The Parish Family of St. John Paul II


The Parish Family of St. John Paul II
The Parish Family of
St. John Paul II
39 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002-3753
Rectory 201- 339-2070; Fax 201-339-3676
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Religious Education: [email protected]
Served by:
Rev. Zenon Boczek, S.D.S., Pastor
Rev. Paul Dolinski, S.D.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Andrew Kujawa, S.D.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mark DeStephano, S.J., Ph.D., Weekend Assistant
The purpose of the Salvatorian is to strengthen, to defend and
to spread the Catholic faith everywhere insofar as this is committed to it by Divine Providence. Therefore, by exercising
this ecclesiastical teaching function in word and writing, it intends to achieve the end that all people might know more and
more the one true God and Him whom He sent, Jesus Christ.
Kerry G. Fryczynski, Anthony Ventrone - Trustees
Marjorie Mierzejewski , Parish Secretary
Debra Czerwienski, Director of Religious Education
Dayle Vander Sande, Music Minister
October 30, 2016
4:30 PM at St. Michael’s Church;
5:00 PM at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
7:00 AM (Polish); 8:15 AM; 9:30 AM; 10:45 AM (Polish) & 12:15 PM;
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
9:30 AM (Italian) - St. Michael’s Church
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Monday – Saturday: 7:00 AM (English) & 8:00 AM, (Polish) [except Thursday]
Tuesday 7:00 PM (English), Thursday 7:00 PM (Polish)
St. Michael’s Church
8:00 AM (English) Monday – Saturday
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Daily 7:30 AM, Saturday 4:00 PM
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
4:30 PM (SM) + Anna & Charles Hippe (Carol Gaynor)
5:00 PM + Genevieve & Michael Uzdavines (Son & Family)
- Ken & Olivia Klim, 50th Wedding Anniversary
SUNDAY, October 30, 2016
7:00 AM + Irene Bukovecky (Wysocki Family)
8:15 AM + Jean & Joseph Ohalek (Maryann & Jeff Stabile)
9:30 AM + Stanisław Milkowski (Son)
9:30 AM (SM) + Giovanna & Antonio Ventrone
(Son, Luciano, & Family)
10:45 AM + Adolf, Maria, Czesław, Władysław, & Stanisław
Kawa (Daniela)
12:15 PM + Henry Sanchez (Angela Martorana)
MONDAY, October 31, 2016
7:00 AM + Daniel Russo (Joanne & Frank)
8:00 AM + Helen & Alexander Mager (Tom & Lorraine)
8:00 AM (SM) + Thaddeus Porawski (Sophie Vanderbeck)
7:00 PM (Eng.) + Sophie & Julius Spozdial (Daughter, Helen)
TUESDAY, November 1, 2016
7:00 AM + Gregory Rogozenski (Mom)
8:00 AM + Katarzyna Fryc (Family)
8:00 AM (SM) + Emily & Thomas Amses
(Daughter, Adrienne Amses)
12:00 PM (Eng.) + Rev. Robert A. Pachana (Carol & Ted Grasz)
7:00 PM (Pol.) + Celina Burec
(Magda & Edyta Marcin & Families)
WEDNESDAY, November 2, 2016
7:00 AM (Eng.) + All Souls
8:00 AM (Pol.) + All Souls
8:00 AM (SM) + All Souls
12:00 PM (Eng.) + All Souls
7:00 PM (Pol.) + All Souls
THURSDAY, November 3, 2016
7:00 AM + Veronica & Peter Durak (Family)
8:00 AM (SM) + Elvira & Giuseppe Ciraco
(Daughter, Maria E. Ciraco)
7:00 PM + Jòzefa i Andrzej Czepielewski (Family)
FRIDAY, November 4, 2016
7:00 AM + Theodore Markowski (J. Miros)
8:00 AM + Martha Szydlowska (Family)
8:00 AM (SM) + Elvira & Giuseppe Ciraco
(Maribeth & Joe Doria)
SATURDAY, November 5, 2016
7:00 AM + Memorial Mass (See Next Page)
8:00 AM + Msgr. Joseph A. Marjanczyk (+2008)
8:00 AM (SM) + John & Anna Kelly (Joan)
4:30 PM (SM) + Masalsky & O’Neill Families
5:00 PM + Henry Rumian, Sr. (Wife, Pauline)
SUNDAY, November 6, 2016
7:00 AM + Jadwiga Bondarowicz
(Wanda & Slawomir Zambrowski)
8:15 AM + Lillian & Charles Jakubowski
(Children & Grandchilden)
9:30 AM + George T. Knoop (Margaret Knoop)
9:30 AM (SM) + Andrea & Michelina Gerace
(Daughter, Teresina)
10:45 AM ++ rodzice, siostra i bracia (Alina & Family)
12:15 PM + Walter Magda (Magda Family)
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 30, 2016
Just as the living Father sent me and I have
life because of the Father, so whoever feeds
on me shall have life because of me,
says the Lord.
- John 6:58
Spiritual Offerings,
October 30—November 5, 2016
Blessings for Helen Warzecha (Seniors)
+ Masalsky & O’Neill Families
Special Intentions
+ John & Josephine Mierzejewski (Margie)
Blessiings for Victoria (Love, Mom)
+ Nellie Jablonski, Happy 6th Anniversary in
Heaven (Daughter, Patricia Jablonski, &
Special Intention
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana (Milkowski Family)
+ Frank Sweeney (Denise & Family)
Health Blessings for Carol Whaselsky
(Milkowski Family)
+ Peter Rapczynski (Friends)
+ Stanisław Milkowski (Milkowski Family)
In Thanksgiving
Our Grateful Tithe to God:
Regular: $6,637.00
We thank all our parishioners for their generous
support of our parish!
Bóg Zapłać! Grazie!
This Week
Sunday, October 30, 2016:
Pancake Breakfast After All Masses 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM, Parish Center
Only $8.00
Fundraiser for Boy Scouts Troop 19
Monday, October 31, 2016:
Family of Nazareth - 7:00 PM
Tuesday, November 1, 2016:
All Saints Day Collection
Holy Day of Obligation Rectory Office is Closed
Cub Scouts - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, November 2, 2016:
Confirmation Class - 7:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
St. Michael’s Church
Thursday, November 3, 2016:
Youth Group - 6:30 PM
Boy Scouts - 7:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday, November 5-6, 2016:
Daylight Savings Time Ends —
Turn Clocks BACK One Hour
Collection for the Military Services, USA
Fall Back!!
Daylight Savings Time began on
the second Sunday of March and
will end on the first Sunday of
November, next weekend.
(Saturday night— 2 AM Sunday
morning). Turn your clocks
BACK one hour.
November is the Month of Remembrance
and Remembering.
We remember and pray for our deceased
relatives and friends.
We invite you to join us on Sunday, Nov 6, at 3:00 PM
at Holy Cross Cemetery, 340 Ridge Rd., North
Arlington. We will pray the Rosary for the deceased, in
English and in Polish, at Father Robert Pachana’s
grave in the Mausoleum. Afterwards you are free to
visit your relatives’ graves if you wish.
There is no bus organized, we will have to drive our
own cars. Ther e is no list. Anyone who wants to
come should just come. We will meet in the area next
to the cemetery’s office at 3:00 PM. Please wait there
and we will drive to the Mausoleum.
If you have questions - please ask Fr. Andrew.
Memorial Mass
+ Kazimierz Klos
+ Irene Skowronski
+ John P. Durak
+ Henryk Stasiorek
+ Helen Sharp
+ Frances Zubel
+ Helene Duda
+ Andrzej Rutkowski
+ Leokadia & Antoni Kurpiewski
+Joseph & Hattie Merkovsky
+John & Hanni Iwasiuta
+ Halina & Stanley Karulski
+ Juan & Oscar Velazquez
Bayonne’s First Hobby Model Kit Show
Saturday, November 12, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Parish Center Gymnasium
Model Kits and Built-Ups for Sale
In a world filled with electronic games, gadgets,
apps, consoles and limited imagination, the hobby
of model building is great for honing a variety of
skills from ages 6 to 86.
Model kits run from military aircrafts to vehicles,
ships, civilian vehicle and figures from all eras.
For more information, contact Joseph Esposito at
201-737-0692 or [email protected].
Tricky Tray at St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent’s will have a Tricky-Tray Extravaganza
on Saturday, December 3, 2016, at 12:00 PM in
Robinson Hall, 979 Avenue C, Bayonne.
Admission Tickets are $35 per person …
includes lunch by Buon Appetito and door prize
ticket. Grand prizes include a 55” 4K Ultra Smart
TV, $500 VISA Gift Card, $500 Shop Rite /
Stop & Shop Gift Card, Kitchenmaid Mixer /
Rachel Ray Pots and a Laptop.
For information and reservations, call
St. Vincent’s Rectory at 201-436-2222.
Cut-off date for purchasing tickets is Monday,
November 21st.
Attention Lectors
The 2017 Workbook for
Lectors is available in the
Sacristy for pickup at your
May 29 – June 8
– BARCELONA ($3,785.00 )
For more information call Fr. Zenon
Tutti i Santi 1 novembre
Il giorno di tutti i Santi, noto anche come Ognissanti,
è una festa cristiana che celebra insieme la gloria e
l'onore di tutti i Santi (siano o non siano stati canonizzati).
La solennità del calendario liturgico romano (in latino: Sollemnitas Omnium Sanctorum) cade il 1º novembre (seguita il 2 novembre dalla Commemorazione dei Defunti), ed è una festa di precetto, che
prevedeva anche una vigilia e un'ottava nel calendario anteriore alla riforma liturgica voluta dal concilio ecumenico Vaticano II.
Le commemorazioni dei martiri, comuni a diverse
Chiese, cominciarono ad esser celebrate nel IV secolo. Le prime tracce di una celebrazione generale
sono attestate ad Antiochia, e fanno riferimento alla
Domenica successiva alla Pentecoste. Questa usanza viene citata anche nella settantaquattresima
omelia di Giovanni Crisostomo ed è preservata fino
ad oggi dalle chiese orientali. Anche Efrem Siro
parla di tale festa, e la colloca il 13 maggio.
La ricorrenza della chiesa occidentale potrebbe
derivare dalla festa romana della dedicatio Sanctae
Mariae ad Martyres, ovvero l'anniversario della trasformazione del Pantheon in chiesa dedicata alla Vergine e a tutti i martiri, avvenuta il 13 maggio del 609
o 610 da parte di papa Bonifacio IV; la data del 13
maggio coincide con quella citata da Efrem Siro.
In seguito papa Gregorio III (731-741) scelse il 1º
novembre come data dell'anniversario della
consacrazione di una cappella a San Pietro alle reliquie "dei santi apostoli e di tutti i santi, martiri e confessori, e di tutti i giusti resi perfetti che riposano in
pace in tutto il mondo”. Arrivati ai tempi di Carlo
Magno, la festività di Ognissanti era diffusamente
celebrata in novembre].
Il 1º novembre venne decretato festa di precetto da
parte del re franco Luigi il Pio nell'835. Il decreto fu
emesso "su richiesta di papa Gregorio IV e con il
consenso di tutti i vescovi”. La festa si dotò di ottava solenne ancora presente nel rito straordinario della Chiesa durante il pontificato di papa Sisto IV,
quando, bandendo la crociata per la liberazione di
Otranto nel settembre 1480, il pontefice implorò la
benedizione dell'Altissimo sulle schiere cristiane.
Do you think you’re going to
heaven? Because maybe you aren’t.
All Saints . Since the times of the
early church, particularly the martyrs
always had a special day assigned to
their veneration.
Do you think that you’re going to
heaven? And if so, why? I read a recent poll from ABC
news that said that about 85% (of people who believed in
heaven at all) believed that they were going there. As a
matter of fact, I polled the 8th graders this morning and
asked them how many of them thought they were going
to heaven. All of them did. But again, I wonder what the
basis of that hope is.
Scripture says that Heaven is for those who have
conquered. There are multiple images, particularly in the
Book of Revelation, about gaining heaven as gaining
ground in some kind of mortal combat. St. Paul
compares the Christian life to boxing, to training for the
Olympic games and to a race. Jesus clearly says that at
the end of time, the human race will be divided into the
sheep and the goats and the ones who failed to show
heroic kindness to their brothers and sisters will be
thrown into the lake of fire. Many other such references
could be given. They all point to one truth: Heaven is
like a winner’s circle. It is a place for those who have
won the race and kept the faith. But somehow, I think
that we have cheapened it into a place that were are
simply entitled to go because we’re such nice people.
People seem to think that all that is necessary to go to
heaven is that you have some tiny glimmer of goodness
in you. For all we know, that description fits Satan
himself, but as far as we know, he is not enjoying his
heavenly reward for it.
Since when do we presume so much on God’s kindness
and mercy and simply think that just by being vaguely
nice people who generally did as we pleased, that we will
go to the place where Scripture says that only the heroes
go? Y’all, it doesn’t really take much energy to be nice
to people. Atheists can be nice to people, and very often
are. Heaven means much more than being nice, it means
being holy. Today is a day we celebrate holy men and
women, not men and women who just won PTA awards
or were good at patting their children on the cheek when
they did something cute.
It is a happy day, but it is a day that we should ask
ourselves a very important question: how does my faith
make me act differently than I would if I did not have it?
How am I striving to win the race? Am I testifying to the
life of the savior who suffered for me by suffering myself
for the sake of love?
I would like to end with a quotation by Coach Vince
Lombardi, who knew a great deal about struggling to
meet a goal:
I firmly believe that any man’s finest hours, the greatest
fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when
he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies
exhausted on the field of battle–victorious.
This is how we will enter Heaven. And there is no other
Dzisiejsza uroczystość ma char akter bar dzo
radosny. Wspominamy bowiem dzisiaj wszystkich tych,
którzy żyli przed nami i wypełniając w swoim życiu
Bożą wolę, osiągnęli wieczne szczęście przebywania
z Bogiem w niebie. Kościół wspomina nie tylko
beatyfikowanych i kanonizowanych, ale także
wszystkich wiernych zmarłych, którzy już osiągnęli
zbawienie i przebywają w niebie. Widzi w nich swoich
orędowników u Boga i przykłady do naśladowania.
Wstawiennictwa Wszystkich Świętych wzywa się
w szczególnie ważnych wydarzeniach życia Kościoła.
Śpiewa się wówczas Litanię do Wszystkich Świętych,
która należy do najstarszych litanijnych modlitw
Kościoła i jako jedyna występuje w księgach
liturgicznych (w liturgii Wigilii Paschalnej; ponadto
także w obrzędzie poświęcenia kościoła i ołtarza oraz
w obrzędzie święceń.
W pierwszych wiekach chrześcijaństwa
w Kościele nie wspominano żadnych świętych.
Najwcześniej zaczęto oddawać cześć Matce Bożej.
Potem kultem otoczono męczenników, nawiedzając ich
groby w dniu narodzin dla nieba, czyli w rocznicę
śmierci. W IV wieku na Wschodzie obchodzono
jednego dnia wspomnienie wszystkich męczenników.
Z czasem zaczęto pamiętać o świątobliwych
wyznawcach: papieżach, mnichach i dziewicach.
Większego znaczenia uroczystość Wszystkich Świętych
nabrała za czasów papieża Bonifacego IV (+ 615).
Już ok. 800 r. wspomnienie Wszystkich Świętych
obchodzone było w Irlandii i Bawarii, ale 1 listopada.
Za papieża Grzegorza IV (828-844) cesarz Ludwik
rozciągnął święto na całe swoje państwo. W 935 r.
Jan XI rozszerzył je na cały Kościół. W ten sposób
lokalne święto Rzymu i niektórych Kościołów stało się
świętem całego Kościoła.
Jest to uroczystość nakazana, więc tylko choroba
lub poważne przeszkody zwalniają z obowiązku uczestnictwa we
Mszy Świętej.
Zapraszamy na Eucharystię:
w języku polskim o godzinie 8:00 AM, 7:00 PM oraz
w języku angielskim o 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM (St.
Michael’s), 12:00 PM.
Tak jak w roku ubiegłym, zapraszamy wszystkich
chętnych do wyjazdu na cmentarz w North Arlington
(340 Ridge Road) na modlitwę różańcową za zmarłych
w niedzielę, 6 listopada o godzinie 3:00 PM. Spotkamy się przy biurze cmentarza i stamtąd wyruszymy
do mausoleum, do grobu księdza Roberta; tam
będziemy modlić się się w języku polskim i angielskim.
Potem będzie można odwiedzić groby swoich bliskich.
Prosimy o przyjechanie własnymi samochodami.
Jeśli ktoś miałby jakieś pytania, to prosimy je kierować
do ks. Andrzeja.
Kościół wspomina w liturgii wszystkich wierzących w Chrystusa, którzy odeszli już z tego świata, a
o istnieniu czyśćca jest jednym z dogmatów naszej wiary.
Obchód Dnia Zadusznego zainicjował
w 998 r. św. Odilon (+1048) - czwarty opat klasztoru
benedyktyńskiego w Cluny (Francja). Praktykę tę początkowo przyjęły klasztory benedyktyńskie, ale wkrótce za ich przykładem poszły także inne zakony i diecezje. W XIII w. święto rozpowszechniło się na cały Kościół. W wieku XIV zaczęto urządzać procesję na cmentarz do czterech stacji. Piąta stacja odbywała się już w
kościele, po powrocie procesji z cmentarza. Przy stacjach odmawiano modlitwy za zmarłych i śpiewano pieśni żałobne. W Polsce tradycja Dnia Zadusznego zaczęła
się tworzyć już w XII w., a z końcem wieku XV była
znana w całym kraju. W 1915 r. papież Benedykt XV na
prośbę opata-prymasa benedyktynów zezwolił, aby tego
dnia każdy kapłan mógł odprawić trzy Msze święte: w
intencji poleconej przez wiernych, za wszystkich wiernych zmarłych i według intencji Ojca Świętego.
Od południa dnia Wszystkich Świętych
i przez cały Dzień Zaduszny w kościołach i kaplicach
publicznych można uzyskać odpust zupełny za zmarłych, ale tylko jeden raz.
Warunki zyskania odpustu są następujące:
1) pobożne nawiedzenie kościoła lub kaplicy,
2) odmówienie "Ojcze nasz" i "Wierzę w Boga"
3) dowolna modlitwa w intencjach Ojca Świętego
4) bycie w stanie łaski uświecającej i Komunia Św.
W dniach 1-8 listopada można także pozyskać odpust
zupełny za nawiedzenie cmentarza pod wyżej wymienionymi warunkami. W pozostałe dni roku za nawiedzenie cmentarza pozyskuje się odpust cząstkowy.
2 listopada wszystkie Msze Święte będą odprawiane
w intencji poleconych nam zmarłych
w następującym porządku:
7:00 AM - Msza w języku angielskim
8:00 AM - Msza w języku polskim
8:00 AM (St. Michael’s) - Msza w języku angielskim
12:00 PM - Msza w języku angielskim
7:00 PM - Msza Święta w języku polskim