test 6 - Szkoła Podstawowa im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie


test 6 - Szkoła Podstawowa im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
SŁOWNICTWO. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Tylko jedna
odpowiedź jest prawidłowa. (20 puntków)
1. 99 is___________.
b. nineteennine
c. nineteen-nine
d. ninety-nine
b. fourteenseven
c. forteen-seven
d. forty-seven
c. bored
d. excited
c. play football
d. rollerblade
c. Japan
d. Germany
c. table
d. desk
c. arm
d. tail
c. cup
d. pot
c. t-shirt
d. sweater
2. 47 is ___________.
a. fortyseven
3. When the lesson is boring you are___________.
a. boring
b. bore
4. My sister goes ___________ every morning.
a. bungee jumping
b. jogging
5. The country next to Poland is called ___________.
b. Portugal
6. I keep my clothes in a ___________.
b. wardrobe
7. Most dogs have got a ___________.
a. fingers
b. hand
8. Your mother cooks soup in a ___________.
a. frying pan
b. kettle
9. In the summer you wear a ___________ .
a. boots
b. coat
10. In the winter there is a lot of ___________ everywhere and you can play with it.
a. water
b. flowers
c. snow
d. sun
c. clean
d. tidy
11. You should ___________ your teeth after breakfast.
a. wash
b. brush
12. Every boy and girl has got ten fingers and ten___________.
a. toes
b. teeth
c. tails
d. trainers
13. Eyes are for looking, hands for touching and legs for ___________.
a. drawing
b. walking
c. playing
d. painting
14. Me and my friends often go on holiday to the ___________.
a. sea
b. Spain
c. lake
d. mountains
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
15. The ___________ is a place at the top of the house.
a. bedroom
b. attic
c. living room
d. dining room
16. If you want to go on holiday to Spain it is faster to ___________ than to drive.
a. sail
b. attic
d. fly
17. In Polish we read books and we sometimes learn ___________ .
a. poems
b. poet
c. poets
d. songs
18. Many people in Poland ___________their houses on the weekend.
a. brush
b. wash
c. tidy
d. ninety-nine
19. On Sunday we often ___________ family and go to church.
b. wash
c. watch
d. visit
20. I don’t like horror films because they are very ___________.
b. interesting
c. funny
d. boring
GRAMATYKA. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Tylko jedna odpowiedź
jest prawidłowa. (20 puntków)
1. Susan ___________ never been to Portugal.
a. hasn’t
b. have
c. haven’t
d. has
2. Our teacher ___________ gone to Slovakia on holiday.
a. am
b. was
c. has
d. will
c. Will
d. Go
3. ___________ you help me with my homework.
a. Are
b. Do
4. 2000 years ago people ___________ in wooden houses.
a. lived
b. live
c. liven
d. left
c. swim
d. swimmed
5. Did you___________ in the sea yesterday?
a. swum
b. swam
6. I can’t do that now because I am ___________ my room.
a. tidying
b. tidy
c. tidied
d. clean
c. been
d. were
c. friendly
d. friend
c. childs
d. childes
7. Derek has never ___________ to the USA.
a. be
b. was
8. Alec is the ___________ boy in the class.
a. friendlyest
b. friendliest
9. I am my parents’ ___________.
a. child
b. children
10. There is still ___________ juice left.
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
a. any
Miejscowośd, data
b. some
b. a lot of
c. no
c. must
d. mustn’t
11. You ___________ talk when you are in the cinema.
a. shouldn’t
b. should
12. You ___________ help your friends when they need you.
a. should
b. shouldn’t
c. can
d. mustn’t
13. In my room there is a picture of my family ___________ my desk.
a. next to
b. between
c. on
d. under
14. Patricia ___________ very happy when she was younger.
a. is
b. were
c. was
d. are
15. We didn’t go to the theatre last weekend, we ___________ to a restaurant.
a. go
b. went
c. goed
d. goes
16. Every summer my friend ___________ to his grandparents in Germany.
a. travels
b. traveles
c. travel
d. travelled
17. There ___________ a Russian church in Slupca 70 years ago.
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. were
18. I don’t go to the cinema very often I only do it ___________.
a. never
b. often
c. seldom
d. sometimes
c. want
d. won’t
19. Damian says he ___________ eat sweets any more.
a. will
b. willn’t
20. How ___________ water do you need to make a cake.
a. much
b. many
c. a lot
d. any
PISANIE. Na podstawie informacji podanych powyżej napisz
biografię znanej osoby. Napisz: jak się nazywał; kiedy się urodził;
skąd pochodził; czym się zajmował; czego dokonał i kiedy zmarł. (12
Christopher Columbus
25th October 1451, Genua, Italy
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
20th May 1506
Sailor, Disoverer
What did he do:
Discovered America in 1492
CZYTANIE ZE ZROZUMIENIEM. Przeczytaj tekst i pełnym zdaniem
odpowiedz na pytania. (5 punktów)
My dad usually does shopping in a supermarket. He works from
Monday to Friday so he doesn’t have time to do the shopping during the
week. He goes shopping on Saturday morning.
Mum makes a shopping list for him. This list has everything we need
for the whole week: bread, milk, cheese, youghurt, some juice, butter, oil,
rice, flour, some apples and many, many more.
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
Dad goes shopping in the morning because he says he likes when it’s
quiet in the shop. There aren’t a lot of people there. He comes back after one
hour or sometimes two, especially when he also goes to a car wash.
Sometimes he takes me, too. I help him and I put the things into the
shopping trolley. I like to go with my father because I always ask him to buy
some crisps or chewing gum.
Dad brings all the shopping to our flat and says “Time for breakfast!”
We quickly help him unpack the big box full of shopping.
1. When does father do shopping?
2. Where does he do shopping?
3. Who makes the shopping list?
4. Why does he do shopping in the morning? _________________________________
5. What does he say when he comes back?
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca

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