Spis publikacji pracowników Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki


Spis publikacji pracowników Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki
Spis publikacji pracowników Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki
w roku 2004
Katedra Algebry i Geometrii
Prace opublikowane
1. J. Białkowski, Cartan matrices of selfinjective algebras of tubular type, Central European Journal of
Mathematics 2 (2004), 123-142.
J. Białkowski, Computational details - appendix to the article "Cartan matrices of selfinjective
algebras of tubular type", Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 (2004), 143-176.
3. J. Białkowski, A. Skowroński, Socle deformations of selfinjective algebras of tubular type, J. Math.
Soc. Japan 56 (2004), 687-716.
4. J. Białkowski, On the trivial extensions of tubular algebras, Colloq. Math. 101 (2004), 259-269.
5. G. Bobiński, C. Geiss, A. Skowroński, Classification of discrete derived categories,
European Journal of Mathematics 2 (2004), 19-49.
6. R. Bocian, T. Holm, A. Skowroński, The representation dimension of domestic weakly symmetric
algebras, Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 (2004), 67-75.
7. R. Bocian, T. Holm, A. Skowroński, Derived equivalence classification of weakly symmetric
algebras of Euclidean type, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 191 (2004), 43-74.
8. P. Dowbor, Galois coverings and splitting properties of the ideal generated by halflines,
Math. 101 (2004), 237-257.
9. R. Fritsch, M. Golasiński, Topological, simplicial and categorical joins,
(2004), 468-480.
Arch. Math. (Basel) 82
10. M. Golasiński, D. Gonçalves, Spherical space forms - homotopy self-equivalences and homotopy
types, Progr. Math. 215 (2004), 153-165.
11. M. Golasiński, On factorization in coefficients of power series rings,
(2004), 111-114.
Algebras Groups Geom. 21
12. O. Kerner, A. Skowroński, K. Yamagata, D. Zacharia, Finiteness of the strong global dimension of
radical square zero algebras, Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 (2004), 103-111.
13. W. Kraśkiewicz, P. Pragacz, Schubert functors and Schubert polynomials, European J. Combin. 25
(2004), 1327-1344.
14. Z. Leszczyński, Representation-tame locally hereditary algebras, Colloq. Math. 99 (2004), 175-187.
15. Z. Leszczyński, A. Skowroński, Tame generalized canonical algebras, J. Algebra 273 (2004), 412433.
16. A. Maciejewski, J. Moulin-Ollagnier, A. Nowicki, Generic polynomial vector fields are not
integrable, Indag. Math. (N. S.) 15 (2004), 55-72.
17. J. Moulin-Ollagnier, A. Nowicki, Constants and Darboux polynomials for tensor products of
polynomial algebras with derivations, Comm. Algebra 32 (2004), 379-393.
18. A. Nowicki, Derivations of polynomial rings over a field of characteristic zero, in: Proc. 36th
Symp. Ring Theory and Represenatation Theory, January 2004, Yamanashi, Japan (2004), 139-146.
19. A. Nowicki, Derivations of Ore extensions of the polynomial ring in one variable, Comm. Algebra
32 (2004), 3651-3672.
20. A. Nowicki, Local derivations of Ore extensions of the polynomial ring in one variable,
Algebra 32 (2004), 4559-4571.
21. A. Nowicki, I. Nowosad, Local derivations of subrings of matrix rings,
(2004), 145-150.
Acta Math. Hungar. 105
22. Z. Pogorzały, M. Sufranek, Starting and ending components of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of a
class of special biserial algebras, Colloq. Math. 99 (2004), 111-144.
23. Z. Pogorzały, On the Auslander-Reiten periodicity of self-injective algebras,
Soc. 36 (2004), 156-168.
Bull. London Math.
24. I. Reiten, A. Skowroński, Generalized double tilted algebras, J. Math. Soc. Japan 56 (2004), 269288.
25. C. Riedtmann, G. Zwara, On the zero set of semi-invariants for tame quivers, Comment. Math. Helv.
79 (2004), 350-361.
26. D. Simson, Path coalgebras of quivers with relations and a tame-wild dichotomy problem for
coalgebras, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., Marcel-Dekker 236 (2004), 465-492.
27. A. Skowroński, K. Yamagata, On invariability of selfinjective algebras of tilted type under stable
equivalences, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), 659-667.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. D. Arnold, D. Simson, Endo-wild representation type and generic representations of finite
Pacific J. Math. (2004).
2. D. Arnold, D. Simson, Representations of finite posets over commutative discrete valuation rings, J.
Algebra (2004).
3. R. Bocian, A. Skowroński, Weakly symmetric algebras of Euclidean type, J. Reine Angew. Math.
4. R. Bocian, A. Skowroński, One-parametric selfinjective algebras, J. Math. Soc. Japan (2004).
5. P. Dowbor, A construction of non-regularly orbicular modules, J. Math. Soc. Japan (2004).
6. P. Dowbor, H. Meltzer, Classical vector bundles and representations of quivers, Bol. Soc. Mat.
Mexicana (2004).
7. M. Golasiński, A simple embedding of meromorphic functions into complex numbers, Algebras
Groups Geom. (2004).
8. M. Golasiński, On generalized ham sandwich theorems, Arch. Math. (Brno) (2004).
9. M. Golasiński, F. Gómez Ruiz, Polynomial maps of tori, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. (2004).
10. M. Golasiński, D. Gonçalves, P. Wong, Generalized Fox groups, Whitehead products and Gottlieb
groups, Ukrainian Math. J. (2004).
11. J. Kosakowska, Generic extensions of prinjective modules, Algebras and Representation Theory
12. Z. Pogorzały, A generalization of trivial extension algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra (2004).
13. Z. Pogorzały, Left-sided quasi-invertible bimodules over Nakayama algebras, Central European
Journal of Mathematics (2004).
14. D. Simson, On Corner's type endo-wild algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra (2004).
15. A. Skowroński, K. Yamagata, Positive Galois coverings of selfinjective algebras, Adv. Math.
16. A. Skowroński, A construction of complex syzygy periodic modules over symmetric algebras,
Colloq. Math. (2004).
17. G. Zwara, Regularity in codimension one of orbit closures in module varieties, J. Algebra (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. J. Białkowski, K. Erdmann, A. Skowroński, Deformed preprojective algebras of generalized Dynkin
type, (2004).
2. G. Bobiński, Normal forms of modules over admissible algebras with formal two-ray modules,
3. G. Bobiński, G. Zwara, Normality of orbit closures for directing modules over tame algebras,
4. R. Bocian, A. Skowroński, Socle deformations of selfinjective algebras of Euclidean type, (2004).
5. R. Bocian, T. Holm, A. Skowroński, Derived equivalence classification of one-parametric
selfinjective algebras, (2004).
6. T. Brüstle, A. Skowroński, Tame algebras and Tits quadratic forms, (2004).
7. C. Casacuberta, M. Golasiński, A. Tonks, On localization of groupoids, (2004).
8. J. Cuadra, D. Simson, Flat comodules and perfect coalgebras, (2004).
9. P. Dowbor, A construction of non-regularly orbicular modules for Galois coverings, (2004).
10. P. Dowbor, New construction of non-orbicular modules for Galois coverings, (2004).
11. K. Erdmann, A. Skowroński, The Calabi-Yau dimension of tame symmetric algebras, (2004).
12. R. Farnsteiner, A. Skowroński, Galois actions and blocks of tame infinitesimal group schemes,
13. H. Fujita, Y. Sakai, D. Simson, A note of full matrix algebras with structure systems,
14. M. Golasiński, A. Murillo, Maps into homotopy coalgebras, (2004).
15. M. Golasiński, M. Henriksen, Residue class rings of real analytic and entire functions, (2004).
16. O. Kerner, A. Skowroński, K. Yamagata, Invariability of selfinjective algebras of quasitilted type
under stable equivalences, (2004).
17. J. Kosakowska, Hall polynomials and Hall-Ringel algebras for posets of finite prinjective type,
18. J. Kosakowska, D. Simson, Hereditary coalgebras and representations of species, (2004).
19. M. Kwiecień, A. Skowroński, On wings of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of selfinjective algebras,
20. P. Malicki, On the composition factors of indecomposable modules in almost cyclic coherent
Auslander-Reoten componets, (2004).
21. P. Malicki, A. Skowroński, Algebras with separating almost cyclic coherent Auslander-Reiten
components, (2004).
22. M. Neusel, P. Wiśniewski, Connected Hopf algebras with Dixmier bases and infinite primary,
23. A. Nowicki, J. Zieliński, Factorisable derivations and rational constants of monomial derivations,
24. A. Tyc, A note of semisimple derivations of commutative algebras,
25. A. Tyc, On actions of Hopf algebras on commutative algebras and their invariants, (2004).
26. A. van den Essen, J. Moulin-Ollagnier, A. Nowicki, Rings of constants of the form k[f], (2004).
27. P. Wiśniewski, Dixmier bases of connected Hopf algebras over a field of characteristic 0, (2004).
28. G. Zwara, Orbit closures for representations of Dynkin quivers are regular in codimension two,
Katedra Nieliniowej Analizy Matematycznej i Topologii
Prace opublikowane
1. R. Agarwal, L. Górniewicz, D. O'Regan, Aronszajn type results for Volterra equations and inclusions,
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 23 (2004), 149-159.
2. M. Benchohra, L. Górniewicz, S. Ntouyas, A. Ouahab, Controllability results for impulsive
functional differential inclusions, Rep. Math. Phys. 54 (2004), 211-228.
3. R. Chill, Y. Tomilov, Analytic continuation and stability of C0 semigroups,
(2004), 331-358.
J. Anal. Math. 93
4. G. Gabor, Strict equilibria of multi-valued maps and common fixed points, Z. Anal. Anwend. 23
(2004), 95-113.
5. G. Gabor, On the generalized retract method for differential inclusions with constraints, Univ. Iagel.
Acta Math. 41 (2004), 141-156.
6. N. Kalton, S. Montgomery-Smith, K. Oleszkiewicz, Y. Tomilov, Power-bounded operators and
related norm estimates, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 70 (2004), 463-478.
7. Y. Latushkin, Y. Tomilov, Fredholm properties of evolution semigroups, Illinois J. Math. 48 (2004).
8. D. Miklaszewski, Fixed points of multivalued mappings with ELC^K values,
Nonlinear Anal. 24 (2004), 183-196.
Topol. Methods
9. Y. Tomilov, J. Zemanek, A new way of constructing examples in operator ergodic theory,
Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 137 (2004), 209-225.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. J. Andres, J. Fiser, G. Gabor, K. Leśniak, Multivalued fractals, Chaos Solitons Fractals (2004).
2. R. Chill, Y. Tomilov, Stability of C0- semigroups: ideas and methods, Banach Center Publ. (2004).
3. A. Ćwiszewski, Topological degree methods for perturbations of operators generating compact C0semigroups, J. Differential Equations (2004).
4. D. Gabor, W. Kryszewski, Systems of nonconvex inclusions involving Fredholm operators of
nonnegative index, Set-Valued Anal. (2004).
5. G. Gabor, Homotopy index for multivalued flows on sleek sets, Set-Valued Anal. (2004).
6. G. Gabor, M. Quincampoix, On attainability of a set by at least one solutions to a differential
inclusions, Optimization (2004).
7. G. Gabor, Periodic solutions for non-autonomous differential equations and inclusions in tubes,
Abstract and Applied Analysis (2004).
8. E. Gatsori, L. Górniewicz, S. Ntouyas, Controllability results for nondesely defined evolution
impulsive differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Panamer. Math. J. (2004).
9. L. Górniewicz, Solving equations by topological methods, Opuscula Mathematica (2004).
10. W. Kryszewski, On the existence of equilibria and fixed points of maps under constraints,
Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory, Kluwer (2004).
11. K. Leśniak, Fixed poits of the Barnsley-Hutchinson operators induced by hyper-condensing maps,
Le Mathematiche (2004).
12. J. Pejsachowicz, R. Skiba, Fixed point theory of multivalued weighted maps,
Topological Fixed Point Theory, Kluwer (2004).
in: Handbook of
Prace przygotowane
1. M. Benchohra, L. Górniewicz, S. Ntouyas, Controllability results for nondensely defined semilinear
differential inclusions, (2004).
2. R. Chill, Y. Tomilov, Uniqueness for harmonic functions, a Phragmen-Lindelöf principle and analytic
continuation, (2004).
3. A. Ćwiszewski, Topological degree for perturbations of m-accretive operators generating compact
semigroups, (2004).
4. A. Ćwiszewski, W. Kryszewski, Degree theory for tangent vector fields on closed sets, (2004).
5. W. Kryszewski, Wykłady z analizy matematycznej, (2004).
6. D. Miklaszewski, An application of the Stiefel-Whitney classes to the proof of a fixed point theorem
for set-valued mappings, (2004).
7. R. Skiba, Graph-approximation of multivalued weighted maps,
Katedra Teorii Ergodycznej i Układów Dynamicznych
Prace opublikowane
1. K. Frączek, On the degree of cocycles with values in the group SU(2), Israel J. Math. 139 (2004),
2. K. Frączek, Polynomial growth of the derivative for diffeomorphisms on tori,
Continuous Dynamical Systems 11 (2004), 489-516.
Discrete and
3. K. Frączek, On diffeomorphisms of polynomial growth of the derivative on surfaces, Colloq. Math.
99 (2004), 75-90.
4. K. Frączek, M. Lemańczyk, A class of special flows over irrational rotations which is disjoint from
mixing flows, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 24 (2004), 1083-1095.
5. P. Jarek, L. Kourliandtchik, M. Mentzen, Josef Molnar, J. Svrček, A. Świątek, M. Uscki, Miniatury
Matematyczne cz. 14, Wydawnictwo Aksjomat (2004), str. 88.
6. H. Leszczyński, P. Zwierkowski, Existence of solutions to generalized von Foerster equations with
functional dependence, Annales Polonici Mathematici 83.3 (2004), 201-210.
7. H. Leszczyński, P. Zwierkowski, Stability of finite difference schemes for certain problems in
biology, Appl. Math. (Warsaw) 31,1 (2004), 13-30.
8. M. Mentzen, Some applications of groups of essential values of cocycles in topological dynamics,
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 23 (2004), 357-375.
9. M. Mentzen, A. Siemaszko, Cylinder cocycle extensions of minimal rotations on monothetic groups,
Colloq. Math. 101 (2004), 75-88.
10. M. Wysokińska, A class of real cocycles over an irrational rotation for which Rokhlin cocycle
extensions have Lebesgue component in the spectrum, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 24 (2004),
Prace zaakceptowane
1. J. Aaronson, M. Lemańczyk, Exactness of Rokhlin endomorphisms and weak mixing of Poisson
boundaries, Contemp. Math. (2004).
2. S. Bezuglyi, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Medynets, Approximation in ergodic theory, Borel and Cantor
dynamics, Contemp. Math. (2004).
3. A. Danilenko, M. Lemańczyk, A class of multipliers for W┴, Israel J. Math. (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. W. Bułatek, M. Lemańczyk, E. Lesigne, On the filtering problem for stationary Z2-fields, (2004).
2. Y. Derriennic, K. Frączek, M. Lemańczyk, F. Parreau, Ergodic automorphisms whose weak closure
of off-diagonal measures consists of ergodic self-joinings, (2004).
3. B. Fayad, M. Lemańczyk, On ergodicity of cylindrical transformation given by the logarithm,
4. K. Frączek, M. Lemańczyk, On mild mixing of special flows over irrational rotations under piecewise
smooth maps, (2004).
5. M. Lemańczyk, M. Wysokińska, On analytic flows on the torus which are disjoint from systems of
probability origin, (2004).
6. P. Zwierkowski, Stability of finite difference schemes for second order impulsive boundary problems,
7. P. Zwierkowski, Stability of forward-backward finite difference schemes for certain problems in
biology, (2004).
Katedra Teorii Prawdopodobieństwa i Analizy Stochastycznej
Prace opublikowane
1. A. Rozkosz, On existence of solutions of BSDEs with continuous coefficients, Statist. Probab. Lett.
67 (2004), 249-256.
2. T. Schreiber, Surface order large deviations of phase interfaces for the continuum Widom-Rowlinson
model in high density limit, Rep. Math. Phys. 53 (2004), 275-289.
3. L. Słomiński, T. Wojciechowski, Euler scheme for one-dimensional SDEs with time dependent
reflecting barriers, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3039 (2004), 811-818.
4. B. Ziemkiewicz, On approximation of average expectation prices for path dependent options in
fractional models, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3039 (2004), 819-826.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. P. Calka, T. Schreiber, Limit theorems for the typical Poisson-Voronoi cell and the Crofton cell with
large inradius, Ann. Probab. (2004).
2. F. Coquet, A. Jakubowski, J. Mémin, L. Słomiński, Natural decomposition of processes and weak
Dirichlet processes, Lecture Notes in Math. (2004).
3. A. Jakubowski, M. Kamenskii, P. Raynaud de Fitte, Existence of weak solutions to stochastic
evolution inclusions, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I. Math. (2004).
4. W. Łaukajtys, On stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary condition in convex
domains, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. (2004).
5. L. Słomiński, B. Ziemkiewicz, Inequalities for the Lp norms of integrals with respect to fractional
Brownian motion, Statist. Probab. Lett. (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. K. Bartkiewicz, A. Jakubowski, Stable limits for ARCH(1) processes, (2004).
2. P. Calka, T. Schreiber, Large deviation probabilities for the number of vertices of random polytopes
in a ball, (2004).
3. A. Jakubowski, Toward a general Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem, (2004).
4. R. Kluszczynski, M. van Lieshout, T. Schreiber, Polygonal Markov fields for image segmentation,
5. A. Rozkosz, On the Feynman-Kac representation for solutions of the Cauchy problem for parabolic
equations in divergence form, (2004).
6. T. Schreiber, Dobrushin-Kotecky-Schlosman theorem for polygonal Markov fields in the plane,
7. T. Schreiber, Random dynamics and thermodynamic limit for polygonal Markov fields in the plane,
8. T. Schreiber, J. Yukich, Large deviations for functionals of spatial point processes with applications
to random packing and spatial graphs, (2004).
9. Z. Szewczak, A limit theorem for random sums modulo 1,
10. Z. Szewczak, A local limit theorem for strictly stationary sequences, (2004).
11. Z. Szewczak, Edgeworth expansions in operator form, (2004).
Zakład Matematycznych Podstaw Informatyki
Prace opublikowane
1. B. Klunder, E. Ochmański, K. Stawikowska, On star-connected flat languages, in: Proc. of CS&P
2004 2 (2004), 298-306.
2. E. Ochmański, Best fairness hierarchy in elementary nets, Fundamenta Informaticae 60 (2004),
3. E. Ochmański, Covering fairness against conspiracies, Proc. of 25th International Conference on
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2004, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3099 (2004), 312-330.
Zakład Obliczeń Równoległych i Rozproszonych
Prace opublikowane
1. P. Bała, Budowa społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej (redakcja),
Toruń (2004), str. 109.
2. P. Bała, K. Benedyczak, A. Nowiński, K. Nowiński, J. Wypychowski, Interactive visualization for
the UNICORE grid environment (ICCS 2004), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3036 (2004), 99-106.
3. P. Bała, M. Berndt-Schreiber, A. Kwiatkowska, A. Polewczyński, K. Skowronek, Edukacja
informatyczna na kierunkach nieinformatycznych uczelni wyższej - doświadczenia i perspektywy,
w: Współczesna technologia Informacyjna i Edukacja Medialna, red. T. Lewowicki, B. Siemieniecki,
Wyd. Marszałek, Toruń (2004), 203-210.
4. S. Dydel, P. Bała, Large scale protein sequence alignment using FPGA reprogrammable logic
devices, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3203 (2004), 23-32.
5. R. Metkowski, P. Bała, Hierarchical communication for the parallel simulations in the distributed
environment, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3019 (2004), 481-488.
6. Ł. Walewski, P. Bała, M. Elstner, T. Frauenheim, B. Lesyng, Fast QM/MM method and its
application to molecular systems, Chemical Physics Letters 397 (2004), 451-458.
7. J. Wypychowski, J. Pytliński, K. Benedyczak, M. Wroński, Ł. Skorwider, M. Nazaruk, P. Bała, Life
science grid in EUROGRID and GRIP projects, New Generation Computing 22 (2004), 147-156.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. K. Benedyczak, M. Wroński, A. Nowiński, J. Wypychowski, P. Bała, K. Nowiński, UNICORE as
uniform grid environment for life sciences, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. (2004).
2. A. Górecki, P. Bała, B. Lesyng, Parallelization of the quantum dynamics code for cluster architecture
and its applications to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, Internat. J. Quant. Chem. (2004).
3. Ł. Walewski, S. Fischer, J. Smith, P. Bała, B. Lesyng, SCC-DFTB energy barriers for single and
double proton transfer processes in model molecular systems, Internat. J. Quant. Chem. (2004).
Zakład Równań Różniczkowych
Prace opublikowane
1. J. Gawrycka, S. Rybicki, Solutions of systems of elliptic differential equations on circular domains,
Nonlinear Anal. TMA 59 (2004), 1347-1367.
2. N. Hirano, S. Rybicki, Existence of periodic solutions for semilinear reaction diffusion systems,
Nonlinear Anal. TMA 59 (2004), 931-949.
3. A. Maciejewski, S. Rybicki, Global bifurcations of periodic solutions of the restricted three body
problem, Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 88 (2004), 293-324.
4. W. Radzki, S. Rybicki, Degenerate bifurcation points of periodic solutions of autonomous
Hamiltonian systems, J. Differential Equations 202 (2004), 284-305.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. A. Maciejewski, W. Radzki, S. Rybicki, Periodic trajectories near degenerate equilibria in the HenonHeiles and Yang-Mills Hamiltonian systems, J. Dynam. Differential Equations (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. J. Fura, A. Ratajczak, S. Rybicki, Existence and continuation of periodic solutions of autonomous
Newtonian systems, (2004).
2. J. Gawrycka, S. Rybicki, Solutions of multiparameter systems of elliptic differential equations,
Zakład Statystyki Matematycznej i Analizy Danych
Prace opublikowane
1. Y. Davydov, A. Nagaev, On the role played by extreme summands when a sum of independent and
identically distributed random vectors is asymptotically alpha-stable, J. Appl. Probab. 41 (2004),
2. M. Klimczak, T. Rychlik, Maximum variance of kth record, Statist. Probab. Lett. 69 (2004), 421430.
3. A. Nagaev, S. Nagaev, The riskless profit of an European option seller under a smooth payoff
function, Economics and Math. Methods 40 (2004), 105-115.
4. A. Nagaev, P. Szymański, An approach to numerical analysis of subgaussian stable distributions,
Pub. IRMA, Lille 63 (2004), 1-18.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. D. Juszczak, A. Nagaev, Local large deviation theorem for sums of i.i.d. random vectors when the
Cramer condition holds in the whole space, Probab. Math. Statist. (2004).
2. M. Klimczak, T. Rychlik, Reconstruction of previuos failure times and records, Metrika (2004).
3. A. Nagaev, Diffusion approximation for the average risk profit of the investor,
Perm University (2004).
Proceedings of
4. A. Nagaev, O. Zaihraiev, New large-deviation local theorems for sums of i.i.d. random vectors when
the limit distribution is alpha-stable, Bernoulli (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. Y. Davydov, A. Nagaev, On peeling procedure applied to a Poisson point process, (2004).
2. A. Goroncy, T. Rychlik, How deviant can you be? The complete solution,
3. A. Kagan, A. Nagaev, A note on the confidence intervals for the normal mean,
4. M. Klimczak, Prediction of kth records,
5. A. Nagaev, A. Podraza, Asymptotic properties of two scale invariant estimators for the shape
parameter of gamma distribution, (2004).
6. A. Nagaev, S. Nagaev, A diffusion approximation for the riskless profit under selling of discrete time
call options (non-identically distributed jumps), (2004).
7. A. Nagaev, V. Steblovskaya, Option pricing for portfolios of risky securities,
8. O. Zaihraiev, Large-deviation theorems for sums of independent and identically distributed random
vectors (rozprawa habilitacyjna), (2004).
9. O. Zaihraiev, On asymptotic properties of multidimensional alpha-stable densities,
10. O. Zaihraiev, Stochastic design criteria in linear models, (2004).
Zakład Teorii Informacji
Prace opublikowane
1. M. Courbage, B. Kamiński, Space-time intrinsic randomness of dynamical systems and statistical
mechanics, Internat. J. Quant. Chem. 98 (2004), 145-149.
Prace przygotowane
1. W. Bułatek, M. Lemańczyk, E. Lesigne, On the filtering problem for stationary Z2-fields, (2004).
2. M. Courbage, B. Kamiński, Density of measure-theoretic directional entropy for lattice dynamical
systems, (2004).
3. B. Kamiński, A. Siemaszko, J. Szymański, Extreme relations for topological flows,
Pracownia Metod Numerycznych i Przetwarzania Sygnałów i Obrazów
Prace opublikowane
1. P. Bała, M. Berndt-Schreiber, A. Kwiatkowska, A. Polewczyński, K. Skowronek, Edukacja
informatyczna na kierunkach nieinformatycznych uczelni wyższej - doświadczenia i perspektywy,
w: Współczesna technologia Informacyjna i Edukacja Medialna, red. T. Lewowicki, B. Siemieniecki,
Wyd. Marszałek, Toruń (2004), 203-210.
2. M. Berndt-Schreiber, A. Bączkowska, Numerical analysis of fundus eye images in frequency domain,
Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies 7 (2004), MIP 15-22.
3. M. Berndt-Schreiber, A. Polewczyński, Jak nauczać atrakcyjnie - czyli o szkoleniu informatycznym
dla małych i średnich firm w regionie, w: Informatyka w Szkole XX, Wrocław 2004, red. M. M.
Sysło (2004), 228-232.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. M. Arłukowicz, M. Berndt-Schreiber, L. Bieganowski, M. Brożek, A. Jazowiecka, H. Kaźmierska, A.
Kowalczyk, J. Mutrynowska, Digital imaging in ophthalmology and data base management system
supporting medical diagnosis, Acta Medica (2004).
Pracownia Metodyki Nauczania Informatyki i Technologii Informacyjnej
Prace opublikowane
1. P. Bała, M. Berndt-Schreiber, A. Kwiatkowska, A. Polewczyński, K. Skowronek, Edukacja
informatyczna na kierunkach nieinformatycznych uczelni wyższej - doświadczenia i perspektywy,
w: Współczesna technologia Informacyjna i Edukacja Medialna, red. T. Lewowicki, B. Siemieniecki,
Wyd. Marszałek, Toruń (2004), 203-210.
2. M. Berndt-Schreiber, A. Polewczyński, Jak nauczać atrakcyjnie - czyli o szkoleniu informatycznym
dla małych i średnich firm w regionie, w: Informatyka w Szkole XX, Wrocław 2004, red. M. M.
Sysło (2004), 228-232.
Pracownia Metodyki Nauczania Matematyki
Prace opublikowane
1. Z. Bobiński, P. Nodzyński, M. Uscki, Liga Zadaniowa. Zbiór zadań dla uczniów zainteresowanych
matematyką, Wydawnictwo Aksjomat (2004), str. 369.
2. P. Jarek, L. Kourliandtchik, M. Mentzen, J. Molnar, J. Svrček, A. Świątek, M. Uscki, Miniatury
Matematyczne cz. 14, Wydawnictwo Aksjomat (2004), str. 88.
3. P. Jędrzejewicz, A note on characterizations of rings of constants with respect to derivations,
Colloq. Math. 99 (2004), 51-53.
4. L. Kourliandtchik, Suma pochodnych, Delta 10 (2004), 8-9.
5. L. Kourliandtchik, Otoczenie figury, Delta 1 (2004), 6-7.
6. L. Kourliandtchik, Powrót do krainy nierówności (wydanie drugie poprawione i uzupełnione),
Wydawnictwo Aksjomat (2004), str. 290.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. P. Jędrzejewicz, O pewnym zastosowaniu uogólnionych szeregów Poincare, w: Materiały XXVI
Konferencji Szkoleniowej z Geometrii Analitycznej i Algebraicznej Zespolonej, Łódź 2005 (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. P. Jędrzejewicz, Linear derivations with rings of constants generated by polynomials of degree 1,
2. P. Jędrzejewicz, On polynomial graded subalgebras of a polynomial algebra,
3. L. Kourliandtchik, Matematyka elementarna w zadaniach. 1,
4. L. Kourliandtchik, Matematyka elementarna w zadaniach. 2,
5. L. Kourliandtchik, Złote rybki w oceanie matematyki,
6. L. Kourliandtchik, M. Uscki, Mechanika a geometria,
Studia Doktoranckie
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1. J. Gawrycka, S. Rybicki, Solutions of systems of elliptic differential equations on circular domains,
Nonlinear Anal. TMA 59 (2004), 1347-1367.
2. M. Klimczak, T. Rychlik, Maximum variance of kth record, Statist. Probab. Lett. 69 (2004), 421430.
3. B. Klunder, E. Ochmański, K. Stawikowska, On star-connected flat languages, in: Proc. of CS&P
2004 2 (2004), 298-306.
4. H. Leszczyński, P. Zwierkowski, Existence of solutions to generalized von Foerster equations with
functional dependece, Annales Polonici Mathematici 83.3 (2004), 201-210.
5. H. Leszczyński, P. Zwierkowski, Stability of finite difference schemes for certain problems in
biology, Appl. Math. (Warsaw) 31,1 (2004), 13-30.
6. A. Nagaev, P. Szymański, An approach to numerical analysis of subgaussian stable distributions,
Pub. IRMA, Lille 63 (2004), 1-18.
7. Z. Pogorzały, M. Sufranek, Starting and ending components of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of a
class of special biserial algebras, Colloq. Math. 99 (2004), 111-144.
8. M. Wysokińska, A class of real cocycles over an irrational rotation for which Rokhlin cocycle
extensions have Lebesgue component in the spectrum, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 24 (2004),
9. B. Ziemkiewicz, On approximation of average expectation prices for path dependent options in
fractional models, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 3039 (2004), 819-826.
Prace zaakceptowane
1. M. Klimczak, T. Rychlik, Reconstruction of previuos failure times and records, Metrika (2004).
2. J. Pejsachowicz, R. Skiba, Fixed point theory of multivalued weighted maps,
Topological Fixed Point Theory, Kluwer (2004).
in: Handbook of
3. L. Słomiński, B. Ziemkiewicz, Inequalities for the Lp norms of integrals with respect to fractional
Brownian motion, Statist. Probab. Lett. (2004).
Prace przygotowane
1. K. Bartkiewicz, A. Jakubowski, Stable limits for ARCH(1) processes, (2004).
2. J. Fura, A. Ratajczak, S. Rybicki, Existence and continuation of periodic solutions of autonomous
Newtonian systems, (2004).
3. J. Gawrycka, S. Rybicki, Solutions of multiparameter systems of elliptic differential equations,
4. A. Goroncy, T. Rychlik, How deviant can you be? The complete solution, (2004).
5. M. Klimczak, Prediction of kth records, (2004).
6. M. Lemańczyk, M. Wysokińska, On analytic flows on the torus which are disjoint from systems of
probability origin, (2004).
7. A. Nagaev, A. Podraza, Asymptotic properties of two scale invariant estimators for the shape
parameter of gamma distribution, (2004).
8. R. Skiba, Graph-approximation of multivalued weighted maps,
9. P. Zwierkowski, Stability of finite difference schemes for second order impulsive boundary problems,
10. P. Zwierkowski, Stability of forward-backward finite difference schemes for certain problems in
biology, (2004).

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