

Piotr Górecki
Piast Poland and the Legal Systems of Medieval Europe:
A Case Study ..........................................................................................
I. Medieval Origins of the Republican Idea 12th-15th Centuries ................ 35
Thierry Dutour
L’idée et la pratique politique républicaines aux temps
médiévaux, un problème mal posé .................................................... 35
Delphine Carron
Ptolemy of Lucca: One of the First Medieval Theorists of
Republicanism? Some Observations on the Relevance
of Associating a Medieval Thinker with the Republican
Tradition ................................................................................................. 65
Patrick Gilli
De la Res publica impériale à la res publica civitatis : les mots
de la république au début du mouvement communal en Italie
(XIIe siècle) .............................................................................................. 93
Samuel Leturcq
Le champ, res publica des campagnes médiévales ........................... 111
Michel Hébert
Trois états, représentation politique et genèse de l’idée
républicaine dans l’espace français à la fin du Moyen Âge ............. 133
Laurent Baggioni
Depicting the Forma Civitatis: Civic Harmony, Military
Organization and Social Hierarchy in Leonardo Bruni’s Vision
of the Florentine Republic .................................................................... 155
Philippe Hamon
Combattre pour le bien commun ? La mobilisation armée des
populations rurales durant la Guerre de Bretagne (1487-1491) ...... 171
Joseph Morsel
Res publica et gemeiner nutz. Observations à partir de l’espace
germanophone (XIVe-XVe siècles) ........................................................ 193
Wim Blockmans
Constructing the Concept of Civil Rights. The Experience
of Citizens in the Low Countries, 12th to 16th Century...................... 223
II. Economic Growth (continuation) ............................................................. 249
Nils Hybel
Reflections on Institutionalization and Economic Growth
in Denmark c. 1000-1300 ...................................................................... 249
Phillipp Schofield
The Market, Economic Growth and Famine in the Medieval
English Countryside in the Early 14th Century ................................. 269
III. Medieval Liturgy ....................................................................................... 285
Vincent Debiais, Elisa Pallottini
Epigraphie et liturgie, entre écriture, parole et geste
(Xe-XIIe siècle) ......................................................................................... 285
Pamela Nourrigeon
Lorsque le rouleau vide devient parlant : l’illustration
de l’annonce à Zacharie dans le Rational des divins offices ................ 303
Richard F. Gyug
Adaptations in a Regional Liturgy: The Pontificals of Southern
Italy and Dalmatia ................................................................................ 317
Marc Sureda i Jubany
Lauda Iherusalem Dominum. Liturgie stationnale et familles
d’églises en Catalogne, XIe-XIVe siècles ............................................. 333
IV. Current Research ........................................................................................ 369
Jacek Poleski
The Contact between Tribes Inhabiting the Oder and Vistula
Basins and the Moravian State in the 9th and Early 10th Century ... 369
Albrecht Classen
Guildeluëc in Marie de France’s “Eliduc” as the Avatar
of Heloise? The Destiny of Two 12th-Century Women .................... 395
Michael Penman
The Lion Captive: Scottish Royals as Prisoners of England,
c. 1070 - c. 1424 ...................................................................................... 413
Magdalena Piwocka, Dariusz Nowacki
Jadwiga Jagiellon’s Casket of 1533. A Source of Primary
Importance to Our Knowledge about the Jewels of the Polish
Jagiellons ................................................................................................ 435
V. Book Notices ................................................................................................ 455
Authors ............................................................................................................. 473