a municipality development strategy and financial management, as


a municipality development strategy and financial management, as
Studia i Materiały. Miscellanea Oeconomicae
Rok 19, Nr 2/2015
Wydział Zarządzania i Administracji
Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
Zarządzanie i logistyka
Paweł Dziekański, Bożena Sowa1
The region is an area of economic specialization, resulting from the use of internal and external economic resources and the flow of growth factors, among
others, capital, labor, technology and information2. The importance of regions is
now enhanced by treating them as fundamental platforms of economic organization, acting as incubators of knowledge and innovation3. The process of planned
and intentional changes within the field of the region’s activities is a long-term
transformation of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes in the local economy4.
Planning activities are of intentional character and allow to select appropriate
targets and measures for their implementation. The effectiveness of the planning
activities in the sense of creating rational strategies, policies, plans and programs
of action depends, inter alia, on an objective assessment of the phenomena and
Dr Paweł Dziekański, adiunkt, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach; dr Bożena Sowa,
adiunkt, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski.
A. Szewczuk, Rozwój lokalny i regionalny – główne determinanty, in: A. Szewczuk, M. KogutJaworska, M. Zioło, Rozwój lokalny i regionalny. Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck,
Warszawa 2011, pp. 14-15.
A. Nowakowska, Wstęp, in: A. Nowakowska (ed.), Budowanie zdolności innowacyjnych regionu,
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2009, p. 7.
T. Wołowiec, D. Reśko, Strategia rozwoju gminy jako narzędzie zarządzania zmianą
gospodarczą, Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI, seria: EKONOMIA, 5(2/2012), pp. 61-89
processes of development, as well as the ability to predict the occurrence of these
phenomena and processes and their consequences5. R. Broszkiewicz, presenting
local development control instrumentation, assumes that they are categories and
economic relations used in management to influence the decisions of business
entities and directing their actions in the desired direction by a superior unit6. The
means of influencing the local development used by self-government institutions
include planning instruments (strategies), institutional and organisational instruments supporting the development of local entrepreneurship, the budget as the principal instrument of economy and finances, investment instruments and instruments
of information and promotion7. The strategy is a comprehensive approach to social
and economic planning, as well as environmental and spatial planning. It constitutes
a program of socio-economic development and a stable and realistic basis for thinking about the organization, as well as the process of continuous adaptation to changing internal and external conditions that frame their development8.
The development strategy affects the attractiveness of regions for investors and
as places of residence, stimulates social and economic development. The aim of
the study is to identify the role of strategy in transition on the basis of local district
municipalities of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski’s strategy characterized by diversified
functional recognition (urban, urban-rural, rural districts).
Programming process
Territorial units operate in a variable and competitive environment. Their decisions are made in unstable and changeable market conditions, which also requires
an adjustment process. Bearing this in mind, the management process in the local
context should be viewed through the prism of social, economic and political
changes that affect the conditions of local government units’ work9. It is necessary
to adapt the procedures and tools to design strategies to situational conditions of
a particular case10.
Programming is a comprehensive development of internally consistent tasks
necessary to achieve future goals. The process of creating a regional development
M. Grochowski, Regionalne obserwatoria terytorialne jako instrument monitorowania rozwoju
regionów, Warsztaty w Białobrzegach, 20-21 maja 2011 r., http://mazowsze.hist.pl/42/ Mazowsze
_Studia_Regionalne/898/2011/34371/ (29.03.2015).
R. Broszkiewicz, Instrumenty sterowania rozwojem lokalnym [in:] Rozwój gospodarki lokalnej
w teorii i w praktyce, Warszawa 1990, p. 55.
A. Tomanek, Wykorzystanie instrumentów rozwoju lokalnego w gminach powiatu hajnowskiego
i zambrowskiego w świetle przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych, http://mikroekonomia.net
/system/publication_files/750/original/13.pdf (29.03.2015).
Strategie rozwoju gminy jako płaszczyzna koordynacji działalności inwestycyjnej, http://www.1de.pl
/strategie-rozwoju-gminy-jako-paszczyzna-koordynacji-dziaalnoci-inwestycyjnej/ (29.03.2015).
A. Busłowska, Strategia jako instrument zarządzania rozwojem lokalnym na przykładzie
82/2011/36103/ (29.03.2015).
S. Trzcieliński, M. Adamczyk, E. Pawłowski, Procesowa orientacja przedsiębiorstwa, Wydawnictwo
Politechniki Poznańskiej 2013.
program is based on a thorough analysis of the current situation and the past. On
this basis, the conclusions are formulated, what should or can be changed11. According to Kudlacz, regional programming cycle phases are: diagnosis, forecasting, negotiation, decision-making and setting the agenda, evaluation and monitoring12. It is a long-lasting and continuous process, and it is difficult to separate the
period of development of the program from its implementation13.
The strategy can be an effective tool used by local authorities for a long-term
planning. It allows for better identification of the determinants of the region and to
assess their importance for achieving the development goals. Proper identification
of purposes also allows for efficient allocation of funds under the regional operational programs and better use of budgetary resources14.
Selected elements of strategy of district municipalities of ostrowiecki
Local government units must try to transform the strategic planning process
towards meeting the current requirements (as part of a cohesive process)15. Economic development strategy defines the development goals of the region. The
strategy, as the unit development scenario, is a long-term development vision, and
internally coherent process defining the relevant targets from its point of view. Work
on a multi-stage strategy begins with a description of the current state of the municipality. Successively SWOT analysis, the selection of targets and the formulation of
a vision of development, as well as the development of a strategic program of action
are conducted. Preparing the strategy documents allows to evaluate the entity and its
resources, identify the problems and their solutions on a local scale16.
Ostrowiec municipalities have different functional types, ie. urban, urban-rural
and rural. Balłtów, Bodzechów, Waśniów are rural municipalities with agricultural
character with developing residential and tourist functions (Bałtów). Ćmielów and
Kunów are urban-rural regions of an agricultural and service character with developed residential function. Ostrowiec is a municipality of an industrial, service
character with a developed residential function.
Sustainable development strategy of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski district for the
years 2014-2020 in the vision combines all environments, forces and people to implement it, but without indicating the ways and means. Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski is
a town friendly to investors, it is a strong economic center, modern, diversified
A. Potocze, Polityka regionalna i gospodarka przestrzenna, Wydaw. Agencja TNOiK i Centrum
Kształcenia i Doskonalenia Kujawscy, Toruń 2003.
T. Kudłacz, Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego, PWN, Warszawa 1999, p. 11–112.
T. Kudłacz, Programowanie…, op.cit.
J. Strojny, Region – polityka regionalna, Oficyna Wydaw. Politech. Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów
2010, 80.
J. Bondaruk, Rola foresightu w programowaniu innowacyjnej gospodarki regionu in: L. Woźniak
(ed.), Przedsiębiorczość. Innowacyjność. Foresight. Aspekty ekonomiczne, społeczne i ekologiczne, t. 2,
Politechnika Rzeszowska, Rzeszów 2008, p. 586.
Por. T. Skica, Wykorzystanie struktury budżetu gminnego w ocenie potencjału jednostki samorządu
terytorialnego, Samorząd Terytorialny nr 3/2011.
industrial center of sector, commercial, cultural and sports events. This unit generates and uses technological progress for its development17.
The local municipality development plan for 2004-2013 for Waśniów defines it
as an attractive tourist region of large values of nature and culture. It is an area
inhabited by educated, economically vibrant and cooperative society. This is an
area of sustainable development, eco-friendly development of entrepreneurship18.
Municipality of Kunów, taking into account its geographical position, is trying to
be an important center of economic, cultural and tourist center of the Świętokrzyskie
voivodeship. Communication system, infrastructure, population activity are favourable factors for the development of entrepreneurship. Existing natural, landscape and
cultural factors positively influence the development of tourism19.
As part of the development strategy of Ćmielów for the years 2014-2020,
Bodzechów commune development strategy for the years 2010-2020, and the local
development plan of Bałtów for 2004-2013, there was no reference to the vision of
the local government unit.
In the commune development strategy for Ostrowiec a mission has been formulated which is: achieving and maintaining the status of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski as
a thriving town from the point of view of economy, administration, education, culture and sports, as well as ensuring the safety and good conditions to meet the aspirations of life while maintaining the balance and stability of basic natural processes.
The mission of Waśniów is to meet the collective needs of the inhabitants by
performing the public tasks, not reserved by law for the self-government units and
other bodies of the State, with respect for the environment and the rational use of
its resources.
For the municipality of Ćmielów the mission of development is a record of the
future business directions of the municipal authority. It sets the district development plans, indicating Ćmielów, as an area of economic and social development20.
Regularly increasing quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality of
Bodzechów is its main mission.
In the strategic programs of Kunów and Bałtów no records of mission have
been found.
The main aim of Ostrowiec municipality activities is to ensure sustainable development. This is done through the prism of environmental and cultural governance, economic governance, institutional and political order and social order.
Improving the quality of life of residents of Waśniów municipality is realized
by improvement of social infrastructure, environmental status of the natural and
cultural environments, technical infrastructure and the spatial arrangement, as well
T. Wołowiec, D. Reśko, Strategia rozwoju gminy jako narzędzie zarządzania zmianą gospodarczą,
Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI, seria: EKONOMIA, 5(2/2012), s. 61-89. Strategia zrównoważonego
rozwoju gminy Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski na lata 2014-2020, 2014.
Plan rozwój u lokalnego gminy Waśniów na lata 2004-2013, Świętokrzyskie Centrum Fundacji
Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej, Kielce 2004.
Strategia Rozwoju Miasta i Gminy Kunów na lata 2011-2020, Kunów 2011.
Strategia rozwoju miasta i gminy Ćmielów na lata 2014-2020, Ćmielów 2013.
as by creating the conditions for economic development (agriculture, tourism,
agro-tourism, agro-industry, services).
Development and improvement of technical infrastructure, growth of initiatives
and increased activity of local residents and business development are key areas of
strategic activities of Kunów municipality.
Improving the living conditions and development are the main objectives of
Ćmielów municipality. It is implemented by the immediate objectives (development of technical infrastructure, stimulating entrepreneurial activity of the inhabitants and creating conditions for the economic development of the municipality, the
development of tourism and the stimulation of rural areas) and intermediate objectives (environmental protection, the development of social and cultural infrastructure, services for residents and forms of rest).
In Bodzechów municipality the following direct targets have been adopted:
1) stimulating entrepreneurial activity of the residents by overcoming mentality
and continuing inaction barriers, 2) restructuring of agriculture by reducing agricultural functions for non-agricultural functions, 3) the development of technical
infrastructure, 4) creating favourable conditions for development of services and
small manufacturing plants. In the group of intermediate objectives, the needs of
the development of various forms of leisure and social infrastructure, as well as
environmental protection have been identified21.
In the local development plan for Bałtów the following projects and tasks to
improve the situation in the area have been adopted to implement: 1) changes in
the economic structure of the region, 2) creating conditions for the creation of
plants and the development of small businesses, 3) the development and improvement of the communication system and road infrastructure, 4) improvement of the
environment condition, and 5) the improvement of the conditions and quality of
life of the inhabitants of the municipality22.
Direct actions of local authorities include municipalities own tasks and the assigned tasks. The second group contains indirect measures, involving planning,
stimulating and promoting the economy and creating conditions for development.
The undertaken activities include the principle of sustainable development, multifunctional rural development and activation of the local community to stimulate its
activity and restoration of social bonds.
Revenue and expenditure of territorial districts of ostrowiecki
Municipality performs tasks important to the local community23. The undertaken actions give the local authorities the ability to create favorable conditions for
the development process. Own revenues (being the evidence of economic activity)
Strategia rozwoju gminy Bodzechów na lata 2010–2020, Bodzechów 2010.
Plan Rozwoju Lokalnego Gminy Bałtów na lata 2004-2013.
Zakres działania samorządu dotyczy infrastruktury technicznej, infrastruktury społecznej, ochrony
i bezpieczeństwa publicznego, ładu przestrzennego i ekologicznego. Ustawa z 8.03.1990 r.
o samorządzie gminnym (Dz.U. z 2001 r. Nr 142, poz. 1591 z późn zm.).
and capital expenditures (indicating the tendency of municipalities to expand their
state ownership) are two factors to support policy development24.
A significant impact on the level of total income per capita in the surveyed municipalities of Ostrowiec county in 2007 and 2013 is influenced by the nature of
the study area, ie. urban, urban-rural or rural. Revenue changed respectively:
Bałtów from 2031.30 (2007) to 3002.33 (2013); Bodzechów: 1780.79 - 3411.97;
Ćmielów: 1860.06 - 2667.80; Kunów: 2016.89 -2959.71; Ostrowiec 1935.06.
Figure1. Total revenue per capita for the period 2007-2013.
Source: own study.
The rate of the share of the own income in the total income is rising in all analysed communes irrespective of their character. Value of the indicator in the analysed period of years 2007-2013 in individual communes was following: 0.57;
0.62; 0.62; 0.58; 0.52; 0.52; 0.56 - in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, 0.27; 0.28; 0.29;
0.28; 0.35; 0.42; 0.37 – in Bałtów, 0.33; 0.33; 0.29; 0.28; 0.32; 0.31; 0.33 –in
Bodzechów, 0.29; 0.30; 0.26; 0.22; 0.25; 0.27; 0.27 –in Ćmielów, 0.24; 0.27; 0.28;
0.31; 0.29; 0.35; 0.30 – in Kunów and 0.17; 0.19; 0.15; 0.18; 0.17; 0.19; 0.20, in
Waśniów. In the group of the own income the highest total income in the municipalities of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski district was the incomes from the tax providing in 2013 - Ostrowiec 0.21; Bałtów 0.16; Bodzechów 0.11; Ćmielów 0.11;
Kunów 0.11; Waśniów 0.06; at 0.22; 0.12; 0.16; 0.11; 0.10 and 0.06 in 2007. Also
taxes and local payments presented a high share constituting in 2007 appropriately
from 0.08 to 0.22; in 2010 - 0.06-0.20 and in 2013 - 0.08-0.24.
A. Sobczyk, Finansowanie rozwoju gminy z dochodów własnych, http://www.wne.sggw.pl/
czasopisma /pdf/EIOGZ_2009_nr77_s137.pdf (02.03.2015)
Figure 2. The expenditure per capita for the period 2007-2013.
Source: own study.
The level of expenditure per capita rose in all researched municipalities in 2013
in the relationship to 2007. The level of expenditure in the municipalities was appropriately: Bałtów 1971.84 and 2810.93; Bodzechów 1709.69 and 3291.95;
Ćmielów 1853.75 and 2615.21; Kunów 2 046,49 and 2914.48; Ostrowiec
Świętokrzyski 1869.34 and 2464.33 and Waśniów 1885.62 and 3077.30. The expenses are the expression of the public, economic and administrative execution of
tasks, both own and commissioned.
Figure 3. Structure of revenue in 2013.
(1) share of own revenues (2) the share of subsidies (3) the share of subsidies (4) the
share of other income / total income
Source: own study.
Subventions in years 2007-2013 were on average 0.37; 0.36; 0.35; 0.31; 0.31;
0.30; 0.31 - the maximum value in 2007 was in Waśniów (0.54), the lowest in
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (0.21). In 2013 – the highest in Waśniów 0.51, the lowest in Kunów - 0.19. In the analysed period subsidies constituted on average 0.24;
0.23; 0.21; 0.18; 0.19; 0.19 and 0.20. Minimum values in 2007 were in Ostrowiec
0.19, the highest in Kunów 0.29. In 2013 appropriately in Ostrowiec - 0.18 and
Waśniów 0.24. It seems that the value of the subsidy and the subvention depended
on the character of analysed area (municipal, municipal-rural, rural), including the
economic nature (industry, farming).
Figure 4. Structure of expenses in 2013.
(1) the share of capital expenditure (2) the share of current expenditure / total expenditure
Source: own study.
In the first place, the municipality shall provide the resources for the task required, and only then to various other objects, even those it considers important.
Current expenditures of the municipality are related to the implementation of the
basic functions of the local government. They provide an average of 0.88 over the
period 2007-2013; 0.85; 0.79; 0.70; 0.71; 0.85; 0.85 of the total expenditure. The
minimum size of the analyzed period were at the level of 0.8 (Kunów), 0.81 (Ostrowiec), 0.66 (Waśniów), 0.57 (Bałtów), 0.48 (Bałtów), 0.7 (Bodzechów) , 0.72
(Bodzechów); maximum values of 0.91 (Bałtów, Bodzechów), 0.93 (Ćmielów),
0.91 (Ćmielów), 0.79 (Waśniów), 0.91 (Waśniów), 0.95 (Bałtów).
Investment expenses enlarge the property of local government units. Peripheral
areas - with low population density, a significant share of forests and protected by
law were characterized by low values of the indicator. Thus, they have a direct
impact on improving the development potential25.
A. Sobczyk, Rozwój lokalny – wybrane problemy finansowania, Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW,
Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 81/2010, pp.125-136.
The participation rate of capital expenditure in the total expenditure reflects the
activity of the municipalities within the existing financial possibilities. The average value of the share of capital expenditure in the total expenditure was in 20072013: 0.13; 0.15; 0.21; 0.30; 0.29; 0.15; 0.15; the lowest index value of 0.09
(Bodzechów), 0.07 (Ćmielów), 0.09 (Ćmielów), 0.21 (Waśniów), 0.09 (Waśniów),
0.05 (Bałtów,), 0.05 (Bałtów); top 0.2 (Kunów), 0.19 (Bodzechów), 0.34
(Waśniów), 0.43 (Bałtów,), 0.52 (Bałtów,), 0.3 (Bodzechów), 0.28 (Bodzechów).
The development of local government units is a long process of changes based
on strategic records that are purposeful and focused on the intended improvements
in the existing state of affairs. Development policy is one of the elements of selfmanagement and includes primarily its planning.
Satisfying the collective needs of local communities and improving the investment attractiveness of the municipality depend largely on the existing income,
both own and foreign, as well as the skills of their effective use, which in practice
translates into the financial condition of municipalities.
The strategy is a tool for creative and active management of the unit of local
government. It is a key programme document setting forth the principles and directions of the long-term concept of local development. It allows to assess the
current situation of the region, funds spent on its development. It indicates the
response to the challenges facing the region.
Bondaruk J., Rola foresightu w programowaniu innowacyjnej gospodarki regionu
[in:] L. Woźniak (ed.), Przedsiębiorczość. Innowacyjność. Foresight. Aspekty
ekonomiczne, społeczne i ekologiczne, t. 2, Politechnika Rzeszowska, Rzeszów 2008.
2. Broszkiewicz R., Instrumenty sterowania rozwojem lokalnym [w:] Rozwój gospodarki lokalnej w teorii i w praktyce, Warszawa 1990.
3. Busłowska A., Strategia jako instrument zarządzania rozwojem lokalnym na przykładzie
Białegostoku, http://mazowsze.hist.pl/28/Zeszyty_Naukowe_Ostroleckiego_Towarzystwa
_Naukowego/982/2011/36103/ (29.03.2015).
4. Grochowski M., Regionalne obserwatoria terytorialne jako instrument monitorowania
rozwoju regionów, Warsztaty w Białobrzegach, 20-21 maja 2011 r., http://mazowsze.
hist.pl/42/Mazowsze_Studia_Regionalne/898/2011/34371/ (29.03.2015).
5. Kudłacz T., Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego, PWN, Warszawa 1999.
6. Nowakowska A., Wstęp, [in:] A. Nowakowska (ed.), Budowanie zdolności innowacyjnych regionu, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2009.
7. Plan Rozwoju Lokalnego Gminy Bałtów na lata 2004-2013.
8. Plan rozwój u lokalnego gminy Waśniów na lata 2004-2013, Świętokrzyskie
Centrum Fundacji Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej, Kielce 2004.
9. Potocze A., Polityka regionalna i gospodarka przestrzenna, Wydaw. Agencja TNOiK
i Centrum Kształcenia i Doskonalenia Kujawscy, Toruń 2003.
10. Skica T., Wykorzystanie struktury budżetu gminnego w ocenie potencjału jednostki
samorządu terytorialnego, Samorząd Terytorialny nr 3/2011.
11. Sobczyk A., Finansowanie rozwoju gminy z dochodów własnych, http://www.
wne.sggw.pl/czasopisma/pdf/EIOGZ_2009_nr77_s137.pdf (02.03.2015)
12. Sobczyk A., Rozwój lokalny – wybrane problemy finansowania, Zeszyty Naukowe
SGGW, Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 81/2010.
13. Strategia rozwoju gminy Bodzechów na lata 2010-2020, Bodzechów 2010.
14. Strategia rozwoju miasta i gminy Ćmielów na lata 2014-2020, Ćmielów 2013.
15. Strategia Rozwoju Miasta i Gminy Kunów na lata 2011-2020, 2011.
16. Strategia zrównoważonego rozwoju gminy Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski na lata 2014 - 2020,
17. Strategie rozwoju gminy jako płaszczyzna koordynacji działalności inwestycyjnej,
http://www.1de.pl/strategie-rozwoju-gminy-jako-paszczyzna-koordynacji-dziaalnociinwestycyjnej/ (29.03.2015).
18. Strojny J., Region – polityka regionalna, Oficyna Wydaw. Politech. Rzeszowskiej,
Rzeszów 2010.
19. Szewczuk A., Rozwój lokalny i regionalny – główne determinanty, [in:] A. Szewczuk,
M. Kogut-Jaworska, M. Zioło, Rozwój lokalny i regionalny. Teoria i praktyka,
Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2011.
20. Tomanek A., Wykorzystanie instrumentów rozwoju lokalnego w gminach powiatu
hajnowskiego i zambrowskiego w świetle przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych,
http://mikroekonomia.net/system/publication_files/750/original/13.pdf (29.03.2015).
21. Trzcieliński S., Adamczyk M., Pawłowski E., Procesowa orientacja przedsiębiorstwa,
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej 2013.
22. Ustawa z 8.03.1990 r. o samorządzie gminnym (Dz.U. z 2001 r. Nr 142, poz. 1591
z późn zm.).
23. Wołowiec T., Reśko D., Strategia rozwoju gminy jako narzędzie zarządzania zmianą
gospodarczą, Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI, seria: EKONOMIA, 5(2/2012).
The region is an area of economic specialization, resulting from the use of internal and external economic resources and the flow of growth factors. Importance
of the regions is now enhanced by treating them as the fundamental platform of
economic organization. Planning activities are intentional and allow to select appropriate targets and measures for their implementation. The aim of the study is to
identify the role of strategy in transition on the basis of local district municipalities
of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski’s strategy characterized by different functional recognition. Programming is a comprehensive development of internally consistent
tasks necessary to achieve future goals. The strategy is a tool for creative and active management of the unit of local government. It allows to assess the current
situation of the region and funds spent on its development.
Strategia rozwoju gminy i gospodarka finansowa, jako koordynator zmian
w gospodarce lokalnej (wybrane zagadnienia)
Region jest obszarem specjalizacji gospodarczej, będącej wynikiem sposobu
wykorzystania wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych zasobów ekonomicznych oraz przepływu czynników wzrostu. Znaczenie regionów jest obecnie wzmacniane poprzez
traktowanie ich jako fundamentalnych płaszczyzn organizacji gospodarki. Działania planistyczne mają charakter celowy i pozwalają na wybór właściwych celów
i środków ich realizacji. Celem opracowania jest wskazanie roli strategii w procesie przemian lokalnych na podstawie oceny strategii gmin powiatu ostrowieckiego
charakteryzujących się różnym ujęciem funkcjonalnym. Programowanie stanowi
opracowanie kompleksowej wewnętrznie zgodnych zadań, niezbędnych do osiągania przyszłych celów. Strategia jest narzędziem kreatywnego i aktywnego zarządzania jednostką samorządu terytorialnego. Pozwala ona na dokonanie oceny
aktualnej sytuacji regionu, wydatkowanych na jego rozwój środków finansowych.
PhD Paweł Dziekański, assistant professor, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.
PhD Bożena Sowa, assistant professor, University of Rzeszow.