
1. The text of the article (in Polish, English, French or German) should be submitted in an
electronic version and in a computer printout in A4 format, printed on one side, with about 30
lines a page, using 12-point Times New Roman typeface, double-spaced, with margins: 25
mm and left 35 mm.
The texts should not include word division, running head, embellishments, hand spacing,
division of sections. They ought to be deleted (from the upper toolbar one should choose the
icon ‘¶’, showing in the form of unprintable characters all hand-made changes of this kind).
2. The author’s personal data should be attached to the text: full name, address, e-mail address
and affiliation, if applicable.
3. The printouts of tables and drawings should be placed on separate sheets, together with
their description and explanation. Their place in the text (a set) ought to be marked on the
4. The photographs, of good quality, in TIF or JPG format with resolution of 300 DPI, should
be described in a following way: the illustration number (with reference to the text), the
author of the work, the title (in italics), the location of the original, the photograph author’s
initial of his/her first name and his/her surname. The caption can also include additional
information referring to the work (its ground, technique, dimensions and inventory number).
For example:
[illustration number] Paul Gauguin, Self-Portrait with Halo, oil, canvas, 70 x 52 cm, signed:
1899/P. Go., Washington, The National Gallery of Art, photo J. Borkowski
5. The author of the article is held responsible for obtaining permission from the owner of the
work (the right institution or individual) to include the illustration. The author confirms
obtaining such permission in form of a written statement (to be downloaded from the
website). The editorial board does not mediate between the author and the work owner.
6. The citations in the text should be supplied with quotation marks at their beginning and
end, and their source shown in a suitable annotation. Omissions in citations should be marked
with three dots in round brackets: (…).
7. The authors should use footnotes, 10-point typeface, spacing 1.0. We ask for keeping
continuous numbering within the whole text.
8. The annotation of the cited work should include the following bibliographic data: the initial
of author’s first name, his/her surname, the title of the work (written in italics), the publisher
(optionally), place and year of the publication, the number of page or illustration to which the
annotation refers (if the text is translated it is necessary to add the translator’s name after the
For example:
J. Malinowski, Malarstwo polskie XIX wieku, Wyd. BiG, Warszawa 2003, p. 151.
J. Burckhardt, Kultura Odrodzenia we Włoszech, Translated by M. Kreczewska, Warszawa
1965, pp. 205-206.
- in case of a joint publication we write: the title of the work, the editor’s initial of the first
name, his/her surname, the publisher (optionally), place and year of the publication, the
number of page or illustration.
For example:
Urbs celeberrima. Księga pamiątkowa na 750-lecie lokacji Krakowa, A. Grzybkowski, ed, Z.
Żygulski jun., T. Grzybkowska, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Krakow 2008, p. 230
- in case of work which is part of a bigger unit (e.g. an article from a book) we write: the
author, the title of the article, the title of the work (preceded by , [at:], the editor’s initial of the
first name and his/her surname, etc. (the rules as above)
For example:
A. Sudacka, Sukiennice-świadek dziejów Krakowa, [at:] Urbs celeberrima. Księga
pamiątkowa na 750-lecie lokacji Krakowa, A. Grzybkowski, ed, Z. Żygulski jun., T.
Grzybkowska, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Krakow 2008, p. 230.
- in case of an article from a journal we write: the author, the title of the article (written in
italics), the title of the journal in quotation marks, the year of publication, the number of the
issue, page numbers.
For example:
B. Gumińska, Feliks Manggha Jasieński. „Wszyscy marzymy, by dosięgnąć księżyca…”,
“Papers of the National Museum in Cracow. New Series”, 2010, vol. 3, p. 17.
9. In case of exhibition catalogs we use the following notation: the author, the title, after the
dot: Exhibition catalog, after a comma: place and time of the exhibition (if known), place and
year of the publication, cited pages, catalog numbers, illustration numbers.
In case of catalogs written by many authors we start with the title of the exhibition, after a dot:
Exhibition catalog, ed. preceded by the initial of the editor’s first name, his/her surname,
abbreviation “ed.”, place and time of the exhibition (if known), place and year of the
publication, cited pages, catalog numbers, illustration numbers.
For example:
H. Bevers, Meister E. S. Ein oberrheinischer Kupferstecher der Spätgotik. [Exhibition
catalog], Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, 10 December 1986 – 15 February 1987,
Kupferstichkabinett Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulturbesitz 11 April – 14 June
1987, München 1987, no 5, p. 17.
Zofia Stryjeńska 1891-1976. Exhibition catalog, Ś. Lenartowicz ed., Muzeum Narodowe w
Krakowie, 24 October 2008 – 4 January 2009, Krakow 2008, p. 290, 2 illus.
10. When citing in succession from the same bibliographic position, the abbreviation ibidem
(written in italics) should be used. If the same author’s name is repeated in the following
footnotes, the abbreviation idem or eadem is used.
For example:
1 B. Piesik, Lata mijają, Wroclaw 1970, p. 16.
2 Ibidem, p. 19.
3 Idem, Czas leci, Wroclaw 1972, p. 81.
4 Ibidem, p. 12, see also: I. Górny, B. Misiak, W miarę, vol. 3, Poznan 2002, p. 20.
11. When citing the source, which has been cited before, the author should write in the
footnote only the cited author’s initial of his/her first name and his/her surname and an
abbreviation op. cit. (written in italics); if it is a joint publication – then the shortened title. If
more than one work by the same author is cited, then instead of op. cit., the shortened title
should be given.
For example:
1 B. Kowalska, Piękne ulice, piękne kamienice, Zawada 2000, p. 15.
2 A. Nowak, Budowle gotyckie w otoczeniu rokokowym, Sopot 2001, p. 38.
3 B. Kowalska, op. cit., p. 3.
4 A. Nowak, Budowle gotyckie…, p. 10.
5 Idem, Budowle gotyckie…, p. 52.
12. A bibliography must be attached to be printed at the end of the text. The bibliography
should be in alphabetical order: author’s surname, first name(s) initial(s); after colon give the
title of the work (in italics), publisher (if any), and place and year of publication.
For example:
Malinowski, J.: Julian Fałat, KAW, Warszawa 1985
Malinowski, J.: Malarstwo polskie XIX wieku, Wyd. BiG, Warszawa 2003
Małkiewicz, A.: Kościół Świętych Piotra i Pawła w Krakowie, Wydaw. Literackie, Kraków
For articles in edited collections or journals, give the full range of pages:
Sudacka, A.: Sukiennice – świadek dziejów Krakowa, [at:] Urbs celeberrima. Księga
pamiątkowa na 750-lecie lokacji Krakowa, A Grzybkowski, Z. Żygulski jun., T.
Grzybkowska (eds.), Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Kraków 2008, pp. 203-233
Gumińska, B.: Feliks Manggha Jasieński. „Wszyscy marzymy, by dosięgnąć księżyca…”,
„Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie. Seria Nowa”, 2010, vol. 3, pp. 17-64
For works with an digital object identifier (DOI) assigned to them, always give the DOI in the
Senior, B.: Inside management teams. Developing a teamwork survey instrument, „British
Journal of Management”, 2007, vol. 18, p. 138-153. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00507.x
or (give direct reference with date of access):
Senior, B.: Inside management teams. Developing a teamwork survey instrument, „British
Journal of Management”, 2007, vol. 18, pp. 138-153 [on line:] (12.04.2016)
13. The author of the article must attach keywords in Polish and English. Moreover the author
must provide a summary in Polish and English of no more than 1,000 characters with spaces,
including the initial of the author’s first name, his/her surname, the title and the most
important theses.
Final remarks
The Editors reserve the right to introduce editorial changes and cuts in the text. Texts which
do not achieve the point limit according to the review form, will be sent back to their authors.
Thank you for following the guidelines stated above, which will help speed up the publishing
cycle and avoid making mistakes in the printed publication.
The Editorial