test klasa vi 2015


test klasa vi 2015
Powiatowy Przasnyski Konkurs Językowy- test dla klas VI
08 maja 2015
III Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
(7 pkt)
I Wybierz i zaznacz a), b) lub c). (5pkt)
1. Many of the ______ were angry when the
plane was late.
a) passengers b) navigators c) stewardesses
2. We sat on the _______ to get some fresh air
a) deck b) coach
c) cabin
3. Can you ____ the floor?
a) tidy up
b) wash
c) sweep
4. A rectangle has got _______ corners.
a) three
b) four
c) five
5 Calm down! I’m sure you’ll ______ your purse
in your bag.
a) meet b) spill c) find
listen to, understand, communicate,
conversation, language, distance, gestures
1.The ________________ with Sandra ended in
an argument.
2.Jack uses ________________ and signs to talk
to the people.
3.I have to _______________ what may teachers
say at school.
4.Not everyone speaks the same ____________ .
5. Dolphins can ________________ with each
other using sounds.
II Połącz wyrazy z obu kolumn tak, aby
powstały zwroty. (5 pkt)
6.My parents always _____________ how I’m
feeling when I’m sick.
a) the ironing
b) homework
c) in a hotel
d) on a trip
e) to the countryside
f) the environment
7.We often have a _________________ call using
our webcams.
IV Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do
pozostałych. (7pkt)
1. English, French, Germany, Italian
2. boring, useless, difficult, interesting
3. fly, ladybird, daffodil, mosquito
4. save, earn, spend, grow
5. western, epic, thriller, sitcom
6. get on, get off, take off, take on
7. cotton, plain, wool, leather
Powiatowy Przasnyski Konkurs Językowy- test dla klas VI
08 maja 2015
6.-……….. car do you prefer, the sports car or the
family car?
I Uzupełnij tekst wstawiając odpowiednio:
a, an, the.
(10 pkt)
- The sports car.
Yesterday I was sitting on …… 6 o’clock train
- They’re playing tennis.
when I saw……. strange man walking along the
8.- ……….... did you meet at the station?
platform. He came into the carriage of …. train
- I met Jane.
where I was sitting, and he sat in the seat opposite
9.- Who ……..…. they?
mine. He opened……… newspaper and started
- They’re my sisters.
7.- What …….…. they doing?
reading it. On …. front page of ….. newspaper,
there was ….. picture of …… bank robber. The
III Przeczytaj ogłoszenia i uzupełnij zdania
używając: don’t have to lub mustn’t. (6 pkt)
words under……. Picture were: “Wanted by the
police”. It was ….. same man!
II Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Każdy
wyraz pasuje do innego zdania. (9 pkt)
No talking.
Please leave books
on tables.
Which were
Free swim today.
No eating.
No drinking.
Please be quiet4th-year exam
in progress
1 - ………….…did you do this morning?
- We bought a new car.
2 – Where ………..….. you buy that painting?
- We bought it in Madrit.
3 – Where …….…. the nearest bank?
- In the High Street
4. – Why …….…you tired yesterday evening?
1.You ………..……talk in the library.
You…………put the books back on the shelves.
2.Swimmers …………….. pay today.
Swimmers ………… .eat or drink by the pool.
- I worked hard all day.
3.Students ………….…… make a noise.
5. – When ……….. you get up in the morning?
Third-year students ……….... take the exam.
- I get up at seven o’clock.
Powiatowy Przasnyski Konkurs Językowy- test dla klas VI
08 maja 2015
3.Odbierasz kolegę z lotniska i pytasz o jego lot.
I Dopasuj właściwą reakcję. Wpisz tylko litery,
nie przepisuj zdań. Jedno zdanie podano
dodatkowo. (6 pkt)
A Have a nice flight?
B How was your flight?
C How did you book the flight?
4.Chcesz dojechać do muzeum autobusem. Pytasz
1. Do you take sugar in your coffee? 2. Are you ready to order? 3. How was the chicken? 4. Would you like a dessert? -
kierowcę, gdzie wysiąść.
A Which bus goes to the museum?
B Where’s the nearest bus stop to the museum?
C Where should I get off for the museum?
5. Could I have another slice of cake?6. Would you like some more rice? a) That’s really great! What did you get?
b) Thank you. It was lovely. I enjoyed it.
c) Yes, I’ll have a green salad for a starter.
d) Yes, certainly. Help yourself.
e) Two spoonfuls, please.
5 Jak powiesz, że sie zgubiłeś?
A I think I’ve lost my way.
B I’m afraid I’ve lost the address.
C Are you lost?
III Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki. Dwa
wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasują do
dialogu. (9 pkt)
f) Yes, please, but only a little..
g) No, thank you. I’ve had enough. Can I
they many
have the bill, please?.
II Do każdej sytuacji (1- 5) dobierz właściwą
reakcję i zakreśl : A, B lub C. (5pkt)
1.Widzisz, że ktoś może się niechcący zranić i
chcesz go ostrzec.
A Come on! B Watch out! C Cheer up!
2. Prosisz kolegę, aby powtórzył to, co właśnie
A Excuse me ! B Pardon! C I’m sorry!
Assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I need a ________ of trainers for
Assistant: What _________ are you?
Customer: Seven.
Assistant: Try these. We have them in ________
Customer: How much _______ _______ ?
Assistant: They are 20% ______ today.
Customer: I______ take two _______. Pink and
yellow, please. How ________ is it altogether?
Assistant: £38
Customer: Can I pay _________ credit card?
Assistant: Yes, of course.
Powiatowy Przasnyski Konkurs Językowy- test dla klas VI
08 maja 2015
I Przeczytaj tekst w ramce i połącz definicje (1-5) z
informacjami (a-e). (5pkt)
1.What was Apollo 13?
It was the third NASA mission to the Moon. The start
of the mission was on the eleventh of April, 1970.
People around the world were excited.
2.Who were the astronauts?
They were James Lovell, John Swigert and Fred Haise.
II Przeczytaj list w ramce poniżej i zaznacz,
czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (), czy
fałszywe (). (6pkt)
Dear Marie,
Lovell was the commander.
3. What was the problem?
When my children were born, I gave up work to
On the thirteenth of April, there was an explosion on
look after them. Now they’re both at work, I’ve
the spaceship. It was in the oxygen tanks. The
taken on a full time job which I enjoy.
astronauts were scared. There wasn’t any oxygen and
the astronauts were 300,000 kilometres from home!
4. Was there a solution?
Yes, there was – the lunar module. There was oxygen,
water and food for two men for two days in the lunar
The problem is my husband. He seems to think
that even though I’m working full time I should
still do everything I did before, have his dinner on
the table when he comes in (even though he gets
module. The astronauts were worried because there
home before me), and do all the housework. I
were three men and a journey of four days!
think he not only resents me working, but I now
5. Were there any other problems?
earn as much as him.
Yes, there were. It was very cold in the lunar module –
about 3°C. Commander Lovell wasn’t happy. The
astronauts weren’t very comfortable. They were cold
and tired.
I feel really put on, as I’ve devoted nearly 20
years of my life to the home and family, and now I
want something for myself, he doesn’t like it.
6. Was the return journey successful?
What should I do?
Yes, it was. The return to Earth wasn’t easy but there
Mrs. D.Johnson
weren’t any big problems.
1. She stayed at home when her children
1. the start of the mission
a) three
2. the number of astronauts
b) 11th April
were young.
2. She has two children.
3. the problem
c) three degrees
3. She doesn’t like her work.
4. the distance of the spaceship d) an explosion
4. Her husband arrives home later than her.
from Earth
5. He prepares dinner for her.
5. the temperature in the lunar
e) 300,000 km
6. They earn the same money.
Powiatowy Przasnyski Konkurs Językowy- test dla klas VI
08 maja 2015