librarians` participation in bibliotherapy treatment of distressed


librarians` participation in bibliotherapy treatment of distressed
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
Nosrat Riahinia*
Tarbiat Moallem University
Ali Azimi**
Iran University of Medical Sciences
Sohrab Seify***
Elmi Karbordi University
Abstract: Recent years have witnessed an upsurge in the therapeutic use of books [Jack, Ronan 2008]. It seems
that librarians can share their knowledge with psychologists in bibliotherapy treatment. This paper reports a project of librarians’ involvement in a bibliotherapy treatment over distressed students. Two librarians under supervision of a psychologist performed bibliotherapy treatment. The population included 40 male and female distressed
PhD students of the Tarbian Moallem University in Teheran. The participants were divided into three groups: bibliotherapy group who received bibliotherapy (n=13), counseling group who received counseling (n=14) and control
group (n=13). The bibliotherapy results were compared with counseling results. Findings revealed that the bibliotherapy treatment was effective and major participated students were satisfied. The study results confirmed the
efficacy of collaboration of librarians and psychologists in bibliotherapy treatment.
NOSRAT RIAHINIA, Faculty Member and Associate Dean for Research, Psychology and Education Faculty, Tarbiat
Moallem University, Tehran, Iran; PhD in LiS (Delhi University). Two the most important publications: (2010) A Citation
Analysis Study of MA Dissertations in the Library and Information Science Field in Universities in Tehran. “Library
Review”, Vol. 59(1), p. 56–64; (2010) An Evaluation of Alert Services: Quantity versus Quality. “Program. Electronic
Library and Information Systems” Vol. 44(1), p. 5–12 [co-authors: F. Zandian, A. Azimi, N. Poursalehi]. E-mail:
[email protected]
ALI AZIMI, School of Medical Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
Iran; MSc. Two the most important publications: (2010) Iranian Academic Library Buildings: a Study of Library Facilities
And Status. “Library Herald” Vol. 48(1) [co-author: N. Riahinia; (2008) Women and the Web: an Evaluation of Academic
Iranian Women's Use of the Internet in Tarbiat Moalem University. “The Electronic Library”, Vol. 26(1), p. 75–82 [coauthor: N. Riahinia]. E-mail: [email protected]
SOHRAB SEIFY, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Library, Tarbiat Moallem University, Teheran;
BA (Zakir Hossin College, Delhi University); student of MA IT, Elmi Karbordi Applied Sciences and Technology
University, Teheran. The most important publication: (2007) Knowledge Management: a Case Study. “Library Herald” No.
4, 34–47. E-mail: [email protected]
[NOSRAT RIAHINIA, Prodziekan ds. Badań Naukowych Wydziału Psychologii i Pedagogiki, Tarbiat Moallem
University, Tehran, Iran; doktorat z zakresu informacji naukowej i bibliotekoznawstwa (Delhi University). Dwie
najważniejsze publikacje: (2010) A Citation Analysis Study of MA Dissertations in the Library and Information Science Field
in Universities in Tehran [Analiza cytowań w pracach magisterskich z zakresu INiB obronionych w uniwersytetach
teherańskich]. “Library Review”, Vol. 59(1), p. 56–64; (2010) An Evaluation of Alert Services: Quantity versus Quality
[Ocena serwisów typu „alert”: jakość a ilość]. “Program. Electronic Library and Information Systems” Vol. 44(1), p. 5–12
[współaut.: F. Zandian, A. Azimi, N. Poursalehi]. E-mail: [email protected]]
[ALI AZIMI, School of Medical Management and Information Sciences [Instytut Zarządzania w Medycynie i Nauk
o Informacji], Iran University of Medical Sciences [Irański Uniwersytet Medyczny], Tehran, Iran; MSc. Dwie najważniejsze
publikacje: (2010) Iranian Academic Library Buildings: a Study of Library Facilities and Status [Budynki irańskich bibliotek
akademikich: badanie funkcjonalności]. “Library Herald” Vol. 48(1) [współaut.: N. Riahinia]; (2008) Women and the Web:
an Evaluation of Academic Iranian Women's Use of the Internet in Tarbiat Moalem University [Kobiety w Sieci: ocean
wykorzystania Internetu przez Irańskie kobiety na przykładzie Uniwersytetu Tarbiat Moalem]. “The Electronic Library”,
Vol. 26(1), p. 75–82 [współaut.: N. Riahinia]. E-mail: [email protected]]
[SOHRAB SEIFY, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Library [Biblioteka Wydziału Psychologii
i Pedagogiki], Tarbiat Moallem University, Teheran; BA (Zakir Hossin College, University of Delhi); student of MA IT,
Elmi Karbordi Applied Sciences and Technology University [Uniwersytet Technologiczny Elmi Karbordi], Teheran.
Najważniejsza publikacja: (2007) Knowledge Management: a Case Study [Zarządzanie wiedzą: studium przypadku].
“Library Herald” No. 4, p. 34–47. E-mail: [email protected]]
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
Abstrakt: W ostatnich latach widoczny jest wzrost wykorzystania książek w celach terapeutycznych [Jack, Ronan
2008]. Wydaje się, że w procesie biblioterapeutycznym obok kompetencji psychologów przydatna może być również wiedza bibliotekarzy. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnego włączenia bibliotekarzy do biblioterapii studentów cierpiących na depresję. W badaniu wzięło udział dwóch bibliotekarzy pracujących pod nadzorem psychologa. Do próby badawczej zakwalifikowano 40 słuchaczy studiów doktoranckich Uniwersytetu Tarbiat
Moallem w Teheranie (kobiety i mężczyzn), którzy zostali podzieleni na trzy frakcje: grupę poddaną biblioterapii
(n=13), grupę osób skierowanych na indywidualne sesje z psychologiem (n=14) oraz grupę kontrolną (n=13).
Porównanie wyników biblioterapii I porad psychologicznych wykazało, że biblioterapia była skuteczna, a większość uczestniczących w niej studentów osiągnęło zadowolenie. Badanie dowiodło efektywności współpracy bibliotekarzy i psychologów w procesie biblioterapeutycznym.
Book has been used therapeutically since the early Greeks. The book is known as a therapeutic tool since the
1900s [Riahinia, Azimi, 2007]. Bibliotherapy is made up from two parts: biblíon meaning “book” and therapia
meaning “to cure” and altogether means “to cure by means of books”. Bibliotherapy arises from the concept that
the reading can affect an individual's attitude and behavior and is thus an important tool for modifying the values. Bibliotherapy can be defined in modern science as a process which facilitates personal development or
problem resolution through reading of books. Both fiction and nonfiction materials are widely used by various
helpers to address common developmental or situational issues (developmental bibliotherapy) as well as more
serious mental health problems (clinical bibliotherapy) [McMillen 2008]. Developmental bibliotherapy is used in
educational settings whereas clinical bibliotherapy works toward specific mental health goals [Pehrsson, Virginia et al. 2007].
Developmental bibliotherapy has recourse to fiction and/or nonfiction materials for treatment process, which
includes identification, catharsis and development of insight. In identification one completes her/his cognitive
experience through introjections and projections and reduces her/her emotional conflicts. In catharsis one finds
a way to control her/his emotions and, using identification or suppression of emotions and inner thoughts, can
analyze her/his problem as well. Such analysis leads to improve self-consciousness, acquire deeper selfapprehension and a better relationship with others [Riahinia, Azimi 2007]. Clinical bibliotherapy always uses
self-help or guide books to improve mental and even physical effects arisen from mental or physical damages.
Bibliotherapy is practiced by a variety of professions [McMillen, Pehrsson 2007]. In a review of the literature, Forrest [1998] showed that bibliotherapy is practiced foremost by psychologists (57%), followed by librarians (20%), nurses (11%) and social workers (10%). Forrest showed that the librarians are the second most active
implementers of bibliotherapy: in fact, their role in bibliotherapy is critical [Crumley 2006], especially when
they select readings for bibliotherapy purposes. With good knowledge of relevant published materials, they can
select readings to help users with mental, emotional, domestic and social problems. For instance, choosing the
story of the Cinderella could be a powerful tool for children from broken homes [Fanner and Urquhart 2008].
Pehrsson et al. [2007] discussed over several titles helpful for children with divorced parents. Those and similar
readings would help distressed persons to draw problem solving strategies from the experiences of characters in
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
the book, identify how characters dealt with similar anxieties, frustrations and disappointments they may be facing too, and gain insight into alternative solutions or courses of action they may take [Pardeck 1990].
Overall, through the use of bibliotherapy, people develop a good self-concept, increase their understanding
of others’ behavior, foster self-appraisal and relieve emotional and mental pressure. Emem denoted 4 tasks for
librarians who want shoulder the role of a counselor for their clients as follows:
Bibliotherapy for the emotionally and socially disturbed;
Giving the right book to the right user and the right time to ensure character building;
Using project work for individualized learning;
Using biographies (to find suitable reading materials in specific circumstances) [Emem 2009, p. 3].
On the other hand, counseling is a specific relation between a counselor based upon procedures which the
counselor applies to find the source of clients' problems. Afterwards, the counselor tries to find methodological
ways to heal the clients' pains or improve her/his behaviors [Safi 2001, p. 36]. Apparently, the method is a faceto-face one and the client should trust in the counselor's faith and rely on her/his knowledge and experience.
Counseling was selected for the present study as a procedure prevalently used in various sectors of society, either
academic or public.
The major problems among university students are educational stress, financial issues, examination stress
and relationship stress. In the current study we aimed to benefit of bibliotherapy and counseling effectiveness in
reducing students' distress. For achieving that goal, a sample of distressed students (n=40) from all (n=260) PhD
students of Tarbiat Moallem University (TMU) in Tehran was recruited. Identification of distressed students was
based on their assertion to be distressed.
Effectiveness of counseling and bibliotherapy for stressful people is investigated in a study by Jokar et al.
[Jokar, Bagheban, Ahmadi 2007]. They found that both methods are effective even though they differ in nature.
The effect of bibliotherapy has been tested for various problems. For instance, Chung and Kwon tested the
bibliotherapy effect on treatment of social phobia among 38 volunteers [Chung, Kwon 2009]. The applicants
were divided into three groups. The first group received bibliotherapy with feedback, the second group received
bibliotherapy without feedback and the third group was assigned as controls. Prior to and after the treatment the
Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) were used. The results gained from SPS
were positively significant with the control group, nonetheless, the SIAS showed no significant relationship between test groups and control group. Surprisingly, there were no relationship between two test groups who received bibliotherapy with or without feedback [Chung Kwon 2009]. Gildea and Levin [Gildea, Levin 2007] examined the utilization of bibliotherapy in asylums. They came along with the fact that the bibliotherapy is effective even in the asylums, where there is almost little hope for hospitalized people to be completely healed. Jack
and Ronan reviewed literature on bibliotherapy and suggested that the “field of bibliotherapy is in need of development with regard to more methodologically stringent forms of validation, notwithstanding meta-analytic findings in some areas” [Jack, Ronan 2008, p. 161].
The study examined the effectiveness of bibliotherapy performed by librarians on distressed students. For
evaluating the performed bibliotherapy level of effectiveness, a counseling treatment was established and both
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
methods' results (i.e. results gained from bibliotherapy and counseling) were compared. The study began by
launching an announcement in the PhD students Dormitory of TMU which claimed for postgraduate volunteer
students who suffered from educational stress. Therefore, 40 participants were recruited and divided into three
groups. All the recruited participants were PhD students. The first group (n=13) received bibliotherapy by two
librarians, the second (n=14) received counseling by a psychologist and the third group (n=13) was assigned as
control group. The bibliotherapy method was based on reading a novel by Hoshang Moradi Kermani entitled
Majid Stories. The novel is biography of Majid, a boy student character, who has to deal with a series of problems during his life. The solutions he finds for his problems are sometimes funny but decisive and almost always
effective. The novel is published as a series of stories and is well popular among almost all sectors of the society.
The effectiveness of bibliotherapy has been assessed by several steps: 1) evaluation of the performance of librarian who conducted bibliotherapy, 2) pre- and post-test, 3) depression of the participated students' was examined
before and after the treatments. One of the two librarians performed the story telling and another one distributed
and gathered the pre- and post-test forms.
For examining the stress level, the subscale of Depression from the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale
(DASS) developed by Lovibond & Lovibond in 1995 was used. The DASS has three subscales and totally
42 items. The depression subscale has 14 items (each with 3 points) with a total of 42 points. Subscale of depression scores are classified into three strata: 0–14: low stress, 15–28: moderate stress and 29–42 high stress. The
normalized cut-off for DASS in Iran is 20. Therefore, all Iranian students with scores higher than 20 (n=40)
should be considered as distressed people.
The dependent variable was depression. The test groups took part in 8 sessions of treatment. In the settled
sessions for bibliotherapy group, The Majid Stories was read by a librarian. In each session, the librarian read
a section of the book and at the end of reading he discussed the story with the participants. Through the selected
book, the main character (i.e. Majid) deals with various study issues. The reading session was always followed
by a 5–10 minutes discussion over the Majid problems and the solutions he finds.
For counseling group a face-to-face counseling was performed in a separate room by a psychologist. The
content of counseling addressed several issues: 1. Identification of illogical thoughts and cognitive distortion, 2.
The ways for controlling negative thoughts and replacing negative ideas with positive ones, 3. Positive thinking
and the techniques, 4. Stress and its symptoms, 5. The effects of stress on mental and psychological health, 6.
Techniques for fighting the stress and 7. Relaxation. Prior to begin the first session and after conducting the last
one, both groups completed the depression subscale of DASS. The pre- and post-tests in both groups were performed by a librarian under the supervision of a psychologist.
Participant's demographic data including their sex and marital status are shown in Table 1. The results of
pre- and post-tests in the three groups are shown in Table 2. As reflected in Table 2, there is no bold difference
among the three groups' means in the pre-test. However, there are distinctive differences between pre- and posttest results of test groups.
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
Table 1. Participants distinguished by their sex and marital status
Marital status
Table 2. Participants' mean and standard deviation in pre- and post-tests
Table 3. The Levine's test results for examining the homogeneity of groups' variances
Numerator df
Denominator df
Sig. Level
The Levine's test tests the assumption of the homogeneity of the groups' variances (Table 3). Because the F
scores were not significant, the assumption of homogeneity of groups' variances came true. Accordingly the
COVARIANCE analysis model was used.
Table 4. The COVARIANCE analysis results of the effects of treatments over the stress
Square Sum
Square Mean
Table 4 shows that there is a significant difference between at least two of the three groups. For identification of those two groups, paired-test comparison was set among the three groups (Table 5).
Table 5 shows that there is a significant difference between both groups of counseling and bibliotherapy
with the control group. This means that either bibliotherapy or counseling treatment were effective in students'
stress reduction. The post-test mean of depression in counseling group was lower than the post-test mean of depression in bibliotherapy group. Nonetheless, the two groups' depression scores after the treatment were not significant.
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
Table 5. Paired-tests among test and control groups
Ref. group
Comparison Group
Mean Difference
Test Error
Table 6. the comparison of participants' stress based on their sex
Table 6 shows the means of depression based on the participants' sex. Accordingly the males’ depression
were higher than the females'. There was no significant relation between the two groups’ depression.
Table 7. The comparison of stress scores of participants identified by their marital status.
Table 7 shows that the mean of stress of singles is higher than the married ones'. However, there was no significant relation between the depression of single and married participants in the two groups.
The study showed that the librarians are capable of performing bibliotherapy with satisfactory results. Although the reported results for the bibliotherapy and counseling was in favorite of counseling (i.e. counseling
had a better results), the difference lays in the n a t u r e of treatments and not in the p e r s o n s who performed the
treatments. As shown in previous studies (e.g. [Jokar et al. 2007]), the methods’ application and procedures differ significantly, thus we can not infer that the counseling has advantage over the bibliotherapy. The study positive result was the point that the librarians' performance in bibliotherapy treatment was satisfactory. Although
story telling has always been performed for children bibliotherapeutic treatment, the results showed that we can
use bibliotherapy even for adults. The results depicts that the selected story had a satisfactory effect on the participants’ status.
The study showed that the differences between the pre- and post-tests' results of the bibliotherapy and the
counseling groups were significant; however, the relation between the depression scores of bibliotherapy and
counseling group after the treatment was not significant. This means that the bibliotherapy and counseling had
different effects over the participants. This finding was not in agreement with previous studies, such as NavabiNejad and Riahinia study [Navabi-Nejad, Riahinia 2008] who reported a significant relation between the effects
of bibliotherapy and counseling in treatment of stressful clients.
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
Bibliotherapy was performed by a skillful librarian with previous experiences in bibliotherapy. On the other
side, the counseling was performed by an expert psychologist. The pre-test and post-test DASS questionnaires
tested the participants’ stress. The study showed that the counseling has better results than the bibliotherapy in
depression reduction, however, the bibliotherapy method was far straightforward than the counseling. Besides,
the bibliotherapy treatment is an indirect method of treatment and the client may feel greater confidence than in
case of counseling. Bibliotherapy as a method of treatment can be simply utilized in schools and for children,
teenagers and younger adults without an overt client resistance for treatment, nonetheless, the bibliotherapy effects for serious disorders are not scientifically confirmed [Navabi-Nejad, Riahinia 2008; Chung, Kwon 2009].
The study findings recommend that the librarians can actively participate in bibliotherapy treatment in various environments. The librarians' involvement in the bibliotherapy can be entirely useful especially when their
clients refer to them for treatment assistance by means of properly chosen readings.
Even when the clients come to the library for finding self-help books, the librarians’ assistance is highly
helpful. In these situations, they can identify the clients' mental or psychological issues. Moreover, their involvement in such situations can be productive when they refer the clients to a counselor or psychologist for further or complementary assistance or treatment. Overall, the bibliotherapy, as a method of treatment, needs efficient qualifications.
* Notice: The authors acknowledge the assistance of psychologist Saeid Tolabi in performing the study.
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Jack, S.J.; R.R. Kevin (2008). Bibliotherapy: Practice and Research. School Psychology International 29(2), p. 161–182.
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McMillen, P.S. (2008). The Bibliotherapy Education Project: Alive and Well and Perpetually under Construction. Behavioral
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Jack, S.J.; K.R. Ronan (2008). Bibliotherapy: Practice and Research. School Psychology International 29(2), p. 161–182.
Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa
Nr 7 2010: Biblioteki, informacja, książka: interdyscyplinarne badania i praktyka w XXI wieku
McMillen, P.; D.E. Pehrsson (2007). Specialty of the house: bibliotherapy for hospital patients. Journal of Hospital Librarianship 4, p. 73–82.
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Riahinia, N.; A. Azimi (2007). Bibliography Usage and Practice: a Study through Tehran's Academic Centers. Library Herald 45(1), p. 70–83.

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