The Diploma Action „ AWARD 1956 ”


The Diploma Action „ AWARD 1956 ”
The Diploma Action „AWARD 1956”
The General Kazimierz Raszewski School Amateur Radio Club SP3PGR (Szkolny Klub Krótkofalowców
im. Gen. broni Kazimierza Raszewskiego SP3PGR) active in the Primary School No. 87, in the Garment Industry
School Complex and Secondary School No. 1 in Poznan (Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 87, Zespół Szkół Odzieżowych,
Gimnazjum Nr 1 w Poznaniu) is organized from June 15 to June 30, 2016 (special event station SN60PPC) and
from October 17 to October 25, 2016 (special event station SN60PW) the Diploma Action “AWARD 1956”
designed to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the tragic events of recent Poland and Hungary history Poznan June 1956 and Hungarian Revolution of 1956 (in Hungarian: 1956-os forradalom). The action is part
of the anniversary celebrations organized by the Poznan City June 28 and October 23, 2016. The manager
of the diploma action is Jacek Behrendt SQ3OPM ([email protected]). The honorary patronage of the event are
 The Mayor of Poznan,
 The Ambassador of Hungary in Warsaw,
 Veterans' Association and Participants of the Poznan June 1956 (Związek Kombatantów i Uczestników
Powstania Poznańskiego Czerwca 1956),
 ’56 Knights of Freedom Fighters (‘56-os Szabadságharcos Lovagrend).
The rules
1. Participants: licensed national stations, individual and club foreign stations as well as short wave listeners.
2. Period of time: first step starting at 00:01 June 15 until 23:59 June 30, 2015 (LT for SP-HA),
second step starting at 00:01 October 17 until 23:59 October 25, 2016 (LT for SP-HA).
3. Bands and modes: all bands in compliance with IARU R1 Band Plan HF, available modes: CW, SSB, DIGI.
4. Points:
Each individual and club stations from Poznan or Budapest are awarded points, as follows:
 special event station SN60PPC (first step) and special event station SN60PW (second step) – 20 points,
 club stations – 10 points,
 individual stations – 5 points.
You can also get points for the diploma starting in the Poznan Contest June 25, 2016.
5. Conditions:
To get the diploma you must have obtained the following score:
 Polish and Hungarian stations – 100 points,
 European stations – 50 points,
 Non-European stations – 30 points.
Is required to make at least one QSO/HRD with a special event station SN60PPC or SN60PW.
QSOs/HRDs with station giving points may be repeated on another band or another mode per one day.
The diploma separate for each step or one diploma for all the action in PDF format is free.
The extra diploma will be issued to stations granting points provided that they do at least 56 QSOs and
will send their application.
6. Applications containing your call, name, surname (name of the club), e-mail address and the list of your
QSOs/HRDs please send to the following address: [email protected]. The deadline for sending of applications
expires at the end of June 2016 (first step) and at the end of October 2016 (second step).
7. The winners of this action be available on the school website before November 6, 2016.

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