
Faculty of Physical Education
University of Rzeszow
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One of the constant feature of the sport activity are various forms of competition. Its essence
is the desire for individual success whether simply being better than the others. Sport
competitions are „the attemption of own physical and psyhological forces“, where the results
determine the sport hierarchy of the competitor. This kind of test usually appears in the form
of negative interactions (competition). It concerns at least two people and it is called the sport
fight, where one can observe signs and symptoms of aggression that are directed at the
opponent. Thus, sport can be described as the area, where the aggression is commonly
Relationship of sport with the aggression raises numerous polemics. In the literature of
the subject appear varied positions of researchers concerning this issue, with many of them
coming out with the assumption that "sport is a filter of aggression" and its soothing effect on
aggressive behavior, others are of the opinion that this area of life is especially rich in factors
for shaping the aggression.1
In the numerous discussions concerning the sport and the aggression, there is accented
positive impact of sport practicing on the occurrence of violence or this is area of life, which
contributes to shaping the aggression.2
An important problem of the modern sports are the aggressive behavior of fans, with the
phenomenon of hooliganism, which constantly increases and takes more dangerous forms.3
Typically, there are three following criteria of aggression, where the sorts of behavior are:
 harmfull
 intentional
 anti normative
In other words, just only the negative intention to the others with unaccepted principles
(standards) of behavior can be described as aggressive behaviors. Psychologists agree that the
term aggression has very wide range of activities connected with the attack and the enmity. It
is additionally defined as the act of physical or mental behavior strictly directed into getting
rid of dissatisfaction or anger at other social groups.
From the different point of view, aggression is also the assault of one state to another4.
The term „aggression” is applied generally to the sport activities and commonly refers to the
professional sport and in consequence is often negatively associated. What we define as anti
social aggression in everyday life, it doesn’t have to be seen in the same way in the sport
Otherwise, what may be considered as aggressive behavior in one discipline of the
sport, in the other one is not the same. Collision with the player, attack with the body, holding
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T. Rychta, Agresja w sporcie – kontrowersje metodologiczne i aplikacyjne. W: Agresja a kultura fizyczna. Red.
J. Supiński, Studia i Monografie AWF we Wrocławiu, 2005, s. 9 -23.
M. Marks, K. Bukowska, Agresywność zawodników wyczynowych studentów AWF reprezentujących różne
kategorie dyscyplin sportowych określonych ze względu na rodzaj presji wywieranej na przeciwnika. W: Agresja
a kultura fizyczna. Red. J. Supiński, Studia i Monografie AWF we Wrocławiu, 2005 , s. 139-150.
T. Sahaj, Chuligani stadionowi – studium społecznej bezsilności. Sport Wyczynowy, 2005, s. 50-57.
B. Karolczak – Biernacka, Agresja w sporcie, „Kultura fizyczna”, Warszawa 1994, nr 5 – 6, s. 10.
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him by force and even hit, are differently interpreted for example, in basketball or rugby
games and boxing5.
The interpretation of the discussed definition is related to the accepted theoretical
conception. For example, etiologists treat aggression as determined in an evolutionary model
reaction of the incentives as the invasion of the territory or the attack on the offspring.
Moreover, presented orientation of the Freud means that the aggression shall be
understood as intentional manifestation of the death instinct. The believers of Adler
conception consider the aggression as the sense of power and process of controlling the
In the concept of linking the aggression with aggressive behavior, frustration is a
response to the situation that is frustrating. Social learning theorists define aggression as a
learned capabilities response by observation and copy process of the others and the result of
that is intensity of the negative behaviors. There is more and more aggression that can be seen
on the street, at home, in our society, in sports and in acts of international terrorism. Natural
becomes, therefore, a question about the cause and the source of aggression in human life as a
unit and a man acting in a group (e.g., informal group of sport supporters). Sometimes we
meet the defensive aggression in case of the attack and act of violence.
Aggressive actions among people are form of interpersonal contacts, which are rarely
the source of basic biological needs. Aggression is based on the violations of the standards
and norms recognized socially and elaborated in the course of historical experiences. Kinds of
pain and suffering are possible even if the aggressive man does not have direct physical
contact with the victim. Frustration is one of the major factors causing aggression, however, it
is not the only one. Between the sequence of frustration – aggression there are the auxiliary
variables: anger as the emotion, which is characteristic for aggression and the interpretation of
the situation by the unit, which should be understood as a perception of its signals. Anger is
an emotional reaction for the disability to achieve a possible willingness to remain aggressive.
This state of preparedness, through the facility each habits response aggressive, can be shaped
without preceding it in frustration. It should be added that it does not lead automatically to
aggression; one need to set the signals associated with past or current stimulants, which
caused the anger. These are signals of aggression. L. Berkowitz attaches an enormous role for
the widely comprehended situations, where aggression appears. Emotional aggression is the
result of frustration and it can be harmful to the others, while the instrumental aggression is
kind of behavior, in which the harm is the tool to achieve the aims, for example fame, money.
According to this author, the degree of aggression, the force of the habit of attack depends on
several factors, mainly on the frequency of prior actions per unit of factors causing anger
(attack, frustration). It is important to reward the aggressive reactions (e.g. recognition of a
There are some standards of the group, which the unit belongs to, and it has large
effect on the formation of the aggressive habit through the provision of “the best” practice.
The penalty may prevent from the aggression, so, however one needs to create a mechanism
for the control of aggression through the application of penalties of a physical or moral
aspects (depriving someone of feeling). Punishment of aggression may result in assuming its
hidden form (in thoughts for example). The changes will be seen in the forms, but subject of
aggression will be preserved, for example fans opposite teams will not be engaged in fights,
but in the gestures. Another type of aggression is the so-called aggression moved by changing
the subject and not the form. "Fanatical fans", who recognize the impossibility of winning in
"fighting" with branches of the police and security begin to destroy the public order. It can
therefore be concluded that the aggressive man receives and interprets the external situation in
T. Sankowski, J. Gracz, Psychologia sportu, AWF Poznań 2007, s. 320.
B. Karolczak – Biernacka, Agresja w sporcie…, s. 10.
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Tamże, s. 55.
Tamże, s. 10-15.
Tamże, s. 11.
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the characteristic way - as provocation to aggression. He can see more than other signals and
it associates the current incentives to previously one. Natural skills cause emotions, anger at
higher intensity. They are heavily incorporated in practice of aggressive behaviors, in the
process of learning - by observation and poorly preserved control of behavior. Violence
generally has a small need for affiliation, approval, emotional connection with others. Thus, in
relation to the application of penalties, the moral one is not very effective.
Theories of ecological intensification of aggression justify - among others - reactions
to the negative impact on the environment. In animals world, that aggression is the way to
acquire the resources needed to live and a place of refuge. According to population growth of
animals their attacks become more frequent, more intensive. Comparatively to animals, in
human world territorialism occurs, that is, the defense of the individual and the group
territory. The territory (temporarily or permanently) is regarded as the property and then it
appears as an aggressive response to the "intruder". S. Milligram agrees that human density
affects the functioning of the unit. He is overloaded of information, the receiving system is
also simply overloaded, which makes a valid analysis and evaluation of phenomena. People
need space, calm etc. and overpopulation has destroyed it.7
The reaction for other people may depend on their density, distance from us, behavior,
etc. Clearly there is a tendency to maintain distance when compared to foreigners. Situations
of compulsory, in which the distance is too short, for example overflow in the tram, during the
artistic events may cause negative emotions - anger, frustration and finally aggression.
Among the factors with a group of eco, responsible for intensifying intra-group aggression,
the foreground belongs to anonymous society. Repress the brakes before the aggression are
the weaker, because we feel that we operate in a large anonymous groups.
With the assumptions in a world full of aggression, sport should be way of release this is a main thought of Olympic Games. However, only in short part of Olympic Games "the
world of aggression" is free of violence. Meanwhile, in the sport field, one of the general
trends is to increase the attractiveness of the individual disciplines and competition. The
attractiveness of this fact is achieved by creating stringent conditions for the launch and
games, including the regulations, rapid offensive action, hard struggle. Additionally, new
expands of active concentration of women appeared, which are the domain of men.
Traditionally, the sport has involved the sphere of culture and education (previously,
also good taste, unity of certain disciplines, in which the Codex was meaningful) and an
antidote to violent behavior. In accordance with psychologists opinion, the youth should
release some stress mainly by physical effort.
The causes of this type of behavior should be seen in the society, which is increasingly
interested in redefining a sport, the requirements for achieving the best results, what in
consequence generates aggression.8
Aggression in sport is desirable and has its specificities. There is represented a single
definition of anger aggression (caused by anger), which is described as type of aggression,
where the frustration and different purposes exist. In accordance with that, sport experts look
for sportsmen full of energy and enthusiasm to act strongly with determination. This also
means the demand for units of the own assertiveness, who tend to work with vigor and the
probability of an absolute desire to achieve meaningful goals. The “nature” of sportsmen
activity - desired feature of the players’ behavior is offense. The requirement for the offensive
behavior in many sport situations mean simply need to apply the programmed aggression.
Aggression also appears when the composer relates to success (e.g. successful hit boxer) and
wants to strengthen own offence9.
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At present, one tries to interfere in players’ mind and apply hypnotic trance to conduct
aggression – for example the coach provokes the players before start by words or actions to
increase aggression (sports’ anger). For this purpose, there are presented movies with acts of
aggression. Aggression in the sport for a long time has been desired element in the fight for
victory. Training of the competitors also covers acts of fouls, intimidation of player,
countering acts and provocation of the opponent until release of uncontrolled aggression in
order to cause his disqualification. And there is one more issue connected with so called
passive sport interests (i.e. it concerns observational participation in the sport struggle,
directly in the role of the audience with the participation of the mass media) and it refers also
to the questions whether just watching sport actions (combat situation, sportsmen behaviors)
can raise aggression. Contributing to aggression also provides a positive experience.
In practice, in sport field there are increasingly horrible behaviors among the fans,
with the intention of making the injury, sometimes or often with the view of the action for the
good of the team and integration, sometimes only with the symbolic purpose. Behavior of
fans are sometimes similar to psycho pathological forms. Fan faces the same situation of
competition as the players, with the same feelings - psycho dynamic mechanism of identity.
In addition, fan feels the same atmosphere and therefore probably the irresponsible and even
criminal actions can spread and lead to irrational behaviors in a hypnotic states of spirit.
Acts of vandalism among the audience mean the great danger for the worldwide sport.
The cause of this phenomenon is that the auditorium arena becomes a major threat to the
development of sport, because sport clubs consider the viewers only as a source of financial
income. In the aggressive behavior, the priority is among football fans, who generally always
use: bottles, stones, knives. There always exists violence against the supporters of different
teams - also outside the stadium. Aggressive behaviors are generally an attempt to pay
attention to them and feel for a moment as someone important. They are equipped with
knives, razor's edge, chains or other objects and they feel respected by the others. For the
vandals sport game is not a form of entertainment, but an excuse to express aggression against
the others.
Competitive team with its audience is the main enemy. They become the subject of
vulgar behaviors. Commonly, this action turns to forms of physical aggression or at least
aggressive gestures. This primitive offloading their emotions leads to the formation of
criminal groups. Participation in this type of action is often harmful and dangerous for young
man – in consequence it can lead to the disability and even death.
The largest activity of vandals appears in the group. The sense of distinctiveness of the
individual disappears and on the other hand, the community gives the sense of power. The
activity is then the nature of the group behaviors; a common style, vocals, chant cries,
gestures performed at the same time, dress or vulgar language. The most important moments
for the sport vandals are: coming to a sport stadium, where they demonstrate their sympathies
and antipathies to each of the teams and the time after the football match, when they lose their
nerves and aggression because of failure or ecstasy because of the victory. Then they enquiry
fights at the stadium and in return way. All the well known are "trains of the spectrum" full of
drunk, aggressive youth worn in club colors. They devastate wagons, attack the travelers and
the personnel operating the train. The passengers exist in terror and entrapment and the
conductors resign the ticket - checking. Their activity is also manifested in the so called
graffiti - with no censorship inscriptions on the walls directed to opposite group. It is
situational subculture, because one is not vandal every day, but only during the day of sport
S. Want, Socjologia zachowań chuligańskich w sporcie, „Sport Wyczynowy”, Warszawa 1993 nr 1 – 2, s. 9 –
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Threat of pseudo football fans is huge. This is the group of crime, therefore they are
threat for other social groups. So - called cultural applause is the past event. Stadiums are less
attended by older people and parents with children, as it was in the past. Sport has lost its
former meaning and old principles. Membership to hooligans’ groups has malicious impact on
the psyche of young people, who admire aggressive brutal behavior of the others. It happens
that pseudo fans, who broke the law are considered as the heroes among the youth. There is
therefore a serious risk that the youth will willingly incorporate in this subculture. We are all
in agreement that anti social behaviors of young people should be strongly condemned and
the government ought to prevent any forms of hooligans’ behaviors. Otherwise, the destroyed
activity of the groups will be out of control what may have disastrous consequences in the
Speaking of the need to develop pro social aggression, which is necessary for the sport
achievement, one should be aware that there are sport situations, in which the players or teams
are prepared to compete at the border of the foul. Moreover, there are some preparations to
develop a hidden tactical foul. Sometimes, aggressive behaviors (in the sense of anti social
aggression) may be specially trained. It involves the treatment of opponent as a person, who
deserved totally the brutality. Acceptance, admiration or even encouragement to aggressive
behaviors by coaches lead to the treatment an aggression as something obvious by the players.
Anti social aggression will also appear by wrong or not fair referee decisions, unfair
comment, not desired result or aggression of the opponent. The most susceptible for this kind
of behaviors are young people and in particular teenagers.
However, the phenomenon of sport as well as its practical implementation may
become an opportunity for the expression of attitudes easy on aggressive, one should pay
attention to the need to prevent these kinds of behavior.
Although, the total exclusion of aggression (at least in regard to certain players or
certain disciplines of the sport) seem to be rather questionable, but persons responsible for
training should depend on its maximum destruction. Indeed, one must not allow the fact that
sport regulations are not respected. In aggression’s prevention social process particular
attention is paid to the pedagogic – educational factor, which contributes to developing
behaviors for the exclusion of this type of reaction. Its implementation should begin at the
earliest years.
The main measures of such impact, possible for direct use by the coach include:
1. Own - personal example. The authority and credibility of the coach is very important
in this case (his expertise, conformity of words with deeds, the sincerity of intent,
commitment, composure and justice in the treatment of clients and others).
2. Suitable forms of training (excluding actions not adequate to regulations.
3. The use of relax – concentrative exercises, which decrease level of emotional and
muscular tension.
4. Appropriate persuasion developments affecting mainly on the belief that the people
who make fouls are poorly trained technically. Furthermore, the behaviors associated
with anti social aggression have also negative effects for the fouler in the following
 penalties for the no resection of the rules
 frequent counteraction from the opponent
 aggressive behavior of the players may lead to aggression on the audience
5. Discussions about the ethics of sportsmen, about the need for competition in
accordance with the principles of the fair play.
6. Understanding and promoting an awareness of the need for thorough knowledge of the
laws in force in the discipline of sport.
7. Preventing from possible disagreement to the decision of the arbiters.
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Each manager should be aware that equally is responsible for teaching as well as for
the bringing up of their pupils, that its impact on their behavior is very strong (especially in
childhood and early adulthood) Finally, learned sport trends for anti social aggression may be
serious problems in the off sport environment.
To effectively reduce terms of behaviors at the type of aggression, the coach should
not only have adequate knowledge and skills, but above all he ought to present a competent
master of the ethic.
The important tasks of the educational training can be clear responsibility for the
behavior of the other persons, who are able to create a team atmosphere of kindness and
cooperation. A person qualified in such modeling the psyche of young people is able to learn
the group caring about their own success – not at any cost, but at the expense of the health and
Otherwise, the sport will shape the people of doubtful morality.
However, conducted observations of behavior indicate that among the athletes,
together with senior sports level of aggressiveness is reduced. Regardless of the influence of
the teacher (coach) the idea of eliminating anti social aggression should be realized during the
sport events by the judge. In accordance with the "spirit" of the sport, judges ought to punish
for any behavior beyond the standards resulting from the regulations.
In summary, it can be concluded that aggression in sport has two faces. On the one
hand, it is related to the technique, functional institutional, constructive behavior – it may be
derived from a role player. On the other hand, the aggression associated with activities of the
sport may not go beyond the provisions of the game fighting outside the sport ground.
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1. Bukowska K., Marks M., Czy wszyscy kibice zachowują się agresywnie? Analiza
agresywności regionalnego środowiska sportowego. W: Agresja a kultura fizyczna.
Red. J. Supiński, Studia i Monografie AWF we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2005.
2. Karolczak – Biernacka B., Agresja w sporcie, „Kultura fizyczna”, Warszawa 1994, nr
5 – 6.
3. Lorenz K., Tak zwane zło, PiW, Warszawa 2003.
4. Marks M., Bukowska K., Agresywność zawodników wyczynowych – studentów
AWF reprezentujących różne kategorie dyscyplin sportowych określonych ze względu
na rodzaj presji wywieranej na przeciwnika. W: Agresja a kultura fizyczna. Red. J.
Supiński, Studia i Monografie AWF we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2005.
5. Mroczkowska H., Stupnicki R., Struktura zadania sportowego i kulturowy wzorzec
„męskości” a ujawnianie zachowań agresywnych w relacjach społecznych.
Wychowanie Fizyczne i Sport, 2004.
6. Rychta T., Agresja w sporcie – kontrowersje metodologiczne i aplikacyjne. W:
Agresja a kultura fizyczna. Red. J. Supiński, Studia i Monografie AWF we
Wrocławiu, 2005.
7. Sahaj T., Chuligani stadionowi – studium społecznej bezsilności. Sport Wyczynowy,
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8. The application of adequate penalties for misconduct for infringements of social
standards and breaking the rules of sports. The appropriate exposure and increase the
frequency of reward for behavior consistent with the principles of „fair play”11.
T. Sankowski, Wybrane psychologiczne aspekty aktywności sportowej, AWF Poznań, 2001, s. 225.
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8. Sankowski T., Wybrane psychologiczne aspekty aktywności sportowej, AWF Poznań
9. Sankowski T., Gracz J., Psychologia sportu, AWF Poznań 2007.
10. Want S., Socjologia zachowań chuligańskich w sporcie, „Sport Wyczynowy”,
Warszawa 1993, nr 1 – 2.