Kopia matura welcome sheet_student`s sheet nieskończona_1


Kopia matura welcome sheet_student`s sheet nieskończona_1
First published online 01.09.07
Student’s Worksheet
Matura Welcome Sheet
Typ zadania maturalnego: dobieranie
Before you read, answer the questions below:
Typ zadania maturalnego: udzielanie i uzyskiwanie
1.Have you ever had a problem when you were
on holiday? What was it?
2.What other things might go wrong when you go
on holiday?
Przebywasz na wakacjach za granica. Hotel, w którym sie
zatrzymales, prowadzi osrodek sportów wodnych,
z którego chcialbys skorzystac. Przeprowadz rozmowe
z recepcjonista w hotelu, w której:
Przeczytaj poniższe wypowiedzi i znajdź osoby, których
dotyczą pytania 1-6. Wpisz litery A-D
w kratki obok pytań.
Holidays, holidays…
poinformujesz go, jaki sport Cie interesuje
zapytasz o koszty wypozyczenia odpowiedniego sprzetu
dowiesz sie, czy istnieje mozliwosc skorzystania
z pomocy instruktora.
Maria, 25, went to Brazil.
'We were just leaving the hotel, with all our bags already in the
reception hall. Mark, my boyfriend, hadn't packed it, but he
had it on his neck. But at the reception desk he took it off and
put it on the pile of suitcases, just for a moment. And when we
turned back again, it was no longer there!’
Jeff, 42, went to Greece.
'I'd bought a Mediterranean cruise, which was by no means
cheap. But instead of a luxury yacht, which we'd been
promised, my son and I spent 10 days on an old boat with
awful cabins. And the holiday ended two days earlier than it
should. "Motor problems" was all they said.’
Ann, 27, went to Portugal.
'I'd really looked forward to lying on the beach, getting
tanned and doing nothing for the entire two weeks. But on
the second day I fell asleep in the sun and got horribly
sunburnt. I felt so miserable and had to spend the rest of the
holidays indoors. Not to mention the cost of the ointments
and creams I had to use on my skin.’
Ben, 55, and Dianne, 50, went to China.
'At first everything went just fine. Our guide was a nice girl who
spoke good English and the hotel was just actually much
better than we'd expected. But for some reason, the
organisers kept changing our travel plans we finally didn't get
a chance to see half of the places we were supposed to go to.
Which person(s)...
(rozmowe rozpoczyna zdajacy)
Typ zadania maturalnego: krótka forma uzytkowa
Niedawno wróciles z wakacji. Napisz krótka wiadomosc
e-mail do kolegi z Anglii, w której:
poinformujesz go, gdzie spedziles wakacje
opiszesz swoje wrazenia z pobytu
wyjasnisz, dlaczego nie mogles/moglas wyslac do
niego pocztówki
zapytasz, jak kolega spedzil wakacje
Uzupelnij ponizsza wiadomosc e-mail, uzupelniajac
poszczególne informacje zgodnie z podanym wyzej
Hello Peter,
I just got back from my summer holidays.(Inf.1)
And believe me! (Inf. 2).................................................
Now, I’m really sorry, I couldn’t send you a postcard. You
see, (Inf.3).............................................................. And
what about you? (Inf. 4)...............................................
1. ...wasn’t pleased with the living conditions?
2. ...had to suffer some pain?
3. ...had their camera stolen?
4. ...felt the holiday was badly organised?
5. ...had a shorter holiday?
6. ...spent more money than they had expected?
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