Participant`s report


Participant`s report
Participant’s report
to the National Nominating Authority and the National Contact
Meeting report
In the three weeks after the event, please complete this report. It contains two sections:
1. Reporting: this is intended as a feedback on the event, on what was learnt, on how the
event will affect your work and on how it will be disseminated. In addition to the ECML
National Nominating Authority and the National Contact Point in your country the ECML
will use the report1 in the “Experts involved in ECML activities” section of each ECML
member state website (please see
This section should be written in one of the project’s working languages.
2. Public information: this is intended as an information on the ECML project and its
expected value for your country. The content should be of interest for a larger audience.
Thus it should link up to interesting publications, websites, events etc. which were
discussed on the occasion of the workshop or which are relevant in your country. The
public information should be a short, promotional text of about 200 words.
This section should be written in (one of) your national language(s).
The completed file should be sent to
the ECML National Nominating Authority and the National Contact Point in your country (contact
details can be found at
and in copy to ECML Secretariat ([email protected])
within the given deadline.
1. Reporting
Only if you authorised the ECML to publish your contact details.
Name of the workshop
Anna Czura
University of Wrocław
E-mail address
[email protected]
Title of ECML project
PluriMobil - Mobility programmes for sustainable
plurilingual and intercultural learning
ECML project website
Date of the event
13-14 September
Brief summary of the content
of the workshop
The workshop aimed to present the work which has been done
since the last meeting of the participants during the central
workshop as well as future perspectives of further development
of PluriMobil. The main emphasis was placed on the quality of
the publication, the role of the ELP in PluriMobil, examples of
good practice and ideas for further implementation.
What did you find particularly
The workshop gave me an opportunity to meet the selected
participants of the previous central workshop and learn about
their experience of working with PluriMobil. It was also very
valuable to gain new insights into how PluriMobil can be further
developed to accommodate for the needs of different educational
contexts. The participants’ experience and suggestions made me
look at the project from a different angle and will help me in my
further work on the publications and the lesson plans.
How will you use what you
learnt/ developed in the event
in your professional context?
I will definitely use the gained knowledge in my further work on
PluriMobil: on the publication, lesson plans as well as in the
process of their implementation. The PluriMobil project has also
encouraged me to focus more on the role of mobility in education
in my context.
How will you further contribute
to the project?
As a member of the PluriMobil team I am going to work on the
development and finalization of the publication and the lesson
plans. Our plans is also to collect examples of good practice,
implement the developed materials in different educational
setting as well as to promote the PluriMobil outcomes to a wider
How do you plan to
disseminate the project?
I constantly disseminate the project among my colleagues and I
have already given a presentation about it at an international
to colleagues
to a professional
in a professional
in a newspaper
conference (Languages in the Globalised World; Leeds
Metropolitan University; September 2012). Next year in
September I am planning to run a workshop presenting
PluriMobil at a large national conference in Poland. When the
work on the project is more finalized, I would like to disseminate
it also in magazines for teachers and professional journals in my
country and abroad. I also hope to encourage different language
teachers to try to implement PluriMobil in their work.
1. Public information
Short text (about 200 words) for the promotion of the ECML event, the project and the envisaged
publication with a focus on the benefits for target groups. This text should be provided in your
national language(s) to be used for dissemination (on websites, for journals etc.).
Coraz większa liczba uczniów i studentów jest zaangażowana w różnego rodzaju mobilność – dotyczyć
ona może na przykład wyjazdów semestralnych, kilkudniowych wycieczek zagranicznych lub zdalnych
projektów realizowanych we współpracy ze szkołami z różnych państw. Aby przygotować uczniów i
przyszłych nauczycieli do mobilności, projekt PluriMobil proponuje zestaw materiałów edukacyjnych
mających na celu ukształtowanie kompetencji interkulturowej, otwartości, tolerancji i wzajemnego
szacunku dla osób pochodzących z różnych kultur. Osoby korzystające z PluriMobil mają także szansę
przyjrzenia się własnej tożsamości kulturowej i sposobie spostrzegania własnej kultury przez innych.
PluriMobil będzie składał się z Publikacji, zawierającej główne cele projektu, przykładowe materiały
edukacyjne oraz wskazówki dotyczące ich stosowania. Dodatkowo na ogólnodostępnej stronie
internetowej dostępne będą zestawy materiałów przeznaczonych dla
uczestniczących w mobilności uczniów szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych
(ogólnokształcących i zawodowych). Część materiałów będzie także zaadresowana do przyszłych
nauczycieli, biorących udział w mobilności w ramach swojego przygotowania zawodowego. Materiały
zawierają zestawy ćwiczeń, które mogą być wykonane przed i podczas mobilności a także po jej
zakończeniu, dzięki czemu uczniowie i studenci mogą porównać swoje początkowe oczekiwania z
rzeczywistym doświadczeniem nowej kultury.
Zachęcamy osoby kształcące nauczycieli oraz nauczycieli pracujących z powyższymi grupami
wiekowymi do zapoznania się z materiałami opracowanymi w ramach projektu PluriMobil oraz
wdrażania ich w swojej pracy dydaktycznej.

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