Focus – Winter 2016 klasa 3


Focus – Winter 2016 klasa 3
„Focus - Winter 2016”
class 3
Spośród odpowiedzi A, B, C, D wybierz te prawidłowe i przenieś
na kartę odpowiedzi niebieskim lub czarnym długopisem.
8. What are the children playing in the garden?
Hi, I’m Brandon. I live in Edinburgh, in Scotland. I’m 9
years old and I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like
my school and my friends there.
On weekdays I get up at seven o’clock and I always brush
my teeth before breakfast. Then I have a sandwich and
some milk. I don’t take the school bus, I walk to school. At
school I hate maths, but I like reading classes. Library is my
favourite part of school. I have lunch at the school canteen.
After school I do my homework and I play on my games
console or watch tv. I have a shower in the evening. I go to
bed at ten o’clock.
At weekends or on holidays I get up at eight am and I have
cereal with milk for breakfast, but I don’t like it. It’s yucky!
Then we have fun all day – we go to the cinema or to the
playground with my parents. I love jumping on a jump rope
and riding a bike. In the evening I wash myself and go to
bed. I like reading in bed and I never go to sleep early.
1. Brandon is:
A. old.
C. from the UK.
A. Hide and seek.
C. Trick or treat.
B. Hopscotch.
D. Tag.
9. To get brown colour, mix:
A. purple and yellow.
B. red, yellow and green.
C. green and red.
D. orange and blue.
10. Dobierz właściwy podpis do obrazka.
B. a student.
D. a book fan.
2. The boy doesn’t like:
A. cereal.
C. the school bus.
B. his friends.
D. maths classes.
3. In his free time, he:
A. never plays games.
C. goes to sleep late.
B. gets up at seven o’clock.
D. watches films.
There are three children.
They are all sad.
They are next to the traffic lights.
They aren’t young.
11. What is she doing?
4. What time does Brandon go to bed on weekdays?
A. 7:00 pm.
B. 8:00 am.
C. 10:00 pm.
D. 22:00.
5. W którym punkcie podano właściwą kolejność?
A. I get up, I brush my teeth, I have breakfast.
B. I take the school bus, I have lunch, I do homework.
C. I wash myself, I go to bed, I read books.
D. I have breakfast, I brush my teeth, I walk to school.
Grammar and vocabulary:
6. What shape is it? It has got four sides, two long and
two short.
A. A diamond.
B. A triangle.
C. A square.
D. A rectangle.
7. He is British, he’s from …….
A. the UK.
B. Scotland.
C. Wales.
D. England.
She’s doing her homework.
She likes reading books.
She is sitting on the desk.
She is happy.
12. What does a reindeer look like?
A. It has got antennae.
B. It has got a red nose.
C. It is big.
D. It hasn’t got a tail.
„Focus - Winter 2016”
class 3
13. To keep healthy, ……………….. .
A. drink water.
B. do exercise.
C. sleep well.
D. play board games.
21. It’s 10 am, what do you say?
A. Good morning.
B. Good afternoon.
C. Good evening.
D. Good night.
14. Uzupełnij pytanie - ………….. is your favourite
Christmas gift?
A. What
B. Where
C. How old
D. How much
22. Mom, where is my new tablet?
A. It’s behind the chair.
B. It’s between the sofa.
C. It is next to the chair and the sofa.
D. It is under your favourite comic book.
15. Zaznacz zdania opisujące obrazek.
23. What do you usually eat for dinner?
A. At five o’clock.
B. Potatoes and meat.
C. I don’t like salad. D. I have soup.
24. Excuse me, how much is this Lego box?
A. It’s twelve pounds. B. It’s from Star Wars.
C. There is one box.
D. It’s one hundred zlotys.
25. When do you have lunch?
A. In the morning.
B. At night.
C. In the evening.
D. In the afternoon.
Santa is opposite the chimney.
Some gifts are in the bag.
There are many gifts under the tree.
Santa is next to the fireplace.
16. Zapytaj kolegę o wiek.
A. Are you nine?
B. How old are you?
C. How are you?
D. How many years have
you got?
17. What’s your surname?
A. I’m Robert.
B. I’m Lewandowski.
C. It’s Lewandowski. D. It’s Lewy.
18. Dowiedz się, gdzie jest plac zabaw.
A. There is one in the town centre.
B. It is opposite the church.
C. Where is the playground?
D. Is there a playground near here?
19. Poproś o porcję popcornu w kinie.
A. Can I have popcorn, please?
B. Please, popcorn.
C. How much is the popcorn?
D. Popcorn, please.
20. What’s the time?
A. It’s a quarter.
C. It’s fifteen fifteen.
B. It’s quarter past three.
D. It’s half past fifteen.
26. The Queen of the United Kingdom:
A. is Elizabeth I.
B. lives in the Tower of London.
C. has got four children.
D. is Elizabeth II.
27. London is:
A. the capital of England.
B. a big city.
C. the capital of the United Kingdom.
D. the Queen’s hometown.
28. You can see ..................... in London.
A. Tower Bridge
B. double-deckers
C. Stonehenge
D. the Changing of the
29. Christmas Day is:
A. a holiday.
B. in winter.
C. on December 24th. D. before Boxing Day.
30. ……………….. is a Christmas word.
A. A candy cane
B. A stocking
C. A bauble
D. A basket