2012 EHF - Zadania PONADGIM klasa 1,2 i 3


2012 EHF - Zadania PONADGIM klasa 1,2 i 3
12 grudnia 2012
klasa I szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej, test trwa 45 minut
Prosimy o sprawdzenie czy otrzymałeś prawidłowy test i czy jest on obustronnie zadrukowany.
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 112 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci
jeszcze 1 punkt, za błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda
z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp..
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Życząc sukcesów, serdecznie Cię zapraszamy do testu konkursowego English High Flier 2012!
Komitet Organizacyjny Konkursu
Graham Bell came up with the idea of the telephone in 1876, he could not possibly have predicted how this
(1)……………………… would change the world in years to come. One of the most (2) ………….. developments in the
telecommunications field in the so-called Typehone. It aimed (3) ………………… deaf and speech impaired
people and allows them to communicate with (4) ………………………………… people all over the world. In practical
terms, Typephone can be compared (5) ……………………………… an ordinary textphone, which can be used to (6)
………………… calls through a specially-trained team of operators.
No (7) …………………………. devices are needed since every (8). ……………………….. has been made to ensure that
procedure is simple and user-friendly; the deaf person’s textphone message is translated (9) …………………..
speech for the hearing person, while the latter’s response is received by the deaf person in the form of a
written message. (10)………………………….. is more, long-distance calls can be made at a lower price at eight
o’clock in the evening. Typephone is getting on pretty fast and has already helped a great number of deaf and
speech-impaired people to communicate more effectively. It comes as no surprise, then , that number of
people using it every week is rapidly increasing.
Source: New English File, Pre-intermediate, Oxford UniversityPress
1. A) discovery
B) invention
C) experiment
D) creation
2. A) pleasant
B) high
C) smart
D) impressive
3. A) at
B) to
C) in
D) for
4. A) others
B) other
C) every
D) each
5. A) to
B) by
C) as
D) like
6. A) do
B) give
C) make
D) take
7. A) sophisticated
B) useful
C) handy
D) practical
8. A) effort
B) try
C) energy
D) thought
9. A) as
B) for
C) like
D) into
10. A) This
B) That
C) What
D) Which
11. I ………….. the walls painted next week.
A) had
B) would have
C) have had
D) will have
12. Don’t ever say that to me again, ……………?
A) do you
B) don’t you
C) will you
D) won’t you
13. Very ……… people bought the group’s latest album.
A) many
B) much
C) few
D) little
14. Simon hasn’t graduated yet, ….. his sister has.
A) and
B) but
C) so
D) nor
15. I won’t know the results for …………… days.
A) much
B) a great deal
C) a couple of
D) a little
16. No sooner …. the garden than a storm broke out.
A) do we water
B) had we watered C) have we watered D) will we water
17. Jane feeds the fish once …. day.
A) a
B) the
C) any
D) in
18. There were hardly … people at the bus stop.
A) no
B) some
C) every
D) any
19. ….. Frank and Fiona are going to Ireland.
A) Both
B) All
C) Each
D) Either
20. I’ve never seen …. fashionable clothes before.
A) so
B) what
C) such
D) such a
21. She has ……… hope of getting the job.
A) little
B) few
D) both
C) several
22. …….idea was it to visit the exhibition?
A) What
B) Whose
C) Who
D) Where
23. I love playing tennis. - ….. do I.
A) Nor
B) Neither
D) too
C) So
24. It was so cold I had to spend the …. day indoors.
A) whole
B) every
C) all
D) each
25. ………..were several celebrities at the party.
A) They
B) It
C) These
D) There
26. If …… sees Sophie, can they give her a message ?
A) anything
B) any
C) anywhere
D) anyone
27. …..of these two books do you prefer ?
A) what
B) which
C) whose
D) where
28. New drugs…………tested at the moment.
A) are being
B) have been
C) will be
D) are
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ, Wilczyn 2012, www.jersz.pl