International conference - Polska Akademia Umiejętności


International conference - Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział w Krakowie
Komisja Prehistorii Karpat Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności
International conference
Kraków, Poland
Dear Colleagues,
This is the third circular for speakers & participants of the „Schnurkeramik Symposium”
in Kraków. It contains some reminders and practical information.
Place of conference
Conference will take place in the main building of Polska Akademia Umiejętności
( This place is situated in the city centre,
near of Main Market Square (ul. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków; see map below).
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
ul. Sławkowska 17
31-016 Kraków
Registration to the conference (free of charge) will take place on Wednesday
30th November (1700-1900) or on Thursday 1st December from 0745.
Oral presentations
Presentations will be of 20 minutes. A discussion time will be organised at the end of each
of the sessions. The conference room is provided with a video projector and laptop.
Languages: English, German
Proceedings publication
We have the intention of publishing the proceedings of the conference in a special book.
Further information will be given at the end of the conference.
Lunches, coffee breaks and wine reception
The wine reception (evening of 1 December), lunches and coffee breaks are provided
by the conference. They will take place within the conference venue (Polska Akademia
Umiejętności) and in the neighbouring restaurant.
Accommodation is not provided by the conference. Many websites of Kraków
office gives a list of the hotels and propose a online reservation
(for example:
The conference will conclude on the 3rd of December with a visit
of Archaeological Museum in Kraków and with a presentation of Corded Ware
materials from SE Poland in Igołomia (20 km from Cracow). A coach will be hired,
with departure and arriving from/to the conference venue. We would be grateful
if you could let us know if you would like to participate.
We look forward to seeing you soon,
Piotr Włodarczak
Contact address:
Piotr Włodarczak
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
ul. Sławkowska 17
31-016 Kraków, Poland
Tel: +48 604 23 66 18
Fax: +48 12 422 29 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział w Krakowie
Komisja Prehistorii Karpat Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności
ul. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków
Programme of conference
Wednesday 30.11.2011
17.00-19.00 Registration at Polska Akademia Umiejętności, ul. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków.
Possiblility of rendezvous for a common evening in Kraków
Thursday 01.12.2011
07.45-08.30 Registration at Polska Akademia Umiejętności, ul. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków
08.30 Welcome
08.50 Jan Machnik (Kraków)
Die neusten Ergebnisse der Forschung über die Schnurkeramikkultur Südostpolens.
Problem des kulturellen Synkretismus
9.10 Aleksandra Łukaszewska (Wodzisław), Adam Olszewski (Lublin),
Jolanta Nogaj-Chachaj (Lublin)
Corded Ware Culture's graves from Święte, site 11, podkarpackie voiv.
9.30 Lubomir Sebela (Brno), Antonín Prichystal (Brno)
The Corded Ware culture in Moravia in the lights of the stone industry
09.50 Bernadeta Kufel-Diakowska (Wrocław), Marcin Skuła (Wrocław)
Axes of Corded Ware culture in the light of morpho-functional studies
10.10 Stefan Łęczycki (Wrocław)
Einige Bemerkungen zum Entehungsprozess der Kulturlandschaft Zentraleuropas an der Wende
vom Äneolithikum zur Frühbronzezeit aufgrund von charakteristischen Merkmalen
im Bestattungsritual, im besonderen der Positionierung von Verstorbenen bei der Schnurkeramik
und bei der Glockenbecherkultur im Vergleich zur Uneticekultur
10.30 Discussion
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 Åsa Larsson (Uppsala)
The introduction of Corded Ware beakers to Sweden. A case study highlighting
the importance of technology in understanding mobility and change
11.30 Lars Larsson (Lund)
New perspectives on the Battle Axe Culture of Southern and Central Sweden
11.50 Auli Tourunen (Turku)
Seal or cattle on the subsistence of Corded Ware culture in Finland
12.10 Teija Alenius (Helsinki), Petri Halinen (Helsinki), Volker Heyd (Bristol),
Mika Lavento (Helsinki), Kristiina Mannermaa (Helsinki), Teemu Mökkönen (Helsinki),
Heidi Nordquist (Helsinki), Markku Oinonen (Helsinki), Santeri Vanhanen (Helsinki)
When south meets north? - Corded Ware in Finland
12.30 Vadzim Lakiza (Minsk)
Corded Ware culture from Belorussian Neman river basin
12.50 Discussion
13.10 Lunch
14.30 Gytis Piličiauskas (Vilnius)
AMS datings of corded wares in Lithuania. A revolution in chronology?
14.50 Monika Žemantauskaitė (Vilnius), Gytis Piličiauskas (Vilnius),
Rokas Vengalis (Vilnius), Jonas Šečkus (Vilnius)
The Curonian Spit and Corded Ware site Nida research project (2011-2012)
15.10 Mikola Kryvaltsevich (Minsk)
The Middle Dnieper Culture: the development, dispersion and communications aspects
15.30 Aliaksandra Zuyeva (Minsk)
Globular Amphora Culture patterns in the regional groups
of Corded Ware Culture Circle in Belarus
15.50 Łukasz Pospieszny (Poznań)
Corded Ware local group of the Wielkopolska-Kujawy region.
Internal dynamics and external connections
16.10 Discussion
16.30 Coffee break
16.50 Erik Drenth (Amersfoort)
The chronology of the Single Grave Culture from the Netherlands re-assessed
17.10 Gary Nobles (Groningen)
Domestic structures of the Single Grave culture in the Netherlands: new insights
17.30 Virginia Garcia Diaz (Leiden)
The production of tools in the Single Grave culture of the North-Holland province:
the examples of Keinsmebrug and Mienakker
17.50 Sandra Beckerman (Groningen)
The times they are a-changing'?! New research into the function, use and chronology
of the Single Grave Culture settlement ceramics from a tidal environment in Noord-Holland
18.10 Discussion
19.00 Oferred common dinner
Friday 02.12.2011
08.30 Agnieszka Matuszewska (Szczecin), Marcin Szydłowski (Szczecin)
Pottery of the Corded Ware Culture on the Lower Odra
08.50 Małgorzata Kurgan-Przybylska (Katowice)
Corded Ware culture in Upper Silesia state of research
09.10 Daniela Kern (Wien)
Latest Neolithic of the Traisen Valley
9.30 Jan Piet Brozio (Kiel)
Veränderungen und Unterschiede in den Bestattungstraditionen der Einzelgrabkultur
in Norddeutschland zwischen 2800 und 2200 v. Chr.
09.50 Martin Furholt (Kiel)
The Single Grave Period of Southern Scandinavia in Context
10.10 Doris Mischka (Kiel)
The Single Grave Culture Burials of Flintbek and their environment
10.30 Discussion
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 Ralf Schwarz (Halle)
Chronologie und Verbreitung schnurkeramischer Gruppen in Sachsen-Anhalt
11.30 Robert Ganslmeier (Halle), Christian Meyer (Mainz), Harald Meller (Halle)
Tödliche Verletzungen durch Distanzwaffen Kontexte mit Pfeilspitzen
der Schnurkeramischen Kultur SKK und ihre ethnische Interpretation
11.50 Hylke De Jong (Bristol), Volker Heyd (Bristol), Alistair Pike (Bristol)
Corded Ware Culture of Saxony-Anhalt in the light of strontium isotopes
12.10 Jonas Beran (Wustermark)
Die Schnurkeramik im Land Brandenburg. Neue Ausgrabungen und Funde seit 1995
12.30 André Spatzier (Halle)
Ein Grabengeviert der frühen Kultur mit Schnurkeramik und seine Analogien
während des Endneolithikums
12.50 Discussion
13.10 Lunch
14.30 Timo Seregély (Bamberg)
Kleinsiedlungen an Jurafelsen - schnurkeramische Weiler in der fränkischen Mittelgebirgszone
14.50 Joachim Köninger (Freiburg i. Br.), André Billamboz (Hemmenhofen)
Schnurkeramik am Bodensee und in benachbarten Landstrichen Südwestdeutschlands
15.10 Jan Vanmoerkerke (Chalons-en-Champagne)
Corded Ware sites from Belgium and North-Eastern France
15.30 Annaluisa Pedrotti (Trento), Erio Valzolgher (Trento)
The Copper Age of northern Italy and its possible connections with the Corded Ware Culture:
an appraisal
15.50 Discussion
16.10 Coffee break
16.30 Sławomir Kadrow (Kraków)
What is hidden behind the term: Corded Ware Culture?
16.50 Peter J. Suter (Bern)
Was ist “Schnurkeramik”? - Gedanken aufgrund von Siedlungsfunden
aus dem (westlichen) Schweizerischen Mittelland
17.10 Jan Turek (Hradec Králové)
Cultural norms, society and the Corded Ware material culture
17.30 Palle Siemen (Esbjerg)
Tribes and bigmen in the 3rd. millennium BC
17.50 Janusz Czebreszuk (Poznań), Marzena Szmyt (Poznań)
The Globular Amphora Culture and the Corded Ware Culture:
two pottery stiles or two societies?
18.10 Andrzej Bokiniec (Toruń)
The Late Neolithic in Poland: The Plurality of Cultures or Complex Society?
18.30 Christian Strahm (Freiburg i.Br.)
Corded Ware identity and its projection into neighbouring
18.50 Discussion & closing
Saturday 03.12.2011
10.00-17.00 Visit of Archaeological Museum in Cracow and presentation
of Corded Ware materials from Lesser Poland (including the newest discoveries)
at Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAN in Igołomia (near Cracow) - please specify whether you want to participate
Poster session:
Maxence Bailly (Aix-en-Provence)
Far west: hints of CWC impact in the Late Neolithic archaeological record of western Europe
Maxim Charniauski (Minsk)
Northernbelarusian culture: at the border of the Corded Ware world
Anthony Denaire (Habsheim), Luc Vergnaud (Habsheim)
Geispolsheim “Schlossgarten” (Bas-Rhin, France), the first Corded graves' group
discovered in Alsace
Katharina Fuchs (Kiel)
Der schnurkeramische Bestattungskomplex von Remstädt, Kreis Gotha. Archäologie,
Anthropologie und kleinregionaler Kontext im südwestlichen Thüringer Becken
Ralph Grossmann (Kiel)
The dialectic relation of the Corded-Ware and Bell-Beaker culture in middle Europe
Paweł Jarosz (Kraków), Jan Machnik (Kraków), Mirosław Mazurek (Rzeszów),
Jerzy Okoński (Tarnów)
Cemeteries of Corded Ware culture in Mirocin
Aleksander Kośko (Poznań), Siergiey Razumov (Kiev),
Piotr Włodarczak (Kraków), Danuta Żurkiewicz (Poznań)
In search of Corded Ware culture trend. Polish-Ukrainian excavations of the Yamnaya kurgans
in the Dniester river basin
Hanna Kowalewska-Marszałek (Warszawa), Piotr Włodarczak (Kraków)
Graves of the Corded Ware culture from Kichary Nowe
Aivar Kriiska (Tartu), Kerkko Nordqvist (Espoo)
The Corded Ware phenomenon in the Eastern part of the Baltic Sea
Jerzy Libera (Lublin), Jarosław Sobieraj (Olsztyn)
So called „old-corded” stone axes in Poland some problems of their context and chronology
Barbara Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska (Lublin), Tadeusz Wiśniewski (Lublin)
Ulów, site 3. A new barrow of the Corded Ware Culture in Middle Roztocze
(south-eastern Poland)
Jaroslav Peška (Olomouc), Miroslav Daňhel (Olomouc)
Settlements of local Phase of Corded Ware Culture in Moravia
Jarosław Sobieraj (Olsztyn)
Appearing and some features of the Corded Ware Culture in the south-eastern Baltic area
Krzysztof Tunia (Kraków)
Two-phase Corded Ware culture cemetery in Kocmyrzów, near Cracow
Barbara Witkowska (Kraków)
Vessels of the Złota culture
Piotr Włodarczak (Kraków)
Corded Ware in the region of Cracow: new finds & new theories

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