- St Priscilla Church


- St Priscilla Church
Welcome to
St. Priscilla!
Rev. Idzi Stacherczak, Pastor
Mrs. Judy Banasiak, Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Anna Adamowski, Parish Secretary
Mrs. Anna Knap, Business Manager
Mrs. Anna Ewko, Music Director
Ms. Elżbieta Molek, Bulletin Editor
(Confession) 3:00 P.M. to 3:45 P.M., Saturday or by appointment.
Weekday Confession daily starting at 7:45 A.M. until morning Mass.
At the rectory during office hours.
Monday-Wednesday- Friday 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. / Sunday 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 12:15 PM
Polish Mass: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM
Mass in Polish: Wednesday & Saturday 8:30 AM
7:00 PM Vigil Mass, 8:00—11:00 AM (English)
9:00 AM—7:00 PM (Polish)
Arrangement must be made with one of the priests at least six months before the date of the wedding. Confirm desired date at the church
before making other arrangements. At least one of the engaged persons (or their parents) must be a registered and active parishioner of St.
Priscilla. Weddings are not scheduled on Sunday.
English Baptisms will be held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM. Polish Baptisms will be held on the first and third
Sundays. Attendance at Baptismal Preparation class is mandatory. Register by calling Rectory.
Rectory: 6949 W. Addison, Chicago, IL 60634 773-545-8840
Fax: 773-545-8919
Religious Education Office 773-685-3785
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 9, 2013
You changed my mourning into dancing;
O LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks.
— Psalm 30:12, 13
Page Two
June 9, 2013
Reflecting on God’s Word
Two remarkable stories are told in
today’s first reading from the first book
of Kings and in the Gospel of Saint Luke. In the first
reading, Elijah visits the house of a widow. Her son falls
sick during his visit and eventually stops breathing. Elijah
prays to God and breath returns to the child’s body,
whereupon Elijah returns the boy to his mother. In the
Gospel, we hear the remarkable story of the son of
another widow. But in this instance, the widow’s son is
already dead and his remains are in a coffin. This is one of
those miracles that draws us in so vividly. Can you even
imagine being one of the people standing near the coffin
when the young man sits up and begins to speak after
Jesus bids him arise? In a striking parallel to the first
reading, Jesus gives the young man back to his mother.
The people, we are told, are seized with fear. The next
thing they do is glorify God.
In our everyday lives, we are most likely not going to
experience the raising of a dead person back to life. Yet
there are times when the Lord looks at us, helps us
recognize our sinfulness or the ways that we prevent life
from being lived to the fullest, and says, “I tell you,
arise!” (Luke 7:14). A miracle of transformation can
occur when we recognize the power of God’s love and
mercy. Let our response be a prayer of praise and thanks
as we glorify God.
—Jerry Galipeau
Living God’s Word
Is there someone in your family or circle of friends who
has seemed “down in the dumps” lately? Try to find an
opportunity to offer a kind word this week. This may not
be a miraculous gesture in your eyes, but could be in the
other person’s eyes.
Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
St. Anthony’s Relics Visit Chicago
June 8-16
The Franciscan Friars invite
you to join them in welcoming
Saint Anthony of Padua on the
occasion of the 750th
Anniversary of the Discovery
of Saint Anthony’s Relics by
Saint Bonaventure. St Anthony
will be visiting us in the form
of a precious relic from his Basilica in Padua, Italy.
The relic will be accompanied by one friar from the
Messenger of St Anthony in Padua.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii,
1224 W. Lexington St., Chicago, IL 60607
12:00 PM Eucharistic Celebration
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church/ The Sanctuary of The Divine Mercy,
1351 W. Evergreen, Chicago, IL 60642
7:00 PM Eucharistic Celebration
St. Mary of the Angels,
1850 N. Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622
11:00 AM Veneration
12:00 PM Eucharistic Celebration followed by Veneration
Saint Alphonsus,
1429 West Wellington Avenue, Chicago, IL 60657
6:00 PM Eucharistic Celebration
St. Peter in the Loop,
110 West Madison St., Chicago, IL 60602-4196
8:15 AM Eucharistic Celebration
11:40 AM Eucharistic Celebration with Choir
1:15 PM Eucharistic Celebration
5:00 PM Eucharistic Celebration
Holy Name Cathedral,
735 North State Street at Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611
5:15 PM Eucharistic Celebration
7:30 PM Eucharistic Celebration
St. Thomas the Apostle Church,
5472 S. Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615-5297
8:30 AM Eucharistic Celebration
11:00 AM Eucharistic Celebration
St. John Bosco,
2250 N. McVicker Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
5:00 PM Veneration
7:00 PM Eucharistic Celebration
For more information, call (347) 738 - 4306
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 — +Manuel Reyes (Family)
+Rev. Joseph P. Grembla (Fr. Idzi & Parishioners)
+Rosemary Cursio (Czerwinski Family)
+Wojciech Kolodziej - Eternal Peace (Family)
+Chester Sromek (Donna Herrity)
10:30— O odnowienie miłości ku Bogu wśród młodzieży i
powołania kapłańskie oraz za dusze w
czyśćcu cierpiące
O Boże bł., zdrowie i wszelkie łaski dla Anny Ewko w
dniu urodzin
O radość w wieczności dla:
++Katarzyna i Paweł Dziura (Tato z rodziną)
+Teresa Janowski (Mąż i dzieci)
+Dominik Kalinowski (Żona i dzieci)
++Robert i Władysław Dynia
+Czesław Misiaszek 4-ta rocz. śmerci (Żona i córka)
++Konstancja i Edward Misiaszek (Rodzina)
+Józef Sroka (Żona)
+Józef Surowaniec (Rodzina)
++Franciszka i Franciszek Łachmanowicz (Rodzina)
12:15— +Liborio Medina (Theresa Zamora)
+Harriett Borkowski (Koziara Family)
6:00 — ++Eugeniusz, Maria i Kazimierz Trochimiak (Siostra z rodz.)
+Zofia Piróg (Rodzina)
+Irena Kozyra (Brat z rodziną)
MONDAY (10) Weekday
8:00 — Health & Blessings for Elaine Grochocki on her 75th
Birthday (Husband)
Health & Blessings for Jacob Ward (Parents)
+Lorraine & Otto Ackermann (Daughter)
TUESDAY (11) Saint Barnabas, Apostle
8:00 — All Souls in Purgatory #45
WEDNESDAY(12) Weekday
8:00 — +James J. Hughes 2 year Death Anniversary (Donna Herrity)
8:30 — O zdrowie i Boże bł. dla Michaliny z rodziną (Córka)
THURSDAY (13) Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church
8:00 — +Sadie Keenan 21 year Death Anniversary (Donna Herity)
+Sobiesław Łabno
FRIDAY (14) Weekday
8:00 — +Phyllis Scully Birthday Remembrance (Brother Joseph)
+Ruth Schweitzer (Friend)
SATURDAY (15) Weekday
8:00 — St. Priscilla Parishioners #34 (Za parafian św. Pryscylli)
8:30 — Za zmarłych z rodziny Manków i Kułagów
2:00 —WEDDING MASS: Marek Gałek & Marta Strama
4:00 — +Suzanne Onyszko (Sister Marysia)
+Harry Kane Birthday Remembrance (Kane Family)
+Harry & Beatrice Siers (Lorraine)
+Ferdinand Weiterschan (Family)
+Wojciech Drzewiecki (Mr Mrs Robert Drzewiecki)
+Barbara Gurdak (Joanne)
+Bernice Hujar (Hujar Family)
+John Czekaj (Daughter)
+Stanley Smolenski 1st Death Anniversary (Family)
+Jack Ferrier (Wife)
Page Three
8:30 — In Thanksgiving Reyes Family
Living & deceased members of the Holy Name Society
+Salvatore J. Serio (Wife Connie & Family)
+Edward DuPlantis (Denise)
+Marlene Klauba (Bennet Klauba- Husband)
+Martin Weldin (Daughter)
+William Jenkins (Wife Maria)
+Eryk Piecha (Wife & Children)
10:30— O odnowienie miłości ku Bogu wśród młodzieży i
powołania kapłańskie oraz za dusze w
czyśćcu cierpiące
Z racji 25 rocz. ślubu Anny i Wiesława Adamowski o
Bł. Boże
O zdrowie, Boże bł. i potrzebne łaski dla Jolanty
Grocholskiej z racji urodzin (Polska Grupa)
O radość w wieczności dla:
+Paweł Dziura 1sza rocz. śmierci(Tato z rodziną)
+Katarzyna Dziura (Tato z rodziną)
+Czesław Świderski (Żona z dziećmi)
+Dominik Kalinowski (Żona i dzieci)
+Victor Burzynski (Rodzice)
12:15— * FOR ALL FATHERS *
6:00 — Za wszystkich Ojców w dniu ich święta
The Knights of Columbus (Mater Christi council
#14284) will be holding a Fanny May candy bar sale
after the masses on:
Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th
The money collected will be used to support the
Knights of Columbus Charities such as the Disaster
Relief Fund.
May 26, 2013
$ 4,057.00
$ 1,991.00
Loose Coin
$ 6,054.20
Weekly Goal
$ 7,500.00
Budget Year to Date
Collections Year to Date
Under Budget
$< 33,941.45>
Thank you for your generosity and support of our Parish.
Page Four
June 9, 2013
George Adamick - Ann Aitken - Joe Bargi - Lorraine Belokon - Jan Drożdż Nick Grossmayer - Dorothy Heck - Jennifer Hebda - Marian Henaghan Andrew Jennings - Carrie Kacen - Marie Kane - Janet Kaplan - Maureen
Kearney - LaVerne Kmiec - Maria Lech - Peter Leyden - Joseph LoPiccolo Mary Lund - Mary Lynch - Michael Manczko - Barbara McDonald - Mike Muka- Antoni Nierzejewski
- Carol Niewinski - Henry Orry - Marge Reavis - Augusto Sandoval - Norbert Schultz - Genowefa
Solak - Mary Spiewak - Gina Swensen - Patricia Tytro - Roger Vlasos - Jola Wolfe - Katie Young
If you have not yet done so and would like to have your name added to our Parish “Pray For…” list,
please call the rectory at 773-545-8840 ext. 221. Thank you!
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Zrzeszenie Amerykańsko Polskie
Poradnia Zawodowa Zrzeszenia Amerykańsko
Polskiego pragnie zaprosić wszystkich zainteresowanych na
bezpłatne spotkanie informacyjne.
Jesus raises from the dead the son of a
widow. The crowd was amazed and
proclaimed ‘‘God has visited his
people.” (Luke 7:11-17)
Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek, 11 czerwca 2013 o godz.
Could God be asking you to raise his
people from the death of sin and despair as you
minister to them as a priest? If you have ever
considered a vocation to the priesthood, contact Fr.
Brian Welter, [email protected] or at 312534-8298, or go to www.ChicagoPriest.com. For
information on religious life contact Sr. Elyse
Ramirez, OP at 312-534-5240 or
[email protected], and for the Permanent
Diaconate program contact Deacon Bob Puhala at
847-837-4562 or [email protected].
Na spotkaniu polskojęzyczny prawnik zaprezentuje
między innymi następujące zagadnienia:
♥ Zasady przynawaniu statusu F-1 i J-1
♥ Staż zawodowy (Optional Practical Training) oraz
pozwolenie na pracę (Employment Authorization
♥ Zmiana statusu z wizy studenckiej na pracownicza
Spotkanie odbędzie się w Centrum Fundacji
Kopernikowskiej przy 5216 W. Lawrence.
Po więcej informacji na temat spotkania można dzwonić
pod numer telefonu 773 282-1122 wew. 414
Spotkanie sponsorowane jest przez the City of Chicago-the
Department of Family and Support Services oraz przez Fundację
Kopernikowską. Equal opportunity Employer/Program.
June 15th & June 16th
4:00 P.M.
8:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
12:15 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
Camelia Rodriguez
Richard Mizera
Kazimiera Ziobro
Jim Miketta
Maria Razniak
Dominika Ziobro
Hanna Kurzątkowski
Krystyna Cioch
Wacław Rzeszutek
Maria Razniak
Stanisław Słonina
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Five
Pictured below: Some of our parishioners
received a special senior discount as seen
sitting down on a bench near the Grotto.
Above, we see pictures of the group of parishioners who gathered at our grotto at 7:00 pm throughout the month of May. As we have
posted in our bulletin, May is the month which is devoted to the Rosary. These parishioners gathered nightly to pray special Marian
prayers to Our Lady. We would like to especially thank our organist, Anna Ewko, Sisters from Radio Maryja and Father Zbigniew
Pienkos for participating in this tradition and praying with our parishioners. We hope to continue this tradition in the years to come.
We would also like to thank those who came to these gatherings, it wouldn’t have been such a success without you all!
Boy Scout Troop 803 Car Wash and Aluminum Can Drive
On Saturday, June 15th, St. Priscilla Boy Scout Troop 803 will be sponsoring a
car wash and aluminum can drive from 8:30 A.M. until noon in the church parking
lot. The cost for a car wash will be YOUR DONATION. Please come out and
support our Boy Scouts!
Thank you to all of the parishioner. We appreciate your generosity!
Harcerze przy naszej parafii zapraszają na Mycie Samochodu na parkingu
kościoła w sobotę, 15 czerwca, w godzinach od 8:30 rano do 12:00 po
południu. Również w tym samym czasie organizujemy zbiórkę puszek
aluminiowych. Prosimy o wsparcie naszej organizacji.
Serdecznie dziękujemy za dotychczasową pomoc!
Page Six
June 9, 2013
Caleb Josiah Guerrero
If anyone knows of cause or just
impediment why these persons should not be
joined together in Holy Matrimony, they
must contact the Pastor.
III. Marek Galek & Marta Strama
II. Julian Malkiewicz & Jolanta Podosek
Jeśli ktoś wie o przeszkodach
uniemożliwiających zawarcie Sakramentu
Małżeństwa przez te osoby, prosimy o
powiadomienie księdza proboszcza.
Workshop on Mental Illness Presented by Chicago
Archdiocesan Commission on
Mental Illness
The Archdiocesan Commission on
Mental Illness is conducting a
workshop on the Church and Mental
Illness on Saturday, June 15, 9:001:00. The location is Our Lady of the
Snows, 4810 S. Leamington,
Chicago 60638; doors open for
registration at 8:30. The morning will include first person
accounts on how spirituality helps recovery; practical ideas
of what parishes can do to help its members with mental
illness and their families; and a showing of the 30-minute
DVD, ‘‘Welcomed and Valued” produced by the National
Catholic Partnership on Disability. Suggested donation:
$5.00. For details contact Deacon Tom Lambert (773) 5250453, Ext. 21 or Connie Rakitan (708) 383-9276.
‘‘I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this
bread, he will live forever.” -John 6:51
These pictures depict the beautiful decoration we have by
our altar for Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood
of Christ, which we celebrated June 2nd. This decoration
will be kept in the church for several weeks. We would like
to thank our parishioner, Mr. Casey Czochara for building
the chalice and host. This beautiful creation is made of
wood. We would also like to thank our sacristan, Mrs. Teresa
Koziar and parishioner Mrs. Maria Czochara, for their hard
work in completing the decorations with cloths and various
items. We hope you all get a chance to see and enjoy it!

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