A letter of application – useful expressions


A letter of application – useful expressions
A letter of application – useful expressions
Dear Sir/Madam, - Szanowni Państwo
I am writing to apply for the job advertised in ... I am writing to apply for the post advertised in... I am writing to apply for the position advertised in...(yesterday's 'Evening Post') I am writing to apply for a place in one of the courses at your university... I am writing to apply for the post of... I am writing with regard to your advertisement which appeared in...on... - Piszę do
Państwa w sprawie ogłoszenia o pracę, które ukazało się w...(nazwa gazety)...data
ukazania się ogłoszenia
I am writing in response to / with regard to your advert... - Piszę w odpowiedzi na/ w
związku z Państwa ogłoszeniem...
With reference to your advertisement in... I would like to apply for the post of / position of... - Chciałbym ubiegać się o
I attend a high school in... - Uczęszczam do szkoły średniej w...
I am currently working/ studying /employed at... I graduated from...in... - Ukończyłem szkołę/uniwersytet/wydział w ...(rok)
As far as my qualifications are concerned... I hold a certifcate in first aid. - Posiadam dyplom, certyfikat...
I hold a certificate in advanced English.
I have had a driving licence for two years.
I have had a swimming certificate for two years.
As my references show... For the last year I have been involved in... - Przez ostatni rok byłem zaangażowany
w ...
My professional experience includes... - Moje doświadczenie zawodowe obejmuje...
I worked as...for...months/years. - Pracowałem jako...przez...miesiące/lata.
My duties included.. - Do moich obowiązków należało...
As for my job experience... I have experience of... I have a lot of experience with... - Mam dużo doświadczenia w...
I have been working as a... for the last...years Despite my lack of...experience, I feel that I would be – Pomimo mojego braku
doświadczenia, czuję/uważam, że byłbym...
I feel I am a suitable candidate for this job because ... - Uważam, że jestem
odpowiednim kandydatem na to stanowisko.
I feel I am a suitable candidate for this course because ... - Uważam, że jestem
odpowiednim kandydatem na ten kurs.
I feel I am a suitable candidate for this scholarship because ... - Uważam, że jestem
odpowiednim kandydatem na to stypendium.
I believe I would be perfect for this (scholarship/job) because... I would be grateful to receive the chance to (study/work) in your (university/company)I am very hard- working, confident, cooperative which makes me an ideal candidate for
this job.
I consider myself to be ...(punctual, hard-working etc) -
I enclose a reference from my previous employer. I would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient to you.
I am available for an interview at any time convenient for you. - Mogę przyjść na
rozmowę kwalifikacyjną w każdym odpowiadającym Państwu terminie.
I would be glad to attend an interview at your earliest convenience.
I would be grateful if you would consider my application.
I hope you will consider my application. - Proszę o rozpatrzenie mojego podania.
Thank you for considering my application. - Dziękuję za rozpatrzenie mojego podania.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
I look forward to hearing from you. - Czekam na Państwa odpowiedź.
Yours faithfully. - Z poważaniem