prawo handlowe spis treści


prawo handlowe spis treści
Paweł Popardowski
Wadliwe uchwały organów spółek kapitałowych i ich zaskarżanie
w najnowszym orzecznictwie Sądu Najwyższego – przegląd orzecznictwa .......................... 5
Łukasz Gasiński
Z problematyki ograniczenia zbywalności udziałów w spółce z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
– glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 1.12.2011 r. (I CSK 132/11)............................................... 20
Mateusz Dróżdż
Stwierdzenie nieważności uchwały nieudzielającej absolutorium w spółce z ograniczoną
odpowiedzialnością, naruszającej jednocześnie dobra osobiste członka zarządu
– glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 19.10.2012 r. (IV CSK 439/11) .......................... 26
Karolina Wiśniewska
Rękojmia za wady prawne rzeczy ruchomej nabytej od nieuprawnionego
– glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 24.07.2008 r. (IV CSK 182/08) .......................... 32
Katarzyna Babiarz-Mikulska
Bezczynność dłużnika w zakresie wszczęcia postępowania upadłościowego
a termin do złożenia wniosku o orzeczenie zakazu prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej
– glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 20.05.2011 r. (III CZP 23/11)...................................40
Łukasz Kozłowski
Możliwości wszczęcia wtórnego postępowania w świetle europejskiego prawa upadłościowego
– glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 22.11.2012 r. w sprawie C-116/11
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. i PPHU ADAX przeciwko Christianapol sp. z o.o. ...................... 44
Monika Gąsiorowska
Wniosek o nakazanie dłużnikowi wyjawienia majątku jako pomocniczy środek egzekucyjny
– glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 19.11.2010 r. (III CZP 92/10)...................................51
Anna Konert
Zryczałtowane odszkodowanie za opóźniony lot
– glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 19.11.2009 r. w sprawach połączonych:
C-402/07 i C-432/07 Christopher Sturgeon i in. przeciwko Condor Flugdienst GmbH
i Stefan Böck i Cornelia Lepuschitz przeciwko Air France S.A. ...................................................57
Sebastian Frejowski
Związanie sądu arbitrażowego orzeczeniem sądu powszechnego,
który uznał lub stwierdził wykonalność wcześniejszego wyroku sądu polubownego
– glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 13.04.2012 r. (I CSK 416/11) ............................ 63
Karolina Pasko
Skutki wykonania umownego prawa odstąpienia od umowy o roboty budowlane
– glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 9.09.2011 r. (I CSK 696/10) .............................. 68
Glosa 2/2013
Andrzej Potasz
Odpowiedzialność usługodawców będących pośrednikami w Internecie
– glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 8.07.2011 r. (IV CSK 665/10) ............................ 75
Marcin Trzebiatowski
Artykuł 5 k.c. versus art. 991 § 1 k.c., czyli o dopuszczalności całkowitego pozbawienia
prawa do zachowku z powodu postawy moralnej uprawnionego względem zobowiązanego
– glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z 11.07.2012 r. (I CSK 75/12) ...........................82
Agnieszka Sztoldman
Zakaz rejestracji jako znaku towarowego oznaczenia składającego się wyłącznie
z formy towaru znacznie zwiększającej jego wartość
– glosa do wyroku Sądu z 6.10.2011 r. w sprawie T-508/08 Bang & Olufsen A/S
przeciwko Urzędowi Harmonizacji w ramach Rynku Wewnętrznego ................................. 93
Bohdan Widła
Zakres obowiązku uiszczania opłat od urządzeń kopiujących i czystych nośników
– glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 26.10.2011 r. (III CZP 61/11) ......................... 104
Tomasz Wołowiec
Opodatkowanie podatkiem od nieruchomości budowli spółdzielni mieszkaniowych
– glosa do wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego w Lublinie z 24.02.2012 r.
(I SA/Lu 58/12).............................................................................................................. 112
Magdalena Durzyńska
Strona postępowania o podział nieruchomości
– glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 14.10.2009 r. (I OSK 91/09)........117
Grzegorz Borkowski
Procesowe skutki upływu terminu przedawnienia
– uchwała składu 7 sędziów Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 3.12.2012 r.
(I FPS 1/12) – orzeczenie kwartału................................................................................. 125
Table of Contents & Abstracts ....................................................................................... 133
Wersją podstawową (referencyjną) czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.
Czasopismo znajduje się na liście czasopism naukowych
Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z liczbą 5 punktów za każdą publikację.
Glosa 2/2013
Paweł Popardowski
Defective resolutions of company bodies and challenging them in the latest case law
of the Supreme Court – case law review .......................................................................................................5
The problem of challenging companies’ bodies’ resolutions was a major issue in the Supreme Court’s (SC) case law in 2012, as far as
the laws of commercial companies are concerned. Although the SC had made many statements about this matter before 2012 and
the legal scholars showed a lot of interest in it, the subject remains very controversial. In this overview the reader will find an analysis
of a variety of legal problems and their significance as shown in SC’s rulings, published in 2012, concerning challenging companies’
bodies’ resolutions. The following 7 decisions pertain mostly to legal problems which arise once a demand for annulment or ascertainment of nullity of resolutions made by the so-called owners’ body (general meeting, stockholders meeting) in companies is needed.
Other rulings in the overview concern the issue of questioning defective resolutions of the board of directors and the supervisory board
of companies.
Łukasz Gasiński
Issues regarding share transfer restrictions applicable to shares in a limited liability company
– commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 1 December 2011 (I CSK 132/11) ............................ 20
The judgment of the Supreme Court (SC) is worthy of consideration for a number of reasons. Firstly, the issue of share transfer
restrictions raises certain controversies. Secondly, in the grounds given for this judgment the SC presented a general thesis regarding the
application of the principle of freedom of contract to the articles of association of a limited liability company and such thesis is a part of
an interesting discussion on the subject among legal scholars.
Mateusz Dróżdż
Ascertaining nullity of resolution refusing to grant a vote of acceptance to members
of company bodies confirming the discharge of their duties, which infringed personal interests
of member of management board
– commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 19 October 2012 (IV CSK 439/11) ..........................26
The commentary presents the issue of ascertaining nullity of resolution of limited liability company which refused granting a vote
of acceptance to members of company bodies confirming the discharge of their duties. The commentary is partly critical, however,
the author points out the legitimacy of decision taken by the Supreme Court. In the commentary it is indicated that a person whose
personal interests were infringed by the aforementioned resolution is entitled to bring action for revoking that act in law or ascertaining
its nullity.
Karolina Wiśniewska
Warranty for legal defects of chattel acquired from an unauthorized person
– commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 24 July 2008 (IV CSK 182/08) .................................32
In analysed judgment, the Supreme Court referred to the problem that for a long time has caused disputes among legal scholars: the
relationship between Art. 169 § 1 of the Civil Code and Art. 560 § 1 of the Civil Code. The decision on whether a buyer who purchased
someone else’s chattel from a person who wasn’t authorized to sell it and became its owner under Art. 169 § 1 of the Civil Code retains
the rights resulting from the warranty for legal defects or loses them has great practical importance, because it has an influence on the
scope of legal protection accorded to the buyer and determines his position in case when previous owner of the things brings an evictio
Glosa 2/2013
Katarzyna Babiarz-Mikulska
Debtor’s inactivity in the field of initiation of proceedings in bankruptcy and the time limit
for filing petition for economic activity prohibition
– commentary on Supreme Court resolution of 20 May 2011 (III CZP 23/11) ................................... 40
The opinion presented in the commentary and also in the commented resolution of the Supreme Court shows two solutions in the field
of time limits for filing a petition for economic activity prohibition. It also presents the problems relating to the begining of the course of
a period of time, thus putting an end to disputes among the legal scholars and in case law.
Łukasz Kozłowski
Possibilities of initiating secondary insolvency proceedings in the light of the European insolvency law
– commentary on Court of Justice judgment of 22 November 2012 in case C-116/11
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. and PPHU ADAX versus Christianapol sp. z o.o................................ 44
The judgment of the Court of Justice is yet another judgment interpreting Council (EC) Regulation No. 1346/2000 of 5 May 2000 on
insolvency proceedings. This time, the CoJ focused on the possibility of initiating secondary insolvency proceedings in case when the
main proceedings of a protective character are pending. Regulation No. 1346/2000 does not introduce uniform insolvency proceedings
that could be implemented in all the European Union states (except Denmark), but it only describes the standards that are used to replace the particular country’s internal regulations of private international law, in case of a conflict of interests. Hence, lex fori concursus
determines all procedural and substantive effects of insolvency proceedings with respect to the persons and legal relations involved.
Because of a different character of insolvency proceedings applied by various European Union Member States and the controversies
observed in the way of understanding and implementing particular provisions of Regulation No. 1346/2000, the judgment mentioned
above describes only practical interpretative rules regarding the possibility of initiating secondary insolvency proceedings in case when
the main proceedings have already been begun and their objective is completely different.
Monika Gąsiorowska
Application for an order that the debtor disclose property as an auxiliary means of enforcement
– commentary on Supreme Court resolution of 19 November 2010 (III CZP 92/10)....................... 51
Disclosure of assets is a mechanism of enforcement proceedings requiring the debtor to file a list of assets, stating the things and places
where they are located, the debts owed to him and other property rights, as well as an oath taken according to a formula. The legislature
accepted the possibility of a creditor’s request for the debtor to disclose assets in the course of enforcement proceedings if the debtor’s
assets forfeited in the course of enforcement are insufficient to satisfy claims or if the creditor shows that the effect of enforcement
carried out has not fully satisfied his debts. However, a reason justifying a request for disclosure of assets prior to the initiation of enforcement is the creditor’s prima facie evidence that he will not obtain satisfaction in full from the assets known to him or the debtor’s
periodic benefits for six months (according to the legal status on 2 May 2012). The Supreme Court resolution commented upon confirms
that the submission of an application for an order that the debtor disclose property does not interrupt the limitation period of the claim
established in a final court judgment. Thus, according to this writer, it should be considered that such an application is not a measure
undertaken directly to satisfy the claim, and is only an auxiliary means of enforcement.
Anna Konert
Lump-sum compensation for a delayed flight
– commentary on Court of Justice (Fourth Chamber) judgment of 19 November 2009
in joined cases: C-402/07 and C-432/07 Christopher Sturgeon and Others versus Condor
Flugdienst GmbH and Stefan Böck and Cornelia Lepuschitz versus Air France S.A. .............................. 57
According to the EU law there is no possibility for the passengers to obtain a compensation for a delayed flight. Although the European
Court of Justice decided that such a possibility exists by making an analogy with the provisions on cancellation of flights. Such
a far-reaching interpretation of the law is in fact the creation of law. Does the Court have such powers?
Sebastian Frejowski
Binding of an arbitration tribunal by the state court ruling that recognized
or enforced a prior arbitration tribunal award
– commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 14 April 2012 (I CSK 416/11) ................................... 63
If the parties and the arbitration tribunal appointed by them wish the ruling of the arbitration court to be equivalent in its effects to a state court ruling, they must take into consideration that the arbitration court has already issued a preliminary ruling in the same matter
between the same parties. If the prior ruling by the arbitration tribunal has already been recognized or enforced by the state court, this
has fundamental significance for the ability to recognize a further ruling issued between the same parties. A state court which is adjudicating on the recognition or enforcement of a further ruling may not ignore the fact that the state court has already made a statement
on the same matter. In other words, the court will be bound by the ruling of the state court that had recognized or enforced the prior
arbitration tribunal ruling.
Glosa 2/2013
Karolina Pasko
Consequences of exercise of the contractual right to rescind a construction works contract
– commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 9 September 2011 (I CSK 696/10) ......................... 68
The Supreme Court ruled on the legal effects of the rescission of a construction works contract. This essential legal issue returns to the Supreme
Court once again. This time the Court ruled that, considering Art. 395 § 2 of the Polish Civil Code (stating the ex tunc effects of rescission) as ius dispositivum, the consequences of the rescission made on a contractual basis depend on the intention of the contracting parties interpreted according to
the rules of the Polish Civil Code (Art. 65 § 1 and § 2). The Court in particular stated that the parties can intend the ex nunc effects of the rescission.
The commentary is an analysis of the legal explanation of the judgement and an attempt to provide arguments in favour of the Court’s decision.
Andrzej Potasz
Liability of service providers being internet intermediaries
– commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 8 July 2011 (IV CSK 665/10).....................................75
The problems relating to the principles of liability borne by service providers being internet intermediaries (ISP), despite their enormous importance, are rarely the subject of Polish courts’ case law. In this context the judgment commented upon seems even more valuable. In this judgment,
the Supreme Court applies the provisions on exclusions of ISP liability, contained in the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services. Against this
background, the issues of interpreting the conditions for ISP liability are discussed, including the problem of ISP duty to ensure the identifiability of
the service user. The article discusses also the formation of the model of ISP liability as an accessory under Art. 422 of the Civil Code and identifies
discrepancies in the application by courts of exclusions of ISP liability on the basis of the Act on Provision of Electronic Services.
Marcin Trzebiatowski
Article 5 of the Civil Code versus Art. 991 § 1 of the Civil Code, this is, about the admissibility
of total deprivation of the right to a legitimate portion of estate because of the moral stance
of person entitled against the debtor
– commentary on Supreme Court order of 11 July 2012 (I CSK 75/12) ................................................ 82
In practice, there are very frequent disputes about the right to legitimate portion (of deceased person’s estate), and at the same time defence is
presented against claims for such legitimate portion on the grounds of its incompatibility to the principles of social coexistence. The legal scholars
consider this defense possible. However, this may be the only mode to reduce the amount of the legitimate portion. In one of its latest decisions
– however, by rejecting the contrary cassation complaint – the Supreme Court also allowed for a complete deprivation of the right to a legitimate
portion under Art. 5 of the Civil Code. The Court accepted the opinion according to which assessment of the behavior of the person entitled to
a legitimate portion in terms of the aforementioned rules can be made only or at least mainly in the relationship between him/her and the debtor, and
not between him/her and the deceased person. The whole presented concept requires verification, and it should definitely be a critical verification,
in light of existing case law. It is important at the same time to carry out such verification from the point of view of the limits of effectiveness of claims
alleging abuse of the legal right against the right to the legitimate portion, as well as in the context of the facts of cases decided in this case law.
Agnieszka Sztoldman
The ban to register as trademark a sign consisting exclusively of the shape
that gives substantial value to the goods
– commentary on General Court judgment of 6 October 2011 in case T-508/08
– Bang & Olufsen A/S versus OHIM ............................................................................................................... 93
Judgment in case T-508/08, Bang & Olufsen A/S versus the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) has closed several years of
struggle of Bang & Olufsen to obtain legal protection under trademark law for the form of the loudspeaker model, which it manufactures. The
basis of the judgment was Art. 7(1)(e)(iii) of Regulation 207/2009/EC, which excludes from trademark protection signs that consist exclusively
of a form of product that gives substantial value to the goods. Because of the practical concerns arising from the provision, the judgment in this
case, as well as its justification, may have important implications in the further practice of registering three-dimensional trademarks.
Bohdan Widła
The scope of the obligation to pay copyright levies for copying devices and blank media
– commentary on Supreme Court resolution of 26 October 2011 (III CZP 61/11) .......................... 104
The aim of the introduction of copyright levies on copying devices and blank media was to enable the copyright holders to receive compensation for the decrease in revenues caused by private copying of protected works. However, a serious challenge appeared when it
came to distinguishing the devices and media intended for private use from the devices and media used for professional purposes. With
respect to the latter group, collecting levies cannot be justified by the need to compensate for private copying exception. In the commented resolution, the Supreme Court allowed assessing levies even if eventually a professional entity was to be charged. The Supreme
Court’s opinion diverges from the standard determined by the recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Glosa 2/2013
Tomasz Wołowiec
Taxation of housing cooperatives’ structures with real estate tax
– commentary on the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Lublin
of 24 February 2012 (I SA/Lu 58/12) .......................................................................................................... 112
Taxation with real estate tax of buildings possessed by housing cooperatives is associated primarily with the answer to the question
whether the housing cooperative is an entrepreneur within the meaning of the Act on Freedom of Economic Activity, and whether or
not has structures that are directly related to the pursuit of economic activity. The second issue is the answer to the question whether
the buildings owned by housing cooperatives located in the traffic lane (like: roads, sidewalks and parking lots, etc.), are only used for
housing purposes not related to economic activity and are not subject to property tax. The third issue is the possibility of pro-rata taxation
of buildings whose connection with the cooperative’s economic activity is undisputed.
Magdalena Durzyńska
A party in proceedings for division of property
– commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court
of 14 October 2009 (I OSK 91/09) ............................................................................................................ 117
Division of property is permitted provided that access to public road is assured for the plots created as a result of division. This is the
basic principle. It is, however, questionable if the division of property influences the rights and duties of owners of adjacent properties,
who have so far benefitted from the property subject to division, and consequently: to what extent and on what legal grounds owners of
adjacent properties can decide about the scope and manner of division of the property covered by division proceedings.
Grzegorz Borkowski
Procedural results of lapse of limitation period – resolution of a panel of 7 judges
of the Supreme Administrative Court of 3 December 2012 (I FPS 1/12)
– decision of the quarter ...............................................................................................................................125
It is thought-provoking with what ease the Supreme Administrative Court can depart from a well-established – one might think – line
of case law. An example of this phenomenon is the aforementioned resolution, one which is defective in my opinion, but has significant
importance for the practice.
Glosa 2/2013