Information for the authors Please submit the texts by e


Information for the authors Please submit the texts by e
Information for the authors
Please submit the texts by e-mail or in a paper version or an electronic version recorded on a
CD (DVD). You are also requested to attach your consent to have the paper published or
reviewed as well as a declaration that the submitted work has not been published before in
print or online and that it has not been submitted before other editors. You are also requested
to confirm that you are the work’s author.
The texts need to be submitted not later than the end of February (the first issue), the end of
May (the second issue), the end of August (the third issue) and the end of November (the
fourth issue).
Following the collection of the works, the editors will produce a preliminary review with
respect to qualification for publishing. Later on, the anonymous papers will be forwarded to
the publisher’s reviewers. In case of doubts, the works will be returned to the authors with
possible suggestions of corrections. The approved texts will be forwarded for editing and,
following the author’s approval, the respective volume will be published.
The typescripts of the papers, reviews and reports should contain the following
information and fulfil the following requirements:
The author’s (authors’) address data
- name and surname
- academic title or degree
- affiliation
- correspondence address
- contact telephone number or e-mail address.
- the author’s (authors’) declaration (to be downloaded as a PDF file here)
- the reviewing procedure adopted by the journal’s editors (to be downloaded as a
PDF file here)
- the rules of preventing ghostwriting and similar practices (to be downloaded as a
PDF file here)
- an internal review form (to be downloaded as a PDF file here).
The sequence of the specific parts of a typescript
1. Name and surname, the affiliation city/town in parentheses
e.g. Jan Kowalski (Warszawa)
2. The title
3. The key words in Polish and English (3-5)
e.g. Słowa kluczowe: historia, Polska, kultura
Keywords: history, Poland, culture
4. An abstract in English (maximum 250 characters including blanks)
5. The text (with a distinct introduction, the subsequent parts and the end)
6. An abstract in English (maximum 900 characters including blanks)
7. The title, the name and surname, full affiliation, a contact address and telephone or an
e-mail address (e.g. Marcin Danielewski, Ph.D., Institute of History, Faculty of History,
Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89d, 61-614 Poznań, [email protected]).
The technical aspects of the texts
- the texts need to be submitted in MS Word
- the format: A4, margins 2.5 cm (upper, bottom, right and left)
- the main text font: Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5
- the annotations font: Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 1.15
- the maximum number of characters (including blanks): 45,000 (a paper, a review paper) or
12,000 (a review, a report, a dispute)
- figures developed for the B5 format and a list thereof (figures need to be approved by the
- figures, tables and diagrams need to be provided in two languages (the language of the text
and English).
Comments on the annotations and the text
- Records of archive entries as in the provided example: A letter from A. Gołuchowski to A.
Potocki of 7 I 1867, Central Archives of Historical Records (further referred to as CAHR),
the Potocki of Łańcut Archives, manuscript no. 2279, c. 39-42
- Records of the sources as in the provided example: Kuyavian and Masovian documents
primarily from the 13th century (further referred to as KMD, ed. B. Ulanowski, Krakow 1887,
no. 1
- Records of articles published in journals as in the provided example: Z. Fiala, K počátkům
listin v Čechách, Sborník historický 1 (1953), pp. 27-45; T. Lalik, Włość kanoników
staroboleslawskich w pierwszej połowie XI wieku. Ze studiów nad organizacją domeny
książęcej, Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej 19 (1971), no. 2, pp. 399-429
- Records of articles from newspapers W. L. Jaworski, Ideologia chłopska, Czas, 6 IV 1888,
no. 120, p. 1
- Records of articles placed in collective works as in the provided example: M. Bláhová,
Dĕjepisectví v českých zemích přemyslovského období, [in:] Przemyślidzi i Piastowie - twórcy
i gospodarze średniowiecznych monarchii. Materials from a scholarly conference Gniezno 57 May2004, ed. J. Dobosz, Poznań 2006, pp. 107-139, here, pp. 116-117
- Bibliographic records of non-serial publications (books) when the work has 1-3 authors as in
the provided example: A. Pleszczyński, Przestrzeń i polityka. Studium rezydencji władcy
wcześniejszego średniowiecza, Lublin 2000, p. 29 n.
- Records of entries and articles in dictionaries and encyclopaedias as in the provided
example: G. Kreuzer, Udalrich, [in:] Lexikon des Mittelalters, Bd. VIII. München - Zürich
2000, pp. 1173-1174
- Records of online publications as in the provided example: M. Danielewski, O Bolesławie
Chrobrym, [accessed on 10.01.2015]
- When the same work is cited again, please provide not more than the three first words of the
- When citing a work from a previous annotation, please use the term: ibid. When directly
after an author’s work you quote the author’s another text, instead of the author’s surname
please write: idem, eadem or eidem,
- Latin quotes and quotes in other archaic languages should be written in italics (without
quotation marks), quotes in modern languages should be provided in a regular font in
quotation marks,
- the form of the records of archival sources and source editions will be provided by the
specific volume’s scientific editors.
- In the text and the annotations the generally adopted abbreviations should be employed: y. year; c. - century; also e.g., etc., i.e.
- Full dates in the texts and annotations should be recorded with numerals. The months should
be recorded in words whenever the year is not provided, e.g. 6 August.
The publisher’s address:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Józef Dobosz, Marzena Matla, Marcin Danielewski
Institute of History at the Poznań University (Bohemistics Workshop)
Umultowska 89D
61-614 Poznań
Tel.: + 48 61 829 1519
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]