczkom". Świat
postrzega postępowanie uczniów Chrystusa jako mało roztropne. Już św. Paweł zauważył, że fakt krzyża
ma dla niektórych ludzi wymowę "głupstwa". "Staliśmy się bowiem widowiskiem światu, aniołom
i ludziom my głupi dla Chrystusa..." (1Kor 4,9). Oczywiście istnieje roztropność jako tzw. mądrość
życiowa i ją to pochwalił Jezus w postawie pięciu panien roztropnych, które wyszły na spotkanie
oblubieńca z zapalonymi lampami. Taką postawę charakteryzuje przenikliwość
i przewidywanie. Mądrość życiowa często może jednak zostać wypaczona w kierunku przebiegłości
(cwaniactwa) lub w kierunku "roztropności doczesnej" czy - jak mówi Biblia "mądrości ciała". W jednym i
drugim wypadku mamy do czynienia z nieuczciwością.
Natomiast roztropność "synów światłości" wyrasta z wiary i nadziei pokładanej w Bogu. Wiara daje
światło z nieba. W tym świetle człowiek poznaje siebie i swoje istotne zadania, odkrywa Chrystusowe
prawo miłości. Nadzieja sprowadza czujność eschatologiczną. Nie znacie dnia ani godziny... Głupcze,
jeszcze tej nocy... Pan jest blisko, w drzwiach... Taka roztropność nie pozwala dwom panom służyć.
Pomaga być wiernym w małym. Co jednak robić, gdy czujemy, że brakuje nam roztropności, owej
mądrości prawdziwej, Bożej? Przede wszystkim modlić się o nią - jak zachęca Pismo Święte: "Jeśli zaś
komuś z was brakuje mądrości, niech prosi o nią Boga, który daje wszystkim chętnie i nie wymawiając; a
na pewno ją otrzyma" (Jk 1,5). Po wtóre, mieć pokorę i odwagę, by prosić o radę tych, którzy ją posiadają.
Człowiek bowiem zawsze będzie potrzebował drugiego człowieka. Zawsze znajdzie w sobie takie obszary,
które będą wymagały spojrzenia kogoś z zewnątrz, wspólnej refleksji i wspólnej modlitwy. Wtedy
mądrość Boża służy nie tylko człowiekowi osobiście, ale także jego braciom. A o to przecież chodzi.
Pope Francis’ 10 Secrets to Happiness
#5 “Sundays should be holidays”
Workers should have Sundays off because "Sunday is for family."

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