Exercise No 6 - Politechnika Warszawska


Exercise No 6 - Politechnika Warszawska
Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania - Zakład Mechaniki Budowli i Zastosowań Informatyki - Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej - Politechnika Warszawska
Exercise No 6
NOTICE: Bold digits 2345 represent the four digits of the student album.
Task 0
Download file "Exercise 6-axis.dwg"
Then adjust the length of the vertical axes 1, 2,3 4, 5 so that the coordinates of the ends are as follows
axis 1 - (0,0,0; 0,0,2345)
axis 2 - (300,0,0; 300,0,2345)
axis 3 - (300,300,0; 300,300,2345)
axis 4 - (0,300,0; 0,300,2345)
axis 5 (center) - (150,150,0; 150,150,2345)
Next adjust the coordinates Z (given in WCS) for the subsequent horizontal axes, with the help of which crosssections are defined. Download "Tool for calculating coordinates.xls" to quickly get the Z coordinate values
Task A - Draw a 3D solid model of the column as described below
level 0
level 0
between levels 0 and 1
level 1
between levels 1 and 2
level 2
between levels 2 and 3
level 3
a square of 300 between the axes 1, 2, 3, 4, pulled down, a distance of 50
a circle of diameter 280; center in axis 5
variable cross-section
ellipse; long axis 340 of between the axes 1 and 3; short axis 170 between - 2 and 4
variable cross-section
ellipse; long axis 340 of between the axes 2 and 4; short axis 170 between - 1 and 3
variable cross-section
a circle of diameter 300; center in axis 5 PLUS cornice
Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania - Zakład Mechaniki Budowli i Zastosowań Informatyki - Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej - Politechnika Warszawska
between levels 3 and 4
level 4
between levels 4 and 5
level 5
between levels 5 and 6
level 6
between levels 6 and 7
level 7
between levels 7 and 8
level 8
level 8
structure composed of four helices with a uniform structure rotated about axis 5
The radius of the lower and upper 140; jump 0.05 *2345.
The first helix starts on level 3 at the midpoint between the axes 1 and 2 and turns
clockwise. Next helix starts on level 3 at the midpoint between the axes 2 and 3 and
turns counterclockwise. The third helix starts on level 3 at the midpoint between the
axes 3 and 4 and turns clockwise. The fourth helix starts on level 3 at the midpoint
between the axes 4 and 1 and turns counterclockwise.
DESCRIPTION of an object to use as the sweep profile - see BELOW the table.
a circle of diameter 300; center in axis 5 PLUS cornice
jump; levels 4 and 5 have the same Z coordinates
regular hexagon, described on a circle with a radius of 160 and the center at axis 5,
two sides parallel to the lines between axes 1-2 and 3-4
variable cross-section
regular hexagon, described on a circle with a radius of 200 and the center at axis 5,
two sides parallel to the lines between axes 2-3 and 4-1
jump; levels 6 and 7 have the same Z coordinates
a square of 400 between the axes 1, 2, 3, 4
variable square cross-section
a square of 600 with sides parallel to the lines between axes 1-3 and 2-4 and the
center coinciding with axis 5
a square 600x600, pulled up, a distance of 50
Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania - Zakład Mechaniki Budowli i Zastosowań Informatyki - Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej - Politechnika Warszawska
The structure of column between levels 3 and 4
NOTE Use the helices as described above in Table.
Along each helix sweep an ellipse whose center coincides with the helix. The axes of the ELLIPSE have lengths of 30 and 15,
with the longer axis of the ellipse parallel to the axis 5. The plane of the ellipse (axes of the ellipse) lies in the plane
determined by the beginning of the helix and the central axis 5.
Cornices at level 3 and 4: Along the circle runs rectangular cross-section, perpendicular to the plane of the circle. The
center of the rectangle coincides with the circle. Shorter side of rectangle of dim. 12 is parallel to the axis 5. The longer side
of rectangle dimension 36.
Task B
Then cut the column with the cutting plane defined in the middle of the distance between the axes 1-2 and 3-4.
Both sides of the sliced objects should be retained.
One half of the column turn with respect to the other that angle between the cutting planes (on halves) shall be equal to 77
degree. The distance between can be assumed as you wish.
Task C
On one of the halves put the dimensions between the levels.
Task D
Draw a pyramid with base 600 x 600, in upside down position, i.e. the height returned down is equal to four digits of album
number 2345. Place a copy of half-column, with the cutting plane (built in Task B) parallel to the inclined plane of the
pyramid, at distance 222 between them.
Task E
Cut the pyramid and half columns in the symmetry plane of the pyramid.
Afterwards delete one part of on the cutting plane.
On the second part of the put dimensions of the gap between column and half of the pyramid.

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