Safer waterborne transport and maritime operations


Safer waterborne transport and maritime operations
Numer konkursu
Temat konkursu
Horyzont 2020
3. Societal Challanges
Otwarcie konkursu: 2015-10-15
Konkurs 2 etapowy, terminy naborów:
1 ETAP: 2016-01-20, wyniki oceny po 3 miesiącach
2 ETAP: 2016-09-29, wyniki oceny po 5miesiącach
Podpisanie umowy: 8 miesięcy od daty złożenia wniosku do 2 etapu.
Przewidywany termin rozpoczęcia projektu: maj 2017
Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) - projekty badawczo-innowacyjne
5-7 milionów EUR
Budżet dla dwóch wezwań: 22 mln EUR
Specific challenge:
More intense and more diverse waterborne traffic, also in areas so far
underused, needs specific operational knowledge and information
management, technology support as well as advanced vessel and equipment
designs that are intrinsically safer and address safety issues holistically and
based on goals (which ideally cover the entire life-cycle). The specific
challenge is to build the enabling knowledge, develop designs, technologies,
and operational procedures and test them in a real world environment with the
aim of guaranteeing safe and environmentally sound waterborne operations,
also taking into account the increasing use of low flash point fuels.
Typ konkursu
Sugerowany budżet
Opis charakteru
konkursu oraz
Transport, Safety
Safer waterborne transport and maritime operations
In order to meet this challenge, proposals should address one or several of
the following aspects:
―Waterborne transport operations (including offshore operations), in complex
traffic fairways and in extreme environments, simulation modelling and real
time information management including big data.
―New and improved vessel and equipment design concepts that offer a clear
risk reduction and intrinsic risk mitigation (including human machine
interfaces), resilience, integrity, fire resistance and improved survivability in
extreme conditions, cargo control including numerical simulations, and cost
efficiency considerations, and better salvage and evacuation options.
―A comprehensive safety assessment for low flash point and volatile fuels,
covering on-board use and installations as well as the shore side supply
In line with the strategy for EU international cooperation in research and
innovation, international cooperation is encouraged.
Strona konkursu
Expected impact:
Activities will improve waterborne safety through proof of concept for new
operational and traffic management approaches (including those in extreme
environments); through workable goal-based approaches to risk and impact
minimisation covering the design and the entire life cycle of vessels and
suitable as formal inputs to international regulatory regimes; and through a
validated safety analysis for fuels with higher intrinsic risks which can be
applied in practice. Improved safety is expected to reduce risks for
environmental damages linked to accidents in waterborne transport.
It is considered that the expected impacts can be leveraged through
international co-operation, in particular where the objective of inputs to the
international regulatory regimes is pursued.
(RIA) 100% zarówno dla jednostek naukowych, jak i MŚP
(RIA) min. 3 niezależne podmioty prawne z 3 różnych państw członkowskich
UE czy stowarzyszonych z Horyzontem 2020
Draft programu pracy (str. 28)
Opracowanie: Centrum Transferu Technologii Morskich, Akademia Morska w Szczecinie (X 2015)