EA - Zadania GIM klasa 1


EA - Zadania GIM klasa 1
ul. Białowieska 50/26, 54-235 Wrocław
tel./fax 071-310-48-17
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KOS – klasa I gimnazjum
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 minut
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 104 punkty – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci jeszcze 1 punkt, za
błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być
fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp. Życzymy przyjemnej pracy.
1. I was … to win the race.
A) not fast enough B) too slow
C) too fast
D) not slow enough
2. Are girls … than boys?
A) vainer
B) further
C) more fashionable
D) curlier
3. A budgie is … .
A) a monkey
C) a dog
D) a bird
C) a club
D) a shuttlecock
B) a fish
4. To play badminton you need … .
A) a racket
B) a bat
5. You write ‘I met John on 23rd March,’ but you say ‘I met John on …’.
A) the twenty three day of March B) the twenty-third March
C) twenty third of March
D) the twenty-third of March
6. ‘Can I have … milk, please?’ ‘I’m sorry, but we don’t have … .’
A) - / some
B) some / any
C) any / -
D) any / some
7. Sally doesn’t like James. She often … him when they meet.
A) gets angry at
B) argues with
C) fights with
D) laughs at
8. If you are 16 years old, you …
A) are not a toddler B) are a teenager
D) are middle-aged
C) are in your teens
9. It’s not true that only poor people … crimes.
A) bully
B) smack
C) commit
D) are punished for
10. None of my brothers … handsome.
A) is
B) are
C) was
D) were
11. Andy, … you … your homework?
A) did / do
B) did / did
C) do / did
D) do / done
12. I think Josh … a vet. He loves animals.
A) will be
B) won’t be
C) is going
D) is
13. My friends need me. I … help them.
A) should
B) shall
D) want to
C) must
14. I … to London, but I know English quite well.
A) never have been B) never was
C) have never been
D) was never
15. If you are invited to a wedding, you have to wear … clothes.
A) plain
B) loose
C) formal
D) elegant
16. For swimming you need … .
A) binoculars
B) flippers
D) sun glasses
C) goggles
17. ‘My parents permit me to play computer games.’ means that ‘…’
A) I have to play computer games
B) I am allowed to play computer games
C) I can play computer games
D) I must play computer games
18. If the police arrest the murderer, he will go to … .
A) bungalow
B) prison
C) semi-detached house
D) cottage
19. Which of these is/are used for eating?
A) pence
B) fork
D) bowl
C) plate
20. Between which two oceans is the United States?
A) the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean
B) the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
C) the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
D) other
21. In the United States pancakes are usually eaten with … .
A) lettuce
B) oats
C) maple syrup
D) pumpkin pie
22. You should visit … when you’re in New York.
A) the Statue of Liberty
B) Tower Bridge
C) the Fifth Avenue
D) Broadway
23. WWW stands for … .
A) World’s Wider Web
C) Web With Windows
B) Wide World’s Web
D) World Wide Web
24. Which of these are airports?
A) King’s Cross
C) John F. Kennedy
B) Heathrow
D) Odeon
25. A person who plays in dangerous scenes in a film instead of an actor is called a/an … .
A) audience
B) stunt man
C) movie star
D) critic
26. ‘False friends’ are words that look similar to Polish words, but they have a different meaning. Which of
the following is / are ‘false friends’?
A) occasion
B) sympathetic
C) discussion
D) receipt
© Copyright by Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ, Wrocław 2007

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