Come and play with PlugandPlay!


Come and play with PlugandPlay!
Come and play with PlugandPlay!
Spotkanie z przedstawicielami PlugandPlay Techcenter
z Doliny Krzemowej
11 marca 2013 r., godz.: 14:00 - 18:00
Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej
ul. Bytnara 25, Warszawa
Szanowni Państwo,
W imieniu PlugandPlayPoland zapraszamy na spotkanie
networkingowe z Fernando Gouveia i Tomem Ricem - przedstawicielami PlugandPlay
Techcenter z Doliny Krzemowej. Spotkanie będzie doskonałą okazją do poznania oferty
współpracy z Plug and Play.
Spotkanie kierujemy do inwestorów i firm zainteresowanych wejściem ze swoją ofertą
na rynki globalne w obszarze ICT i high-tech. Plug and Play Techcenter to jeden
z największych akceleratorów ICT, którego celem jest wsparcie w rozwoju,
umiędzynarodowieniu i pozyskaniu inwestorów dla start-upów i firm działających w obszarze
high-tech. Globalna sieć akceleratora to ponad 300 start-upów, ponad 180 inwestorów oraz
społeczność wiodących światowych uniwersytetów i partnerów korporacyjnych. Plug and
Play to wsparcie ze strony najlepszych światowych mentorów, spotkania
z przedstawicielami venture capital oraz skuteczny networking.
Formularz rejestracyjny dostępny jest na stronie
Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do dnia 8 marca 2013 r.
Z poważaniem
Jakub Michalski
PlugandPlay Poland
Plug and Play Poland
Contact us:
[email protected]
Fernando Gouveia
Fernando is a native of São Paulo, Brazil and works with tech startups and international
organizations, both public and private, to connect their technology and entrepreneurship
ecosystems to Silicon Valley. Fernando has helped structure Plug and Play Tech Center's
Acceleration program and serves as a direct point of contact for the selected entrepreneurs
during their expansion to the Bay Area. Since joining Plug and Play, he has participated as a
judge to review and select companies in more than 15 countries and has worked closely with
over 150 international startups.
Prior to joining Plug and Play, Fernando helped establish Société Générale’s Retail Banking
division in China and worked as an Analyst at hiSoft (NQ: HSFT), a top 3 Chinese IT
Outsourcing firm in Beijing, China prior to their IPO.
Fernando is a graduate with honors from Santa Clara University in Finance and International
Business. He has also lived in Mexico City, Brasilia, Athens, Barcelona, Taipei and Beijing.
Tom Rice
Tom Rice is a long-time member of Silicon Valley startup community. He has
experiencebuilding companies as a technologist, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. He
currently focuses on mentoring through MIT Venture Mentoring, Stanford Management
Science and Engineering, Thiel 20under20 Program, the German Silicon Valley Accelerator
and Plug and Play EIR Program.
Tom has been mentoring and bringing technology companies to Silicon Valley. He has
helped WeVideo move from Norway, raise $19 million and establish partnerships with
Disney, Google and Sony. He is currently working with Fido Labs, a Polish natural language
processing (NLP) company, to enter the US market and raise venture capital.
Dr. Rice has a BSME from Stanford, a MSME from MIT and A PhD in Management Science
and Engineering from Stanford. He is a member of academic honor societies Phi Beta
Kappa, Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi. He was one of 200 US National Science Foundation
Plug and Play Poland
Contact us:
[email protected]