Pearson and Cracow University of Economics have pleasure in


Pearson and Cracow University of Economics have pleasure in
 Pearson and Cracow University of Economics
have pleasure in inviting you to
The PTE & LCCI International Qualifications Conference
27-28 JUNE, 2014
June 27, Friday
Cracow University of Economics
Rakowicka 27, room 107
Finance Department building, 1e floor
Conference Registration Deadline: June 20, 2014
Conference Programme
PTE General Teaching Tips, video recording session
Delegates being representatives of official PTE examination centres are welcome to promote the
centres through recording a video presentation on how to prepare students for the PTE General exam
effectively. Within the assigned time slot a camera crew will be at hand to perform the recording. The
participants willing to share their expertise in front of a video camera are requested to follow the
guidelines outlined in the "PTE General Teaching Tips Video Recording Guidelines".
PTE Around the Globe - Opening Ceremony, Andrew Khan, Adrian Chróstowski
PTE General has been a popular test in the Central and Eastern European markets for a number of years
but it’s only one test of many available to schools and universities throughout the region. This talk will aim to
place PTE General in the context of the wider Pearson portfolio and introduce participants to some of the
broader themes that drive the way Pearson looks at assessment and learning resources.
Lunch break
An Overview of Pearson Test of English General [PTE General] Levels A1-L5, Stephen
This session will cover the following issues, which are key to successful preparation and seating of the
Pearson Test of English General: Who takes PTEG and where are they located? Who recognises PTEG and for
what purpose? What is the language content of Pearson Test of English? We will also take a detailed look
at each language skill, see how to prepare learners to take PTEG and identify the top slips that learners
are prone to make and top tips on how to prepare students to pass.
Coffee break
Simultaneous sessions set
Jak przygotować dzieci do PTE Young Learners,
Katarzyna Statkiewicz-Zawadzka
Nasze spotkanie zaczniemy od krótkiej refleksji na temat motywacji dzieci do nauki i jakie miejsce w tym
zagadnieniu przypada PTE Young Learners. Zaprezentuję kilka pomysłów, które pomogą utrzymać motywację
na wysokim poziomie podczas przygotowań do egzaminu (i to nie tylko motywację uczniów). Jak uniknąć
licznych powtórzeń tych samych zadań a jednocześnie oswoić uczniów z formą egzaminów? Jakie problemy
najczęściej napotykamy podczas przygotowań? Które elementy zadań sprawiają dzieciom największe
trudności? Jak o egzaminach rozmawiać z rodzicami? To główne pytania, które pojawią się podczas
PTE General Support Session, Stephen Thompson, Dorota Bruszewska, Adrian Chróstowski
Do you need support with all the nitty-gritty of the exam teaching techniques, exam preparation procedures
and technicalities of day to day functioning of exam centres? Have you been trying to find solutions to the
exam related issues and problems your test centre may be facing? In this "Pearson Exam Centre Support
Session" Dorota, Stephen and Adrian, experts in the PTE Young Learners, PTE General and LCCI International
Qualifications fields will provide you with all the necessary information, guidance and support that you
require. The format of this session is designed as one-to-one consultancy and support conversations.
All participants will receive a set of conference materials
Conference folder, notepad with pen, certificate of attendance, PTE General pendrive,
Total English Intermediate Student's Book with correlation tables, Pearson Exams
Expert conference bag
Culture Teacher Training Course in Edinburgh
All conference participants are welcome to take part in the "Wheel of Fortune"
competition throughout the conference. Come to Pearson stand, spin the wheel and
answer a question on PTE Young Learners, PTE General or LCCI. Then put your correct
answer and name on a slip of paper and deposit it in a box at Pearson stand. The more
correct answers you give and the more slips you put in the box, the greater your
chance to win a Culture Teacher Training Course in Edinburgh.
This is your opportunity to win a 7-day course in Edinbourgh which will give you a
chance to learn about the British Culture, experience the festival and find inspiration
for the next academic year.
Recommended Hotel Accomodation
All participants planning to stay overnight in Cracow for two days of the conference may take the opportunity of
booking a hotel room with Ibis Hotels at a discounted price by filling out the form and fulfilling the booking
procedure required by the hotel. The hotels are within walking distance from the conference venue.
The discounted price for the hotels are available until June 20, 2014.

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