Memories of the Future - ACS Integration: Home


Memories of the Future - ACS Integration: Home
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Memories of the Future
The Future is as Bright as the
Promises of God
St. John Brebeuf Parish
8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714
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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
This celebration of the Jubilee for Priests on
the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus invites
us all to turn to the heart, the deepest root and foundation of every person, the focus of our affective
life and, in a word, his or her very core. Today we
contemplate two hearts: the Heart of the Good
Shepherd and our own heart as priests.
The Heart of the Good Shepherd is not only
the Heart that shows us mercy, but is itself mercy.
There the Father’s love shines forth; there I know I
am welcomed and understood as I am; there, with
all my sins and limitations, I know the certainty that
I am chosen and loved. Contemplating that heart, I
renew my first love: the memory of that time when
the Lord touched my soul and called me to follow
him, the memory of the joy of having cast the nets
of our life upon the sea of his word (cf. Lk 5:5).
June 12, 2016
vided between prayer to the Father and encountering people. So too the heart of Christ’s priests
knows only two directions: the Lord and his people.
The heart of the priest is a heart pierced by the love
of the Lord. For this reason, he no longer looks to
himself, but is turned towards God and his brothers
and sisters. It is no longer “a fluttering heart”, allured by momentary whims, shunning disagreements and seeking petty satisfactions. Rather, it is a
heart rooted firmly in the Lord, warmed by the Holy
Spirit, open and available to our brothers and sisters.
To help our hearts burn with the charity of Jesus the Good Shepherd, we can train ourselves to do
three things suggested to us by today’s readings:
seek out, include and rejoice. I like the way he always has three things to say.
Seek out. The prophet Ezekiel reminds us
that God himself goes out in search of his sheep (Ez
The Heart of the Good Shepherd tells us that 34:11, 16). As the Gospel says, he “goes out in
search of the one who is lost” (Lk 15:4), without
his love is limitless; it is never exhausted and it
never gives up. There we see his infinite and bound- fear of the risks. Without delaying, he leaves the
pasture and his regular workday. He does not put off
less self-giving; there we find the source of that
the search. He does not think: “I have done enough
faithful and meek love which sets free and makes
others free; there we constantly discover anew that for today; I’ll worry about it tomorrow”. Instead, he
Jesus loves us “even to the end” (Jn 13:1), without immediately sets to it; his heart is anxious until he
finds that one lost sheep. Having found it, he forgets
ever being imposing.
his weariness and puts the sheep on his shoulders,
The Heart of the Good Shepherd reaches out fully content.
to us, above all to those who are most distant. There
Such is a heart that seeks out – a heart that
the needle of his compass inevitably points, there
does not set aside times and spaces as private, a
we see a particular “weakness” of his love, which
heart that is not jealous of its legitimate quiet time
desires to embrace all and lose none.
and never demands that it be left alone. A shepherd
after the heart of God does not protect his own comContemplating the Heart of Christ, we are
faced with the fundamental question of our priestly fort zone; he is not worried about protecting his
good name, but rather, without fearing criticism, he
life: Where is my heart directed? Our ministry is
often full of plans, projects and activities: from cate- is disposed to take risks in seeking to imitate his
chesis to liturgy, to works of charity, to pastoral and Lord.
administrative commitments. Amid all these, we
A shepherd after the heart of God has a heart
must still ask ourselves: What is my heart set on,
sufficiently free to set aside his own concerns. He
where is it directed, what is the treasure that it
does not live by calculating his gains or how long
seeks? For as Jesus says: “Where your treasure is,
he has worked: he is not an accountant of the Spirit,
there will your heart be also” (Mt 6:21).
but a Good Samaritan who seeks out those in need.
For the flock he is a shepherd, not an inspector, and
The great riches of the Heart of Jesus are
he devotes himself to the mission not fifty or sixty
two: the Father and ourselves. His days were di-
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
percent, but with all he has. In seeking, he finds, and
he finds because he takes risks. He does not stop
when disappointed and he does not yield to weariness. Indeed, he is stubborn in doing good, anointed
with the divine obstinacy that loses sight of no one.
Not only does he keep his doors open, but he also
goes to seek out those who no longer wish to enter
them. Like every good Christian, and as an example
for every Christian, he constantly goes out of himself. The epicentre of his heart is outside of himself.
He is not drawn by his own “I”, but by the “Thou”
of God and by the “we” of other men and women.
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said "Good priests don't wear gloves. As a minister of the communion that he celebrates and lives,
he does not await greetings and compliments from
others, but is the first to reach out, rejecting gossip,
judgements and malice. He listens patiently to the
problems of his people and accompanies them, sowing God’s forgiveness with generous compassion.
He does not scold those who wander off or lose
their way, but is always ready to bring them back
and to resolve difficulties and disagreements. Here
he said "The priest is not an inspector of sheep
but a caretaker of sheep"
Rejoice. God is “full of joy” (cf. Lk 15:5).
His joy is born of forgiveness, of life risen and renewed, of prodigal children who breathe once more
the sweet air of home. The joy of Jesus the Good
Shepherd is not a joy for himself alone, but a joy for
others and with others, the true joy of love. This is
also the joy of the priest. He is changed by the
mercy that he freely gives. In prayer he discovers
God’s consolation and realizes that nothing is more
So it is also with the priest of Christ. He is
anointed for his people, not to choose his own pro- powerful than his love. He thus experiences inner
peace, and is happy to be a channel of mercy, to
jects but to be close to the real men and women
whom God has entrusted to him. No one is excluded bring men and women closer to the Heart of God.
Sadness for him is not the norm, but only a step
from his heart, his prayers or his smile. With a faalong the way; harshness is foreign to him, because
ther’s loving gaze and heart, he welcomes and includes everyone, and if at times he has to correct, it he is a shepherd after the meek Heart of God.
is to draw people closer. He stands apart from no
one, but is always ready to dirty his hands. Here he
Include. Christ loves and knows his sheep. He
gives his life for them, and no one is a stranger to
him (cf. Jn10:11-14). His flock is his family and his
life. He is not a boss to feared by his flock, but a
shepherd who walks alongside them and calls them
by name (cf. Jn 10:3-4). He wants to gather the
sheep that are not yet of his fold (cf. Jn 10:16).
Altar Bread and Wine will be
Offered in Memory of
Fr. Thomas More &
Deceased Members of His Family
Donated by
Zacharia Family
during the week of
June 12, 2016
First Reading—— Zechariah foretells the Messiah
(Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1).
Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my
God (Psalm 63).
Second Reading — There are no distinctions or divisions; we all belong to Christ (Galatians 3:26-29).
Gospel — Peter proclaims Jesus as the Christ; Jesus
speaks of his great suffering to come (Luke 9:18-24).
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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Devotions in the Church
Monday through Friday
After 8:30 AM Mass
After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday
Every Wednesday
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions
Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group
After 7:00 PM Mass (Including Benediction )
First Friday Devotions
To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
After 8:30 AM Mass and
After 7:00 PM Polish Mass
First Saturday Devotions
To Immaculate Heart of Mary
After 7:30 AM Mass and
After 6:30 PM Polish Mass
Devotions in the Adoration Chapel
Marian Prayer Group
June 12, 2016
Liturgical Calendar
Saturday, June 11
10:00 to 4:00—Diaconate Convocation
Sunday, June 12
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Speakers for Totus Tuus Program)
Tuesday, June 14
7:00—Land of Lakes Choirboys
Sunday, June 19
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Father’s Day)
Second Collection for Retired Priests
1:45—Baptisms (Polish)
Sunday, June 26
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
2:00—Baptisms (English)
Monday 7:00 PM
Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group
Thursday 8:00 AM
Hour of Divine Mercy
Friday 3:00 PM (Includes Stations of the Cross)
Pray for priests every Thursday
The Marvelous Rosary
Join in Rosary Prayers daily,
Monday through Friday,
immediately following the 8:30
AM Mass; Saturday following
the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday
before the 7:30 AM Mass.
Praying the rosary
together in front of the Blessed Sacrament
gives many graces and is so peaceful.
Christ's followers were
skeptical when He preached
the reality of His Body and
Blood as food and drink. St.
John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer
went about with Him."
Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do
you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did
not understand any more than those who left
Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord,"
he said, "to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternaFED BY THE LORD
Jesus’ words “This is my body” and
“This cup is the new covenant in my
blood” were only part of his table blessing.
Jesus twice said: “Do this in remembrance
of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24, 25).
Altar Server Schedule Week of June 13—19
8:30—Renz Yuson, Grace Seitzinger
11:15—Johnny Bialordzki, Kamil Bialordzki
8:30—Alexis Gandeza, Samantha Wargo
11:15—Wesley Healy, Shane Tarjan
8:30—Danny England, Matthew Christian
11:15—Jake Wargo, Samantha Wargo
8:30—Brandon Manogura, Shane Tarjan
11:15—Anthony Genualdi, Denise Gomez
8:30—Alexis Gandeza, Peter Seitzinger
11:15—Jeremy Ermilio, Gabriella Vos
7:30—Vincent Macam, Ryan Inumerable
Jesse Healy
5:00—Kurt Kozeny Johnny Bialorudzki
Kamil Bialorudzki
6:30—Gloria Majka, Simon Majka
Julia Nawara
7:30—Wesley Healy, Allena Healy,
Denise Gomez
9:00—Joshua Vernon, Suraj Mesquita
Kaitlyn Maczek
10:45—Arabella Gomez, Jason Parinas
Stephen Kuechel
12:30—Agnieszka, Simon & Iza Rostkowski
6:00—Johnny Buczkowski, Jackie Buczkowski
Nathaniel Caamoan
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Altar Server Corner
Enjoy Fun,
Fellowship & Faith!
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Come join and discover the wonders that await you as an Altar
Server at St. John Brebeuf Church. Calling all students grades 312. Come and accept your calling to a life changing experience
by assisting our Priests with daily masses. This is a wonderful, and
rewarding opportunity to serve your community. If you are interested in answering your call, please contact the parish office at
(847) 966-8145 to let us know. You will then be contacted with
further information.
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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
Director, 847-966-9815
[email protected]
JUNE 2016
Check out the parish website on
Find upcoming Youth Ministry events on our
Calendar. Check us out!
We need your help!
We have an
1. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP FOR TOagreement to host
TUS TUUS! The week-long program starts
the Land of
this Sunday night, June 12th and goes
Lakes Choirboys
through June 16th in the Parish Ministry
and we are lookCenter from 7:00-9:00pm. It's an inspiraing for Host Famitional program run by college students who
lies for one night
engage teens with skits, songs, games, and
only to provide
interactive teaching! The cost is only $15 for
quarters for 28
the week and is for teens in Grades 7-12. You
can pick up a registration form at the Parish boys who are on tour. These fine young gentleOffice. See you Sunday night!
men from Minnesota will give a concert here in
in Uncle Pete’s Ministry! SJB Youth Ministry
will be making sack dinners on Monday,
June 20th in the Parish Ministry Center from
6:00-8:00pm. All teens and families are welcome! We also need helpers to assist with
buying the food for the sack dinners. Contact Mrs. Perez via texting (847-239-2379) to
sign up for this worthy ministry!
the church on Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 pm,
after which they will need a bed and simple
breakfast the next morning. We really need
your help. If you can provide this generosity,
even for only two boys, please call the parish
office, 847-966-8145.
June 12: Eleventh Sunday in
Ordinary Time
As we hear the Gospel today we re3. Join us Saturday, June 25th, for our second
alize that sometimes we are like Simon
CAR WASH in the school parking lot from
as it’s far easier to see what is wrong in
10am to 2pm. FREE WILL DONATION. Invite
another than it is to see what is wrong
your friends, family, and neighbors to have
in ourselves. But Jesus, who accepts the poor
their cars washed for a worthy cause! All dowoman without judging or blaming her, show us
nations go towards our summer service trip!
what Christian love is all about.
Through your almsgiving you are performing
work; far greater than you think. The
4. Join us Sunday June 26th for our last OPEN
coins placed in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box
ROOM of the school year! We meet in the
Youth Ministry Office from 7:00-9:00pm. En- bring Christ love and compassion to the poor.
joy our end-of-the-year raffle, video games,
Do you, or a family you know need assistance?
board games, outdoor games, or open gym. Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that
Snacks and pop are provided. Pizza is only
together we can help the suffering and poor. All in$3.00! ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME!
formation will be strictly confidential.
Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM
or our group St John Brebeuf YM
Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry
Deacon Andy Beierwaltes
Telephone: (847) 966-6961
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
Uncle Pete’s Ministry
Uncle Pete’s Sack Dinner Ministry is this weekend. Last month we collected 505 sack dinners that
were delivered to various
organizations throughout
Chicago. This was a BIG number and we greatly
appreciate everyone who volunteered to make up
the sacks. If you’ve not yet participated in this
ministry, it’s easy. On June 11th and 12th, at all the
weekend masses, brown bags and menu guidelines
will be available at tables as you exit the church.
You simply need to fill the bags and return them to
the front of church on the morning of Tuesday, June
21st. Please consider being a part of this very
worthwhile ministry.
If you have any interest in volunteering to
distribute bags at the end of the Masses, you can
contact Dan Vonder Heide at 847.581.9841 to get
on the distribution team.
Thank you and God bless.
No matter how many arrows
are thrown at you, how much
criticism you receive, or how
many so-called friends you lose because you're
defending life, it's all worth it. Continue to fight
the culture of death.
A St. Vincent de Paul client needs a loving home
for a small Pekingese dog. She is a friendly,
mellow, well trained 4 year old dog.
Please call 773-980-4515 before June 15 to help
this family. There is no charge for the dog.
A VERY BIG “THANK YOU” to the volunteers
from the Knights of Columbus and the Holy Name
Men’s Club who spent some of their Saturday time
helping load the trailer for our recent Spring Clothing Drive on May 7 and ...special thanks to all of
you who donated clothing and other household
items that kept them busy the whole day! On behalf
of those who benefit from your generosity,
P.S.: Our next Fall Drive is tentatively scheduled
for Saturday, October 1.
Girl Scout Troop 41006
will be collecting nonperishable food items
during the Niles July 4th
parade. Please help the
girls by bringing your
items with you to the
parade. The items will be
Let us continue to pray daily:
donated to the Niles
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much.
Food Pantry. They also invite all local Girl Scouts
I beg you to spare the life of the
to join them in the parade. The girls should meet in
unborn baby that I have spirituthe Notre Dame parking lot at 8:30 am on July 4th.
ally adopted who is in danger of
Thank you for your help with this project.
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Each year the Holy Name men’s clubs and
societies from all over the Chicago Archdiocese
(CAHNS) gather together and celebrate with a
procession and Mass. Our parish proudly hosted
this annual event last year for the second time,
one of the first to host it twice. We previously
held it here in 1997 when hundreds of men
We are encouraging all Holy Name and
Knights of Columbus men, as well as all other
men in the Parish, to attend this uplifting experience. This year’s Spiritual Assembly will be held
at St. Jane de Chantal Church, 5252 S. Austin,
Chicago, on Friday, June 17th. We are planning
to car-pool to St. Jane’s. We will gather in the
school parking lot at 5:15pm. The Mass will be at
7:00 preceded by a procession in the neighborhood. For more information, contact Mel
Koenigs, 847-966-2293 or Deacon Andy
Beierwaltes, 847-966-6961.
Dear Parishioners,
We are currently seeking individuals to serve on
our parish pastoral council. The parish pastoral
council is the core group of parishioners that supports and counsels the pastor in his leadership role,
expands his awareness of needs and achievements,
and counsels him on pastoral matters while affirming his office as the parish’s spiritual leader and
their link with the bishop and the universal church.
To qualify to serve as a member you must be a
practicing catholic, parishioner of St. John Brebeuf
for a minimum of three years, celebrate the Eucharist with the community of St. John Brebeuf and be
an active member in one of our parish ministries.
Responsibilities would include to evaluate and
oversee the fulfillment of the parish mission, to
evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and
services, to identify areas of needed improvement
and promote the involvement of laity in parish life.
Also, to encourage quality spiritual programs for all
parishioners to grow in Christian beliefs.
Contact Chester Gilbert, [email protected]
or 847-966-4789 if you have any questions or want
to be part of this important ministry.
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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
prawdziwe są radości – Kolekta IV niedzieli
wielkanocnej], na co stawia, jakiego skarbu poszukuje?
Obchodząc Jubileusz Kapłanów w uroczystość
Bo, jak mówi Jezus – „gdzie jest twój skarb, tam będzie
Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa jesteśmy wezwani, by i serce twoje” (Mt 6,21). W każdym z nas są słabości a
postawić na serce, to znaczy na życie wewnętrzne, na
także i grzechy. Ale idźmy do głębi, do korzeni- gdzie
najsilniejsze korzenie życia, centrum uczuć, jednym
są korzenie naszych słabości, naszych grzechów? Gdzie
słowem na centrum osoby. A dzisiaj kierujemy
jest ten skarb, który oddala nas od Pana?
spojrzenie na dwa serca: Serce Dobrego Pasterza i nasze
serce duszpasterzy.
Istnieją dwa niezastępowalne skarby Serca Jezusowego.
Pope Francis
Serce Dobrego Pasterza jest nie tylko sercem, które
lituje się nad nami, ale jest samym miłosierdziem. Tam
jaśnieje miłość Ojca; tam jestem pewien, że jestem
akceptowany i zrozumiany takim, jakim jestem. Tam ze
wszystkimi moimi ograniczeniami i grzechami
zasmakowuję pewności, że jestem wybranym i
umiłowanym. Patrząc na to Serce odnawiam pierwszą
miłość: pamięć, o tym, kiedy Pan dotknął mojej duszy i
wezwał mnie, bym poszedł za Nim, radość zarzucenia
sieci życia na Jego Słowo (por. Łk 5,5).
Serce Dobrego Pasterza mówi nam, że Jego miłość nie
ma granic, nigdy nie słabnie i nigdy się nie poddaje. Tu
widzimy jego ciągłe dawanie siebie, bez ograniczeń; tu
znajdujemy źródło miłości wiernej i łagodnej, która
pozostawia wolnymi i czyni wolnymi; tam za każdym
razem odkrywamy, że Jezus nas kocha „aż do końca” (J
13,1), na zatrzymuje się wcześniej, aż do końca, nigdy
się nie narzucając.
Serce Dobrego Pasterza wychyla się ku nam
„skoncentrowane” zwłaszcza na tych, którzy są najdalej.
Tam uporczywie wskazuje igła Jego kompasu, tam
ujawnia słabość miłości partykularnej, ponieważ pragnie
dotrzeć do wszystkich i nikogo nie utracić.
W obliczu Serca Jezusa rodzi się pytanie fundamentalne
naszego życia kapłańskiego: w jakim kierunku
zorientowane jest moje serce? Jest to pytanie, które my
kapłani powinniśmy sobie stawiać wiele razy:
codziennie, co tydzień: w jakim kierunku zorientowane
jest moje serce? Posługa jest często pełna różnorodnych
inicjatyw, które wystawiają ją na wiele frontów: od
katechezy do liturgii, po działania charytatywne,
obowiązki duszpasterskie a także administracyjne.
Pośród wielu działań trwa pytanie: gdzie utkwione jest
moje serce? Przychodzi mi na myśl jakże piękna
modlitwa liturgii: ibi nostra fixa sint corda, ubi vera sunt
gáudia [abyśmy …tam serca nasze utkwili, gdzie
Jezus ma tylko dwa skarby: Ojciec i my. Jego dni
spędzane były na modlitwie do Ojca i na spotkaniach z
ludźmi. Spotkanie z ludźmi a nie dystans. Także
Chrystusowe Serce Pasterza zna tylko dwa kierunki: Pan
i ludzie. Serce kapłana jest sercem przeszytym miłością
Pana; dlatego nie patrzy już na siebie, nie powinien
patrzeć na siebie samego, ale jest skierowane na Boga i
na innych. Nie jest to już „serce tancerza”, dające się
pociągnąć sugestią chwili, czy też idące tu, czy tam w
poszukiwaniu uznania i małych satysfakcji. To serce
grzeszne. Jest to przeciwnie – serce mocne w Panu,
porwane przez Ducha Świętego, otwarte i dostępne dla
braci. Tu znajduje rozwiązanie
Aby pomóc naszemu sercu, by płonęło miłością Jezusa
Dobrego Pasterza, możemy wyćwiczyć je do
wypełniania trzech działań, jakie sugerują nam
dzisiejsze czytania: poszukiwać, włączać i cieszyć się.
Poszukiwać. Prorok Ezechiel przypomina nam, że Bóg
sam poszukuje swoich owiec (34,11.16). Jak Mówi
Ewangelia „idzie On w poszukiwaniu zaginionej” (Łk
15,4), nie dając się przestraszyć zagrożeniami; bez
zwłoki wychodzi poza miejsca wypasu i poza godzinami
pracy. Nie każde sobie płacić godzin nadliczbowych.
Nie przekłada poszukiwania na później, nie myśli: „dziś
już wypełniłem mój obowiązek, zajmę się tym jutro”,
ale natychmiast bierze się do pracy; jego serce jest
niespokojne, dopóki nie znajdzie tej jednej owcy
zagubionej. Gdy ją znajdzie, zapomina o zmęczeniu i
bierze ją na ramiona pełen radości. Wiele razy musi
wychodzić, aby jej szukać, rozmawiać, przekonywać.
Innym razem musi trwać przed tabernakulum, „walcząc
z Panem” o tę owieczkę.
Oto serce poszukujące: jest to serce, które nie
prywatyzuje czasów i miejsc,. Biada pasterzom, którzy
prywatyzują swoją posługę! Nie jest zazdrosne o swój
uzasadniony spokój – uzasadniony – nawet o ten spokój,
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
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według serca Bożego nie broni swojej wygody, nie
troszczy się o obronę swojego dobrego imienia, – będzie
oczerniany, tak jak Jezus, ale jest gotów ryzykować,
ryzykować, aby naśladować swojego Pana. „Będziecie w
nienawiści… prześladować was będą”, i tak dalej (por.
Mt 10,23).
Podobnie też kapłan Chrystusa: jest namaszczony dla
ludu, a nie by wybierać swoje projekty, ale aby być
blisko konkretnych ludzi, których Bóg, za
pośrednictwem Kościoła, jemu powierzył. Nikt nie jest
wykluczony z jego serca, jego modlitwy i uśmiechu.
Przyjaznym spojrzeniem i ojcowskim sercem akceptuje,
włącza, a kiedy powinien koryguje. Jest zawsze po to,
Pasterz według Jezusa ma serce wolne, by pozostawić
aby zbliżać. Nikim nie gardzi, ale dla każdego jest gotów
swoje rzeczy, nie żyje obliczając to co ma i godziny
pobrudzić sobie ręce. Dobry pasterz nie posługuje się
służby: nie jest księgowym ducha, ale miłosiernym
rękawiczkami. Sługa komunii, którą celebruje i którą
Samarytaninem poszukującym osób potrzebujących. Jest
żyje, nie oczekuje pozdrowień i komplementów innych
pasterzem a nie inspektorem stada i poświęca się misji
ludzi, ale jako pierwszy wyciąga rękę, odrzucając
nie na pięćdziesiąt lub sześćdziesiąt procent, ale całym
plotkowanie, osądy i trucizny. Cierpliwie wysłuchuje
sobą. Idąc na poszukiwanie znajduje, a znajduje
problemów i towarzyszy krokom osób, udzielając
ponieważ ryzykuje -jeśli pasterz nie ryzykuje, to i nie
Bożego przebaczenia ze szczodrym współczuciem. Nie
znajduje - nie zatrzymuje się po rozczarowaniach a w
beszta tych, którzy opuszczają czy gubią drogę, ale jest
trudach się nie poddaje. Jest w istocie uparty w dobru,
zawsze gotów, by ponownie włączać i zażegnać kłótnie.
namaszczony w Bożym uporze, aby nikt się nie zagubił.
Jest człowiekiem, który umie włączać.
Dlatego nie tylko trzyma drzwi otwarte, ale wychodzi w
poszukiwaniu tych, którzy przez drzwi nie chcą już
Trzecie słowo: cieszyć się. Bóg jest „pełen radości” (por.
wejść. Jak każdy dobry chrześcijanin i jako przykład dla
Łk 15,5). Jego radość rodzi się z przebaczenia, z
każdego chrześcijanina, zawsze wychodzi ze swoich
odradzającego się życia, dziecka oddychającego znów
ograniczeń. Epicentrum jego serca znajduje się poza
domowym powietrzem. Radość Jezusa Dobrego Pasterza
nim: jest człowiekiem zdecentralizowanym wobec
nie jest radością dla siebie, ale jest radością dla innych i
samego siebie, skoncentrowanym jedynie na Jezusie, nie
z innymi, prawdziwą radością miłości. Jest to również
jest pociągany przez swoje „ja”, ale przez „Ty” Boga i
radość kapłana. Zostaje on przekształcany przez
przez „my” ludzi.
miłosierdzie, które darmo daje. W modlitwie odkrywa
pocieszenie Boga i doświadcza, że nic nie jest silniejsze
Włączanie. Chrystus kocha i zna swoje owce, za nie daje
od Jego miłości. Dlatego jest wewnętrznie spokojny i
swoje życie i żadna z nich nie jest Jemu obca (por. J
jest szczęśliwy, że jest kanałem miłosierdzia,
10,11-14). Jego owczarnia jest Jego rodziną i Jego
przybliżenia człowieka do serca Boga. Smutek nie jest
życiem. Nie jest przywódcą, którego owce się lękają, ale
dla niego czymś normalnym, ale tylko przejściowym.
Pasterzem, który z nimi idzie i wzywa je po imieniu
Surowość jest mu obca, ponieważ jest pasterzem według
(por. J 10,3-4). Pragnie On zgromadzić owce, które
łagodnego serca Bożego.
jeszcze z Nim nie przebywają (por. J 10,16).
Totus Tuus (Cały Twój), to letni katechetyczny program dla młodzieży, który odbędzie się w St. John
Brébeuf w dniach 12-17 czerwca. Dla dzieci szkolnych (klasy 1-6) program przewidziany jest od
poniedziałku do piątku, od 9: 00 rano do 2: 30 po południu. Dzień obejmuje interesujące katechezy,
codzienną Mszę Świętą, naukę piosenek, gry i zabawy. Dla klas 7 - 12, program przewidziany jest od
niedzieli do czwartku w godzinach wieczornych 19:00 – 21:00.
Totus Tuus łączy katechezę i zabawy !!! Młodość i energia nauczycieli jest godna do naśladowania;
przyjdź i dołącz do nas!!! Wszyscy są zaproszeni na tzw. Potluck Party, czyli kolację w środę o 5: 00 po
południu. Rejestracja jest dostępna za pośrednictwem biura parafialnego. Koszt to $ 45 dla młodszych
klas i $ 15 dla starszych. Uczestnicy programu zobowiązani są do przynoszenia jedzenia i rzeczy
potrzebnych do gier i zabaw.
Page 14
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rapcia lub
ks. Samborskim (847.966.8145)
Page 15
Page 16
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
If you would like to
remember a deceased relative
or friend in a special way, here
is your opportunity. We are accepting donations for the
altar breads and wine that are used at Mass each week.
Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread
and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation
is $50. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure
to include your name and the name/s of whom you would
like to be remembered.
Requests are published in the bulletin in the order
that they are received.
Celebrating our SJB Military
St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the
process of establishing a military
remembrance presentation for all active
and fallen since September 11, 2001. We
are accepting family members names, branch of service
and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, attention Legion of Mary. ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, AIR
Please remember in prayer the
following who are currently
serving in the Armed Forces:
Timothy Casey
Mark Honsa
Joseph Merkel
Peter Merkel
Robert Monaco
Chief Ryan Morrow
Thomas Neuhengen
Scott Rodberg
Christopher Vick
Sgt. Daniel Cunningham
Pvt. James Cunningham
Susanne Connolly Tutwiler
CDR John Tutwiler
Dominic Carrabotta
Col. Barbara Jones (Wiltgen)
May they return safely to their families.
June 12, 2016
Pray for all our ill Members
Diana D’Costa
Angela D’Costa
Anthony D’Costa
Jr. Walter D’Souza
Cajetan Fernandes
Walter Przybysz
Aidan Stotz
Virginia Penkala
Barbara Donovan
Kathy Berresheim
Henryk Stankiewicz
Michael Curtis
Bob Biewald
Mary O’Toole
Irene Dodaro
Madeline Albano
Sally Raphael
Clem Juris
Shahla Lahijani
Anna Chacko
Terry DiVito
Margaret Lach
Souk Tha Phone
Cathy Neff
Donna Miller
Albert DeLorenzo
Dorothy Cichon
Kim Travaglio
Pamela Sobie
Charlene Green
Henry Zajac
Kamillus Urban
Patti Maher Tyska
Stanley Kogut
Zdzislaw Puacz
Laura Begale
Lorna Alba
Annette Schubert
Patrick Leahy
Eugene Mangan
Adam Rowel
Varant Minatiskan
Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old
Cyril & Peg Maher
Elaine Friedman
Dolores Gruzynski
John Peter Rolwes
Nanette Sadorra
Oscar Malabanan
Jeff Sefcik
Lita Rosales
Alma Kort
Randolf Abana
Noli Failma
Christina Curtis
Bernadyne Semmerling
Jerry Brazkowski
Madeline Hendricksen
Mario Colosi
Ruben Pactol
Marcelino de la Cruz
Donna Kornovich
Barbara Zonsius
Patricia Jablonski
Linda Karno
Butch Reeder
John Nawodylo
Wladyslaw Policht
Franciszek Policht
Dorothy Pedtke
Brian Brown
Roy Wolf
K. Kozeny
Bernard Warchol
Mario Loraya
Janette Mendoza Atienza
Virginia Brekke
Dena Ruazol
Alex Hernandez
Ed Bielski
Stella “Stasia” Magdon
Dolores Uhlig
Colin Drexler
Frank Rosienski
Rosaura Pegan
Linda Bennett
Catherine Kosina
Cajetan Almeida
John Muniak
Dave Beierwaltes
Magdalena Bohn
Anida Tadeo
Alvin Swenson
Imer Zabala
Patricia Harris
Benidicta Lee
Cecline Oliyarurathu
Mary Kay Nolan
Ron Ofenloch
Carmelita Balmadrid
Donna Makowsky
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, June 13—St. Anthony of Padua
6:30—Mary Louise Herek
Daisy Serrano for Petitions Granted
Good Health for Abu, Tiju, Trisha, Niya &
Tessa Abraham
8:30—James Kurtzer
Dorothy Wenderski
11:15—All Participants in Totus Tuus
Tuesday, June 14—Weekday
6:30—Good Health & Peace of Mind for Cyriac, Siju,
Alex and Angela Koovakattil
8:30—Walter Tymczuk
Good Health for Vilma Abungan
11:15—All Participants in Totus Tuus
Wednesday, June 15—Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
Good Health for Alice, Ancy, Mary & Tresa &
Their Families
8:30—Antonio Puccetti
Eugene Plonka
Jim Cancio Manio
11:15—All Participants in Totus Tuus
7:00—Jan Charchut (pierwsza rocznica smierci)
O Zdrowie Boze Blogoslawienstwo dla Matki
Anity i dziecka
Thursday, June 16—Weekday
6:30—Walter Grzyb
8:30—Walter Tymczuk
Walter Grzyb
Imelda Ramos
Frances Lewandowski
11:15—All Participants in Totus Tuus
Friday, June 17—Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
Thanksgiving from the Janis Family
8:30—Alojza Janus
11:15—All Participants in Totus Tuus
Saturday, June 18—Weekday
7:30—Charlotte Meany, Michael Likvan
Erlinda Ponte (3rd Anniv. Of Death)
5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Richard Fragomeni
Steve Jazwiec, Joseph Handzel
John Jazwiec, Frank Sergot
Stanley Los, John Zaucha, Sr.
Gene Kersten, Felix Prebis
George Skirka, Don Wirkus
Wladyslaw Przybysz, Wladyslaw Swiecicki
Good Health for Becky Pedroza
Leopoldo Madera, Elmer Sisler
Wedding Banns
Page 17
6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Piotr Samborski
Wojciech Wiszniewski (6 Rocznica smierci)
Antonina & Bernard Kaszubski & Family
Jozef, Zofia & Jan Baran
Wladyslaw, Aniela & Kazimierz Mis
Z Podziekowaniem Panu Bogu za w szelkie
Laski i zdrowie od Rodziny Mis i z Prosba o
dalsza Opieke
Sunday, June 19—Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Albert & Georgiana Dorsch, Bill, John & George
9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Piotr Samborski
Jacqueline Dunaj-Vincent, Walter Tymczuk
Michael Likvan, John Jankowski
Stanislaw Kosinski (11th Anniv. Of Death)
Stanislawa & Kazimierz Komosa
Thaddeus J. Dunaj (16th Anniv. Of Death)
Edward Przydzial, Helen Sparkes
Good Health for Dr. Nora O’Byrne
Kazimierz Irzyk. Romuald Cudnowski
Stanislaw Siek, Andrzej Marek Siek
10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall
Alex Eschker, Edward Witas, Izzy Blitstein,
Randy Greco, Bryan Rumpel, Andrew Lietz
Helen Henricks (10th Anniv. Of Death)
12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Piotr Samborski
Tomasz Boczar, Jozef Puacz
Zygmunt Gizynski, Wladyslaw Boczar
Jozef, Leonard & Anna Sajdak
Ludwik, Weronika i Wladyslaw Sajdak
Jan i Maria Cichon
Czeslaw & Helena Miszkiewicz
Antoni & Irena Zarczynski
Michael Hess, Andrzej Hadam
Marion Betka, Mitch & Mary Miklas
Antoni Czyz, Zbigniew Masier,
Irena Zebrowska
Henryk Prokopowicz (1 Month Anniv. Of Death)
Blessings for Andrzelika & Ninos Zoudo on 1st
Wedding Anniv.
Blessings for Leszek Czyz, Marian Czyz &
Tadeusz Janus
O Boze Opieke i Matki Boskiej i Zdrowie dla
Jozefa, Stanislawa, Zenona, Jaroslawa i Jana
W pewnej Intencji Bogu wiadomej—
Dziekczynno Blagalna o Boze Blogoslawienstwo Opieke Matki Bozej i Sw. Jozefa prosi
6:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
James Kurtzer
3—Daniel Cummings & NicoleVasquez
1—Daniel Christie & Amanda Disclafani
1—Andrew Diaz & Olivia Thiel
Page 18
St. John Brebeuf Church
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany
Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia
Rev. Piotr Samborski
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin
Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall
Deacons: Larry Skaja/retired, Andy Beierwaltes,
Mariusz Kosla, Pavel Jurkulak
Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban
Music Director & Liturgical Coordinator:
Marek Rachelski
Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla
Children’s Choir Director: Ewa Fair
Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz
School Principal: Elise Matson
Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez
Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist
Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary:
Barbara Bronder
Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave.
Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave.
Niles, IL 60714
(847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014
School: (847) 966-3266
Religious Education: (847) 966-3269
Youth Office: (847) 966-9815
Mass Schedule
“We are a people of faith who offer each
other and those touched by us the
means to experience God through prayer,
sacraments, education
and mutual support in light of the
Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”
Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,
12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:30 AM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)
Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM
Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish)
Vigil: 7:00 PM English
Reconciliation - Saturday
11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)
First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)
Last Sunday of each month during
10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service
(Polish): First Weekend of each month:
at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &
Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM
Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.
Four months notice is minimal.
June 12, 2016
Eucharistic Adoration
24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel
St. Vincent de Paul—[email protected]

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