contents - studia polityczne


contents - studia polityczne
Editorial ...................................................................................
Late modern history
Wojciech Materski, Dumbarton Oaks Conference of 1944 ...........
Tomasz Skrzyński, The history of the Polish People’s Party
“New Liberation” after the parliamentary elections in 1947
in the light of reports by the authorities of the Polish Socialist Party
and the Polish Workers’ Party ....................................................
Krzysztof Jasiewicz, Word as a weapon. Soviet propaganda
on the continuation war (November 30, 1939 – March 12, 1940) ...
European integration
Józef M. Fiszer, The outcomes of 10 years in the EU for Poland’s
sovereignty ...............................................................................
International relations
Katarzyna Czornik, Egypt in the foreign policy of the United States.
Elements of continuity and change in the context of the Arab
Spring ....................................................................................... 109
Critical appraisals, reviews and commentaries
A review of Tomasz Głowiński, Feliks Młynarski 1844−1972
(by Jan Kofman) .................................................................. 143
Dirty language: the language of politicians and its pathologies.
A review of Język polityków i jego patologie (The language
of politicians and its pathologies), edited by Krzysztof Łabędź
(by Agnieszka Dawidowicz) ................................................... 158
Unia Europejska – Chiny. Dziś i w przyszłości (European Union
and China. Current and past times), edited by Józef M. Fiszer
(by Agnieszka Cianciara) ...................................................... 170
Influencing tomorrow. Future challenges for British foreign policy,
editeds Douglas Alexander, Ian Kearns
(by Paweł A. Leszczyński) ..................................................... 174
Andrzej Harasimowicz, Bezpieczeństwo Polski 1918–2004.
Granice, system międzynarodowy, siła własna (Polish Safety
1918–2004. The Borders, the International Order, the Country’s
Own Strength) (by Marek W. Kozak) ..................................... 185
Bibliographical notes
Anne Applebaum, Iron curtain: the crushing of Eastern Europe,
1944–1956 (by Wojciech Roszkowski) ...................................
Božidar Jezernik, Naga wyspa. Gułag Tity (Naked Island. Tito’s
Gulag) (by Wojciech Roszkowski) ..........................................
Javier Barraycoa, Cataluña Hispana. Historias sorprendentes
de la españolidad de Cataluña y el fraude del nacionalismo
(Spanish Catalonia. Surprising stories about the Spanishness
of Catalonia and the deceit of nationalism)
(by Jacek Bartyzel) ..............................................................
Carl Schmitt, Teologia polityczna 2. Legenda o wykluczeniu
wszelkiej politycznej teologii (Political theology II. The myth
of the closure of any political theology) (by Jacek Bartyzel) ....