CitiDirect BE Tablet – modern interface and


CitiDirect BE Tablet – modern interface and
CitiDirect BE Tablet – modern interface and extended list
of available devices
On the weekend, September 13-14, 2014 we have released a new version of the CitiDirect BE Tablet.
The new interface is more intuitive and facilitates your everyday work with the application.
Additionally, we have extended the availability of the application onto the following devices and versions
of operating systems.
Presented below is the list of devices on which the CitiDirect BE Tablet can be installed, ordered by
operating systems:
iOS 7
iPad (2.0 and higher)
iPad mini *new*
iPad mini Retina *new*
Windows 8.1
Microsoft Surface Pro 2 *new*
Android 4.4
Google Nexus 10
Google Nexus 7 *new*
Google Nexus 7 (2013) *new*
Galaxy Note 8.0 *new*
Sony Xperia Tablet Z
Android 4.3
Asus Transformer Pad Infinity
Google Nexus 10
Sony Xperia Tablet Z
Android 4.2
Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 *new*
Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 *new*
Google Nexus 10
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1
Android 4.1
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1
Details on the CitiDirect BE Tablet app are available in the User Manual at
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