Certificate ISO 9001:2000


Certificate ISO 9001:2000
Certificate DE14/818842549
The certification body SGS-ICS GmbH confirms that the processing activities of
Develey Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Batalionu Platerówek 3
03-308 Warszawa
meets the requirements of the
IFS Food
Version 6, April 2014
for the audit scope:
Produktion von Ketchup, Senf, Mayonnaise, Saucen auf Mayonnaise Basis, Gemüsesaucen,
Salatsaucen in: Kunststoffverpackungen, mehrschichtigen Verpackungen, Glas, Metall-FolieBeutel, PP Folie, mehrschichtigen Verpackungen aus Papier und Kunststoff.
Production of ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, mayonnaise-based sauces, vegetable sauces,
salad dressings in: plastic packaging, multilayer packaging, glass,metal foil bags, PP foil,
laminated paper and plastic.
Produkcja: ketchupu, musztardy, majonezu, sosów majonezowych, sosów warzywnych, sosów
sałatkowych w opakowaniach: z tworzywa sztucznego, opakowaniach wielowarstwowych,
szklanych, saszetki z folii metalizowanej, folii PP, wielowarstwowe opakowania papierowoplastikowe.
Product scopes: 5 - Fruit and vegetables; 7 - Combined products; 9 - Oils and fats
Technology scopes: B, C, D, E, F
on Higher Level with a score of 99,23%.
Issue: 4. Date of the audit: 21/06/2016 - 24/06/2016
Next audit to be performed within the time period:15/05/2017 - 24/07/2017
Certificate issued on: 19/08/2016
Certificate valid until: 03/09/2017
Authorised by
Christian Rathje
Head of Certification Body
Joachim Schulz
Sector Manager
SGS-International Certification Services GmbH
Rödingsmarkt 16□D-20459 Hamburg (Germany)
t +49 (0)40 30.101.361□f +49 (0)40 33.04.098□www.sgsgroup.de
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