religious education - St Adalbert Church


religious education - St Adalbert Church
There Are No Lost Souls
There are many people who think they are lost souls. Perhaps you know some of these people. We have
a responsibility to let them know that they are not lost. There are many people who are convinced that their
sins are so terrible that God would never forgive them. You may ask me, “Father, does anyone really believe
that God would not forgive him or her?” Well, then, thank God, you haven’t met people suffering the result
of choosing an abortion for themselves or others. Many of them believe that they cannot be forgiven, even
after they go to confession. There is a ministry called Project Rachel to help these people realize they are not
There are many of people who see no value to their lives. They have given up on themselves. They have
gotten involved in various forms of immorality and have lost all sense of their own self worth. Perhaps some
of the people we know have given up on themselves as lost. We may be tempted to agree with them. They
have hurt us and the people we love. But if we were to give up on them, we would be joining the devil in
convincing these people that they are worthless. The destruction of self esteem is the work of the devil. The
work of the followers of Jesus Christ is to help others return to their rightful dignity as sons and daughters
of God.
Every family has its black sheep. It is difficult to care for those who reject our families, our families’ values,
and who seem to be happy hurting others and themselves. But we cannot give up on them. We do not have
that right to let them believe that they are lost souls. Maybe it’s useless to talk to the family’s black
sheep. But we can keep the doors of our hearts open to them. We can pray for them. We have to. There is
nothing worse we can say to someone than, “You are dead to me.” What would our lives be like if we were
to hear those words coming from God? But we would never hear these words from God. He refuses to give
up the search for the lost sheep, the lost coin, or the lost son.
Every faith filled Catholic should encourage families
with young children to teach them about the Catholic
Faith. Parents decide to have their children baptized in
the Catholic Church and parents are responsible for
teaching their children about the Catholic Faith. While
parents are the primary models for a child’s life, the parish serves to help them.
By enrolling in a parish program, parents ensure that children have solid roots in
order to grow in spirit and knowledge.
Our Program is open to all children of the parish from the time they enter the
first grade through the completion of their grammar school years.
As children mature, we assist them in preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) and reception of their First Holy Communion. This requires two
years of preparation.
Our Confirmation Preparation Program covers 24 months. Our current group of
young people will continue their preparation for reception of the Sacrament in
the Spring.
Sometimes, there are older children, teens or young adults who have not completed their Initiation Sacraments (Baptism, First Communion, First Penance, or
Confirmation), please spread the word -- they are welcomed to join our teen and
adult group that also meets on Wednesday evenings. They will join people of
other Christian faiths who are exploring the Catholic faith with the intention of
joining our parish.
Our parish offers classes on Wednesday evenings at St. Adalbert’s.
Beginning on Wednesday, September 21, we will meet
TWO TIMES per month fr om 6:30 to 8:00.
Parish sidewalk sale!!!
Our Parish Annual Sidewalk
Sale will take place in the
month of October
in our Parish Hall
from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
Items for our garage sale can
be brought to the parish hall,
every Thursday
10:00 AM – 2:30PM.
Please contact the parish
office to be sure someone is at
the parish hall to receive your
dona on: 908 352-2791.
A registration form are place in the back of the church.
Please spread the news and encourage a child’s faith.
We sincerely welcome
Questions? Call the rectory or Kathy Skrupskis,
volunteers to help with
Director of Religious Education (908-965-1727).
this event.
Skrucha warunkiem przebaczenia
Syn marnotrawny - przepiękna opowieść nie tylko o marnotrawnym i zarozumiałym dziecku, ale przede
wszystkim o Miłosiernym i pełnym mądrości Ojcu. Wszyscy z ufnością i nadzieją tak właśnie myślimy
o Bogu, na Którego Miłosierdzie i przebaczenie liczymy. Inaczej być zresztą nie może, bo to właśnie był cel
przypowieści Chrystusa - pokazać nam Miłosierdzie Boga Ojca. I tak rzeczywiście jest, że Bóg jest Miłosierny i miłujący wszystkie swoje dzieci, i tego marnotrawnego, rozrzutnego syna, który przepuścił znaczna część
ojcowskiego majątku, ale i tego drugiego, buntowniczego i zadziornego. Bóg miłuje i przebacza. To jest niewątpliwie prawda. Zapominamy jednak dosyć często, że warunkiem "sine qua non" - nieodzownym
warunkiem ojcowskiego miłosierdzia jest skrucha i pokora owego zarozumiałego syna. Gdyby tenże syn nie
"był poszedł po rozum do głowy" i nie uznał konieczności zmiany życia, gdyby się sam na powrót do domu
Ojca nie zdecydował ... nie mógłby dostąpić ojcowskiego przebaczenia i miłosierdzia. Ojciec nie mógł i nie
chciał na siłę go do siebie sprowadzać, szanując jego wolność, nawet wtedy, gdy bolał i cierpiał z powodu
upadku syna. I o tym, o konieczności skruchy i nawrócenia nie można zapominać. Słowa owego syna,
wypowiedziane "na końcu drogi odejścia", na dnie niejako: "Zabiorę się i wrócę ..." są konieczne i nieodzowne, są początkiem nawrócenia i warunkiem miłosierdzia. I o tym wielu nie chce pamiętać, mówiąc sobie:
"Będę żył jak mi się podoba, a Bóg Miłosierny i tak mi wszystko wybaczy". Albo: "Bóg jest Miłosierny, nie
ma się więc po co straszyć i stresować grzechami". Nic bardziej złudnego. Liczenie na Miłosierdzie Boże
z lekceważeniem osobistego nawrócenia i zmiany życia jest nieporozumieniem i oszukiwaniem samego
siebie. Miłosierny Ojciec pozwolił nawet, aby wracający syn wypowiedział te bardzo trudne do wypowiedzenia, słowa: "Ojcze zgrzeszyłem przeciw Bogu i względem Ciebie ..."
Modlitwa na rozpoczęcie nowego roku szkolnego
Boże Ojcze, dziękujemy Ci za te wspaniałe wakacje. Dziękujemy, za to, że
teraz cali i zdrowi, a także pełni sił i zapału, wracamy w mury naszej szkoły.
Daj nam prosimy siłę i wytrwałość do czekającej nas nauki, abyśmy za 10
miesięcy mogli wszyscy z uśmiechem odebrać świadectwo szkolne, a także
abyśmy nie zwątpili w swoje umiejętności i zdolności i na chwałę Bożą
rozwijali otrzymane od Ciebie talenty. Dodaj cierpliwości wszystkim
nauczycielom i pracownikom szkoły, by mogli nas przygotować do samodzielnego życia. Amen
Wysprzedaż rzeczy używanych!!!
Nasze parafialne „GARAGE SALE”
Informujemy, że zaczynamy zbiórkę rzeczy na naszą wysprzedaż, którą zrobimy w miesiącu październiku.
Jeśli ktoś posiada zbędne, ale w dobrym stanie
przedmioty użytku codziennego jak odzież, naczynia itp.
prosimy o dostarczanie do naszego holu parafialnego
we czwartki w godzinach od 10:00 rano do 2:30 po południu.
Prosimy o wcześniejsze powiadomienie biura parafialnego
(908) 352-2791 o czasie przybycia. Dziękujemy za każdą ofiarę.
Nasz pogram nauki religii jest otwarty dla wszystkich dzieci należących do parafii.
Serdecznie witamy też każde dziecko lub osobę dorosłą, które chcą przyjąć Sakrament
Komunii lub Bierzmowania. Program trwa 2 lata, od klasy 1-ej do wyższych.
Nasza Parafia oferuje lekcje religii we środy wieczorem.
Lekcje religii będą odbywały się 2 razy w miesiącu od 6:30 do 8-ej wieczorem.
Formy do zapisów na rok szkolny 2016/17 znajdują się w Kościele.
September 17 & 18, 2016
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
SATURDAY, September 10, 2016
* 9:00 AM – Confession / Spowiedź Św.
SUNDAY, September 11, 2016
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
*10:30 AM – Msza św. dla dzieci i młodzieży
TUESDAY, September 13, 2016
* 7:30 PM – 9:00PM – Bell Choir practice.
SATURDAY, September 17, 2016
* 9:00 AM – Confession / Spowiedź Św.
* Second Collection: Maintenance
SUNDAY, September 18, 2016
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Second Collection: Maintenance
Mass schedule changes for 2017
5:30 PM – K. Skrupskis
10:30 AM – T. Kaluzny
12:00 Noon – R. Dujanowicz
5:30 PM – R. Gora
8:00 AM – J. Ochal
10:30 AM – H. Galczynska
12:00 Noon – M. Perez
Altar Servers
8:00 AM – I. & D. Szaro
10:30 AM – A. Kaluzny, K. Stopa, D. Koziol
12:00 Noon – V. Prado, F. Fojtik & D. Osegueda
Last Sunday’s Collection:
$ 1,633.00
Saturday Masses: Ther e will be Anticipator y
Mass at 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses:
In Polish – 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
In English – 12:00 Noon
Second Collection: Fuel
$ 1,1319 .00
“...where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be.” Luke 12
Bóg zapłać za złożone ofiary.
We remember our ailing
parishioners in our daily
prayers, including those at
home, in hospitals
and nursing homes:
Henryk Mierzejwski, Natalie Zagorski, Frances
Wlazlowski, Lorraine Staboris, Joseph Horbacz,
Josephine Cardillo, Emilia Kiczek, Stanislaw
Kiczek, Bart Evans, Clair Pilecki, Stanisław
Pekosz, Felicia Bober, Peter Ciesielski, Janet Pasterkiewicz, Jozefa Boguszewski, Yolanda Avila,
Sophie and Frank Koczur, Ann Zamorski,
Rose Czekaj, Rosa Koska, Stanley Gorski...
Lord, keep them in Your loving care.
Uzdrowienie chorych, módl się za nami!
Week of September 11,
Altar Candles: In Loving Memory of Stanley Buda
and Grandson Henry Hess
Sanctuary Candle:
Confessions on Satur day, 9:00-9:30 AM
at St. Adalbert Church, or by request here at Sts.
Peter and Paul before or after the Sunday Masses.
The 2017 Mass Scheduling Book is available at
the church office for reserving Masses. Kindly send
us a listing of the Masses requested or call the office.
PLEASE NOTE—Effective January 2, 2017,
the 4:00 PM Vigil Mass will be celebrated
at St. Adalbert’s only.
Every faith filled Catholic should encourage families
with young children to teach them about the Catholic
Faith. Parents decide to have their children baptized
in the Catholic Church and parents are responsible
for teaching their children about the Catholic Faith.
While parents are the primary models for a child’s
life, the parish serves to help them. By enrolling in a
parish program, parents ensure that children have
solid roots in order to grow in spirit and knowledge.
Our Program is open to all children of the parish
from the time they enter the first grade through the
completion of their grammar school years.
Our parish offers classes on Wednesday evenings
at St. Adalbert’s.
Beginning on Wednesday, September 21, we will
meet TWO TIMES per month from 6:30 till 8:00.
Forms for the year 2016/2017 are in the back of the
St. Adalbert/Sts. Peter & Paul parish will be conducting a Garage Sale. Collection of items for the sale is
taking place now. Items may be brought to the parish
hall (Third and Marshall Streets) between 10:00 AM
and 2:00 PM on Thursdays. Please call the parish
office (908-352-2791) prior to delivery.
September 10 / September 11
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
9:00 AM –
11:00 AM – Dolores Leonard
4:00 PM – Ann Ruppert
9:00 AM – Geroge Doney
11:00 AM – Vytautas Masiliunas/Nijolė Klimik
September 17 / September 18
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
9:00 AM –
11:00 AM – Dolores Leonard
4:00 PM – Ruth Guariglia
9:00 AM – Gloria Sison
11:00 AM – Vytautas Masiliunas/Nijolė Klimik
Sunday's Collection
Not available at this time
Thank you for your generosity.
Ačiu už jūsų dosnumą.
We remember our sick parishioners in our
daily prayers including those at home,
in hospitals, and nursing homes:
Robert Cook, Ruta Didzbalis, Helen Gradeckis,
Julianna Liana, Mary Mackelis, Frank Matuzewski,
Madeline Morris, Miriano Rodrigez,
Noel O’Sullivan, Lorraine Staboris,
Dolly Townsend, Karen Townsend ...
Memorials for the Week of
September 11th, 2016
is the key to success in life, and
teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of
their students.”
Tabernacle Candle:
In Memory of Laucius and Brazinski families
Requested by Charles and Ruth Brazinski
Altar Candles:
In Memory of Laucius and Brazinski families
Requested by Charles and Ruth Brazinski
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
Week of September 11, 2016
4:00 PM + Antoinette K. Degutis (ann.)
SUNDAY (11th)
9:00 AM + Joseph Salus
11:00 AM + Dorothy Juzaitis
MONDAY (12th)
12:00 Noon – Health – Devin & Barbara Smith
TUESDAY (13th)
12:00 Noon + Michael Savonis
12:00 Noon + Madelyn Sweitzer and
Vincent Laucius
12:00 Noon + Anthony Baronas
FRIDAY (16th)
12:00 Noon – Health - Anne O’Sullivan
4:00 PM + Eugene Liana
SUNDAY (18th)
9:00 AM + Ciro & Angelina Delfino
11:00 AM + F. Joseph Degutis (ann.)
Jubilee Year Event –
Morning of Mercy Pilgrimage
On Saturday, September 24, the Evangelization
Commission of the Archdiocese is sponsoring
“Morning of Mercy: a mini pilgrimage” at Divine Mercy Parish, Rahway. It will be an opportunity to gain the Jubilee Year Indulgence.
The Morning includes a talk by Msgr. Joe Reilly,
our Archdiocesan Missionary of Mercy; Adoration; Confession; going through the Holy Door,
and Mass. All from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
All are welcome to come. Confessions, will take
place about 10:30 - 11:30 am.
St. Adalbert Church
Week of September 11, 2016
5:30 PM + Frank J. Macierowski – Children
8:00 AM + Emily Gola
– Pracownicy Vantage w Avenel
10:30 AM + Roman Barlik (14 Rocznica)
– Rodzina Barlik
12:00 PM + Danuta Rucki – Mr. & Mrs. Harpula
7:30 AM + Susanna Nicol – Genowefa Ziobro
8:15 AM – O Boże błogosławieństwo i opiekę na
nowy rok szkolny dla Davida
7:30 AM + Kazimierz Niemczyk
– Eugene & Janina Ciuba
8:15 AM + Roman Szczygieł
– Zofia & Joseph Dziedzic
7:30 AM + Mary Buda & Grandson Henry Hess
8:15 AM + Monika Niemczyk – Ludwik Zielonka
7:30 AM + John Kielczynski – Irena Urbanska
8:15 AM + Jan Machowski – Adam & Łucja Kusio
7:30 AM + Mary Buda & Grandson Henry Hess
8:15 AM + Ks. Prałat Bronisław Wielgus – St. A’s
7:30 AM + Raymond Bara – Parents
8:15 AM + Walter Kaminski – Joe & Jane Harpula
5:30 PM + Joan Zarzecki Kukunaris
– John & Lucille Zarzecki
8:00 AM + Stefan Czarnocki – Żona
10:30 AM – O Boże Błogosławieństwo
w 17 Rocznicę Ślubu dla Urszuli i Seweryna
Pietruszewskich – Rodzice
12:00 PM + Helen Dmiczak (20 Anniversary)

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