CERTIFICATE ISO 9001 MEGA has implemented and


CERTIFICATE ISO 9001 MEGA has implemented and
MEGA has implemented and practices a quality management system in the area of: manufacturing and
servicing of semitrailers and machining of metal parts.
On 12 March 2008 MEGA obtained a CERTIFICATE for the Management System according to EN ISO
9001:2000 standard.
The certification was carried out and is being regularly overseen in accordance with TUV CERT audit and
certification procedures.
MEGA Zak?ad Produkcji Pojazd?w U?ytkowych i Konstrukcji Stalowych Sp. z o. o.
| ul. Pi?sudskiego 55 | 48-303 Nysa
KRS:0000196021 - S?d Rejonowy w Opolu VIII Wydzia? Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru S?dowego
Kapita? zak?adowy - 60000 PLN | REGON 532431627 | NIP 754-276-24-31

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