(Microsoft PowerPoint - Andy Churchill_Wlk. Brytania [tryb zgodno


(Microsoft PowerPoint - Andy Churchill_Wlk. Brytania [tryb zgodno
Support for Social Enterprise
Ideas from the UK
Kraków, 11th October 2012
Who are we?
We are a regional NGO
We support NGOs in North West England for Structural Funds
We provide
We are funded by Technical Assistance for ESF and ERDF
We started in 1986 !
ESF and ERDF in England
ESF - Human Resources
Moving people forward
ERDF - Regional Development
Working together to create a better future
Main UK Structural Funds
ESF European Social Fund
Human Capital
Training and Job subsidy
Moving people towards jobs, and into better jobs
ERDF European Regional Development Fund
Capital and Revenue
Everything else!
ESF in England
Community Grants - Social Capital
Small grants to new and small organisations
Rapid decision, not too much paperwork
Training for unemployed
moving towards jobs
link to the new jobs
Training for employed
SMEs include many NGOs
Social Enterprise
ITM (Innovative, Transnational and Mainstreaming projects)
Technical Assistance for Civil Society
ERDF in England
Not just roads and bridges!
Regeneration of target areas
Managed Workspace, Incubation Centres for Enterprises
Business Training and Support, including procurement
Business Mentoring, Support Networks, Sector and Cluster
Money to Expand (including Money with Management)
Some ERDF examples
Florrie - Converting buildings for community use, incubation
Greenbank - sports centre for people with disabilities and ablebodied
WICED - Women’s enterprise centre
Social Enterprise North West
supporting business start-ups
developing social enterprise
Technical Assistance for Civil Society (and others)
€4m ERDF
Delivered using contracts with 15 Social Enterprises and one
Local Government organisation
Pre-startup Awareness Raising Workshops
Pre-startup Group Based Workshop support & Action
Business Creation Start-up Assistance, including Business Plans
Social Enterprise Intermediate Development Support
Social Enterprise Intensive Support
Growth, Income and Diversification
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Organisations employing 1-250 staff
Not government organisations
Not part of a bigger enterprise (over 250 staff)
Partnership working
In particular, working with Local Government
We must be represented on all committees and subcommittees
We must provide briefing and support for our representatives
Technical assistance
We use funding from the programme to support the
involvement of Civil Society, NGOs and the Social Economy
2007-13 in England
This programmes are too bureaucratic
Focus on receipts for every euro spent, not on delivery
Enormous ESF projects
So we encouraged NGOs to gain sub-contract collaborative bids, pre-qualification training
Financial Instruments
Too slow to agree
Private Sector did not understand European Funding
In North West England, Outputs and Results to date are low for high-growth, private sector jobs (Priority 1)
high for worst off areas and Social Enterprises (Priority 4)
Next programme 2014-20 - what?
Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion
Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Next programme 2014-20 - how?
look at what is delivered, not just money spent
Social Business Initiative
and procurement, and franchising
Financial Instruments
Make the funds work together
Stronger role for Civil Society
Community-led Local Development
Social Innovation
Scaling up
Next Programme - England
Generally co-financed at 50% from Europe, so match can be a
Lottery money for match funding civil society?
Financial Instruments. Big Society Capital, Social Impact Bonds?
City-Regions, local areas
European and State Strategies, but delivered locally
Community led local development
Thank you!
151 Dale Street Liverpool L2 2AH
Tel: 0151 237 3972 Fax: 3973
NFE is part funded by the European Social Fund and the
European Regional Development Fund, Office for Civil
Society and Transforming Local Infrastructure.
We work in partnership with NCVO and Euclid Network
[email protected]